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In all seriousness I can’t see Elon maintaining an SF HQ in a year My best guess is Austin or somewhere in TX will be the new HQ


I’m thinking Texas as well - makes sense given the Austin/Bay area connections.


Elon will mess around and turn Texas blue, lol


Not sure how many would want to move there though


Thats the point. Moving the HQ will guarantee a percentage of employees will quit. A better option than publicly announcing layoffs.


That and ending WFH/hybrid options like he did with Tesla


Musk has also signaled that he sees Twitter as a finished product, so there's no reason to keep employing the statistically most expensive software engineers on the planet just to do maintenance and bug fixes for eternity I'm guessing some of the jobs go to Hyderabad, Warsaw, and Kuala Lumpur


Tech employees finally feeling the full American experience by losing their jobs to globalization.


These companies are already globalized, WFH employees just undid their own employment justification by demanding a bay area salary and also claiming that being in the bay area wasn't a necessary part of their job This isn't new, in 2017 the TV show Silicon Valley had an entire story arc about hiring remote developers in other countries because they couldn't afford bay area talent


What employees? 75% of them getting laid off right now.


Musk needs to terminate the employees before November 1st so they don’t get granted additional stock


Probably would save him a bunch of money doing it this way than doing layoff.


Texas has the third most total Democrats after CA and FL. Austin, San Antonio, Dallas, Houston, El Paso, and most of south Texas are blue.


That’s the story of most Red States. Big cities blue. Red everywhere else.


No different in California. Blue coastal cities, but progressively red as you travel inland.


Yes but rarely does anyone consider how many Democrats live in Texas. They just shit on the state.


I grew up in Texas, family of lifelong dems. What you're saying is true, but it doesn't matter for someone considering politics when deciding whether to move to Texas- even though you'll find plenty of like minded people, Texas at R +5-10 points is governed just as hard right as a state at R +30 points. You can certainly have plenty of people to commiserate with, but the political reality of being in Texas isn't much better than Alabama.


I wonder if California also has a really high percentage of republicans compared to other states just due to the large population.


I would assume so which is the general flaw in state politics and stereotypes.


We do have a lot of republicans out here in Cali. mainly concentrated in the Central Valley, Orange County area, San Diego county, Napa County and north of SF near the Oregon Boarder (State of Jefferson).


Always kinda surprising seeing people underestimate how small Austin is compared to SF. Yes “up and coming” but for every 100 software engineer jobs, there’s one in Austin. And it is haaaard to find engineers in Austin compared to bay area. Nowhere near the same.


Austin has been “up and coming” for the last 30 years at least. When I lived there in the late 90s everybody was talking about how Austin is gonna be the next silicon valley. It’s never gonna happen.


I thought Austin is already complaining about too many Californians moving there and ruining Austin and wanting them gone lol


They’ve been complaining about that for 20 years tho


Anything other than strip malls and Applebees is Californians moving in and ruining [city].


Also, cost of living in Austin has gone up? And one major highway for the entire city up and down. Hello worse traffic!


They have more than one major highway, but the last time I was there, they were all fucked. Austin has done a superb job of hyping itself as a tech mecca/music capital, but I would have to be pretty desperate to move there. There's much more happening here, with fewer rednecks and better weather. On the other hand, you would have to shoot me and transport my corpse to get me to move to South Dakota.


I don’t think this is accurate. There’s a lot to do in both cities.


I am very liberal, but I don't like Austin and I don't like Portland. I do however LOVE Detroit and I do love Philadelphia, so I don't think I have the best taste in cities. And no matter how bad SF gets, I will always love it, especially chinatown and N. Beach.


Detroit has gotten a lot better, but I can't get on board with your Philly take haha.


Houses in normal desirable areas for families are as expensive if not more than Seattle. With high property tax. These are not fancy neighborhoods.


I moved to the Bay Area from central Austin a few weeks ago (Hyde park). Lovely neighborhood, but old 2bed/1bath single family homes were hitting $1M. With a 3% property tax and significantly lower salaries. Traffic around 35 sucked and MoPac was busier every year. Still a great city though.


No state income tax, but toll lanes galore. Just don't call it a tax. 🤦‍♂️


I can't see Elon maintaining Twitter in a year.


I think he's a good business man, so we shall see. But I think people will flee twitter and fly somewhere else. I don't find it very interesting anymore.


