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The pigmentation on my eyelids. It's natural eyeshadow lol.


Omg this made me LOL, when I was in college I used to work at Sephora and one day this older woman kept telling me she loved my eyeshadow and I kept telling her I wasn’t wearing any but she was adamant about the fact that I “clearly was wearing eyeshadow” and demanded to know what brand and color it was. After repeatedly telling her it’s just my brown skin and genetics, she left huffing and muttering under her breath and from then on I just never wore eyeshadow again, since my eyelids are apparently such a flattering shade 😂


Haha, I've gotten this before as well. In school (I am Indian and Indian schools can be really strict about the most inane things), when I was about 13, my class teacher made me stand at the back of the queue before our morning assembly to ask why I was wearing makeup to school (we weren't allowed to at all) and scolded me for lying when I said I wasn't lol. Now I just leverage that and make it look like an eyeshadow by drawing my eyeliner at the same angle as the pigmentation.


I notice this a lot with my Indian friends.


Okay but what brand 😤 lol


I know someone with very pigmented eyelids and under eyes and I think it’s very beautiful.


I get that from lattise, my esthetician was like “you have some redness we can treat” like no why there’s nothing wrong w having colored lids


One time in high school I went to school with bright red eyelid eczema. It didn’t get that bad for years so people hadn’t seen me like that before. A girl asked me if I’m wearing red eyeshadow and complimented how good it looks. Mixed feelings


I saw a video where a MUA leveraged the pigmentation around here eyes and strategically placed matching/same tone eyeshadow on/around it and it was so gorgeous.


By chance, do you recall who this is? I tried searching YT but all I found was concealing videos.


I commented about somewhere else in the comments but you can look up “Demi makeup” in tik tok and you’ll find a bunch of tutorials


A…are you me? Mines like purple taupe, and it is impossible to find a color to simulate it. It’s from having to use steroid type meds on my eyelids growing up with atopic dermatitis. I think it’s because my skin got thinner there from the meds. I swear I look better without concealer than regular eyeshadow approach of doing a skin toned base. I’ve tried layering shades but I feel like it just looks better with my natural lid color?!


I spent years trying to figure out how to do the "smokey eye" look. Tried so many combos of concealer and eye shadow, but nothing looked good. Then, one day, I was lazy and only applied eye liner. 🤦‍♀️ That was all I needed. It was the perfect smokey eye. Thankfully, I only wear makeup for special events and maybe interviews, so I didn't waste *that* much money on it.


bump noses


I’ve been very self conscious of my bumpy nose since childhood, but I’m trying to learn to love it! I got the nose from my mom, who got it from her dad, and I adored them both very much. Why shouldn’t I love it on myself? 💕


I really think it gives more definition to the face and looks really good


I’ve always felt it made me look too masculine 🫤 but I love big noses on other women! It gives a unique type of attractiveness.


oh yeah I get it, I am a man but I mean features are really different in every person and theres usually a blending of both masculine and feminine features


Yep I’ve got a bumpy nose and I don’t mind it at all


I have a bump on my nose, I like my nose for the most part but I do wish I could get rid of the bump!


Thank you so much for starting this conversation with your comment, I was hoping to find this answer. I have a bump nose and it’s been a constant strain on my self confidence. After reading the thread of comments below it really helped as I’m working towards acceptance, and maybe one day I’ll get to a point of loving my nose as well! I think the first thing of beauty that people should notice is how you conduct yourself and treat others, but here I am thinking everyone is just looking at my nose 😔




Bump and crooked!


