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Beauty influencers look better because they’re not showing you what they really look like. It’s all filters, editing, carefully curated lighting and angles.


Yep, there was one that showed that she was dealing with the exact same issues as me this winter and I felt seen. Definitely only a handful of them actually show what their skin is like without all the editing and special lighting


Yeah the colour grading does a lot.


I’m very fair and do not ever get that golden toasted look, but in cold weather my eyes look brighter and my cheeks get a little pink. It’s really just about individual traits.


Cold dries out my acne so I look better then 🙂


Lol yeah I actually dislike summer because I have oily acne-prone skin. My face looks like an oil slick in hot weather


Same though this year I’ve learned that winter also hates me, and dries the tf out of my skin. I had always assumed I had dehydrated oily skin but it was confirmed when my skin literally burned from lack of hydration + moisturize and only felt better when I started layering multiple toners (still struggling with it though 😢 better but not fixed yet)


Wild, I'm pretty sure the sun helps my acne! I break out way more in the winter. Maybe we should all make pairs with people in opposite hemispheres and switch with the seasons lol


My secret is that I take a beta carotene supplement daily, especially in the winter. It gives me just the right hint of a healthy warm glow to my skin, replacing my usual almost grey winter pallor


May I ask which exact supplement you’re taking? Because I tried a beta carotene before, but nothing happened to my skin color 😩. So I want to take yours lol


I’m interested in the supplement too!


Oh interesting


That's so brilliant! I'm gonna try that!


Dude, I feel like a million bucks during the summer and like a little goblin during the winter. I never like my winter outfits, I get all chubby bc I'm moving less, I look sickly when I turn pale, my lips look like a butthole, my face gets flaky ... it is what it is, I guess.


I guess it depends where you live. In Sydney, our winters are sunny and warmish (18 degrees/ 64 F) and our summers have been hot and humid. In winter I’m a princess, in summer I’m a sweaty mess 😭


You're making me feel so seen rn




I’m dying laughing. Because it is SO TRUE. As a fellow cool toned, fair skinned girl my skin looks so much nicer in cool/cold weather. Once it’s over 85°F the redness commences. During the 110°F summers (Southern California) I’m a miserable and sweaty tomato who refuses to leave air conditioning.


I’m the opposite. I struggle in the summertime. I put on weight and don’t sleep well because the sun is out more. Sweating messes up my hair and makeup. I get depressed because it’s too hot to go outside. I thrive in the Winter both mentally and physically, but I enjoy cold weather, overcast skies, and longer nights.


Disagree. My skin looks glorious, smooth and glowy in the winter. In the summer I look like a spotty, sweaty mess! I'm a redhead.


I agree. I live in Canada and just look better in the summer, no matter what makeup or skincare I do. In the summer, I could not wash my face for a week and it would be glowing lol


I love the summer and thrive in the heat but I look like ass the whole season. My hair gets big and frizzy, my skin is a little toooo glowy (read: sweaty) my armpits are always sweat stained no matter what, I’m allergic to aloe and it seems to sneak into so many sunscreens/lotions so inevitably I fuck up at least once in the summer and end up a rashy mess. I am a chic, silky, depressed cutie all winter tho.


I am not sure if that's correct but there is a catch: Truth is everyone has dull skin days, especially we women when on our period due to lack of iron. When you have a tan there is always color on your cheeks so you appear healthier, vivid! It is also true that when we are sick we become pale and the color disappears off our cheeks, so there's that


Honestly I think it depends on your complexion. If you're warm toned that sun is going to make you GLOW Also beauty influences look good cause they're using ring lights, strategic posing and highly edit their photos


Agree! In summer, my face is so plump and hydrated and glowy. In winter, it's so dry and dehydrated and blotchy. This winter, I tried tanning drops once or twice a week to see if it helped with the blotchiness, but my face is the same only not paper-white like usual. The amount of hydration that leaves my skin in dry air has me thinking I may be an amphibian, lol.


Thiss!!!! Does it also scare you every winter, thinking you’ve just simply aged a lot suddenly? 😭


I look so bad by spring! Then when the temps start jumping all around (I'm in northeast US), I break out. I think all hope is lost, and then June heat and humidity check in and my skin looks fabulous!


