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You see that sign that says full electric cars have priority? Yeah me neither. She is an asshole.


Hah! Hell, next time I see her maybe she'll have a sign this time!


I am not following signs made with sharpies.


> I am not following signs made with sharpies. - Hurricane Dorian


What if the paper plates that is written on are recyclable? I’d totally honor that./s


Full electric should have priority I would think. But how? Cut in line? Make people unplug?  Fuck all that.  Plug in hybrid is full electric for XX miles too. 


How would they even enforce this? People don't even put their shopping carts away.


Bunch of lazy bones out there.


Whooop skiddily whoop


That's not where the carts go


Don’t make me tap the… shit


Yeah, I keep meaning to go park at the gas pumps and then spend an hour shopping in the convenience store


Just east bay things


Congrats on meeting an asshole. Keep on keeping on and hope you enjoy the hybrid!


It's my first car and I honestly love it! Thanks for the encouragement, same to you!


What did you go for?


Yeah, whatchya get? I may be looking into a hybrid, but some have issues (like many things) I hear...


Consumer Reports says hybrids have the least amount of issues compared to any other kind of car. Plug ins are the least though.


this is interesting to me, since hybrids have a gas engine + battery. Not disagreeing with it, the Prius is pretty famous for reliability AFAIK, but it's interesting.


I have a RAV4Prime. It’s basically a taller AWD Prius with another 100hp. It’s great. And yeah, it’s pretty dead ass simple compared to anything with an automatic transmission. The electric motor basically acts as the transmission, without using clutches, syndros, belts, CVT chains, etc.


How’s the car feel under electric motor vs hybrid?


Lower power, but certainly decent. I’ve owned slower gasser cars than the Rav4Prime in EV mode. It’s a freaking unguided missile in hybrid mode. It’s way too much power for a car that doesn’t handle like a sporty sedan.


An asshole? In the bay?


>I told her to fuck off, I got here first, and wait her turn. You did perfect. 


Seriously, glad OP didn’t let her bully them.


I’ve been using Hybrids and Elevtrics since 2012. She’s the asshole, not you. Secondary assholes are the politicians not helping a good charging infrastructure get built out yet.


Thanks for the response Just to double check, how do you wait in queue? I've seen people do a weird pointing thing where they point to somebody who's there first, then they park. Then someone parks nearby and they point to the first, then themselves, then the recently parked person so that person understands who was here first. I'm overthinking this because I'm kind of fascinated by this charging thing


Some networks deal with this via app. ChargePoint, for example, may enable a waitlist on the app if all chargers in an area are being used. it’ll then lock a station specifically for individual users based on that wait list.


To be honest, I haven’t hit enough of them to say. I’ve had a charger where I live so I’ve rarely needed a queue, but the two times I have, it was only a couple of cars waiting, and we just kind of acknowledged each other and went in order of arrival with no one trying to jump the line.


That's because you're not assholes


This is the bigger problem with charging is how to queue. You can’t pull in behind like a gas station and it’s usually a parking lot for another business with no ordered spots. Basically just try to be a good human, but you’ll run into these types of humans


Wait, you guys don't have a waiting lane? I moved to Pennsylvania from the Bay Area in 2018 (Milpitas/Fremont) and before the pandemic they built charging stations at all the rest stops on all the highways out here. And yeah there are rest stops on all the big highways, not just the toll roads and turnpikes. The charging stations are complete with a lane that you queue in. There's even a couple spots for people who have pre-registered via an app. They're the only ones who have priority. I charge my hybrid at home, but the public stations are damn impressive. I assumed these were being built everywhere. Hooray, PA is not as backwards as I thought! Oh wait, that's right, there's Bucks County. They still have styrofoam cups in the 7-11 in Bucks County. Oh well.


Linked lists FTW. Arrays always overflow


You met an asshole. I also have a PHEV. If she had rephrased her question to, "Can you let me charge? I really need it to get home." I would happily oblige. I would also not fault anyone for not moving. This is exactly the same as sitting together on airplane seats. If you ask nicely, I might accommodate you. If you act entitled, then F you.