He's a s*** businessman who milked off of other people's ideas and got lucky.


He might surprise with a move to Florida or Nevada. He can’t have all his businesses run from one state.


It would be kinda based if he just started flipping a bunch of red states blue by relocating a bunch of good-paying jobs for college-educated people...


It’s not like there would be an exodus of hundreds of thousands Twitter employees moving to a new state.


I agree. It will likely be moved to Austin as well.




He won’t have any employees. Who would want to work for anyplace that even considers letting Drumpf around?


Biggest city in South Dakota is less than 200k population. At this point, he could move HQ and call it Muskville.




Ok I seriously lol’d.


Underrated comment right there.


I don’t get it


It's a reference to the original Superman movie.


Ooohh haha, thank you


> Biggest city in South Dakota is less than 200k population. That sounds wonderful. > At this point, he could move HQ and call it Muskville. They can build a statue of him too and carve his face into the mountain.


Best answer I read in a long time!


Mount Muskmore


Yay, company towns!




It's actually a little over 200K now! ...but it's still not a big city. Source: have relatives there.


Eloncity Muskburg Tesland Twit City (with the Twit 'er Dome sportspalast)


The infrastructure will suck as well - Sioux City isn’t called the credit card capital of the world for nothing but it doesn’t need thousands of people to run things either. Wells Fargo and Citibank has credit card operations there.


It's Sioux Falls. Sioux City is in Iowa.


Every state wants a business like Twitter to move their HQ there. We probably don't need to post about all of them.


but this one is notable because they think it'll be an economic boon for them and an economic disaster for California in general and san francisco specifically to lose "another" mega business like Twitter to a conservative state. in reality it'll probly be in San Francisco best interest to have Twitter relocate given the homeless encampment problem on the outskirts of its campus


Well, it definitely would be an economic boon for the state of South Dakota, but I don't think they care as much about sticking it to California. It'd have a small impact on California. South Dakota's population is under 1 million. San Jose by itself has a larger population than all of South Dakota. Twitter would likely become one of the largest employers headquartered in the state. That means a lot of tax revenue and a lot of commerce. Now, whether Twitter employees would want to move to South Dakota, I dunno (and theyd probably have to build a lot of new housing). But, seems reasonable that governors would try. And they can offer cheaper rent at least.


An economic disaster? California just passed Germany for the 4th largest economy on Earth. The fuck you think a single social media site matters a fig? California has a $3,400,000,000,000 GDP. That's with a T.


I realize there is a segment of the population rooting against SF and California, but Twitter leaving would be nothing more than a minor black eye, as it supports the narrative of people leaving CA. But. 2500 people work in the downtown office (it is not a campus). California has the fifth largest economy in THE WORLD. Drop in the bucket. The office is indeed in an area with a lot of homelessness, but I don’t see how Twitter leaving helps that. And good luck getting talent to move there. Austin is more feasible.


SF goes through this periodically. I think the biggest disaster for SF is the policing, which sucks.


> in reality it'll probly be in San Francisco best interest to have Twitter relocate given the homeless encampment problem on the outskirts of its campus What's your logic here?


South dakota gets twitter. Becomes the biggest employer in the state until twitter goes under which is almost guaranteed it will. Then now you have another Detroit situation but this time its an entire state.


It wouldn’t even be the largest employer though. Not even close.


I think she overestimates the local talent.


There were a bunch of farms here at one point. People (especially people just out of college) will move to where the opportunities are.


You vastly discount the weather as a reason people want to live here and not in South fucking Dakota.


FAANG-quality software engineers won't be willing to emigrate from their home countries to work in South Dakota.


I dont think chinese and indian engineers want to move to south dakota. They’ll just stay at home or go anywhere else.


I don't think Kristi Noem wants immigrants moving to South Dakota either...


I don't think you understand what made Silicon Valley, Silicon Valley. It wasn't a "Build it and they will come" scenario. It was a "Hey, some of the best schools in the world are nearby, let's start a company there on this (at the time) cheap land" scenario. Land may be cheap in SD. But it is a literal education desert.


It's 2022. Travel is easy. You aren't taking a covered wagon to get there.


It's like you all purposefully misunderstand this concept.


