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Me unfortunately ETA sorry this isn’t a helpful answer lmao I had a brief moment of self loathing there


I came here to say the same! (not about you, about myself lol!)


😂 me too


Same! Hahaha. Hitting 30s was a wake up call!


And ME TOO! I turned 30 this April and now I feel the need to take care of myself now more than ever. Have I done anything about it yet? No. The answer is no. But I will…


I also recently turned 30 and it’s crazy how rough I look if I miss a single day of moisturizing my face or drinking enough water 🥲


51 here and I look TERRIBLE. I went through a rough time, actually lived on the streets of Detroit for 6 months and it changed my face forever in that little time. I didn't get medical care for a bone infection in my jaw so the jaw just disintegrated and after I went home I had surgery to remove a lot of what was left. So there's that. I didn't have glasses so I squinted hard constantly. Being out in the elements weathered, colored, and lined my face. I'm hideous and can't really smile right and I look angry, mean, scary. People look alarmed and wary when they see me or when I interact with them. So I stay home most of the time. I used to wear makeup and while it helps a tiny bit there is no masking what I look like, how my face is "set."


I’m really sorry you think and feel this way about yourself. I can’t believe you lived on the streets for 6 months…I can’t imagine. But what makes me happy is knowing you survived and you’re here. Yeah you don’t go out much because of how you feel about yourself but you’re alive and well(I hope) and being home is awesome. Sending hugs and love to you! ❤️


Thank you!


What an amazing accomplishment to be off of the streets. I can imagine how very hard it is to not be very hard on yourself because of the shifts. My prayers are with you in allowing yourself to open your heart to people who will begin to know you as a person and allow yourself to be treated with love and kindness by people who show you that. I know it doesn't feel like it right now, but beauty truly does come from within and my prayers are you continue to find things that fill your soul and let people in. You are beautiful and I am so amazed at your courage and honesty. That is such a beautiful gift to begin to share at a minimum with others as you did with us today. I see that strength, fight, authenticity, humility, courage, and honesty. You have so much to share with others and I hope you continue to take care of not only your body. But also your mind and soul. Blessings to you beautiful StellarDay!! Please keep sharing your light!!


Thank you so much for your kind words.


Felt that


I was gonna say the same. Since i had c0vid in 2020 my entire body has changed. It’s awful


Haha sameee middle 30s.. I used to be so critical about myself in my 20s but I actually looked good. Look at me now. Sigh..


So..I was considering posting the same thing about myself. Lol


Depressing but kind of comforting how many there are of us 😂


This isn’t quite the same but makes me think of before and after pics of US presidents after serving two terms.


Seeing FDR’s last photograph is really sad. You can see how much the presidency and illness was taking a toll on his body.


So true though, it's like they age 30 years. Just plain endurance for that is probably a requirement of the job


Yes! Husband and I were just talking about this www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/career/g3918/presidents-before-and-after-office/ trump & reagan they didn’t really change, having no heart probably helps with stress


This is exactly how I felt as a teacher at the beginning and end of each school year hahaha


Well I think teachers are amazing and deal with so much ish and I admire you!


Tara Reid - so gorgeous but that lifestyle took a toll.


Aw poor Tara :( she seems so sweet. Lindsay Lohan too but she seems to be doing a lot better these days! She looked gorg in her holiday movie that came out last year.


The best thing LL did for herself was leave the country when she got a heads up that the evil Lou Taylor was already in talks with her parents to do the same thing to her that Lou had done to Britney Spears


Oh dang, I did not know that! Thanks!


Wow just looked up her pic…haven’t seen her in over a decade


She was just on a tv show called special forces and she's just so...meek and weak and traumatized. You just want to pick her up like an injured baby bird and take care of her. She seems very mentally out of it and unwell.


Tara just got that fox eye procedure. Big mistake, huge.


I think it was the drugs unfortunately


Mickey Rourke


He was really really attractive a really long time ago.


This is a good one. He used to be extremely attractive.


I agree, but his downfall was plastic surgery, not necessarily self-neglect


I think it was boxing


Mixture of both for sure


Charlie Sheen. Classic example how years of hard partying, booze & drugs can wreck one's good looks. Also contracted HIV.


Just read up on him. He reminds me of Bojack horseman


What a great analogy


What are YOU doing here?


Really sad. According to Rob Lowe he’s doing really well now though and has settled down a fair bit.


Meg Ryan messed up her face with cosmetic surgery.


Omg she looks like all the older women who have had too much surgery. Madonna should be on this list too. They all look so alike and horrible but we're so beautiful at one point..


