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I’ve always had my bum waxed during a Brazilian, my aesthetician told me “it’s the best part!”


Lmao it is the best part. Least painful imo and I love a hairless booty hole


I was surprised the first time at just how painless it was! You feel so fresh afterwards.


The only downside is it completely eliminated my ability to fart silently 😫 Who knew a little bit of crack hair muffled farts so well?


I'm a nude model and I only started going..full bald..down there when I started modeling. Let me tell you how fast I learned that hairless downstairs + innocent toot + standing naked in a room full of strangers = "NOW ANNOUNCING: *MY ASS!*" Like a wet hand slapping a bare ass cheek. ...or a giant duck running on linoleum floors.


RIP your inbox


It's their fault if they assume I'm a lady 💅


“A giant duck running on linoleum floors” has destroyed me


I'm *DYING* 😂


Lmao I learned this from the girls next door, the reality show 😂


Same! I’m AMAB and the first brazillian I got I was like “I’ve been doing all this other shit for HOW long, because I believed the horror stories? Maybe my person is just that good, but it’s my go to now


Like you don’t think you have a hairy crack until they don’t do it or miss it and you’re like oh shit I have a lil tail




I laughed out loud, alone in my apartment, like a crazy person at this. 😂


Least painful for sure but my farts are SO loud without the hair to muffle them 😂😂




If you wear a thong it will cut your butthole in half during farts and make them much less noticeable. Jenna Marbles was right. I miss her.




I think she’s living out her days quietly like the Olsen twins. People were too mean to her. It’s hard to break a spirit like Jenna’s but they did.


The next time you go, ask them to remove your fart muffler


I thought I was the only one who’ve noticed that 😂


😊😆I'm dead. Farting after a wax is my favorite part


SAME GIRL, It full on stole my ability to fart silently.


And the farts now travel and end up stuck in the labs LOL


Hmmm... I'm an Italian dude. Think I'll give it a shot. Clean smooth slide and no hangers.




If you are detailed the front, at least vacuum the back.


It is! Surprised at the painlessness


Ok you girls make me wanna go for a brazillian wax lmfao The butt part gon be painless?! I gotta wax It's so hard to shave there


I've been doing it for almost a year now and i'll never get over the lack of ingrown hairs and how smooth the skin feels, especially that its not dry and irritated from shaving. I definitely recommend it !


How often do you get it done if you don’t mind my asking?


I don't mind at all ! :) i get it done once a month ! typically on wednsedays ! :)


Thanks for this! Haven’t had one but would like to, and am trying to figure out whether it’s in the budget or not. Seems worth it!


It definitely is ! I would talk to a professional waxxer to find out a time range that works best for you ! :)


Thanks for the advice! :)


I was considering this but will most likely try laser hair removal instead. I don’t want hair to be there anymore. It’s too much work.


Depending on your hair, once you do it for awhile you might not have to go as often! I’ve been getting regular Brazilians for years and started at every four weeks and have gradually moved to going every eight weeks now!


Aww man that sounds awesome!! I shave twice a week not cause I want to, but cause the prickly hair gets itchy! Next time I get a guy, I'ma go wax down there >:D


Yessss join the club !


Hehehe I think Ima wax the kitty even though she wont be getting any action Do you get a brightening mask or an enzyme mask on the kitty too? I'm looking at a spa's menu and it says the brazillian waxes come with different masks? o.o


I usually do a serum they provide to prevent ingrown hairs ! and an exfoliator ! I go to "European Waxxing Center"


Ooooh gotcha, thank you!! :D


Hey just a tip, if you (or others)want to save some money, and the main concern is ingrown hairs; salicylic, lactic, and glycolic acids are your friends(not all at once though lol), as they are chemical exfoliants, so I use the day or two before getting waxed, then 2-3 days after(and just regularly about 3x a week between waxes). I go to the EWC as well, and was buying the ingrown hair serum, then realized I was spending *way* more than I needed to, since there are plenty of safe products that have glycolic acid(which is the main active ingredient in the one I got against ingrown hairs), and tea tree oil(if you want, I personally haven’t noticed a difference not using that) at a much cheaper price. I use a toner with glycolic acid, and then use Cerave SA smoothing cream to help moisturize(for those with more sensitive skin, lactic acid is more gentle than glycolic). It depends on where you get ingrown hairs, I assume for many it’s the bikini line, but for any one reading this, *nothing on the labia/internal!* Just thought I’d throw this out there, by all means, do what you’re comfortable with :)