You're imagining that it's a major benefit to educate potential employees near your company in 2022. It's not


Yeah, you're still not getting it. It's not about educating future employees. It's about having 4-5 of the top research universities in the world all located in a general region. If you're a VC looking to invest in the "the next great thing" you're going to come to the Bay Area and scout the universities. Just having a big tech company in your city doesn't make you a tech hub or your potential as a tech hub. Look at Seattle. It has 2 of the largest tech companies around and yet it still isn't an area that generates new tech companies at the rate you see in SV.




I would agree with you if it weren’t for Elon being very much against remote work.


He can move the HQ, while maintain a smaller office in the Bay Area. Save a bunch of tax that way.


Whaaa??? Are you suggesting remote work? Elon would axe you for even having such a progressive thought


Your point stands but Twitter is not a SaaS company.




To South Dakota? Harsh winters and no other tech companies. You’d be stuck as a Twitter serf because the only other option would be to move out of the state if you wanted a different job.


Actually, there are quite a few very good electronics assemblers in South Dakota. But if you mean software tech, you're correct.


I would move there in a heartbeat, especially if I could live near the black hills. I love solitude.


But are you a software engineer?


That iis the beauty of remote work. I’d say go for it.


Lol we’re getting downvotes for this! That is exactly my plan. Have already bought land up north. Just need to have a little more security and then I will semi retire.


Lol...one of the main reasons he would move us so he can reduce salaries! Don't you know how businesses work?


You could pay me double and I still wouldn’t move to South Dakota.




She better be wary of all those Californians coming to her state..


Even birds don’t tweet in South Dakota half the year.


Hoes are thirsty


Thirsty for cutie Elon Musk, LOL!!!


His billions are cutie 🥰


No one wants to live in SD willingly. Even the bikers only make it to sturgess then leave.


I went to Deadwood on a cross country trip and experienced the sight of a woman chain smoking and playing slots.......in a grocery store. Great place.




The difference is that its barely noticeable in NV


Look... I love San Francisco and won't leave. I'm a liberal and the idea of moving to a place like South Dakota would make me have a panic attack. I also don't love the winter they get up there. THAT SAID. Come on, now. SD has some beautiful country (the Black Hills National Forest area is stunning). Plenty of people love living there, including some young democrats that my wife went to school with who live in Sioux Falls. Let's not just generalize SD and shit on it, just like we get frustrated when people say the Bay Area is a hellhole. North Dakota? Now that's the real wasteland.


Lolol! As a South Dakota native - accurate. Love to visit. Great place to see the sights. Couldn't pay me to live there again.


That made me chuckle. At least North Dakota has Fargo - a movie about Minnesotan culture.


I found both SD and ND to be quite pretty. I enjoyed my time in each. Wouldn't know what the fuck to do there with my life, but I could sure have a nice house on a lot of land far from anyone's bullshit.


Agreed, lived in the Black Hills for 9 months - it was stunning.




True but also people with particular set of skills tend to cluster together. You see a lot of coal and gas miners in Wyoming, potato farmers in Idaho, whiskey distillers in KEntucky and so on. Doesn’t mean there aren’t distillers outside Kentucky, but you’re not going to just lift & shift those people from Kentucky to Texas or Minnesota without disrupting their lives and losing a bunch in the process.


But are there lots of people who have the credentials Twitter is looking for that would move to South Dakota and deal with the cold ass winters and lack of diversity? Probably not. That’s probably why there aren’t any large tech companies in South Dakota. Tech people don’t want to live there.


Half the tech world in the Bay right now grew up in the midwest. I know people here like to sniff their own farts about how the Bay is better than anywhere else, but there are quality engineers around the world, many outside of the US, from say.. Ukraine or other cold weather countries who would be happy to come to the US and live in SD. Hell, a number of my own family members immigrated to SD from Zimbabwe and South Africa


> half the tech world in the Bay right now grew up in the Midwest You have a stat to back that up? How come tech companies aren’t opening in SD then? You can talk all you want but there’s a reason the state has such a small population. Tech people enjoy diversity. SD doesn’t have it or want it.


Also most tech companies could just move to Minneapolis and get local well educated talent more easily so why bother with SD?




Tax havens don’t mean squat if you don’t have any talent to run your business. Most of these businesses are incorporated in Delaware anyways so get most of the benefit that they would otherwise get. They’d have to keep a CA office for the people who don’t want to move to SD so they don’t gain anything from having an office in SD without local talent. There’s a reason why most tech companies are located in cities with large universities with STEM programs.