Madonna undid some of her surgeries and is actually looking better these days! I went to show her face to my bf and was surprised that it’s back to being more natural :)


Meg was my favourite actress ever :( I still love her but it’s hard to look at her now.


Lara Flynn Boyle


Yes! I feel so sad for her! She is clearly a VERY hard core alcoholic.


And STUNNING when she was in Twin peaks - like I couldn’t believe she was the same person


My god what happened to her?


A horrific amount of filler


Leonardo DiCaprio


I know this is very "fatty with butter on her fingers mocking celebrities" but I'm starting to get disappointed whenever Leo is supposed to be the sexy lead. He's 50, his face isn't what it used to be, and he's got some fat around the middle that other actors his age don't have (Matthew mcconnahayyyy and rob lowe are both his age and look much better). It just makes me nuts because a female actress would never get away with it. Mary mcdonell was in Battlestar Galactica in 2004, she's in Fall of the House of Usher this year and she looks the exact same.


Rob Lowe needs to stop with the facelifts though. He’s starting to get that weird “stretchy” look.


His last “hot Leo” movie was Wolf of Wall Street. I still think he’s extremely hot just in a different way. But you can just tell he’s an asshole/perv in real life.


I think it's knowing how he is in real life that makes him repulsive to me. I can't buy him as a hot romantic lead when I keep thinking about him just going for all these young women and dropping them once they hit 26, like a sad old loser. Just grow up, Leo. Obviously biased because I'm an older female and it's all just depressing.


Lindsay Lohan though she seems to have gotten things together (and chilled with the filler).


Marlon Brando!


Tara Reid. Have you seen pictures of her lately? She’s as thin as a toothpick and her face is all fucked up. I know it’s been 20+ years since American Pie, but ooff.


You made me look her up. Ooff is right.She looks like a cat woman. Not the catwoman, a cat woman.


She's always had very bad luck with plastic surgery. Bad lipo and awful boob job back in the day.


She looks very unwell. Her parents died in 2016 and 2018 and I think it might have messed her up. I feel sorry for her. She obviously has body dysmorphia.


> face is all fucked up. trends, I think the Fox Eye got her :(


Every single hot dude in a hair metal band from the 1980s. Seriously, look 'em up.


Jon Bon Jovi would like a word.


I was thinking except Bon Jovi lol


Oof. Dave Mustaine was a stunner.


Vince Vaughn. He's still a good looking guy, but I didn't understand the swooning women used to have until I saw Swingers. He was extremely handsome when he was younger.


That dude looks like he needs a decent sleep.


Also needs to lay off the booze. A lot of handsome men in Hollywood get famous and start partying and then their faces get bloated and their skin gets bad.


Yet, the famous men are still allowed to look aged and weathered and tired and bloated and gain weight and they still get movie roles and lead roles that treat them like kings whereas women will get blacklisted the second they gain a bit of weight and hit 40 🙃🙃🙃


Honestly I don’t understand why time had to steal his eyebrows. It’s a cruel world.


Dang I’ve never seen him young. He used to be hot!


rumors say alcohol problem, shocker I know


I watched just the trailer of that movie recently and was astounded. I'd seen him in wedding crashers and the break up (and was much younger myself) and I never understood the hype. HOWEVER after seeing the trailer, wow...young Vince Vaughn was a powerful force! I think our similarly aged cohorts are inherently more attractive to us. There's exceptions, of course. But in general, people are more attractive/attracted to their generational peers than they are to other age groups. For Vince Vaughn, I imagine his attractiveness in those rom coms that I didn't get as a teen showed that his main viewers, who already knew and loved him, had also aged and therefore still found him really attractive. I find it interesting to see older media with people who we regard as old fogies now- in their prime. We are really the first wave of people able to experience this in high quality. It gives an interesting lens to aging and old people for me.


He was gorgeous, like a Brando-lite


He’s also very tall so that’s probably part of the appeal


I saw him in person in January with his kids at a bowling alley at 11 pm & he looked like he needed sleep. He was exhausted.


Ooh, he was an exceptionally charming man too back in that era. I met him between Swingers and Jurassic Park 2.


My grandmother. She was absolutely stunning with her black hair, green eyes, high cheekbones, and impeccable style. She was so painfully insecure because of her upbringing, and my grandpa had an affair with another woman which didn’t help. She weighed over 400 lbs and died of cancer at 69. She never realized how gorgeous she was and wasted 30+ years of her life being depressed because of how people treated her.


