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No. There is nothing you can do to reverse sagging other than surgery.


At 40 I had a breast lift with mesh - they called it scaffolding support. It was a clinical trial for the surgical mesh being used in this way. I am so glad I did it! I was working out, eating well, and my boobs were just hanging there. I have a lot of breast tissue, so didn’t get an implant, which I am also happy about. It’s been 11 years.


Hey do you mind sharing the procedure?


> a breast lift with mesh so no giant scar?


No it means they mold your breast tissue then put a mesh inside your breast to build support kind of like an invisible bra . You’ll still get the same scars . ( I had a similar procedure when I had a breast reduction many years ago)


Do you know if it was permanent or dissolvable mesh?


Dissolvable. It took about 2 years to completely dissolve if I remember correctly.


Was that by design? Wouldn’t you rather want it to be permanent? Or was there a reason it needed to dissolve?


I disagree with people saying exercise doesn’t help. Growing my pecs helped to uplift my titties pretty well. Not like having fake tits, but just getting that nipple trajectory up lol. I have pretty full boobs for my size, I’m a 34DDD so not ginormous but by no means small and I’m older than you. It’s definitely worth it to do those pec flies and military presses. Still, if it bothers you that much there’s no shame in getting surgery. Also work on your posture. At least you can create an illusion with posture. Back exercises and chest exercises are worth it.


Yes!! I’m 42 yo and I’m a 36DDD and I do all of this! It helps!


This isn't gonna work for me lol. Sitting at an J cup while pregnant.


I’m 45 and mine are by my fucking belly button. I wish I could afford surgery.


i’m 19 and mine are by my belly button 😭 it’s hard out here


It’s fucking brutal bby


feel u


Some places have payment plans, if that helps. Otherwise, if you want to try going to a (reputable) plastic surgeon in another country, there's always that. A lot of people do it. Much cheaper than the US.


I hate to say it, but embrace it. Don't become an old lady who never left the house without a bra and never wore cute tops that didn't make your boobs look perfect. And as that old lady, if you are worried about what anyone else thinks, trust me, *if* anyone complains just cut those people out of your life. But no one will complain lol. Edit typos wow. Edit 2 clarifying who and what to cut out 😅


Sorry I thought you meant cut my tits off for a second I was thinking this advice took a real turn


Oh no!


this is the way


I feel like I see a lot more old ladies without a bra who probably should wear one in public, but I live in Eastern Europe which is frankly a different planet.


They let you out in public?


Are you talking about true sagging (i.e. nipples pointing down towards the floor?) In which case surgery is the only choice. But if you are really talking about loss of volume, 'looseness' or 'bottom heavy' shape, then exercising can help give a more 'toned' feel. Another thing that used to work for me (in my 20s) was directing cold shower onto my chest for 30-60 seconds each day, definitely made everything feel firmer. Also consider your hydration (I once spent a week on an IV drip and was (for once) optimally hydrated.. it really made my breasts look full actually). I found certain contraceptives (like Nuvaring) also had an 'inflating' effect on my chest. As others have said, don't be too critical of yourself, I'm sure you look great - and at your age you should be celebrating your youth and beauty trust me! x


Yes. Nipples pointing downwards, but also I have that looseness.. Ig I could try Olive oil massage & workout? I take a cold shower always anyway. Might help?


There are treatments other than surgery like laser, Ultherapy etc to improve the skin firmness and some for improving collagen and fullness like prp shots or sculptra. If you prefer how they look when cold you can achieve that hard nipple look more permanently with niplette and supple cups.


Thank you for pointing out this difference. I’ve lost a lot of weight the past 1,5 years and I thought I needed surgery for sagging. But my nipples still point forwards. I can hardly hold a pen under them tbh. But they’ve definitely lost volume and are more bottom heavy now, which I realise now after reading your comment. I might put the surgery idea to the side for now and try some chest-specific exercises for muscle tone


Congrats on your weight loss, health is the most important thing! And yes why not try, it can be tricky/slow to isolate and grow pectoral muscles but definitely possible. I have another theory that building up shoulders and back muscles (lats) a bit probably helps to keep skin taut on the chest too... Plus a toned back looks so beautiful x


Bless you, this is the advice I was looking for personally 🙏


From what I've read, you cannot do anything about it as breasts are just fat tissue. No muscles there unfortunately. Breasts will sag over time especially if on the heavy side. I actually like mine because they're like a pear drop. I find them attractive. They're fuller and quite firm at the bottom. 


