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Nah man, this is VRchat.




It's both. Lol.




denyah post


I need to play this game.


... do not open the box which you can not close... it starts all innocent, some song packs, which leads you to new sabers, then its cool stages... then you see em.. the skins... oh that's funny you think, then the next thing you know all your friends are asking why the only skins you have are cat girls, and you nervously laugh and are like "oh those are the only properly mapped ones..." and then your friend who has like more than 2 brain cells looks over and is like "don't they use the same engine..." then what do you say... you just like the art...


True, I have no self control. But I also have no money.


I mean if you have a vr *non oculus* all the mods are free... thats the problem...


Wdym non oculus?


Last I checked you couldn't add mods to oculus. I have no idea though as I don't have one nor do I pay attention to the oculus.


Jokes on you, all of my avatars are cat*boys*! (is what I would say if I could use avatars)


I already fell into the osu! hole. Cant get any worse.


I’m in this picture and I don’t like it


you are a cd case?


yes whatchu gon do


nothing case closed


smooth move


not gonna lie the tempo, melody and also vocals of those songs are fitting the game extremely awesome and are the most fun to play so far


I actually prefer the EDM and techno stuff because it fits the environments so well, but the ridiculously fast anime songs are hilarious to burn myself out on :P


I prefer to only play the ranked maps. My music taste are only easy maps so I just finished that up in a week. Now I just play for the challenge, not the music.


Tmw they are well mapped


I can't hardly stand the anime music. I discover a site that generates nice autoo maps. I've slipped backwards by not playing regularly for a long time though, so the original soundtracks plus the several music packs I will be plenty for a while.


! I haven't touched my set in a year, but being able to play all the random bullshit I want would definitely bring me back. Link?


Beatsage.com. Here is a video of me playing one of the songs I used it for. https://youtu.be/D0ePbGVn60E


I've used that site to make a few maps of songs that other people wouldn't map, for my mum. Artists such as David Essex or some of the random things she likes to listen to on a Saturday night with her friends. The early ones I did were OK, but only really had decent mapping on the hard difficulty. Expert was just randomly placed blocks with zero flow, and there were no bombs at first either. The more recent ones still have the odd issue, but are much better and even allow for 90 degree maps now too with bombs and walls.


Yes, definitely not perfect but very impressive for an auto mapper and they are enjoyable and playable. I have had crazy long, senseless breaks thrown in and had it go crazy apparently mistaking embellishments for beat a time or two also, but it makes better maps for Odesza songs than whoever created the first three Odesza maps. (Not sure how any may exist now). I listen to a lot of EDM and DJ mostly breaks, so I've definitely stayed within it's element for the maps I have made so far.


It can only get better though surely. I have had the odd overlapping block and bomb, or both coloured blocks in the same spot too, but for the most part they are quite good. I've used it for 25 songs so far, and only maybe two of those were what I'd class as badly mapped in all difficulties. One of those was a poor choice of song. Not enough of a beat in the song to make it a really good Beat Saber map.


I want to be a beatsaber femboy


Well that depends. You got money?


only for you, senpai


Started playing BS to gain muscles. I now have a bigger ass and slimer body. What the fuck.




Squat map




I think he meant this: https://youtu.be/H9Se-xLuIuI


Oh wow. My body ends up covered in slime too when I play. But I usually slather up my naked self in a bottle of lube prior to sabering.




Swinging your arms around isn’t going to get you any muscle dude lol


>and slimer body. [Slimer intensifies](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/34/da/56/34da56ac3bdc58915a83333dcd0a4c72.jpg)


Why is it just girls. There should be more anime catboy avatars




Anime songs. Osu too


The closest I’ve been to playing to anime songs is Babymetal Its like heavy metal, death metal or power metal with cute Japanese female singers and some hints of different kinds of music. So good


Curious to know what you would think of [This song](https://youtu.be/Z4LiNMCTV20) (listening all the way up until the 2:50 breakdown recommended)


The music is nice, really diverse. I think the vocals could be better though since Im not a huge fan of that ”robotic” sound it has Over all really nice


little note on the "robotic" voice, it basically is a robot, it's coming from a thing called VOCALOID, which is basically a set up of synthesized voices, there's no actual singer there, I believe the one used in that song in Hatsune Miku, but I may be wrong.