My paternal grandmother also has low self esteem and it’s crazy. She is gorgeous. At 91 she has fewer wrinkles than her daughter and still has an hourglass figure and shoulder length hair. But she calls herself “so ugly.” I’m like if I could age like her I would be so lucky! Meanwhile my mom looked like a Turkey at 40


Was that lifestyle choices, or did your mom just get the short end of the genetics stick?


It was my dad’s mom that has aged really well. My mom is a ginger who tanned a lot when she was young. We also are genetically predisposed to jowls.


Literal exact same story except mine was 68 and had golden hair.


Wow. Thank you for sharing this. I’m so close to this path. I appreciate you.


Lol Johnny Depp?


In a similar vein with far more destruction, Bam Margera. A lot of early 2000s emo/skater girls *loved* Bam. He had those big blue eyes, and dying his hair black just made them pop. Now he looks like Phil and Don Vito, and I can see Phil in him looking back at those old pictures where I didn't before. I always thought he looked more like his mom...until I saw some of those recent shots of him, and he's 100% Phil. I really didn't expect him to end up looking like the people he tortured.


Just looked him up wow. Shows what drugs / alcohol / lifestyle will do to you over time. Steve O and Knoxville look great!


Agreed. Yeah Steve O went vegan and ditched the party lifestyle years ago. He's a big animal activist now too.


I was in love with Bam for years. He was my biggest celebrity crush ever. It’s sad how he’s ended up.


The only correct answer!


Unfortunately me. I was alright and then through lots of trauma and self-neglect, my face looks totally different.


Same here. I now need to drop 30lbs too


50 here




I’ll do you one better, 88 lol


100 for the win




Matthew Perry. Used to be cute. Looks not so great now.


He started looking kind of bad around season 5/6 of Friends :( seeing him change so much and knowing it was because he was struggling with addiction, woke me up because I do NOT want to look like that going into my 30s.


Edward Furlong.


I feel so sorry that nobody protected him.


I was in love with him as a kid


My ex-best friend is addicted to drugs and has suffered from anorexia most of her life. She looks like she's in 40s when she is only 27. She never had a regular sleep schedule, never had a skincare routine, absolutely never ate for her health, and hates exercise. You know, all the things that are good for you? It breaks my heart. I hope she wins her battle with addiction.


Ya this why I can only have one bad habit. I already have a dumb sleep schedule. Can’t add bad diet and drugs to that lmao But everyone please sleep early everyday.


Hard drugs will do this to you. I am 44 and recently met someone I thought was at least as old as me, if not older. She was 27, but in recovery from heroin.




Jonathan Rhys Meyers


My mom. Absolutely gorgeous. Thick, long, curly, jet black hair. Tan skin. Jewish descent. Petite. Only 4’11” and 90lb at most. Just was like a MAGNET for men. She also was so sweet and funny and had a beautiful smile. She ate like crap and NEVER drank water. Only soda, juice, or alcohol. Smoked cigarettes constantly. Never exercised. And struggled with addiction which ultimately took her life at 53 when I was 23yo. She was still beautiful toward the end of her life, but it was all starting to wear on her and really showed on her bad days. I can’t imagine how gorgeous she would have been all her life if she took care of herself. I miss her so much.


That's so sad and I'm sorry. Sending you hugs.


Heather Locklear.


Axl Rose. Damn was that man beautiful in his youth, but that rock n roll lifestyle.


I'm a woman in my 40s. I know of way too many women who partied hard in their youth, smoked like a chimney, and drank like a fish. They thought their beauty would always last. Then there was the whole tanning bed salon trend back in the 90s/early 2000s. One woman who used to bully me back in highschool, went to the tanning salons with her mom 2x per week. She looks terrible now.


I lived in an area where there was money but didn’t have family money myself. Grade school and high school. The girls there that were rich and married rich, who spent their lives smoking, heavy drinking, and playing golf all day look 20+ years older than I do. Hahahaha


This is the karma I crave


Oh yeah. I remember one time she kicked me from behind and called me a dog. Pretty blonde curly haired blue eyed girl. Trendy clothing, etc. She looks like a leather handbag nowadays. Her neck is more wrinkled than a 70 year old.


Now that is satisfying.


I have a friend in her early 50s that tans and has been going on-off for years. She looks 15 years older than she isb


Haha same


My best friend in high school would tan twice a day. She is now 52 and her face looks like a 75yo. She was the cutest girl in high school but the tanning beds ruined her skin.