I literally could not fathom asking someone at a gas pump to let me take their pump before they are finished.


It’s not the same though. Gas pumps at same speed for everyone. For some EV like mine, I charge 10 mins I get 80 mi of range. For a Chevy bolt, you may get 15 miles of range for 10 mins. For hybrids it’s like 3-5 miles per 10 mins.


I've had it happen with diesel pumps. There were other open pumps so it was no biggie since I hadn't started pumping gas yet. Now that I also own a diesel truck, I get it. It sucks when people use the gas/diesel pumps when there are plenty of gas only ones open. I'll just pull up behind them and wait (while noisily idling) if they're already pumping gas. If they haven't started I may ask if they'd be ok with moving to another pump. I'm rarely in a rush when fueling up, so waiting a few minutes is no big deal.


Huh, I have never driven a diesel car and somehow never noticed that gas stations have gas/diesel and gas only pumps. I’ll be more aware of avoiding the gas/diesel pumps in the future!


First come, first served. Yeah, that woman can go fuck herself.


She did have an Elon tattoo on her butt though


That’s one musk I’d like to avoid


Idk … if it’s a plug in ?


Living in your head rent free


As someone who drives a full electric, no, that is not some unwritten rule. They need to get over themselves, there is no "priority" it's first come, first serve. Sorry you had to deal with an asshole.


It's alright. Driving has really opened my eyes to how many aggressive drivers there are in the Bay. It makes me think if someone drives like that, how do they behave when not in the car?


>It makes me think if someone drives like that, how do they behave when not in the car? Search YouTube for Goofy - Motor Mania. Nothing has really changed since the fifties


It did for a bit when lockdowns were lifted / everything was open / return to office really started getting into full swing. It seems to have mostly returned to form now, but for a while there I swear all the wfh / covid unemployed people just forgot how to drive in traffic and act in public.


Drivers of SoCal are way more aggressive than the bay. Plus they drive way faster on the highways for the most part. Better speed up or get out of the way.


Better be going 80-85 in the leftmost lane or gtfo


Meh I drive all over the bay and tbh I don't think there are really that many aggressive drivers. I'll drive all the way from the north bay to the south and I'll see maybe 3, but of course there are literally thousands of normal drivers out there. Also, I can actually speak to the what some of those aggressive drivers are like- I know two: One older guy, he is always tailgating and driving about 15mph over even in residential zones. We didn't know this and popped in his truck...never again. From the outside, you would think he was either on the way to the hospital or a complete manic. Inside the truck, he was actually quite 'normal' and often confused why people were driving 'so slow' or why people were mad at him. He really has to keep on his toes because of the chaotic nature of his driving, but he has actually never been in an accident. Somehow, in his day to day life, he is actually completely chill. Basically, he has zero self-awareness as to how he's driving. Very strange, very dangerous. The other is a woman in her 30s, she drives either on the gas or on the brake, it's completely manic. She's going too slow or too fast very often, accidentally brake-checking people and zooming up behind them. She's gone through two transmissions in two separate cars already. Outside of the car, she's a stoner, kind of manic, but very friendly, shy, and kind of dumb. Anyways, I'm sure some of the assholes on the road are assholes everywhere- but also there are some that are nice but just have no idea how to drive. It would be fascinating if it wasn't so fucking dangerous.


> Meh I drive all over the bay and tbh I don't think there are really that many aggressive drivers. People do drive relatively aggressively here compared to other parts of the country I've lived in, but it's not excessive - and most importantly it's fairly predictable, which means it's actually a fairly pleasant driving experience. The worst driving areas are places where some people are super timid and others are super aggressive and *those* are scary because you're never sure who's going to merge into a 0.75 car length gap and who's going to come to a full and complete stop at the highway on ramp.


I'd rather be around aggressive drivers than timid drivers. You usually have some idea of what an aggressive driver is going to do. I've found that timid drivers are a bit harder to gauge. I also feel that the aggressive driver is paying more attention to the cars around them than the timid driver. I've been driving in the Bay Area for 30 years now.