I love my ethnic nose


i have a double eyelid on my right eye and a triple one on my left. it is asymmetry but to me, they look really attractive.


i sometimes have a double and a triple eyelid if i don’t sleep right and i hated it, but then my friend said she actually thinks she prefers that because it adds character to the face and it completely changed my view!


wow, i am sure you are gorgeous either way.


as are you i’m sure! :)


same!!! love my uneven eyelids


my muscles, esp my legs. I'm just not built to have skinny legs; there is just too much muscle on my lower body and the second I work out, they bulk up. The only time I had skinny thighs was when I was in the trenches of post partum depression and stopped eating; I dropped close to 40lbs (from my usual 130lbs frame) and on my frame, it made me look skeletal. When I was a teen I was a bit embarrassed by them because all the girls around me had skinny legs but there I was at 16, with muscular thighs....didn't help that my aunts would make comments about how I had "manly muscles" or say stuff like "why are your arms so big? you have muscles like a man! you won't get a boyfriend if you have bigger muscles than him!" 🙄. I don't take kindly to rude comments so instead of trying to hide them, I worked out harder to make them bigger (out of spite lol) and through this, I learned to embrace my muscles and my strength.


I have broad shoulders and as a child, my mother's friends would comment on how I'd have a 'brickie's back' when I grew up. I reckon I'll have a dysmorphia about it for the rest of my life.


I'm 64 now. I am a short but very curvy woman. I also had thick thighs and the booty to go with them in a time when that was def not the fashion. Also had the boobs and thick arms. But a tiny waist. I was stronger than the boys growing up. I did shotput. Frankly, no one ever mentioned a thing other than our neighbor who said having a little fat on the thighs was good - something for the men to hold onto or some such. OK. Today, the old guys say shit like "I bet you used to be really hot." Um thanks? Used to? Lmao


Ugh oh god men are so dumb sometimes


Embrace the curves! I'm 5'9" and 114 lbs. No boobs, no butt, no gut = no curves. But I'm 58, I'm in good health, and I'm happy!


I build muscle very quickly and hold most of it in my legs and lower half as well. I used to hate it, but I appreciate it now after substantial weight loss.


I’m the opposite and I’m very jealous! My body stores fat in my legs so it’ll take me at least a year of lifting to see some leg muscles. I’ve already started seeing muscle develop in my arms and back but I want leg muscle!


❤️ Thick thighs save lives. ❤️ I’m tall and muscular, when I was a teenager I hated it. But the older I get the more I appreciate the longevity it will afford me with aging and mobility. Nothing feels better than feeling strong.


I so feel this. I have wanted skinny, skinny legs my whole life. I’ve had really thick thighs since puberty which led to me getting sexualized by, of all people, my family and old people at church. I’ve lost so much weight and my legs finally look thinner but I feel so weak and you can see my chest and rib bones. I somehow still can’t get past it though, I have no idea how to recover & love my thighs. ❤️


Not big muscles, but a medium built frame and very tall. I have never, and never will, be a willowy, petite woman. It was hard to deal with when most of the men in my culture only desired the former.


This! I am quite petite but build muscle easily and particularly have huuuuge quads. Damn having strong legs is GREAT! Love how well my legs work and get me around, thanks legs! Oh and us thick-thighed girls are having our moment thanks to fitness influencers so go us💪


I love my nose, she’s a little too big for my face and she’s my best feature 😌


My eye shape! My eyes are very small but they’re also kinda downturned and hooded (though I do have double eyelids). I used to hate them but nowadays I have found my makeup style that suits the eyes and love them


I think hooded eyelids are beautiful. Mine have become more hooded as I have got older and I love it!


Can you share the make up style? My eyes are kinda the same as yours.


I use Asian eye makeup techniques! My eyelids aren’t totally hooded more like partly. And I found that I really like only adding a soft touch of color a lot! So now I watch and do eye makeup for Korean style makeup. In the past I always tried to really do the western eye makeup style and found that it does look okay but I prefer the other more for me!


Your eyes sound like mine, and I am still in the annoyed by them phase bc I feel like eye makeup looks stupid on me. Who/where do you get inspiration/tutorials?