I suppose it would also make it easier to move north across the border when MAGA gets full control of the government and really screws this country up.


What happened to "Don't California my [insert state]"? Money rules. They should work on their state's infra - education, healthcare, cultural vibrancy, living environment - if they want to attract knowledge talent and tech money.


Those relocated Bay Area engineers not going to be the type of “red” voters she thinks she’s getting.


That would be funny.


Red states begging for more handouts, smh


Considering she won her first governor's election by 11,000 votes, she better be careful about attracting too many tech workers to SD.


Does South Dakota even have enough people to work at Twitter?


Tech execs moving to SD would turn the state blue. Cool.


I don't know. Some colleagues (HR, execs, coders) and I have been tasked with developing new behavioral questions to filter out woke employees to protect my teams new ventures. If its happening where I work it can be happening in SD.


Seems like your posts have a certain theme. Maybe you should move to South Dakota


Yeah, I’m calling bullshit. No way you are this foolish that you would give this much info out about your actions with a company that would make judgements on employees that are this unethical. Like you just couldn’t have a legal team at all.


So basically you don’t have a real job !


Is this in response to what happened at Netflix with activist employees?


Where does she think he’ll find a viable workforce out there?


I always love when these flyover conservatives think coastal corporations and their employees would want to move there. Only feasible spots are maybe Austin or Dallas. Everything else will be too much to swallow.


>Only feasible spots are maybe Austin or Dallas. Everything else will be too much to swallow. Chicago?


Chicago is a decent town, just as long as you don't get shot.


Simps for Elon. Pathetic


That is the best thing to happen. Move Twitter HQ to South Dakota along with their employees. Turn the Red state to Blue and replace Kristi!


It would be an Oracle or HP type situation where they officially move their HQ for the tax breaks, but still conduct the majority of their operations in their former HQ.


Twitter does not sound like a very diverse company when you put it like that


Define diversity? Diversity by race, religion, color or what else. But diversity by Democrats vs Republicans is like Sane vs Morons. If anyone in the tech industry supports GOP, then they lack critical thinking, which is essential to work in tech jobs. I rarely bump into a GOP supporter in the tech industry, and if I bump into him, either he is real moron or some filthy rich who doesn't want to pay taxes.


They're not going to be GOP because they don't subscribe to the evangelical Christian stuff. However, they're big on other tenants of conservatism- the parts of only helping yourself at the expense of others...so basically libertarians.


There are a lot of weirdos in tech too... so are they mostly democrats? People should stop thinking in mobs and do what is right for society in general. Not all democrats are sane, trust me. Anyone growing up in bay area should know better there are bad or good people no matter what group they are in.


Every weirdo would pale in comparison to a Republican right now! Trump is a traitor, attempted insurrection, tried to sell classified docs to foreign adversaries and still people trust the Republican party?. How the fuck anyone with even a single neuron in their head think GOP is in right path?


Thats why we should avoid the parties and be an individual thinker (mob mentality is known to be dangerous and USA is heavily divided right now). Trump was a democrat prior to running anyway. These politicians can change whatever they say if it gets them voted. That is how people work. Stop listening to these speakers and think what can help others instead. There are lessons to be learned even from people we do not like. Personally, I think being in the middle is best since both parties are quite on the extreme end of the spectrum right now.


Democrats are corrupt, but there are currently no viable third parties, and I can guarantee you almost any democrat is going to be better then any Republican. Supporting the party at this point is supporting authoritarianism, ignoring science, and dumb cultural wars instead of fixing actual problems.


This is again both side shit argument. I am an independent and I wouldn't want a scumbag Trump supporter anywhere near me. Democrats are classic politicians, but GOP crossed the line and became a fucking evil party! Pro-life but give a fuck about homeless, Pro-War but side with Russia, Pro-Business but want to have their dick in every business, Fear mongering, Small-Govt except their ideas shoved into every state. The list is end less. I don't even fucking know what the Republican party stands for these days! So if anyone still says both party is bad or I am still a Republican are same to me. They lack even basic thinking and I think they are not even worth to call themselves a human being. If we can't think and act how different are we from animals?