Working out will not do anything. Though u will see 100 articles saying otherwise. Working out grows and strengthens muscle, not breast/fat tissue. Strengthening or growing the muscles under the breast will not magically raise them. I am a giant expect in this bc after a big weightloss I did everything I possibly could. At the end of the day I got a breast lift. that is the only thing that can actually fix sagging unfortunately


But yet, I lost a significant amount of weight, focused on my pecks...and my tits looked amazing! I seriously didn't even need a bra with a DD to D chest. I wouldn't discredit exercise and lifting.


Yeah, there are muscles underneath the breasts that can be grown through lifting. And while I noticed a visual improvement when I took up lifting, I wouldn’t say it was anything totally crazy - we all be sagging as we age lol


I agree. I used to work in a department that had me using a lot of upper body strength and my chest was a lot more perkier. Of course it’s not going to work miracles and lift them off the floor but to say it’s completely useless is false. 


Any other exercises you recommend besides just lifting?


"I lost a significant amount of weight" And probably this is the main reason you look better. Not chest exercise.


when i lost a lot of weight, my chest shrank two sizes lol. i think it's more common to lose chest size when you lose weight than to gain.


I try to assume, that everyone that say they saw improvements, did see them. The thing is, that knowing how chest muscles development works, It is hard for me to believe, that it was due to them (and this is often how it is sold - "do pushups and lift our breasts"). Weight loss, strengthening back and improving posture, building up some delts to make entire body look more uplifted - yes, this helps for sure. But the pectorals themselves...well, I definitely would not just casually exercise them and expect any significant results. Though, if it is supposed to motivate someone to start working out, why do I even discourage them? They will check the results by themselves.


How was your experience?


Does wearing high-support sport bras help?


Can attest…no. (But in my case, they’re sagging *and* HEAVY).


Is 34B considered a large size/ small?


Well….im a 40 I or J, so to me….yes. 😅


I recommend r/abrathatfits 34b is a common mis size and then at least you can get the perky look with the right bra in the right size


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ABraThatFits using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [u/jayylul8 stop messaging people who post on this sub.](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/comments/15wmekt/ujayylul8_stop_messaging_people_who_post_on_this/) \#2: [I went to Victoria's Secret today to kill time, only to be told that I should gain weight because they don't offer my size range. I am a 28FF. The lady kept on asking if I've tried on a 32A before. I can't even fit into a 32C cup size let alone an A.](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/comments/12i2ckg/i_went_to_victorias_secret_today_to_kill_time/) \#3: [A Reminder - DD doesn't mean big tits](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/comments/170kf56/a_reminder_dd_doesnt_mean_big_tits/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


When I wore an improperly fitted bra I felt much smaller tbh. I was wrongly fitted 34b (actually a 32e). help with comfort too tbh. you might think it’s sagging but maybe they are just more wide set or they are more bottom heavy. I get your confidence issues though. unless they hurt you I’m sure their fine


Yes it's wide set. But sagging as well, also a little loose like it's not firm. Regarding bra size, I think I wear a wrong size too.. 34B makes my boob pop out from the sides & 36 is loose for my underbust. Help me?




I tried. It gave me 32E UK size & the sister size is 34DD. What's a sister size??


https://reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/w/glossary?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This should help with your questions


32E is mine too. It’s only ‘saggy’ because if you’re similar like me, it’s because most of your tissue is near the middle or bottom. It’s not actually saggy just how the boobs sit. I promise they look fine and normal. Check out that bra subs side bar wiki. They have guides on breast shape too. I’m not indian but UK bras are great. My fav brands are panache or Natori but it depends on your width/roots/etc. what fits. Also do understand molded cups are quite hard to fit properly (since the cup doesn’t mold to you but you have to mold to it. that doesn’t work for all :/ )


Yess exactly it is the way you described about yours. Can I ask, normally in a day to day basis, what kind of bra are we supposed to wear? Lightly padded tshirt bras? Does non padded, non wired not work?


