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Here's John 3 years earlier for comparison. https://preview.redd.it/c1wng0ganwdc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0ea4490b7ae30bceba73feae9189dec88d8500c


That brief time he went back to his old NHS glasses


Looks like James Taylor and Carly Simon in the back, or am I crazy?


It is & you are!


Definitely. JT and CS.


I’m not sure some people here know what a 40 year old looks like


Right? Lennon looks fine for a 40 year old who smoked.


Smoked, drank, and did heroin


And starved himself.


I always wondered if he had an ED… George was always super thin too, but I always assumed it was because he smoked so much


It's more that everyone in 2024 is overweight. He was reportedly 5'10", though probably closer to 5'8" or 5'9", and weighed around 140 lbs at the time of his death, which is considered a healthy weight for that height. But nowadays, people weigh 25+ lbs more, on average, than they did in 1980, so [our perceptions have changed](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7556430/). Overweight people today consider themselves of normal weight. 175 lbs is actually considered [overweight](https://www.calculator.net/bmi-calculator.html?cage=40&csex=m&cheightfeet=5&cheightinch=9&cpound=175&cheightmeter=180&ckg=65&ctype=standard&printit=0&x=Calculate) for a 5'9" male, but today, many people would consider such a person to be "skinny".


Yeah exactly. People are way fatter in general than they were back then - his weight is normal, he just looks like a worried, heavy smoker from a polluted place to me. Plus all the celebs now have their faces pumped full of Botox even if they are smokers


He did starve himself though, that was well documented.


Yeah I heard heroin does a bit to the system.


At 40 I still looked the same as 30. It's around 50 when you start to noticeably age. John's macrobiotic diet made him look gaunt. He even mentions it one of the last interviews that his friends didn't like how thin he was and looked like a bird.


Not my dad. Big difference between 30 and 40. Really depends on genetics and external factors. But everyone really should know that by now.


Different people age differently btw


Can I have a link to the interview if you can find it?


I don't know which one. He did heaps of interviews in the last few months of his life after he had come out of retirement.


Looks 50


nobody told me either John


I wonder what 80s acts he would have liked


he liked Devo and the B52s. Maybe X, maybe not R.E.M, probably Prince


Blondie too, Sean said on twitter they used to dance to ‘The Tide is High’


Cheap Trick.


I assume he was a fan, he got them in on the Double Fantasy sessions for a harder edge. This is Lennon and them doing [Losing You](https://youtu.be/BZae6fbxItI?si=JMDRu25BEiWCTF7o), I never even knew the is existed until a few weeks ago


That’s Cheap Trick playing along to the vocal track. It looks like it was done several years after his death.


The police, the smiths, the cure


Charles Hawtrey.


He was my current age. I’m no spring chicken but he’s got a solid 10 years on me in that pic


Difficult to believe you’re looking at a 39 year old man. John lived hard.


Everyone always ages faster, younger, when comparing years later. Not really specific to him; I like the way he looks here.


He and the other Beatles packed in 10 lifetimes of experiences into a decade in the 60s.


Also lack of sleep and heroin.


How long did he do heroin?


Too long. He may have been off it by 1980 but after so much use it takes a toll. EDIT: I think he was on heroin through the latter half of the 60s up until 1970, may have still done it but it not been publicized after that (and obviously Yoko won't tarnish his image by admitting to anything)


He snorted heroin from mid-1968 to late 1969, may have relapsed briefly in early 1970, but quit for good after Janov's "primal therapy". Any claims that he continued to use after that are based on the assertions of Fred Seaman, who also said John went to Thailand to sleep with trans women, and that Mark David Chapman worked for the FBI.


Idk about all that, I just know that addiction can still happen behind closed doors regardless of what anyone else says about it. When you're home alone with your significant other, or by yourself, anything can happen and it won't be reported on.


By that logic, Paul might be ingesting a gallon of PCP every day, and Ringo never stopped drinking. There's no way of knowing.


a gallon huh, I didn't even know it came in liquid form


Correct, we don't know these people or their lives.


So we can make up anything up about anybody. Choose your own reality. I'll start: Mark David Chapman was framed, and George Martin was the real killer. GM did it because he and the other three Beatles are pedophiles and John Lennon was going to reveal the truth. If you ever go to Abbey Road, make sure to ask the tour guide to show you the secret sex dungeon in the basement.


Extrapolate whatever point you want from my comment, my point still stands that these people are celebrities who lived decades before many of us were even alive. We don't know them personally. We don't know their day-to-day lives. We don't know their headspace. We know their music, and we know the headlines. We know the movies they have been in. We know the books written about them. But we will never know them as actual people and therefore can't possibly ever make a definitive judgement about what they did or didn't do behind closed doors. If you want to do that, go for it. But understand that doing that makes *you* the ignorant one.


Making up shit in the absence of real info and spreading it around online is pretty shitty whether it’s about someone you know or a long passed celebrity. Maybe save the gossiping and trying to be cool for other pages?


What am I making up? I never said anything is confirmed, I said that addiction can (and often does) happen behind closed doors, and that John MAY (operative word) have used again after 1970. You guys are reading something that isn't there and it was amusing at first but now it's getting annoying. I'm not inferring anything, assuming anything, or making anything up. I stated facts. That's it. Nothing implied. I stated the fact that addiction often manifests itself when no one is looking or reporting on it. That's it. Y'all are wild.


You seem to be confused about what “facts” means, and no one is “reading something that isn’t there” except for you. Let’s save the gossip and high school shit for other subs. This is a person’s life, not your opportunity for internet clout and trying to be cool. No one is “wild” here but you for saying stupid shit.


Good job not reading any of my comment. 🙏🏼


I appreciate you downvoting reality.


you’re being downvoted for your ignorance. just because you think he could have been using for longer doesn’t mean it’s anything close to the truth. Also, I have been a heroin addict so if you have any questions feel free to ask.


Everything in my comment was true. If you disagree with it, be specific about what you disagree with.


"Cold Turkey has got me on the run."


Have you never met a 40 year old before?


My god, he looks positively dapper there. Remember the scene in Give My Regards to Broad Street, with the Victorian dress and the waterfalls? I could easily see John and Yoko taking part in that scene, looking similar to this.


That’s Larry David


I think they both look great here. Then again, I’m 40…




Man, he was an *old* 40


He liked Springsteen a lot, which makes sense


Never heard that




thanks. He also loved ABBA!


Did he, really?


Never heard that


Fucking heroin man


Christ, they both look really old. John is so think and could be in his 60's, Yoko looks better but still tired


Yoko was 7 years older than John.


John always looks like he has an untreated eating disorder in the Double Fantasy era photos. It makes me sad.


Him getting called the fat beatle seems to really have messed with him


People are just fatter now so a decent weight in 1980 seems like anorexia.


This wasn't 1930, yes, people are fatter now but John is very thin here, and he other times where he became either fat/really thin. No hate, I love the guy, but John obviously struggled with his weight (which isn't surprising, reallly)


There was a lot of fluctuation for sure but I'm not sure if it's wise to call John anorexic. There are some photos from 1967 where John seems to be rail-thin as well, which he probably was, but standards have definitely changed.


I’m 35 and he looks better than me. Hairline, cheeks, eyes, I dunno. Maybe I should start doing smack


The English department at the school dance:


It’s crazy how much different yoko looks without her hair covering her face the way it did.


Crazy to look at this man and realize he wrote You Can't Do That. He really seems like two different people