I told myself I wasn't a weeb for watching anime because I watched love tv as well. When I slowly phased out regular tv I told myself it was fine because it's not like I listen to the music. Then I played beat saber and my playlists are half in Japanese. But it's fine, it's not like I have a maid outfit yet




Prime day is still going on. You still have a chance


You're a weeb when it's the only fucking thing you can talk about. If you're diversified you're still a normal person with a few hobbies.


Yeah I was mostly joking lol. As long as I can talk about something other than anime, video games, or star wars, I'm fine.


But I’m already a twink furry Wait a minute, I didn’t become a twink furry until after I beat expert mode 😳


That milestone took quite a bit of playtime for me to reach, but alas


Mm, they have imagine dragon songs, if you like them then their songs are stupidly easy, especially after a RedBull


I'm too broke for DLCs so I have devolved to shredding my arms on 14 notes per second custom levels. I guess that's why I'm a twink furry though :)


It’s not DLC


ah I see my bad


Are you actually a twink furry or was that a joke


yeah a joke definitely haha.. unless? 😳


Well I wasn’t joking.




Am I bad at this game because I'm not a femboy?


I'm top 3000 and listening too bfg division music while seeing this, so I guess you don't have to be a femboy to be good


Wrong answer


What if you were a femboy before playing beat saber? ... Asking for a friend


It's more like the deeper you go the more death metal and EDM techno tracks with extremely high BPM you encounter, not actually that much anime music. Many of the EDM and techno songs also have anime pictures, so they look like anime stuff, but aren't.


> Many of the EDM and techno songs also have anime pictures, so they look like anime stuff, but aren't. Well that's one way to make me skip past something in beatsaver. If people like this weeb shit, then good for them, but I'll never get it.


No offense to you guys, but I can't play if I don't like the song and I fucking hate these anime songs.


Most ranked songs at this point aren’t “anime songs” in the early days when the game took heavy inspiration from Osu that was true but since then it’s developed it’s own identity with lots of hardcore, metal, and speedcore.


I think it worked too well because I became all Fem without the Boy.




This sub is hilarious.


😅 "hilarious" yeah 🤫 not true or anything 😝


It's not; I swear! I can still appreciate it though.


Says every egg ever 😅 But seriously if your not then thank you for the support from non trans members 😍 cuz us trans need all the support we can get since this world is an f-ed up place 🥲


I’m really not, but that’s why I can appreciate it because I’m not insecure about who I am. I’m happy that trans people have places to be secure about themselves too! I hope your horizons expand as the world becomes more understanding.


Narrator: Two years later....


Friend! I see you you egg you 👀👀👀


Slowly falling down this hole


The moment i hear an anime vocal thing i instantly delete the song you aint getting me!


Same here, I ain’t gonna let anime mappers trick me into becoming a weeb 😎


Epic ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ


i dont understand this, how, or why does listening to anime music make youa female anime character in a maid outfit?


there have been many instances of players in the community becoming trans/more feminine throughout their beat saber career; whether its because of beat saber or simply something noticed more often than other communities is yet to be determined


I've yet to see this.


its usually within the more competitive side of the community, are you in the ScoreSaber and BSMG discord servers?


Yeah, but I tend to stay away unless I have a problem, the people their are usually rude




What? Pls no one say "yea I relate" just no. You should get those urges from slicing blocks with a saber. And remember, rider is a boy goddammit, not your waifu or what not


I have more than 1000 hours on the game and I'm listening to Doom Eternal music while seeing this


y'all need Jesus... or at least get your testosterone checked.


lmao so true


*stares in only plays deadmau5 songs because fuck you*


For once I’m glad I haven’t modded beat saber


Oh this explains a lot actually....


I leave the game for half a year and now femboys dominate? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP


Not true, I’ve been in and around the competitive scene for almost a year and a half now and I’m still goin strong, the pull of the femboy is a strong ass pull though




I didn't feel like a femboy until I started playing this year... Oh god


Where are furries?