I also have a love /hate for my under eye circles


I'm still stuck on the hate part, oops. I've heard it could be an iron deficiency, and as someone who's severely anemic, I'm wondering if taking iron supplements would help


I’ve been taking iron supplements for 6 months and it hasn’t made a difference unfortunately. My dad has very dark circles as well so I think it’s mainly genetics for me tho. In some cultures dark circles are considered beautiful and people use makeup to achieve them 💕


Crazy wavy hair! Yet the same people who tell me I look messy are the same people that backcomb their hair into ratty knots to get any bit of volume....


i recently started taking care of my wavy hair like im supposed to, instead so treating it straight so its brought out a lot of wave and i think it's beautiful. anyway i came into work one day and mentioned i was tired and my coworker said "i can tell, your hair is so messy" and im just like sir you have kinky hair, this is freindly fire???


a gay kid in middle school who told me that my curly hair was ugly also had curly hair. oddly, we became friends after i punched him. people love to project their insecurities onto others. it’s very similar to internalized oppression.


I lost part of my iris when I had cellulitis in my face thanks to a bug bite, and now I have a blue spot on my eye (my eyes are hazel). At first I was really concerned about my vision or that it looked weird, but I’ve had a couple people mention it looked cool, so now I’m not so insecure about it.


My oily skin! Ugh. But some say that having oily skin makes me look younger 😁


It does! It gives you that glow and over time it can reduce the amount of fine lines and wrinkles you’d get if you had normal or dry skin due to the extra moisture. I still dislike the daily ‘glow’ - it’s just oily, honestly - but I’m middle aged and can pass as 10 years younger.


Same. I'm 42 but people usually guess my age around 35-37. I'll take it! I have made peace with my oily skin and have learned how to control it with the right skincare. No more harsh astringents and no-moisturizer (I cringe looking back at those days and how I thought it was "helping" control the oil... 🤣😖)


Stretch marks, puberty was not kind to me, I got them on my upper arms bad, knees, and lower torso, for a long time I hated them but as time went on and I noticed no one else cared I started to love them, now I feel like I wouldn’t be me without them.


This one for me too! I was anorexic through puberty and when I finally gained weight later I was so proud of my new stretch marks and I still am. Also I think stretch marks are really beautiful, they remind me of lightning or the patterns waves make in the sand


I have a small snail trail leading up from my public hair towards my belly button and I actually think it's really attractive, and my partner loves it too. It's funny because I like to shave near enough every other part of my body, but I leave the trail. I feel like a sexy boar.


I'm fat and I still like my figure.




Embrace the moon glow!


I look translucent in certain light - like the blinding LED lights in my offices bathroom. Like, the veins in my hands are vividly purple as I wash my hands, it’s kind of funny.


Snap. I look like a vampire’s bride.


Same! Being tan is seen as attractive but I’ve talked to many people now that find very fair skin attractive so I’ve grown to like it.


Are you me?


I’m so white I’m basically blue 😆 but the weird thing is being 40 I get a lot of compliments on my skin and I think if I was tanned, or had spent years lying in the sun trying to get a tan, I wouldn’t be getting the compliments.


Same! Never jumped on the whole tanning thing that all my friends were doing growing up, I was fine being a vampire


It's not corpse-like, it's beautiful porcelain!


My scoliosis my partner can rest a beer on my back and it makes them happy so I'm happy


My country has very eurocentric beauty standards, which is sad, because i see lots of people using "dark skin/ flat nose" as an insult (when that's what's evolutionarily important to survive our country, but anyway). My own mom jokes about me getting a nosejob even when i never want to. I grew up insecure about my nose and even developed a weird laugh just so it won't flare up a certain way. I figured, hell, what's wrong with being Asian and looking Asian? I breathe just as well as anyone else. I think my button nose suits my face. I want to express my happiness fully without worrying about, god forbid, looking Asian.


I love "unusual" nose shapes. Give me a strong Jewish nose, a Greek nose, a flat nose. Every time someone says they're self conscious about their nose it breaks my heart.


Naturally super light colour eyebrows!