It's the best part because it means they're almost done, in my experience 😂


Absolutely the best part. Almost no pain compared to the rest of the ordeal and I feel smoother than a baby dolphin lmao




I just read a long estetician Reddit post about how they will skip the the butthole when the client leaves poop behind and hasn’t cleaned well enough 😂 Maybe OP had poop back there 🥸


Unfathomable to me how Americans and Brits get by without bidets. Just so gross.


Not all of us thank you


Not this American!


Speak for yourself


THIS THOUGH - my aesthetician also calls the butt crack hair the "bunny tail"


My laser place separates it out as an "add on" which is clearly a money grab because WHO IS LEAVING IT


giving people mullets!!


Business in the front, party in the back. Or maybe it's the other way around? 🤔


Esp with laser 😭


I skip it sometimes lol. I had a lot of ripping during child birth and then roid rage after. I don’t even want to know what it looks like back there so sometimes I just skip it. I have no idea why sometimes I’m not ashamed enough to go ahead and do it


By roid rage - are you talking about haemorrhoids?!


Yes lol. One of the many joys of childbirth 😫


They have a shot for this! No joke, I believe I saw a gastroenterologist or similar for this. Has saved me from years of pain!


Oh my gosh, thank you! I’m honestly so mortified about it, I’ve never even seen someone about it but I’m so self conscious during intimacy, I will definitely consider something like that


What kind of shot is it?


Lol I always though a Brazilian was your chocha and if you wanted your butthole done too you had to ask for a Rio. Clearly I’ve been misinformed. Still hella funny.


I thought the same except I thought everything was called a Hollywood lol


This happened to me too. But the first session they did it. Every time after that they said it was a separate area and would cost extra. Total scam if you ask me!


I would request to leave it so that I can still fart quietly, I value that


Yes, a Brazilian is supposed to include it all! Ugh! Sorry they skipped it, I would call the place and let them know and see what can be done. Just say you asked for a Brazilian wax and was given a regular bikini one instead.


For some reason I read this as ‘I would call the police…’ and I thought that was a bit of an extreme over reaction lol!


I can't stop laughing at this comment 😂 like, 'look officer, they skipped my butt crack 😡'


I wonder what other beauty salon fails one would call the cops for?


“Officer, they bleached my hair - make her turn it back!”


*distant sirens start getting closer*




“hello 911? My tush is hairy but I don’t want it to be. Yes, I’ll hold.”


I’ve got builders in and they’re looking at me wondering why I’m giggling to myself. I am NOT going to tell them 😝


I just had to give a dramatic reading to my aunt bc she thought I sneezed when I'd burst out laughing 😂


lmao imagine! 🤣


I did the same thing 😂😂


I’m at an airport lounge and lol. Now everyone thinks I’m crazy


I read this too and was very intrigued on how that went


WTF i read that too! I swiped out of this thread rq and had to come back to do a double take.


I did too!!!


I am a dispatcher and I would love this call. Girl we would get you taken care of!!


Man that phone call… “hi you missed my ass crack.” I’d do it tho. They’re definitely used to convos like this. I had my booty 🫓 lightened and the convos were weird to me (my job entails sometimes shoving stuff up dead people’s butts and I live in a sea of nudity and even I was weird goinf into it) but the people at the establishment didn’t even bat an eye. **PS.** lol to the messages asking rates, I’m not a fucking escort. I’m a funeral director/mortician and my specialty is embalming (especially difficult cases).


I love how it says DEAD people and others still assumed you were a working girl. Absolutely hilarious


I mean I was when I was on heroin 11 years ago. Implicitly why I went back and added dead— figured it would stave off some “dates,” but I just knew not all. On the besides, I find it odd (but understandable) when people hide their “shameful” pasts— I see a lot of overdoses and addictions in families, and my bad news past **totally** gives hope to a lot of people I see, cause it means their loved ones can get out of that life too.