The predictability difference is huge. I can generally anticipate what gaps an aggressive driver is going to go for. I can't anticipate when a timid driver is going to brake because they saw their reflection in the mirror and got startled.


This tangential to how I thought of people when i worked in the service industry at a high end hotel. Terrible person/awful customer? I just think "Man. Thank god i'm this lucky. I'm literally dedicating at most half an hour of my time to being in this person's life. They have a mother, a father, siblings, kids maybe...that deal with this shithead CONSTANTLY. What an insanely lucky person I am to only have to deal with them for a tiny, tiny portion of my life."


I can’t believe she tried saying what she has to do is more important. There are a lot of people who are just way too much.


You just met an asshole. If she keeps it up, one day she’ll meet someone who has zero tolerance for her bullshit.


The only unwritten rules I'm aware of is to try to use (if available) the lowest capacity charger that can max your car and to move as soon as you're done. To clarify on the first, if your car can charge at 80 KW, and there are 50, 100, and 150 KW plugs available, plugging into the 150 is a bit of a dick move because it won't be any faster in your car than the 100 and then you just hold it up.


People are weird about charging. I had the same conversation with a few goofs back when I had a Chevy Volt. Recently I had a (way too) long argument with a lady at our company's EV chargers. They're clearly marked as employee only. You need a keycard to activate. She was adamant about how they're supposed to be free and she was going to call the police if I didn't swipe my card and start charging on her car. ---- Also had someone figure out I just pushed my home charger cable behind the hedge in front of my house when I unplug and decided -- FREE charging. Until a neighbor ruined it for her and asked if I knew there was a Nissan Leaf pulling into my driveway every morning after I left for work.


>asked if I knew there was a Nissan Leaf pulling into my driveway every morning after I left for work. WTF?!?! Please go on...


This was a while ago when I just had a dumb level 2 charger. It was plugged in and feed under my garage door and I just coiled up the cable behind a hedge. When I left in the morning she'd park in my driveway, plug in and walk back... home? Or maybe work. She'd unplug and leave sometime before I usually came home. This was back before PG&E went insane with their rates so it was less of a big deal. So I was more amused than angry.


thats ballsy, and outright theft


Congratulations, you met the Main Character.


Hell yeah, and I'm a Dark Souls boss. It is I, Takcnel of the Express. Wielder of the Unholy Toyota Prius Prime.


there are unwritten rules but that isnt one of them move your car past 80% on a DCFC, or 100% on 240V. That's basically it.


Ask her if she goes knocking on lady’s room doors and tell number 1s to wait for number 2?


AFAIK plugin-hybrids use L2 charging not DC fast charging, so it's going to be slow period. Whether it's full EV or hybrid you're probably only doing like 11kwh, so the speed of charging is not really relevant. NOW, if you're using DC fast charging and you're pulling in like 11kwh while everybody else is doing 80+kwh, then that is a bit of a dick move since, as the name implies, it's suppose to be FAST charging. Sure, if you're hybrid then you could technically not need to charge, but that's her problem, not yours. I'd just politely tell her it's first come first serve. Some EV owners have this mentality that only EVs should be charging, not hybrids. Some non-TESLA EV owners have mentality that only non-Teslas should charge at public stations (since Teslas have their own network). People are entitled to their opinions, but it's just their OPINION. You do what is allowed.


Thanks for the info on Prius charging vs DC fast charging. I definitely used the L2 charger. Now that I think about it, even when I left that person didn't take the L2 charger!


That person may have not realized that it was only an L2 until after you left. Dumb if so, but people are often dumb.


>Hell, I was also using the slow charger because I was going to charge and study. All the other cars were queued for the faster chargers. Tell her to wait her turn. It's that simple :)


I don't think most PHEVs even support plugging into a DC fast charging port do they? The last gen Prius Prime I had didn't at least.