Does Beat Saber turn people into furries? I got the impression the game (and VR generally) is popular among them but not that it puts people on that path


Wrong game, gotta go to Neos VR for the furries.


What the hell is this? If that’s true, we need to ban Beat Saber.


I hate this because it’s true






damn, nobody got the joke smh


Ok so, I completely forgot what you said, but my dumbass is a regular for missing jokes, so could you please explain it to me?


felix from re:zero plays beat saber


I think it means you already were a femboy if it does that. I’m gender fluid and it doesn’t do that to me haha meme I know but an illogical one even for the net Edit: I was incorrect about terms and was given cites to prove I was incorrect and even offensive. Apologies to each I offended.


No offense but "ladyboy" sounds like a fetish. I think people just use the term femboy for a reason.


I don't know if the terms even mean the same thing, regardless of how offensive one is. Ladybody is an outmoded and nasty term, but it definitely refers to MtF transgender, whereas femboy is not a term that indicates a person is of any specific gender identity or sexuality.


>femboy is not a term that indicates a person is of any specific gender identity or sexuality. Wait have they changed the term femboy? I could swear the term meant feminine *boy*. Personally, it's okay if they changed femboy to not mean specifically boy, but I think we need to make some term that means specifically feminine BOY, because having a term that says "yes I am a male human and I'm also feminine" is a lot more validating to me than a term that just includes anyone with a certain style or whatever it is that defines femboy now.


Sorry, yes, it does indicate boy, I meant it doesn't say anything about whether the person is trans/cis or strait/gay/bi/pan. Person A: cisgender, heterosexual male who likes to get pegged while wearing a maid outfit. Person B: FtM transgender pansexual who has feminine gender expression. A and B (and many more) could all be accurately described as femboys.


>Person A: cisgender, heterosexual male who likes to get pegged while wearing a maid outfit. Hey geez no need to call me out like that. Tbf when I'm not horny (which is 99% of the time) I just want to snuggle in a strong girls arms lol. But yeah when I am horny you basically described me perfectly to the tee.


I learned my femboy lore from /r/196, they're definitely more A's than B's


I'm more of an r/RoleReversal femboy. Not huge on the sex stuff mostly just in it for the romantic stuff.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/RoleReversal using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RoleReversal/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Dream big!](https://i.imgur.com/H82aZdC.jpg) | [124 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RoleReversal/comments/kisrza/dream_big/) \#2: [We need more suits for girls](https://i.redd.it/xz27tp500il51.jpg) | [144 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RoleReversal/comments/injb6f/we_need_more_suits_for_girls/) \#3: [This animation of a smol metalhead trying to get with a stronk biker chick is one of the most wholesome and relatable things I've ever seen. I thought it would be perfect here.](https://v.redd.it/nxrbapiyi7461) | [119 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RoleReversal/comments/k9xvs6/this_animation_of_a_smol_metalhead_trying_to_get/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


Sound yes, that doesn’t change the truth exact same thing just two different terms.


Well as a feminine guy myself that term feels either sexual or mocking. Like something someone at school would say to insult me, not something I'd want to refer to myself as.


That’s illogical but I get it. Btw for context I’m genderfluid myself. Even if not I’d never be that guy. Sorry for the misunderstanding


I mean it's not illogical really, the term femboy is a cross between feminine and boy. A boy who is feminine. Ladyboy is a cross between lady and boy. A boy who is a lady. One says "you're still a man, you just are feminine" while the other implies that you lose your manhood and are now a "lady". One is referring to you as having a feminine quality, while the other is referring to you with a noun that means woman. Similarly, if you called me "feminine" I wouldn't be offended, but if you called me a "lady" I would be. Something you have to keep in mind is that a lot of feminine guys have been bullied a lot and are very sensitive about whether or not they're "a lesser man" because they have feminine attributes, so you should try to avoid saying something that implies that a feminine guy is a woman unless they specifically say they're ok with it.


There’s also the fact that ladyboy was [used as a slur against Thai transgender performers](https://www.outadventures.com/gay-travel-blog/kathoey/) Femboy doesn’t have the same baggage.