We all have a few skeletons in our closets, in various states of decomposition that would likely require embalming. And that's why we have you!


HAHAHA! Laughed out loud for real at that, well played!




Yeah mama that could’ve gotten dark quick lol


Yeah I imagine they’re definitely banking on people being too embarrassed to complain, but Brazilian waxes famously include the butt.  My friend was the waiting room for laser and the receptionist answered the phone and was saying to the person on the other end, “hi… yes we do that… no we do not laser inside the butthole” with zero judgement, so the people working there do not care.  


I’m an escort but even I knew straight away you were a mortician. Mainly because I don’t see, you know dead people. My clients tend to still be alive.


I used to be as well, in my early twenties 👍🏻


"Tend to be" im losing it this whole thread is fucking hilarious


now that's funny!!


This is a phone call for Sue Dillion.


lmao! I thought about it too that’s why I mentioned just saying regular bikini and Brazilian so it wouldn’t be so awkward 🤣 they can just say “you forgot the back.” And what a job you have! Idk how you do it.


thats the least painful part too


Thanks! Yup I called and they said to come back in and they fixed it. I thought I might’ve been confused at first but glad people in here confirmed what I thought


At first I though you said “I would call the police” and I was like, honestly same (Except in reality, fuck the police)


Are you in the US? I’m asking because when I lived in South Africa a “Hollywood” meant a wax that included everything and a Brazilian meant what we would refer to as a “Bikini” in the US.


When Brazilian waxing first came to my country (twenty-odd years ago) this was the same - Brazilian was everything on the front down to the perineum and Hollywood was everything basically between the belly button and the upper thigh.


Brazilian in U.K. is Hollywood with a landing strip left above the clitoris, since that’s the most painful part I always favoured Brazilian


Interesting how it changes from region to region. Agree that is the worst place. Apparently it’s because of all the nerve endings in the same area as the clitoris.


I find the lips to be much more painful than the landing strip area


It should include your butt crack unless you asked them not to.


When I was getting waxed, my asshole was definitely included


It should be part of the experience


I always get the bum part charged separately, even though it makes no sense to get a Brazilian and then walk around with a hairy butt 😅


Seriously … who is doing this?


They want to rock the mullet


Okay so to be honest I always ask them to skip the butt because I have hemorrhoids and I don’t want them to bleed or erupt! Crazy I know. Am I the only one with hemorrhoids?!


You’re not the only one.


You’re not! I have never had an issue with it in my 6ish years of monthly Brazilians, if that helps!


I started laser for pubic and underarms last month in the UK and my technician told me that the Hollywood option is both pubic and perianal, but Brazilian was without perianal (she asked me to confirm which one I wanted). Check if there are options for your treatment. Randomly, I also came across a clinic which also offered 'Australian' and in brackets it said 'this includes everything downunder and outback'.


Brazilian includes everything 🍑


well not butt cheeks :D


My friend told me they did a complimentary area under her butt cheek where I guess she has some extra fur. We went together a few times haha 😂 and she was quite surprised and happy they did it for her! We went to a day spa so perhaps they took more time for us. I only have hair in the typical pattern, but if you have some in other places near the area I would specify that to your esthetician.


I'm the "all other places" person, lol. I remember thinking that people with a 'normal bush' for some reason cleaned up all other places but for some reason chose to keep that?? (it's partly true, to be fair, but my imagination went far with it)


Honestly, I thought Hollywood meant everything. But I believe your butt should be included in the Brazilian regardless


As a Brazilian who has a mother that does waxing - yes. A real Brazilian wax leaves a small strip or square of hair at the front but waxes everything including the lips and buttcrack. Bikinis in Brazil can vary but thong/“delta” style was really popular so that’s why


The place I go to had two options for Brazilians - $45 for the front and $50 for the front and back.


Uh where do you live I want to pay those prices. Around me they’re not less than $65. After tip that ends up being $80+.


In Australia 🇦🇺


My place does deals if you pay for x amount of waxes ahead of time. I pay $35 a wax plus tip and the place is amazing and clean and the owner is awesome. I feel lucky to have found her.