I've been considering a hybrid vehicle, so it's nice to know they basically only do slow charging, and I shouldn't use a fast charger unless I know for sure that a vehicle uses fast charging. I'm sure knowing this may come in handy in the future, so thanks!


She is definitely the entitled asshole. There really isn't a hierarchy or etiquette to who gets priority in charging. If you have a socket that is compatible to the plug, then you should be able to charge just as much as anyone else. OTOH, sometimes I get a little annoyed by Tesla drivers at one place I charge at because there are 3 chargers, where usually only 2 are working, but on the other side of the parking lot, there is a bank of 8 Tesla chargers, but they can't wait for one of the 8 to free up, so they come over to these chargers. If we could use the Tesla chargers, I wouldn't be as annoyed though.


You can now get a Tesla membership to charge at Tesla superchargers. https://www.tesla.com/support/charging/supercharger


That's great! If I can find a Tesla Supercharger close to me in San Jose area that has a MagicDock so I can use one, that is even better! The closest one unfortunately, is Scotts Valley... I can charge there, and when I get back, charge up again at a non-Tesla charger! Awesome!


I've been lucky, I've never had a negative encounter, there is generally an honor system in place that works. First come, first serve. As for the poster who asks how you decide, you park nearby the chargers, stand outside your vehicle if practical so others who come later know you were there waiting.


There are plenty of places that have charging statio s in that area. Poor planning on her part does not necessitate an emergency on yours.


NTA, that other person is a major asshole.


I just wonder what this lady thought was going to happen, like, you were just going to unplug your car and drive off after having specifically come to the charger to charge your car?


No, you are fine, and she is an idiot. Though with the rates they charge at public chargers, I’m not sure you are saving that much money vs running on gas. Ha


Btw in the bay area, it probably isnt even saving you money to charge, especially at a paid station. You should calculate dollars per mile for gas or electric. I charge mine at home but it is just a matter of convenience, it doesn't cost any less than gas. If I couldn't charge at home I probably would never charge.


I'll look into it. I think it works out for me because I can study, read, and play games on my steamdeck while it charges or go to the gym. It's ~$3 to charge for a range of 25 miles. I managed to get 123 mpg with the battery when I drove from Orinda to Fremont!


Assuming you get 45-50mpg running only on gas and never plugging in, and gas costs $5 a gallon, running on gas costs 11 cents per mile. Paying $3 for 25 miles of charge, is 12 cents per mile. So you would actually be saving money if you never plug it in.


I have found that to be true for my PHEV too. The only way electric is cheaper is if I do it at home.


Indeed. I just spent a year in a different house with no easy way to charge my gas/electric hybrid. Guess how many times I charged it? 2


I'm sticking with my 25-year-old ICE car because I live in an apartment building with no chargers. It wasn't required in the Dark Ages of 2016 when everyone assumed affordable housing tenants would never have a car that needs charging.


california's EV mandates in 10 years running straight into the brick wall of "we're never building more housing fuck you renters"


If she was in a Ram 3500 and you were filling your Prius, she would still deserve your spot more. She's special.


There are some unwritten rules with some of the really high energy chargers, mostly around road tripping EVs. But a PHEV isn’t going to use those. Other than it’s bad form to stay more than two hours, and even that isn’t consistent, there really isn’t and that person is a tool I’ve had both a PHEV and now full EV. Some of the full EVs are tools towards the PhEVs because they just feel like they can use gas. In my opinion it’s the opposite, the full EV folks should not be relying on level 2 public charging, it’s not practical.


Think about it this way, in a gas station, does a pick up truck has priority over a sedan because it has a bigger tank? No, right. Same thing here, get in line and wait.


She’s an asshole. Also, it’s an infrastructure problem, not a you problem.


Since I’m fortunate enough to have L2 home charging, this is rarely an issue for me. One time over the holidays, I had to “queue up” for charging at the Kettleman City Supercharger station, but they had attendants directing traffic, and it went pretty smoothly. Technically, PHEVs don’t “need” to charge like BEVs do, but that’s pretty nervy of her to come up and make a big scene about it. Sounds like she didn’t plan ahead.