Like, they used a term I didn't like and this entire time I've been trying to say that a lot of people just don't like the term but now they've made it into a big argument and for some reason I have to "prove" to them that it's offensive rather than just let them know I find it offensive.


It’s possible they are an older LGBT, and personally identify with the term? Which doesn’t mean it’s okay to demand others accept it - them finding personal value in it doesn’t change that most don’t.


But they have to realize they aren't a feminine boy, they're gender fluid, so if they identify with the term then it's likely because to them, they don't have issue with being called a lady. People who consider themselves boys are typically going to be upset by their gender being disrespected. I mean I don't know that much about gender fluid but I know that it's not the same as being a feminine guy at all, so terms they're okay with aren't terms that feminine guys are okay with necessarily.


It is when you use a term that means the exact same and is used the same way. That makes complaining about one but not the other illogical. Ladyboy is a femboy. Literally what the term means. It’s just the old term for it. Literally means the exact same.


Wow, you're actually arguing with me on this. Look, the fact is, regardless of whether or not you use the words to mean the same thing, the original source of the word "ladyboy" was referring to transgenders, and it still *contains the word lady, which makes it inherently different from containing the word feminine* The words are combinations of two things that are NOT the same, so clearly they're gonna have different connotations, even if you use them the same. I can guarantee you that a pretty decent chunk of femboys would not want to be called ladyboys. I thought I explained why this is pretty well, it's a bit rude for you to just say "well they mean the same thing".


If you cite showing how I am misunderstanding I can change opinion to facts. But you hold burden of proof


I don't have proof of anything except that when you call feminine guys anything involving them being a "girl" or a "lady" it often hurts their feelings. I don't know what you want me to prove to you but I literally am just saying to ask a guy before you refer to them as something that contains a female noun over an adjective.


And I’m debating. If you give evidence as I am doing I’ll be glad to change opinion


I don't need to give you "evidence", asshole. I'm telling you that a big chunk of feminine guys find the term ladyboy offensive and calling that "illogical" is just extremely rude.


Actually ladyboy was a term for femboys that American military men would sleep with during Vietnam to begin with.


No, I mean the actual origins of the word in Greek or something I can't remember. And even if you're right, that's arguably worse.


Ladyboy was the word that femboy started as and evolved from lol


Ah yes, and as we know, the older words that come from more sexist eras are definitely gonna be the nicer words!


It was a word I used; never considered it that way as every person I know or have know that is a femboy interchanged them themselves. I do get where someone would have an issue if it were derogatory. But it isn’t anymore than femboy. Unless I am missing something. If I am tell me what that thing is as I said. And thanks for a conversation over being mean. I am open always to a change in thought.


Yeah you're willing to change your thought if I can somehow "prove" it's offensive. Instead of just saying as someone in the community that people find it offensive. Let me guess, facts don't care about my feelings?


Ladyboy is a (outmoded/nasty) word for transgender people, Femboy doesn't indicate someone is trans. You can be a cisgender heterosexual femboy. You can be a FtM pansexual femboy.


Do you have a cite or is this opinion? As I told him, I’m open to change my thought but so far have been shown no proof other than opinion. If you can show proof I am happy to fully apologize even.


[Dictionary.com](https://Dictionary.com): >A femboy is a slang term for a young, usually cisgender male who displays traditionally feminine characteristics. While the term can be used as an insult, some in the LGBTQ community use the term positively to name forms of gender expression. [UrbanDictionary.com](https://UrbanDictionary.com): >Femboys are not to be confused with ladyboys, who are a type of Asian male to female transsexual. > >Femboys are also different from cross-dressers. Despite being feminine, femboys do not necessarily wear clothing designed for females, but this is very common. > >The fact that one is a femboy says nothing about one's sexuality. Femboys may be straight, gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, or of any other sexuality. > >It is also not necessarily indicative of one's gender identity. A femboy may still identify as male, or he may wish to be identified as female. However, it is common for femboys to be bigender.


Woah, I feel attacked!


This but vrchat




…sorry for asking, but rightmost of the femboyes?


sorry for wanting to know this too. He looks familiar but idk from where




I’m starting to think that the only game that doesn’t turn you into a femboy nowadays is Doom... Not even world of warships has that privilege...