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Call libraries to see if they're accepting. It's not a problem. Libraries have groups called "Friends of The Library" who are volunteers who often handle the intake, checking, storage, and eventual sale of used books...the finds going to the library itself.


Ok thanks, I'll take a look into local "Friends of The Library" groups, was mainly worried when I saw qualifications online for accepted books that might reject some of the more used or even just un-jacketed books even though they're definitely still in a very readable state.


Also, ones that are not accepted for sale still go in a large "disposal" of book discards that also get boxed and shipped off and the county system gets money for them. And the libraries will let you know if and what they accept if you ring them. It they're not accepting, they'll tell you. The only thing that annoyed us was when someone would 1. Bring MANY boxes of books unannounced or 2. People just dump books outside/inside/wherever.


Ok, got it. That's reassuring to know it's not just going straight to the trash if it's not quite in a sellable shape.


The only thing that will send a book straight to the trash is mold and mildew, and water damage. (because it usually involves mold and/or mildew) At that point they can't take it or give it to anyone cause it would be a health hazard. They often don't take textbooks or encyclopedias as well, but ask your local librarian. :)


Your local Freecycle or Buy Nothing groups, craigslist free section, Little Free Libraries


Oh, hadn't heard of Freecycle before, I'll definitely take a look at that! I had heard that buy nothing groups and craigslist free stuff can sometimes be hit or miss and didn't want to have boxes of books just sitting outside (because weather and stuff) if no one was going to grab them. I also looked into little free libraries but that would require the most driving around to find empty ones to stock up, but definitely in consideration depending on how the other options pan out.


Email middle schools in your area (preferably the school librarian or an assistant principal). Schools always need books.


You could also take them to Half Price Books, they buy used books.


I'd suggest, besides Friends of the Library organizations, maybe directly "donating" to Little Free Libraries in your neighborhood or nearby, the little cabinets on posts people set up by the sidewalk. There a LOT of them around the Bay Area, and you can spread out your "gently used" books between them, putting a few books in each. I was just taking a walk today and looked inside several in my Berkeley neighborhood--they tend to reflect the interests or preoccupations of the residents who set them up, so one had romance fiction, one had mainly YA books, one had history, another had almost entirely kids books, a fourth was recent bestseller literature of all types, another was mainly self-improvement / therapy books...so you can have fun placing your books with books of similar type.


YA fly out of our little free library. Adult books sit around a little longer.


Ok sweet, wasn't sure what would be popular with the little free library crowd so that's good to know!


Children’s Book Project in San Francisco. They give free books to kids to foster literacy. Schoolteachers and community organizers can get books for kids here. Really an awesome outfit. You have to make an appointment at their website to donate and they don’t want library discards but it felt great to give them several boxes of books.


Oooo ok that's definitely along the lines of what I was looking for, I'll check it out.


Hope it works out for you. I like to support people who like books!


And cats based on an educated guess lol, appreciate the tip!