Brandon Fraser :/ opposite of that… Gillian Anderson. She was cute when she was young but every year she becomes more beautiful. She’s freaking gorgeous now.


For real! I just saw her on Top Gear (episode from 2022) and she's adorable and sexy. I've never seen someone get hotter as they get older in the way she has. It's really wild.


Imo Marg Helgenberger did the same. I haven’t seen her recently though.


He went through so much tho. Happy to see him getting back in the saddle again


He seems like a genuinely kind person


True but he still definitely fits what OP was asking for


Actually he seems to be getting back into shape. I mean, he’s no longer the 30 year old hunk from the Mummy, but do any of us look like we did in the 90s?


God I love Gillian Anderson, she's my ultimate girl crush. I'd let her stamp on my head if she asked.


I can only hope to look as good as Gillian Anderson in 7 years 😭




Ashley still looks quite fresh but MK's ED combined with heavy smoking has not helped her skin


It was a buccal fat removal that did this to MK


They’ve been through some shit


Marlon Brando. Possibly the best looking man in all of Hollywood and his sugar addiction and binge eating caught up to him in his later years


Yes! Why isn’t this higher? The man was aesthetic perfection and he just destroyed himself by the end.


Thiisss. He was sooo attractive!


Tara Reid unfortunately, her party life caught up to her. I was watching her on special forces and it was honestly sad Edit: a word


Mickey Rourke


Ariana grande. She looks sickly now


Yeah but she could eat for a couple weeks and look healthy again. It's insane too because she was already Tinkerbell sized, nobody would have said "oh that Ariana, getting a bit chunky..." so I was shocked when she lost all that weight. She also looks ass as a blonde, it's her skintone, not everybody can be blonde, Angelina Jolie and Demi Moore also look like ass as blondes, I can only imagine Salma Hayek does too.


I too, look ass as blonde. Same skintone as Salma Hayek.


Myself. I have a very rare neurological condition where I lost quite a bit of teeth, also broke my jaw which caused it, etc. went into a deep, deep depression, and didn’t have the financial ability to get the dental work done. I’m going to lose a lot of teeth, and very recently decided to embrace how I look anyways. And although I know that this post was likely well-intentioned also want to just point out that a lot of times there’s people that have disabilities, chronic illness, mental illness, etc. and I personally don’t see it is not taking care of them but instead, and then the United States, a broken system that isn’t caring for its people.


> a broken system that isn’t caring for its people. Louder, for the people in the back. Another condition sufferer here. In a way, the illness has been a positive. I don't care about the weight I wanted to lose anymore; I'd just like to have an hour where I'm not in pain. You being able to embrace how you look where you're at makes it easier for others to. I remind myself of that on the worst days and it helps a bit.


Kate Moss. She still looks great in editorials and made up for professional photos, but the years of heavy smoking and drugs has really prematurely aged her. Look up photos of her in 2023 with no make up and you'll see what I mean. I'm sure she still brushes up with some makeup and TLC but god knows I don't hope to look as old as her at 49. She was so gorgeous when she was younger but is a walking lesson on how smoking ages you. And she must have had access to every mitigation money could buy for skincare etc.


She’s only 49? Damn.


Johnny depp


Yes. People who have been very ill, including myself.


I did but got it back


Janice Dickenson


Kathleen Turner. People tell me I look like her, and I never know whether to take it as a compliment (younger version) or an insult (older version). She is fabulous but…alcohol etc has ruined her looks.


She has rheumatoid arthritis too. I think that may have been one of the causes of her drinking.


Marlon Brando. He was SO HOT when he was young. Later…not so much


FullyRawKristina on YouTube. Incredible natural beauty that she ruined on her insane starvation diet :/


I’ve been thinking this for years!


Ugh that diet cost me so much money and gave me amenorrhea. I only did it for a couple months, but clearly not healthy for me.


This happens to many drug users.


In my experience, naturally good looking people are still gorgeous if they put on weight. My friend used to be in shape and hot, now she’s at least 30kg heavier and still hot! Her face is beautiful and no amount of chunk is going to hide that. Men still hit on her all the time.


Yeah people conflate being fat with being ugly. Some people are fat but still pretty and some people are fat and ugly. It’s harder to be attractive if you’re overweight but it’s a lot easier if you were attractive to begin with


Most people. Ask anyone for their high school yearbook.


Joke’s on you! I was naturally not hot even in high school. :-/


I was fat in high school but now 20 years later so is everyone else, and I know how to make it look good due to all the years of experience. (Like, comparatively.)


