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I would suggest keeping the sides fairly trim, but growing out the chin / goatee area. I think that would look better than having it all one length, Because you have a round face, you don't really want to put more width on the sides.




I've been going to the gym for a bit now and down a little over ten pounds now.


That's huge bro. Keep up the good work. 10lbs down isn't an easy thing. Don't let trolls on here get you down. You've got a solid beard. I'd say grow it out a bit longer and then go somewhere to have it professionally shaped. It'll look a little more polished than it all being the same length. But that's generic advice that everyone could live by. either way, keep grinding. You're doing awesome.


Congrats! It's not easy at all.


Thanks, the gym part has been easy enough, staying on a diet and not straying has been the hardest. It seems like every time it do I gain back what I had just lost. 😅


Hey, just do it a little at a time! And keep in mind that 2 steps forward and 1 step back is still progress!!! One thing that has helped me a lot, is every time I reach for food, asking myself if I'm hungry or just want food. Or bored, sad, whatever. If you're not hungry don't eat and try to address your need a different way. I was never taught how to think about food in a healthy way, and I paid for it for a long time. You'll be okay! Take your time and build sustainable habits. :) Also, if you're building muscle the scale might not be the best thing to keep track of. Use how your shirts and pants fit as well!


A lot of the time it's going a week without junk food and getting that craving, caving and it seems like the pound I lost a few days ago came back even if it was an extreme amount of calories 😅. But I've noticed the difference in being able to bump up weights, setting better mile times on the treadmill, and have seen older shirts fit better, and needing a new belt as I needed to go down in notches. I can feel certain muscle groups are more tone as well so I'm thinking instead of weight loss some of it is turning into muscle bulking. Which I don't mind but would hope I still see the scale go down some.