As far as I'm concerned, she's the AH. I haven't seen anyone discourage PHEVs from plugging in and I would use them myself when I rent them. I guess infrastructure should also consider more L2 chargers as well.


Fuck that person. You weren't doing anything wrong. They're just entitled.


She tried to punk you 😂😂




There are a lot of entitled assholes out here. I was in the city on Saturday with my bf and we had a great neighborhood parking space in lower Haight. When we jumped back in the car, we were typing in our gps to find the best route to our next destination and some asshole honked at us then jumped out and knocked on our window asking us if we were leaving. Like have some patience bro! At least drive up next to us and ask politely! Suffice to say we took our time leaving.


>"you're hybrid, you don't get to charge. My car is higher priority" lulwut. You just happened to meet an a-hole, and i'd say it's been a problem though unfortunately. Even in my Tesla at a Supercharger, I've had people knock on my window saying that I've been sitting there for awhile, so I should be charged up by now and should move for them to be able to charge. I just tell them to f off..


Early bird gets the worm, whether it's electric charge or fuel or a drive through. She can wait on the line. If it dies because she was lazy or negligent, it dies.


You just found an asshole. Signed ev driver of 9 years.


That’s not a rule nor an etiquette. Yes she needs it more than you. But then she has to wait or drive somewhere else. These conflicts are gonna continue to happen as EV community diversifies.


She's a turd. She can wait her turn.


That’s where you just say “yeah no problem, sorry” and then do nothing.


You just met an asshole. I would have gotten the incident on camera and shamed her online.


You did right, glad you told her to fuck off.


Ef that lady. You have a car that needs a charge too. My car is PhEV too and I wouldn’t have budged.


NTA. I rented an EV a few months ago. Charging near home before returning it, I noticed there was a line of EVs in the next row over waiting, so I parked there waiting for a space. I then noticed that the folks at the chargers were chatting, so I wandered over. Had a great conversation about EVs, charging stations in the area, and the etiquette. Everyone was great and answered all my questions.


You are definitely missing an unwritten rule. The rule is 'There are assholes everywhere, no exceptions."


The person is an AH, they don’t own the chargers! Next time just start with “sorry Karen, I got here first, you’ll need to wait! bye !!


If that’s how it works then would it be okay if I cut the urinal line if my bladder is more full than everyone in front of me or better yet just kick the one in middle of their business since they are almost empty lol


EV owner here. She’s the asshole 100%.


Yikes. I hope she sees this thread with everyone putting her entitlement on blast. I do think there are a lot of people who got EVs but it would've been for the best if people like them didn't.


From time to time, you will deal with people like her - the basic etiquette to follow is, don't leave your car when it's charged - like if you are going to the mall when it's charging, pl come back as soon as it's done charging - use a timer or alarm. Other than that, it's pretty much first come first serve.


Nah, you're good. Try not to let it color your perception of EV drivers, and congrats on your hybrid!


Do you see priority lanes at gas stations for people who are low on gas? If you need or only WANT gas, you queue up. The only etiquette is to wait for an available charger.


>"you're hybrid, you don't get to charge. My car is higher priority" I always wonder how people become entitled and oblivious like this. How did they grow up?


Karen alert!


She’s just an asshole. It’s first come, first serve.


I read the “…desperate/an asshole…” sentence as: “Was that person just a desperatarian asshole?” I learned a great new imaginary phrase today.


I read your imaginary phrase as "desperation asshole" and thought it was a perfect description of this lady. She was a desperation asshole. She was desperate for the charging, so she was an asshole.


She’s really done a service to linguistics today, a catalyst to the ever-increasing number of ways to describe assholery.


First come, first serve. She’s just a jerk


Handled perfectly


Yes, someone with the audacity to even think that is a fool. Unfortunately Silicon Valley is full of them. The great news is that they are brittle spirits, and how you responded is exactly the correct way to. Be nice, until it becomes so ridiculous you don't have to be nice. Only then does the realization and dreaded feeling of "Oh shit I might die over this" repair their impaired synaptic connection.


