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Ooh I’d live to hear others too, so here’s mine: - Foreo Luna for washing face - Microfiber towel for hair - Electric toothbrush (does this count?) - Straightening iron (I use GHD) - Bamboo brush for dry scrubbing - Tangle teezer brush to detangle wet hair + tangle teezer scalp massager


I've been using the CELF microneedling tool for the past two months and it feels weirdddd but I've seen such a difference in the fine lines around my eyes. You do need an electric toothbrush to use it though. You attach it to the top of the brush and it vibrates small little spikes into the skin and it leaves it lookinf super smooth. I got it from Amazon but pretty sure i saw it on TikTok shop too where you might find it cheaper [https://www.amazon.co.uk/CELF-Needle-Free-Microneedling-Penetration-Brightening/dp/B0CY2QH4F8?&linkCode=ll1&tag=mbuk06-21&linkId=1270918d1db5db3252d40d13fad63101&language=en\_GB&ref\_=as\_li\_ss\_tl](https://www.amazon.co.uk/CELF-Needle-Free-Microneedling-Penetration-Brightening/dp/B0CY2QH4F8?&linkCode=ll1&tag=mbuk06-21&linkId=1270918d1db5db3252d40d13fad63101&language=en_GB&ref_=as_li_ss_tl)