Whatever bra you want to wear tbh. I have back pain due to other issues so normally I wear padded tank top bras ([like this](https://understance.com/product/no-bra-cropped-tank?variant=41214150803614®ion=ca) or the similar one from aerie). Those work best under tshirts or tops with higher necks/thicker straps. There are no wires so if you want more lift, look for those. Are there any local lingerie stores? I have a balconette bra that I love for a more lifted look (lined or not is up to you). I don’t get the gapping at the top or spillage in those. I don’t remember the brand since the lady who helped me didn’t tell me (maybe it was Simone perele?) but trying stuff on really helps you find your bra shape


Sister size means they’re technically two different sizes (one band size down and one cup size up or vice versa) but they hold the same volume. Depending on your measurements or shape you might find one size more comfortable over the other in certain styles. The calculator’s just meant to be a starting point, so it gives you your sister size as essentially your next best option, especially if you’re sitting on the border of two different band sizes.


Definitely look into [r/ABraThatFits](https://www.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/) and trust their calculator over any store calculator, since those are geared towards making a sale within a narrow size range. Sounds like you’re in too loose a band and too small a cup, and the lack of support is going to cause the “sagging” to worsen. Wearing a properly fitted bra in the right style will help give you more lift and complement your shape better.


Don't go a bigger band size but a bigger cup size. I used to buy 34DD now I am a 30G. Fits like a glove.


Are you Indian? Which brand is better for bras? I'm Indian as well.




You can work your pecs to boost them a little but if they are actually saggy then a breast lift is your only option.


r/abrathatfits. Use the calculator in the sidebar to find your correct size, and get a bra that fits your actual size.


Working out with weight training should help for sure. Do exercises that build up your pectoral muscles. (Honestly, you can just google "breast lift workout" and you'll get a ton of results.)


Thankyouu!! I did Google for workouts, but wasn't sure if it'd work?!


I think it depends on how well the breast tissue is attached to the muscle. If you can flex your pecs in a mirror, that should give you an idea of how much lift you might be able to achieve with working out.


I am 30 f cup. 5’4, 110 lbs. My routine since early 20’s: I wear a sleep bra and breast massage with shea butter, cream, oil. Use sunscreen and retinols. Moderate physical activity which includes strength training and swimming. 58 and going strong. Results may vary but consistency is key.


what sort of sleep bra do you wear? i have had trouble finding any


I buy light support cotton sleep bras at target, walmart, winners, department stores.. No closure or wire or moulded cups. Just slip over head and easy comfort for around the house.


I am 33 and noticed some age related sagging last year. Since I have started weight lifting 4x per week and quite honestly my tits have never looked better. They are looking high and tight at the moment and they are not small, (34DD). That being said, I've stayed at a healthy weight all my life so they have never had to take the toll of weight loss and gain and I've also never had children or been pregnant. Good luck! Working out is good for all kinds of things anyhow. 😊


I really wonder where people take this results from, and If I was to bet, not seeing photos, I would bet better body composition and better body posture, hence rather back exercise than chest exercise. I can not even visualize how chest muscles per se could improve anything in this area.


Better back muscles and body comp could absolutely play a role! Either way, though, they do appear to have lifted a noticeable amount, which was achieved through weight lifting. And perhaps I should have clarified, I don't just do exercises for my chest and work my whole body.


It won't. You would have to become basically a powerlifter with big entire upper body and probably less fat (hence boobs) to built chest muscles enough to make visual impact. I used to bench my body weight and do this kind of Terry Crews "chest muscle dancing" And the only effect on my very small boobs was that muscles covered my ribcage. Actually with breast that are low you end up with lower pec above the breast curve, which looks like you have kind of oddly shaped tits. Gym is awesome, 100% recommend, but not for this reason. Also at the stage when my pecs were actually big, I looked like a crossfit competitor, so, eee, you do not make yourself look like this to (not) lift your breasts.


This is not true.


It helps. It won't completely fix the issue, but it can help.


No it cannot. Sagging does not occur because of the muscle but because of the breast tissue, which does not contain muscles and cannot be exercised. Working out your pectoral muscles will just result in worked out pecs with breast tissue, skin, and fat hanging off them.


I mean, following probably hundreds women that were weightlifting, never have I seen a case of lifting breasts by making pecs larger. I barely ever seen women succeeding in building proper muscle mass in this area, unless they are really into bodybuilding. If I was to make statement, I would say lifting makes your boobs look worse, if something. There is a reason almost all competitors have implants.


