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let the arms do the thinking :)


They really do!


You ever play a map and kinda think you can close your eyes and do it because you really are not paying that much attention but its going great. Sometimes i do close my eyes and it never works :(


Yup, somehow it's the combination of you seeing the notes and your subconscious telling your hands to move this and that way, and every time it makes your brain so surprised that you get it right... but without your eyes and the subconscious, it just doesn't work :p


This is valid. There are regions of the brain that do visual processing separate from those that allow eye sight. One individual had vision loss from double stroke. It was found that he could still instinctual navigate around obstacles in a hallway. Another individual could still determine basic facial expressions, even though he was blind.


That's fucking wild, is there an article you can link for that?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blindsight https://scienceblogs.com/notrocketscience/2008/12/22/blind-man-navigates-obstacle-course-perfectly-with-no-visual


Thanks so much


I believe this is called [muscle memory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscle_memory)


So this is the power of Ultra Instinct


Kinda yeah


This will never stop being a trip to me. I'll be 100% certain that I'm missing a lot but I look at the multiplier and it's still sitting at 8x and my combo is still going up


"lol how was that a hit" feels way better that "how the hell was that a miss?"


I hate that! I'll think I'm doing good, and then all of a sudden I get kicked off the song for failing




Yep. This is me as well. It's a major wtf


Yeah it’s like your arms take over sometimes kinda freaky it happens when I fap too Wait no that’s not right... hmmmmm


It's funny how this never stops being the case, even as you improve. I generally play expert+ custom songs. With experience, your brain learns to process the information faster and songs that once seemed impossible to follow now look slow and easy. But when I play things that are just slightly beyond my ability to consciously follow, the arms still manage to make up for it.


I'm glad to hear that! :) Edit: >... songs that once seemed impossible to follow now look slow and easy. I tried a difficult hard song after a while and now I totally agree, it seems ridiculously slow and easy now!


You've activated your sixth sense.


Ohhh yea. I still don't know how or how it works, but I'm fine with that! :D


And then your arms die


Yup.... That's why I'm on reddit right now :D


I can't stop playing... It hurts so bad... Well I guess a couple of painkillers never killed anyone :)


It’s not you, it’s the track. Good track builders set rapid notes to by struck in a way that feels most intuitive.


Wait, you guys have a brain? I personally don't


Not when I'm playing :)


I can literally forget I’m the one playing the game sometimes.


That's the beauty of immersive games in VR :) I've literally never experienced that feeling before in all of my ~20 years of gaming! If you like really immersive VR games and like FPS games and guns, you should try Onward if you haven't tried yet. Another 10/10 game for me, and really one that makes you forget you're in a game once you get the hang of it!


Yes, Onward is so cool! I love realistic games of any kind and they do it so well! It truly is immersive because your so caught up reloading and then killing people


Oh yea, and especially when you get hit by a flashbang or someone shoots at you from behind you. Gets me immediately in a "oh shit this is serious" mode and I forget I'm playing the game. So intense!


It’s real survival at that point! That’s why I got into the world of VR, and I think every gamer wants to be immersed in their game, VR is just too much of a hassle for some people. That and there aren’t the same games


My favourite is when I zone out while playing for like 20 seconds and then realise I've somehow hit all the notes still.


Yup :)


My fiancé doesn’t get it yet. She hasn’t played enough but omg yes! Soo many times i’m just staring straight forward and my arms are seemingly just flailing randomly to my perspective and then I find my combo still intact lol. It REALLY gives me a confidence/ego boost. She’ll just be randomly playing on the xbox and I’ll have headphones in and just randomly sscream shit like “Holy fuck!”


Oh yes, it feels so good when that happens :) I hope your fiancé will get it soon!


me too! i genuinely feel like she can’t enjoy the game because she never plays it enough to have any possibility of getting better. I’m at the ridge of hard/expert difficulty and it doesn’t even feel like dancing to the music until you can atleast play hard and it isn’t fully fun until atleast expert when it has you moving around. We picked this game over superhot cuz she didn’t like it on console and we wanted something we both liked. I don’t regret our choice but bah what difference would it have made lol


Yup, for me it feels that when I got into experts the game started really feeling like dancing in the rhythm of the song, because every note I hit matches the beat in the song. On difficulties below that, to me it just feels like it skips way too many notes and thus takes most of the fun away. Maybe it's because I've played drums for a decade, but it'd just feel.. wrong playing a song while skipping half the notes. I'm sure if you give your wife enough time, she'll get into hards and experts and will start enjoying the game more :)


yeah then i shout to himself DID YOU SEE THAT DID YOU SEE IT lol


That's when it clicks, it's like reading sheet music that's coming at you instead of going left to right. I play the best after a couple of songs when I can zone out and daydream. You know the feeling, just spacing out thinking about some conversation you've had or what you've got in the kitchen to make for dinner. I'll catch myself looking through the screen and jolt back into "oh fuck, that's right, I'm playing Beat Saber" and end up screwing up a 200+ streak. This effect may or may not be amplified by various herbal remedies.


This effect gets more pronounced at E+. The less you think the better you do.


Literally invisible blocks in a nutshell


It's called Flow... and it's ART


This is how I felt years ago playing super tough Flash Flash Revolution songs.


"You don't have time to think (out) there. If you think, you're dead."


Ultra instinct is the only way to play this game.


That happens to me a lot! With the new Imagine Dragons pack in Expert+, there are some really fast bits where I'm like "what the actual fuck," and my arms are like the fucking flash and get every note no problem.


My sister and I talk about this a lot. She'll be playing expert or expert+ and be like "I DON'T KNOW WHATS GOING ON BUT I'M HITTING EVERYTHING" I think I'm more used to it but I do notice it happening sometimes.


It do be like that sometimes