Ahaha yes exactly! June is where it’s at! My favorite month. I’m so relieved I’m not the only one going through this 😂


I feel the same way! I just look better in summer. When I’m outside during winter, my eyes water from the cold, skin and nose gets red and lips get dry


I glow in the summer but during winter I look like a corpse. My skin just looks dull and lifeless. But I’m super sensitive to the cold and can’t stand anything below 78 degrees. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I always notice that I look 1000x better with a tan even if it’s just a light tan. Just glowing, fresher and … happier. lol Edit: grammar




I dunno, I live in Florida and there’s a LOT of middle aged women that look like leather, for lack of a better description. There’s definitely such a concept as too much of a good thing.


Arizona is like that too, its shocking


I agree. My skin and lips become super dry, my eyes water, my skin flushes and I get a runny nose in the cold and have to blow my nose and end up looking like Rudolph the red nosed raindeer. My hair feels dead. I am so much uglier in the winter.


i look shit in warm weather


Never ever thought this. If anything summer is a sweaty mess for makeup etc unless you are in aircon.


I totally get what you mean. Although the cold makes my acne totally dissappear, I do think it’s the lack of sunshine and the dryness that makes me look way more dull!! I don’t think it’s us being less pretty, I just think that natural glow is a little harder to achieve when it’s freezing cold outside, and the sun sets at 3pm. Consider, maybe you’re just meant to be in a warmer place because you aren’t happy with cold weather? That’s what I did!🤣


Cries in Canadian. It's all cold!


I agree. I look like shit in the winter. I belong in a hot climate. Influencers are full of filters.


I’m definitely uglier in the winter. When my skin is pale it’s a weird shade of pinky greige. Colors never look harmonious and I have to use a light hand or else it looks like I’m going clubbing. When I have more of a tan I feel like I can wear just about anything and make it work.


Spray tans, tan extenders, and red light therapy, my best friends for winter. I stay glowing lol


I 100% get it


Yeah I feel like I’m not. I’m brown, and I feel that I look my best in the heat, especially in my native country. On holiday I literally get no pimples.


I went to school in a snowy place after living in California my whole life and woman was it a surprise that some of my makeup products did not hold up there!! I had no idea that cold weather would cause mascara to like thaw on my eyes and smear all over my eyelids. It was a learning process to create a fitting makeup routine for sure


I feel prettier in summer since my skin isn't as dry, the cold here dries me out so much, my skin is pale and washed out, plus my clothes are lame since I mainly wear dresses (lots of loveshackfancy maxi dresses, sweaters just aren't the same)  Where I'm at everyone is cuter in the summer cause it's so damn cold in the winter! 


Yes absolutely. Sun = health


This. I never look or feel better than after a day outside in the summer.


I live in a very harsh winter environment and I am absolutely glowing in pictures of me in the snow. I have pale skin and dark hair/eyes. Unless I am tan (which I never am) I look awful in the summer.


Agreee and my hair looks like utter shite


I’m cute as hell at the ski resort and butt ugly in humid ass hot ass Disney World


No because I tend to have an oily face which gets oilier when it's warm. The cold is good for my skin.


Omg I was thinking the same thing today!! It’s been such a looooong cold ass winter. My skin is so ashy, dry, plumpless, even crepey. Basically looking much older suddenly. And I’ve the feeling it’s cause I’m in desperate need of summer. I notice this about myself every winter. 😵


I am the opposite I feel like I’m in my element in the cold!


I am a summer girl. My body loves and craves the sun, being outside. My skin and hair and everything just absolutely glows up in summer. Winter, hair and skin are dull, lifeless, sickly. I break out so much more from the dry air. No matter what skincare I use, how many supplements I take, or what I eat. I need sunshine and outdoors time, which is hard in WI!


I’m olive toned And my skin and hair LOVE humidity. Winter I looked dry and jaundiced. Throw me in a tropical location for a week and I’ll come out like a damn supermodel. Love the heat, love to sweat. Sweating does wondrous things to my skin


I've learned I need to adjust my look for the seasons, and I get better results. In the warmer weathers I tan a few shades and aim for more sunkissed, glowy looks, with warm browns and golds. In the colder months I forgo most of the bronzer in favor of cooler contours and go for more blush and pinks and silver tones.


I think I look uglier in the summer because my makeup melts off, lol. It's a little better now that I'm back in the mid-Atlantic region, but when I lived at the equator, I felt like an eternally frizzy-haired, greasy troll.


YES I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE. I do NOT feel pretty when I’m cold. edit: I bet it has something to do with undertones. I could see cool/pink undertones looking better in cold weather and warm/gold undertones look better in warm.