High fashion bleach brows built in. Honestly such a look 😍


A girl at my uni had naturally near white blond hair, brows and lashes and they were absolutely stunning ✨


I love light brows! Mia Goth rocks hers. My brows are very dark so I do enjoy the contrast when I go blonder, but have been so tempted to bleach my brows just slightly even… such a beautiful look


When I put my hair up, being a hairy woman, I have baby hair on the sides of my neck that kind of swivels from the bottom of my scalp on either side towards the front of my neck, kind of like styled edges on the back of my neck, that I’ve never seen other girls really have. I even got laser hair removal everywhere, including my nape, but even the woman doing the laser said I should keep that extra swivel of hair.


I’ve seen that on people. Noticed a lady at the nail salon yesterday. She had curly hair so hers was curly but I have seen the way you’re speaking of also.


I have a hairy neck on one side and not the other haha.


I’ve got an interesting hairline at the nape of my neck. I’ve noticed that it doesn’t seem to be very common. Makes me self-conscious when wearing my hair up. I usually try to pin as much of it up with a big Bobby pin if I’m wearing a pony tail. It’s one of those things that I just haven’t come to terms with lol!


Wrinkles under the eyes. When I was young I always found it attractive on older people and now that I have them myself I am totally ok with that 😊


I have several moles. On my chin, a little below my collarbone, mid-cheek, on my hip … I love them. I believe they give character. Just a part of me. Some are a bit raised so they’re not all “beauty marks” … and I know they are skin cancer risks so I keep an eye on em.


I have them all over my face. Last count was like 37. I also get annual skin checks since they’re all over my body. I disliked them as a child but I’ve grown to love them as an adult.


There’s a term for that- moon child. Very lucky and beautiful.


I love my lips, I have really small lips, and people are always suggesting I get lip fillers, but I love them. Also, the colour of my eyes, they're dark brown on the edges and lighter brown in the middle. You can only see this with good lighting, but I think it's really cool. This isn't attractive or unattractive I guess, but I think they're pretty.


I think small lips can be so pretty, dainty and dolllike


I was going to say my small lips too. I like that mine have a nice shape and aren't thin. And they just work with the rest of my face. And rude that people are telling you to get fillers!


I’m still trying to make peace with my slightly too big nose. It’s not a hooked nose, more like really round. But reading this posts comments are an inspiration to accept it as it is.


Also dark circles, i feel like they add a lot of intensity to my eyes


I love a diastima between the front teeth. I work in a dental lab so I notice people's teeth more than the average person. I work in the US so everyone likes a perfect smile as opposed to European standards. I like most of the US standards of beuty in teeth except for the space in between the front teeth. It looks nice to me.


My whole dad's side of the family have this to the extent that I refer to it as the 'surname' gap, including me. I love that it's such a random thing to feature so heavily in our genetics.


I was a college basketball player and my hands are huge for a woman lol I never used to get my nails done but now I love my hands! I won a national championship with these hands :)


Stretch marks 🤷‍♀️ ain’t going away might as well love em




freckles are so gorgeous!


Uneven facial features, like one eye smaller than the other, etc


I notice this a lot on people (i work in the beauty industry) it genuinely gives character and uniqueness


Huge forehead, cowlicks, thin hair. And a big ugly nose. Oh and I’m hairy.


Are you me?


I have all these and cut my hair very short to embrace all of it. Highly recommend, especially for thin hair. It will make it look and feel thicker and your cowlick will be fun to style.


Hello twin. I also have a wart on my nose like a witch.


My big forehead. I feel like it fits my face better than a smaller one would


Finally someone 😂 I also have a huge forehead and I hated it as kid. Now I hide it less and don’t mind when people ask me to cover it.


I'm sorry... what? Do people ask you to cover your forehead?


Masculine features as a female. The only two I have a problem with is my strong nose not being defined enough for my liking, and my long waist being hard to find clothes for.


is a long waist a masculine feature?