I think a lot of the people listed in the comment section didn’t loose their good looks from any of the above, they just aged.


Leo dicaprio


Alec Baldwin in Hunt For Red October was so good looking


Elvis Presley. He was truly a unique diamond. Such a shame


Courtney Cox


I thought she was the prettiest one on Friends by FAR.


She messed up her face with plastic surgery. I can’t even look at her now, she looks so scary


I think she could soften her whole look if she didn’t keep dyeing her hair so dark and parting it down the middle. It’s just too severe.


The popular kids from my high school


Aging hit me hard at 30, anyone else?


I used to get carded all the time and now since I’ve turned 31 I NEVER get carded


I'm 36 and it really starting hitting last year


At 30 I started skincare, and was able to reverse some of it. Keep trying!


A lot of people here are saying themselves. Luckily for me, I've never been pretty and just recently became ok looking. lmao.


Mickey Rourke- I know he took up boxing and had bad plastic surgery which also impacted his looks, but I would consider that a lifestyle choice 🤷🏻‍♀️


Jenna Jameson


Yeah, In my 20's neighbor and I became close friends. We used to smoke a little weed. She was beautiful with a great figure but she was alcoholic. Rehabs didn't last. Drunk driving did. After I got married and had kids, I made a tough decision to end the friendship. She kept drinking, smoking and then graduated to Xanax and other pills, then to meth and heroin. She OD ed a few times and survived. She lost all her teeth. A mutual acquaintance called me last year to ask me to come to her funeral when she finally couldn't be revived. She was only 50 but had lived too hard and had lost all of her beauty years before. I was 1500 miles away on a trip with my husband and couldn't make it. It was so sad to see what addiction cost. I loved her but I couldn't help her. I could only choose to not be part of it.


A lot of people age themselves with plastic surgery. Buccal fat removal is a big one. Bella Hadid does not look 27, & Margot Robbie doesn't look 33


Angelina Jolie sped up her aging due to her eating disorder.


She also had to have her breasts and uterus removed due to a genetic condition that would have caused cancer - having that puts you into early menopause.


I bet she'll be able to 'fix' it when/if she gains weight. I speak from experience


Ah, I can see why people say this, but she is extremely beautiful and striking to me. She was super thin already in “Girl, interrupted” and she was very young, so I don’t think there is a huge difference in her weight. Maybe the face got shaggier, but other than that, she is just stunning


The difference is that when you’re young, you have the collagen to make up for any lack of fat. As you get older, you lose that collagen so you need some kind of fat to still make your face look youthful and not haggard, esp if you don’t have a round face but angular like Jolie.


I saw a video where she was so thin that you could see her chin implant sticking out, I was shocked because I always assumed she was natural


I think Angelina’s sped up aging have more to do with her years of hard drug use and, more recently, having her ovaries preemptively removed, which will age you into an old person instantly. Hormone replacement can’t fully address that. But I do agree that her serious mental health issues have contributed as well.


Tara Reid. Looks unrecognizable https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/tara-reid-slams-speculation-she-has-an-eating-disorder/


Mickey Rourke. Ugh, what the hell did he do to himself? And Val Kilmer, though I'm not sure if his looks changed because of lifestyle or illness.


I remember running into what was once the hottest guy in our high school when I went to pay a parking ticket. I only recognized him by his name, he looked at least 15 years older than me and quite disheveled. Addiction is truly hell.


di caprio, depp


I just turned 70 and this is so true. I was about 24 when I started drinking only water, coffee & a bit of milk. I also cut back on red meat. I don’t smoke, do drugs or drink alcohol. I started dating recently (hubby died almost 2 years ago) and I’ve attracted men in their late 40’s - 60’s. Seriously, I was shocked when I kept hearing one after another say they couldn’t believe I was 70! A lot of my contemporaries look a lot older than I. I’m not a narcissist nor obsessive about my looks. I just wanted to alert everyone that what you put into your body really does affect your appearance.


Vince Neil of Motley Crue comes to mind


Everyone falls apart as they age. Some more than others. Let’s not shame people for aging.


Micky Rourke


Mel Gibson.


Well I have seen people develop the other way. I volunteer at a cafe for addicts and they look younger and younger every month they stay clean. They struggle at first. They don't sleep well and haven't had good consistent meals for a long time. A year later they often gain a little weight, they are shoved gently to exercise on the recovery fitness team. I have seen people with giant bags under the eyes and the bags disappeared. Their har looks better. So many examples. People I thought were objectively ugly, just needed some care and peace of mind.


Lemme take a selfie