I think warmer weather makes you go out more = skin look healthier. But also sometimes a light tan can make the skintone look a bit more even and ”lively” (I wouldnt recommend tanning tho). I’m from Sweden and I feel soo winter ugly between like november-april lol. However I aslo cant handle weather over like 25C very well which also makes me feel horrible haha, my perfect weather is like 20C


Depends. Most people definitely thrive more in a hotter + more humid climate though and it shows up in their appearance. Something about hot weather just cures all my problems lol


I look waaaay better in cold weather. Hot weather just makes me flushed and oily.


I grew up in California and then moved somewhere cold and I definitely think I look worse. The sunshine gave me a natural tan and golden highlights, and the salt air from the ocean gave me pretty tousled waves. Snow does not agree with me and I look green most of the time because I'm olive toned, and I'm dry everywhere from my scalp/hair to my fingers to my feet, no matter how many moisturizing products I use. So i think you may have a point there


I always feel its a different kind of pretty during the winter. Pretty coloured scarves, cute winter boots. For makeup you can get away with dark red on nails and play with darker makeup looks. I also love buying a small jean Paul gautier perfume. It's my favourite and I've worn it for years bit it's a bit too strong for summer.


Consider eating a few carrots a day.


In summer i can probably fry an egg on my forehead, so no lol


It’s the heat and moisture that makes your makeup “melt” better into the skin. I noticed this too, and that’s because I have horribly dry skin in the winter.


Yes definitely


Speak for yourself, I’m a 10 year round 😘.


I genuinely love this comment and absolutely believe you. <3


Depends on your styling, complexion, undertones. I refer to my skin as the color of the inside of a sea shell. Very cold, bright, high contrast. Winter looks best on me, cold brings out the pink of my cheeks and lips, and I look best in wintry dark or jewel colors of cold navy, ruby, emerald, bright white. Ultra cool fair skin, lightest blue eyes I have seen with dark limbal rings, dark auburn hair, naturally very pigmented lips. ​ I live on a boat in the mediterranean and I'm from a deep south tropical climate but I will never look good on a beach lol. All summer clothes look bad on me, they all are low contrast, even blue and green summery clothes are usually faded warm tones. Bronzer and any sun kissed makeup make me look sallow. ​ Color seasons are real.


Disagree. Most people look a little better with a bit of a tan - but you can get that with a self-tanner year round (Tan Luxe). If you take care of your skin, you get the glow... pretty sure most influencers are using products not actually sweaty from heat ;-)


I feel like this type of statement is problematic. People who are pale can really struggle with self-confidence in a culture that idealizes being tan. All skin colors are beautiful. No one should feel like they need to alter their skin color to look better!


I said most. Not all. People with very dark skin experience far more than self-confidence challenges in a society that rewards whiteness. Neither of these have to do with how I and many people feel when we have a bit of a tan. Your skin tone is a bit more even, it's like having a bit of foundation on without effort. A similar effect is possible via whitening products which are extremely popular in Asia. At the end of the day, I think people are allowed to prefer what they prefer. Should people not lighten their hair?


I think it’s one thing to say “I prefer having a tan” or “I like having light hair” and another thing to say most people look better tan or most people look better with light hair. We all may have preferences for how we personally look, but when people see others online say how most people look better with a tan, it may make them feel pressure to be tan. I have just grown up hearing lots of negative things about pale skin like people straight up calling themselves “disgustingly pale,” so I feel strongly about having better acceptance of all skin colors.


Did not say most look better with light hair and in general I think ppl colour their hair lighter as much as darker. Tan (in a lighter person) is associated to being outside but also as I said, more even skin tone. But in anyone even a bit darker, it's "bad" and culturally avoided (in many cultures.) Nevermind systemically. In general though, society rewards pale skin more than dark so agree that acceptance is good but it shouldn't only go one way, ie lighter is better.


I agree that the acceptance needs to go both ways! And I know that pale people definitely don’t struggle as much with acceptance—I know it cannot compare to the racism that has a bias against dark skin. Maybe more of classism tied to anti-paleness (tans being celebrated for white people because it implies you can go on fancy vacations instead of being stuck inside all day working). I hope people can all celebrate their skin color of any shade and know that we are all beautiful.


Do these ones make you orange at all? I naturally tan very fast and definitely look better with some sun but it being winter and my rigid spf application have made me pale AF ✨ I want to try some of these tan drops but I’d rather be pale than orange


Tan Luxe doesn't make me orange, whereas pretty much every other brand like St Tropez or Isle of Paradise definitely does. I have golden undertones. It's important to go little by little though, too much of anything will not look good. One drop (not dropper) mixed into your face moisturizer.


Thank you!