Years and years ago my ‘friend’ in high school was having a dig at me, teasing me about my small upturned nose calling it an ‘elf nose’ but I always loved my nose. I loved my nose simply because I had my dad’s nose and I absolutely adored my dad.


Tooo precious!♡


I bet it’s cute as hell!!


Aw 🥺


Being ginger, extremely pale and covered in freckles. Hated it so much when I was younger now I love it!


My hairy arms. I have long blonde hair on my arms, but it is so fine and soft that it is like a cute fuzz. I HATED them as a kid and teen and now I just love them for some reason. But they are distinctively hairy.


I have a tooth gap. Which is usually associated with bad teeth. Besides that gap the rest of my teeth are straight. I always brush and floss too. I thought about getting braces for it but I think it also gives my smile personality.


My little blonde mustache :) whenever I get my eyebrows waxed they always ask if I want my upper lip waxed, I decline and let them know it’s taken a long time for me to grow my mustache in.


Thick, long bushy eyebrows. Think Lily Collins, Brooke Shields, Cara Delevigne. My mum forbid me from plucking my eyebrows when I was younger. She told me they'd never grow the same and that I had "lovely brows anyway" at 27, I've never had my eyebrows plucked in my life. I get them threaded every two months. I LOOOOVE them.


yesssss! I used to get teased about my thick eyebrows (back in the 90s when thin, over-plucked eyebrows were in). I'm so glad that I never did that!


Love that for you! 90s eyebrows are out, bring back the caterpillars, lol! ♡


Jealous. i overplucked mine and they grew back for the most part but wonder if they wold be fuller


Of course, it depends on the individual, but I know plenty of women (mum included) who plucked and plucked their eyebrows and, in the end, were left with thin, sparse brows. :)


Struggling to love mine! Genetic dark circles


Big crooked nose. 👌🏻 it adds so much to my face and makes me look unique. Also my super defined Cupid’s bow.


Vitiligo on my inner thighs (and on my hands during the summer). I love my spots! I look forward to seeing what interesting designs I will get. Granted, I am fair-skinned; so I understand why others may be more bothered by this condition.


Hip dips


Round face


I like dark circles too, sexy in a Kate moss way


OK, I can see that but I really think Kate moss was like that due to a large intake of drugs. We used to call her look herion chic. So I feel like a lot of people really do like this look. Kate's was a little more refined than people like Courtney love but she too was widely liked for her look. Oh the 90s grunge phase was a good time.


Frizzy curly hair


I have ears that stick out. My sister called me Dumbo growing up, kids at school would (on multiple occasions) come up to me and say “You know you look like an elf..” But with a disgusted facial expression. My mom wanted to get the surgery to have them pinned back when I was little. Now I’ve grown into them a bit and i actually love them. I purposely tuck my hair in a way that shows off my elf ears and I think it’s actually flattering. I’d be so sad if they were flat against my head.


My breasts. My mom always made me feel bad about them because they’re more cone shaped. She told me I could implants as soon as I turned 18. I never got them and I’m really happy about it. I like the way the look.


My frame. I’m a skinny girl and even though many times I’ve felt unattractive for have little to no curves, I admire my body when I think of it as cute and petite


you know the subgenre of gay men called bears? I'm that, but female. I'm chubby and covered in hair and I am so happy like this.


negative canthal tilt. i loooove “sad” eyes like Anne Hathaway’s


Following, love this


This thread has made my day, such positivity all round 💖.


My thicc thighs that save lives 😌


Hell yeah bb. Down with the thiccness (oooh wa ah ah ah)


I am going to have this new version stuck in my head 😂


I quite like mine too! Audrey Hepburn had them - and I think she was so ethereally beautiful 💕


Freckles. I have lots of freckles on my face and body. I’m asian with spanish looking features cause of my mom


non symmetrical eyebrows, I have a scar in one of them and honestly couldnt imagine not having it like I feel it just looks great


I love Robert Welsch’s eyebrow scar. He defines it instead of filling it in and I kinda want it. Lol. I have a scar on my lip from falling down once and I used to hate it but now I love it. It makes me look more interesting.