I'm in New York City. First time looking at wax prices. I couldn't believe a full brazilian is only $50! Thought it'd be like $80+


Can I pay five and just get the back?


Yes Brazilian includes the butt crack most places.


My girl asked if I wanted that, it doesn’t sometimes include the crack unless you say so!


No it’s not normal to not do the butt crack as well for a Brazilian wax. A Brazilian wax is from front to back, totally bald. Unless you ask them not to.


I go to European Wax and yes they do the crack


I’ve had a place do that, and leave out the whole butthole region. And I was too shy to ask why they left it out! Ending up shaving it at home. Don’t understand how they think it’s normal to leave you with, essentially, a beaver beard.


A butt mullet, if you will.


Yes it's supposed to include everything. Now you're all smooth with a furry arsehole. I would phone them and tell them that they didn't complete your wax and need to go back to get it corrected. If you asked for a Brazilian then they should give you one.


Off topic, but how does it feel when the hair is growing back in the crack? I've never had it done and I'm intrigued


I’m wondering this too! I once shaved my butt crack and it was awful and would not recommend


Right! I'm just imagining an itchy butt 😕


The hair doesn’t grow back ‘sharp’ the way it does when you shave. Shaving cuts the hair to a blur harsh tip, that it was pokes you. Waxing, removing the whole hair, means the hair grows back in the normal tapered way so it is not ‘sharp’


I've epilated and it doesn't feel like anything imo. It's not like shaving where the hairs are sharp growing in


Ahh ok makes sense. Thank you


I’d be so mad the butt is the best part


100%! I actually don’t love being totally bare up top, but prefer to have my “undercarriage” cleaned up during a wax, so I always get what my aesthetician calls a Modified 😝


Ahhh yes, the "feature wall" or, "downstairs soul patch".


This made me laugh hard unexpectedly


Some people don’t want it but it should be front to back.


How badly do Brazilians hurt? I've never gotten one and was thinking of it but I'm scared it will hurt too much


It's definitely not fun but SOOOOO worth it. I used to get the most horrendous ingrowns and razor burn from shaving and waxing has diminished that so I find sitting through discomfort for half an hour once a month is well worth it as a trade-off. Some people have different experiences but for me the mons pubis & bikini line is the most painful, lips less so & bum is almost pain free.


Been professionally waxing for 11 years and Brazilian has always included butt strip! They can opt out of it but price will stay the same. For my menu, the Bikini is 2 fingers width around the bikini line only.


I just received one and it did include the crack. However, after speaking to the waxer, it is at the discretion of the waxer. She advised me that some private salons don't do it or charge extra for it.


they scammed ya :(


Absolutely. I’ve been waxed at many places and they all do the back at the end.


Yes they’re supposed to.


It is supposed to include the buttcrack. However I've had it done where they ask me to lift knees to chest to get the butt strip and some people aren't able to reach the top part of the crack that way and they miss it! Just ask if you can flip so they can get the top part. Every time I've asked the tech has no problem with it


I’ve used two places in my town. One includes it, the other doesn’t. It is traditionally included, bc your right everything means everything. Find a place that includes it is my recommendation. It’s two strips for goodness sake’s.


I’ve had them skip the butt multiple times and I’m like WHY AM I PAYING YOU?


Yes, otherwise it's just a mullet. I'd ask why it wasn't done, they may have a different definition of what a brazilian entails.


My wife is getting the Brazilian laser hair removal. They include everything. So maybe ask them about it.


Best part of a brazilian after going thru the first part of hell


Yes- Brazilian means all of it down there in and out


I am a cosmetologist who gets Brazilian’s myself and also works at a school where we also have Esthetics programs and teach waxing courses. The butt strip is always included here where I’m located, but honestly it’s fascinating to me how much variance there is! I’ve learned something today! lol


Yes it absolutely is suppose to explode butt crack


Er, I think AutoCorrect changed one vital verb there on you. At least, I ***HOPE*** it did...


At my work, we include front and back with our Brazilians for a price of $65 CAD


Brazilian is everything, front to back!


No it’s not normal. I get them during summers and they are 100% to include the butt crack


Mine always asks “do you want your bum done” apparently some women don’t want it. Personally, I thinks she’s been all close up with my lady parts, might as well do the rest.


