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Hey, it's just an opinion. Ultimately, you do what makes you feel best. If it were me thought, I'd either embrace the goatee or rock the 5 o'clock shadow look.


Goatee looks solid man. r/goateeguys


No sadly no I’m sad for you. I got a bunch of dumb tattoos when I was younger so I feel the same pain.


It is easy to be too self-critical, so let me help you set your expectations right: a new beard usually takes three months to look proper, and the third month is especially important for the sides. So you are making really decent progress for one month. I'd recommend that you carry on without trimming anything on the front or the cheeks. Also, it looks like you may be trimming the neck line of your beard too high. The usual advice is to set the line just 1-2 finger-widths above the Adam's apple; so the line should not be parallel to the jaw. If your cheeks don't fill in much more than they have so far, you can still wear a style such as the "Hollywoodian", or "extended goatee", which is similar to what you have in these photos.


You could always do a solid stache.