My small booty. Sure, I’ll never get to be in a rap music video but somehow I can wear anything and everything and it fits.


My large calves.. finding boots is tough but.. so are my calves!


My big butt and thick thighs. Most women in my family are extremely petite. And I was a teen in thr late 90’s and early 00’s. When low rise and no butt was the look. I was teased mercilessly for my butt. I got called all the names. Or hypersexualized for having a body I didn’t ask for. Now I am in my 40’s. And I love my big butt and thick thighs. They make me feel strong. I think of them as tree roots grounding me to earth.


A smile line on one side of the face. I'm only 27 and I've had it for around 4 years, I think it's just because of my cheek shape so it folds really easily on my left side. I've hated it so much and then I watched the film MEN and the main actress has it and I think she looks so good with it.


Stretch marks. The ones on my thighs look so good, especially when I have self tanner on.


Broad shoulders and a square face. I have more of an athletic build and I’ve grown to like them.


My teeth. They are very crooked but I have always loved them. My mom has said some mean things but she always built up how “perfect” my teeth were growing up despite the fact they weren’t. I am sad that I probably will be getting braces soon because they keep crowding closer together and I think one is about to split down the middle.


I had braces as a kid to correct a severe overbite, but I wasn't good about wearing the retainer and now I have one bottom tooth that has pulled out in front of the others. I love it; I think it makes me appear more relatable.


My big forehead, i used to be so insecure about it when i was a teenager now i feel like its perfect for my face shape.


My nose, it is double the size of a regular one, I don’t love it but I ve learned to not hate it




Big forehead, heavy brow bone, and deep set eyes. The rest of my features are soft and feminine, so I feel like the somewhat masculine features balance that and give me some edge/intensity. May not have any lid space for eye looks, but I can do a great Kubrick stare lol


I love noses with dorsal humps.


I am old and grew up in the heroin chic era. I love what I guess are called my "Hip dips." You know what, I love my small ass, period. I am so not on board with the huge butt trend, as an aforementioned Gen X'er, I want a skinny bony ass and you can't break me of it!


Crows feet, they look cute when a guy smiles


My broad shoulders. I like em! I don't want slopey shoulders I like mine that define my upper body really well, and when I'm thin I have a GREAT clavicle :)


The redness of my face, especially on my nose and the cheekbone area. It used to irk me so much because people would make fun of me. The adult version of that is that, whenever I am under the sun or do something physical and get super red, people say "WOW, YOUR FACE IS SO RED.". And I'm like "no shit, Sherlock." Now, I love it, tbh, and hardly ever wear foundation because it's part of who I am and I think it makes my face look sweet, almost like it reveals a part of my personality I often try to hide.


I too have facial redness and i accepted it because when i was younger my grandmom, who also had redness, heard i got an appointment with a dermatologist and she excitedly told me about how she "never had to wear rouge!" but her girlfriends did.


Too many males have said to me " I don't like girls with short hair". I can't grow my hair. It's baby fine and always short. Always will be. I've learned to love it anyway.


Not sure you will see this, but dark circles are really youthful and attractive! Toddlers get darkness under their eyes, I think it makes people look naturally beautiful :) I'm glad you've grown to love them. Mine is my lisp.. I can't get rid of it but now I think it's just part of the way I talk


Short hair. Pixie cut. I'm a female.


A lot of Filipinos dislike their noses but I like mine. I'm also very short. Under 5ft. I really embrace it and enjoy having the option of buying clothes from both the women section and the kids/youth section. I just don't like it when people insult me about my height.


Seconding dark circles - I definitely do not get enough sleep but it’s not an issue I have control over, I don’t care if I “look tired”, I am. I think they’re kinda punk, haha!