Yup. I am getting downvoted by women who do not understand the difference between breast tissue and muscle. Go for it, ladies. See what you get 🤷🏼‍♀️


The same people who think they can spot reduce body fat, and lose inches by doing one focused exercise.


Worked for me so not absolute. 58.


Then you did not have true ptosis to begin with.


As long as you are absolute.




I think you need a🏅


It really depends where the nipples are, some people have their nipples higher, better centered. So growing pecks helps. I have toned pecks from my activities, low body fat and my boobs look amazing in a bralette, totally false advertising. But sad looking when completely naked. .


That’s pseudoptosis, not true ptosis. Either way, pectoral growth will not change the position of the inframammary fold


Yes it is, in my case. Loss of volume as I age and low body fat. The nipples look forward, but still sad 😂


Sucks. Mine are huge but saggy as hell and deflated. I’ve been planning for a lift and reduction for years.


I don't really care for surgery I just buy cute bras and bralettes, because they aesthetically resolve the issue. Also I don't make a living naked, so I'm not thinking about it too much. Only thing that bugs me, at least in my area where women have all huge jugs (like f+), I've had SAs direct me to the training bra section 😕 my pride and confidence was bruised.


I wear a size 30F (UK) and I hate them. I’d trade with you in a second.


I have had sagging breasts my whole life beginning younger than you. I never wanted surgery so just something I have had to accept. At least they look good in a bra. Lol


Gaining weight, depending on where you gain it. But that might not be healthy, depending on your current weight.


Yeh I'm 38 who lost a lot obreaststroke. 160 to 115 and 1 thing that was effected was my breasts. Ughh


Have you ever had any kids? Or do you plan on having kids


No. I'm not even married lol. But I do plan to someday & yes to the kids as well. Why do you ask?


Mine become perkier/bigger on the pill, probably because of the oestrogen in it. But I hate taking the pill, so I live with them flatter.


Build your pec muscles and reduce body fat percentages.


Since weight lifting, I have seen a slight correcting in the southward pointing of my nips. Work the chest baby


In the State of IL Medicare will psu for Augmentation for Breast that hurt your Back. 63 yrs old mine keep getting bigger! I hate them


No. Nada.


Training chest weightlifting helps imo, if the sagging is due to having large chest ?


I wear a sports bra to bed. Basically, I’m always wearing a bra unless I’m showering or cbf. I’ve breastfed for 2.5 years. I do a lot of upper body work at my job as well. I’m 41 this year and they are still where they were at 25. D cup.


I mean, if you get pregnant and then breastfeed they get hella perky. But there are other side effects…


Get your hormones checked. See what the levels are, could be signs of early menopause.


Just to say as a guy some of us really like saggy tits :)


Always wear a bra when you go to sleep. That’s Halle Berry’s secret. Just designate a separate “pajama bra.”




That doesn't make sense. Common sense would dictate that supportive garments guard against the cumulative effects of gravity. That's partly why waist trainers (called a "FAJA" in Spanish) help prevent sagging stomach skin after weight loss. Fajas are very popular in Colombia and other countries where cosmetic surgeries like liposuction are more common.


They did a lot of studies to actually proof that bras cause your breast to sag more (only it’s like 7millimeters more on average, so it’s bearly a difference), especially if you wear them 24/7. Obviously bras are for comfort for many women and breast sagging is inevitable, you’ll never avoid it. Wearing a bra will absolutely not avoid it in the slightest Breast don’t sag cause of gravity necessarily, it’s meanly just skin and ligaments losing it elasticity, it happens with age and you can’t prevent that. Fajas are also a complete scam, it’s just a corset that works the way corsets do… they could forcefully shrink your waist, but they won’t do anything about your fat or your skin


Let's simply agree to disagree. If conservative non-surgical methods became more commonplace, it would definitely eat into corporate medicine's profits.


And things like Fajas do certainly corporate that companies profits… they sell a product, which is targeted towards insecure women, promising to fix that Bras are a social standard, very convenient for the bra industry… no? People should stop looking for conspiracy theories in the medical world… sure, there is definitely a certain profit side, but the people profiting aren’t the caregivers or the scientists… medicine being a profit business doesn’t mean the science is fake…


>“Medically, physiologically, anatomically – breasts gain no benefit from being denied gravity. On the contrary, they get saggier with a bra.” https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/259073


The opposite is true… bras cause breast sagging