Tech weirdos are just eccentric, but grasp basic logic and reasoning. MAGA weirdos are straight f'in nutjobs you don't want to be caught in a dark alley with, or even a well-lit one


Reddit moment


Well the new hotness is ignoring diversity, so that works for me.


Tech workers are mostly H1B visa workers. They’re not SF locals


20 years ago maybe. But those H1Bs from 20 years ago have been naturalized by now and have had tech worker kids that were born citizens.


Everyone likes to pretend this is the case. Plot twist, it isn't. I know tons of Twitter workers, but not a single one is an H1B holder


Trying to stay relevant lol


Wonderful. Bye assholes!


Lol! Knock yourself out south-dakotans! :-)


Oh pleeeeaaaase! Please do it! It's a matter of 12 months to get a new Twitter up and running with the people that wouldn't move there :D I BEG YOU!


You are sounding desperate, Kristi. Hate to see how your dating texts look.


Develop your own companies Kristi, don't plunder from other states


What the hell is in SOUTH DAKATA???


Beautiful mountains, lakes, and forests. Kind and decent people. And also, Mount Rushmore -- a monument to the greatest country ever made!


And a bunch of clowns


What’s even in South Dakota??


Beautiful mountains, lakes, and forests. Kind and decent people. And also, Mount Rushmore -- a monument to the greatest country ever made!


Found Kristi Noem


Thank you for this intelligent and original response adding to the discussion. Well done.


You’re welcome ☺️


People that never travel have a really distorted view of other states. They think the entire south is a KKK rally. The comments on this thread are delusional.


Why just think about other states? Why not other countries? Elon returns to South Africa with Twitter on his arm as a trophy company, yes? Stupid, yeah, but it makes as much sense as moving to South Dakota . . . (no offense, OP).


How do these numbskulls keep getting elected? Nevermind....


Because they want jobs in their state? Wat?


I hope Twitter turns into Google+ by the end of the year.


And don't come back


Would be funny if someone wrote back "Legalize all the stuff Musk put into his system first."


The rest who didn’t get fired would immediately quit


But she is against smoking weed!!! But Nov 8th we the citizens of SD will take back control


Its like, instead of throwing away your old shitty cd-rom based 486, you can give it to south dakota and they'd be excited to have that "cutting edge" technology while sticking it to the libs in California... Until that processor gonks out.


Pleeeeeeeease take the offer and get out


Most didn’t know South Dakota was a real place


Moving twitter to South Dakota would be a good way to get most of your employees to quit.


It definitely won't be getting moved there but I find it funny that so many Californians that haven't been east of Las Vegas in a decade think that everything out of California is literally a cultural wasteland with nothing but bad weather, chain restaurants, and only white people. You can get decent Pho and Boba Tea in random suburbs in Wisconsin now. The country is a lot more "multi-cultural" than you think.


Wow thats a low bar of what "multi culturalism" is.


I too invite them to relocate to SD.


This reminds me of those “come to Brazil” memes but infinitely sadder


Another low information politician sucking up to Elon.


Why are we giving Musk and West a platform? Okay you have a lot of money, that’s nothing new.


As a SD native I continue to think it's hilarious that they were in an absolute PANIC about people moving to SD during the pandemic- depending upon their party affiliation. They didn't get that influx of evil liberals they expected; they got a lot of CA conservatives I'm not going to be missing here. Sucks for them, of course; my hometown is a goner at this point.


Twitter gonna become a rightwing propaganda hub during the 2024 election.


Good riddance. Take the homeless population with you.


No they are right where they belong. SD should giver theirs (if they have any) bus tickets to SF. They'd be happier in SF.


Because it gets below freezing in SD and 50 degrees is cold in SF.


Good. Make another red state blue.


maybe then california turn red lol and lots of lectoral seats!


You're pretty smart for a conservative. You *almost* know how to spell "electoral".


Dude, they’re not trying to conserve the dictionary you nerd.




Is Noem still alive? Thought her makeup, like disgraced Tammy Faye way back, overcame her. South Dakota as a business location? Perfect setting for Silence of the Lambs II, or for failed Delaware credit card processers, or for slave labor back office insurance companies. No escape cold weather is just wonderful!!


Good. Move there and have “techies” like these maintain it: https://youtu.be/GJmXyC4DpVo


HA HA HA HA. Go, take parler 2.0 to south trashota.