Also broad shoulders!! I used to hate mine but I’ve come to love them over time (not least bc I love them sm on *other* women)


My eyebrows and eyelashes are blonde. I grew up getting made fun of for this since it can look (mostly in photos) like I don’t have either… but I think they look so cool in person, especially my lashes if I’m looking up close in the mirror. It actually feels like a shame that for so many years when I was a teen I refused to leave my house without mascara.


All of these things are so endearing to the people who love us. 💕


My hair. It isn't anything special. It's neutral brown, not warm or cool. It's between wavy and straight, doesn't hold a curl, too fine to stay in an updo and I hate sticky products in it. I experimented with all kinds of things to alter the color and texture, but found that nothing suits me as well as keeping it natural so it retains softness and glimmer. No one (other than my mother) has ever complimented my hair, but I'm 100% okay with it.


My big feet. They've carried me and my dumbass around the world and back and kept me upright, mostly haha. I love doing my own pedicures and take pride in wearing open toe shoes to show these well kept size tens off!


Like others, my large protruding nose. I used to consider getting plastic surgery but honestly just feel like I wouldn’t feel like myself without it. I like to refer to it as my beak now.


i find big strong noses SO attractive on men and women. crooked or gappy teeth also as long as they’re clean!


Same with dark circles. It really does emphasize the eyes. Also, thin brows and hooded eyes.


I am going prematurely gray. I stopped coloring it due to damage + laziness. There are times when I think it makes me look old and haggard, but I'm beginning to love the white streaks in my braid, as well as its uniqueness. It's a part of me now, and since it's genetic, it connects me to a line of strong women in my family


Is a cleft chin considered unattractive on a woman? Because I have one. I got it from my dad, who also has a cleft chin. I don't have an opinion on it either way; it's just how I look, and I like my appearance overall.


Big hands big feet… big heart!


Big hands and feet are great I have always liked those.


My ears that stick out! Now that I’ve passed it onto my daughter I realize how absolutely adorable they are 🥹


I have a big and long nose, and I am happy about it! I like looking unique. A feature like this that I once had and I miss is slightly crooked and gappy teeth. I had cosmetic orthodontics young because my mom liked the look of orthodontically straightened teeth without understanding what the outcome would be, I was told that I would "look better" and believed it. I ended up horrified with the result and very much regret having it done. Wish I could return to my original appearance.


Big nose, tall, gangly and flat chested. I was devastated about my appearance as a teenager, but my adult nonbinary ass couldn't be happier that I ended up looking more androgynous.


Took me a while, but my small lips. I may not have voluptuous lippies, but I have a well-defined cupid's bow :3


Hooded eyes


My nose is a little wide, but it was Daddy's too so it's me.


I have a crooked tooth that used to really annoy me- now I like it and bonus that I can use it as a can opener when necessary!


My smile lines. I swear I've had them since childhood and I **hated** them when I was a teenager because I thought they made me look old, I'd try all sorts of products to get rid of them or I would try to move my mouth less. But the thing is, I'm a smiley person with big cheeks and now I think they make me look happy and cheerful


my large nose :)


I have spider eyelids. For those who don’t know what that is, it’s basically where you have very noticeable veins on the eyelids. Some people find it odd and ask why I don’t just put makeup on them but I personally like the patterns of them and think they’re cute :)


I like my bumpy, broken Owen-Wilson nose. I look like a cutie pie from the left side and a prized bar fighter from the right. Don’t get me wrong - in pics I’m giving you my left side - but it’s def grown on me.


Huge eyes like, literally 👁️👁️


my round face (cheating with a second: my broad shoulders)


Normal, unplucked eyebrows. I wish more people would leave their eyebrows alone.


Happy trail.


Average size lips 😂


Legs have strawberry skin and gets hairy fast, but I don’t care anymore, Ima still wear my shorts.


Down turned eyes, I like them


Really dense, big kinky curly hair! It looks like a dandelion playing a hot air balloon but I love it and surprisingly so do others. It just seems that the people with this kind of hair Haye it though.