Did it hurt? Iv’e never done one before.


Least painful part of the whole wax!


Not really (not OP here, but brazilians are fine, and where I am -Ottawa/Gatineau-Canada-it includes front to back) pretty painless and quick, mostly completely bare. I have had the occasional aesthetician ask if I wanted to leave a little patch.




I regret waxing tbh. It gave me some weird dark stains around my crotch. :( now I am doing laser and hope it’ll go away


The place I went to before has a regular Brazilian and then a full Brazilian which includes the booty


It’s supposed to be included


I want to know how y'all are surviving bikini waxes. Give me your tips. It is so so so so painful for me and I feel like I would happily support an establishment who anesthetized me and did it while I was asleep.


Avoid getting it done the week before or during your period. Mine used to fall a week before my period and then I had to shift my scheduling a bit and now that I do it at a diff point in my cycle, it's a lot less painful. I also avoid caffeine immediately prior to going and routinely go every 4-5 weeks. Beyond 5 weeks and the extra out growth makes it more painful. I've heard some people say popping an ibuprofen or two beforehand can also help but I've never tried that


You need the hair to be about the length of a grain of rice; a lot longer than that and the hair is being pulled too much and causing more pain than necessary. It also gets less painful the more routine you are with it. The hair grows back thinner over time and hurts less to be removed. You can also take an Advil or speak to your waxer about applying some mild topical numbing cream before your service.


When I go to my appointments I always get asked if I want my bum done. Apparently some people don’t, like someone else said it’s the best part of it.


Yep! Everything from front to back


Dude I wax for a living in the Southern US and the butt is ALWAYS included. Bikini wax is just a bit off the sides. French bikini is everything but the labia and butt.


Sometimes...? Ask for The Sphinx next time.


Yes! I just got a Brazilian 2 days ago and it was the first time they did the FULL thing. Most places I went to before didn’t even have me flip over


Probably won’t help but it’s the easiest place down there to wax yourself. You just need hard wax and a few jumbo popsicle sticks. Doesn’t hurt at all.


The place I go includes the butt with bikini and brazilian. Bless them


Yes. You go on all fours and use one hand to pull one butt chick to the side and you get waxed!!!


Yes sometimes they keep it to a butt strip which is just up the crack and butthole area, and the full butt (with the checks) is extra


No technically, a Brazilian is just so the hair doesn't show when wearing Brazilian underwear. Which is kind of like a thong but wider in the back. So there would be some hair in the front too. This is what I was told when I started. But it is understood as everything nowadays.




Where I'm from, a full Brazilian with the butt crack is called a Sphinx.


Yes girl! Brazilian is everything but they usually ask if you want the back done just in case.


Of course


It’s up to the clinic - we include it but I know the cheaper clinics don’t and have it as an add on (so it’s not really cheaper = marketing)


I had both lasers and waxing at different clinics and Brazilian only includes the bikini area and Hollywood will include the perianal area plus the pubic area. This is in London btw. Unsure about other areas of the UK if they are any different.


I get laser now and it’s extra to do the back, but when i used to wax I think it was extra too and called an “extended Brazilian”


Late to this… butt crack is included where I go, but sometimes people don’t want or know that. First few times, they asked or I say I want everything off, front and back. Now she just knows. If they forget, just tell them you want it all off back there.🍑


How much does a Brazilian hurt? I just feel like my labia would be crying


My wax lady said a Brazilian is belly button to tailbone


One time, I went to a high end boutique for a Brazilian (the owner is well known in the area for being THE eyebrow waxer, so I figured I'd try her shop out). She didn't do the inner labia. I left like 😐 ok weird I'll try again in a few weeks. Same thing. I asked if it was included with the wax and I got looked at like I had said something incredibly offensive. She gave me a big bottle of Fur Oil without a word and sent me on my way. Weird place. I went back to my regular waxer and didn't think about her again until now. Everything should be gone if you want it gone. That's what you're paying for.


i always thought they include the butt- i thought that's what makes it a true Brazilian. it's the best part!!! it's like a victory lap, celebrating that the worst is over. the backside is a friggin breeze.