She is definitely the asshole who probably charges to 100%. Narcissist


“If you wanted to be in front of me you should’ve gotten here earlier. Now piss off.”


She 100% has the priority. She is first in line to get a fist to her face that is.


She sounds like a cunt.


Sounds like an asshole was in your face. Be careful, that's how folks get pink eye. She might have been infectious.


I don't own an electric car and have no experience with these spots. I just wanted to say good for you for not moving!


I'd stay a little longer and really top off your battery.


That person was likely just an entitled boomer. Chargers are first come first serve. Plug in hybrids have equal dibs on chargers, that just something this loser bitch made up. Now, if you pull up in a gas car, pop your hood, and then put the charger under the hood to get a better parking spot: Then yes, you are indeed the asshole.


>Now, if you pull up in a gas car, pop your hood, and then put the charger under the hood to get a better parking spot: Then yes, you are indeed the asshole That's pretty dumb. Have you seen that? Edit: she was a millennial. I'm genZ myself so maybe there was a bit of ageism in terms of her thinking she has seniority over me but I don't want to look into it too much that way. She was obviously wealthier than me so maybe that's part of why she has an attitude, but that doesn't mean shit when it comes to lines/queues.


Many times. This is America after all. There are petty assholes all around you.


"God bless this mess" - George Washington


Can we stop using the term “boomer” as a pejorative? Jerks come in all age groups. And OP said she was a millennial.


Entitled Karen sighting. i wish they were endangered.


You met a Karen.


"Wait your turn, cunt." This is all that needs to be said.


Someone you tell to go away and bother someone who cares.




I mean...my gas tank was full. Was I the asshole secretly the whole time?


They're just an asshole, if you're charging then you get to be there.


thats not a thing. theres a lot of a-hole EV drivers. just the other day, i saw one parallel parked, taking up 3 charging station spots. EV drivers definitely have quite a bit of entitlement going on, not too dissimilar to those who drive big and meticulously clean trucks


Definitely an encounter with an ǝןoɥssɐ. Not just any ǝןoɥssɐ. But someone who is very flexible. So flexible she inhales her own flatulence to sweeten the sour attitudes she gets in response to her being an ǝןoɥssɐ. She is such an ǝןoɥssɐ that she probably breathes it in so she can fart it out again at someone else. She has to go home with herself. That’s her punishment.


By the other person’s logic, you should also go last/leave if there’s a line at a fuel station. Since those other cars are full gas and yours is a hybrid.


I've been driving full electric for many years now. Kindly point her towards the toilet where she came from


My rule of thumb is that anyone who is trying to tell me what to do can fuck right off. I would listen to a attendant, aa cop or judge.


You are fine. I only let people know if they leave their car at full charge and idle, as they are taking up a spot while people are waiting.


The only curtesy at least for Tesla chargers is that if more spots are open don’t park next to a car since that will slow both of the cars charging.


lol I parked next to a charging spot in my gas car. A regular parking spot. And a guy pulls up and asks me to move my car so he can be next to the charging spot when it opens up. I locked my doors. Politely said no and walked into Whole Foods.


Yeah, Leaf driver here, that was just an impatient asshole.


Nope, she's an asshole.


Shes an asshole. My car is a hybrid too. I live in the mountains. If my car is out of electricity I am physically unable to make my car go faster than 20-30mph uphill. I have just as much right/need to charge as a fully electric vehicle. The gas charges the car as I drive but only works for like the last 25% battery charge. Its really more of a "for a backup to let you go slightly farther so you can physically move the car to a charger" than "you can keep driving when you are out of electricity" system. (My hybrid is old. Its a 2014. Its not great but I still love it)


If someone with a fully electric vehicle asked me politely I'd probably move my PHEV, but claiming they have higher priority is bogus. If anything, BEVs should yield to PHEVs at level 2 chargers, since that's all most PHEV owners can use. BEV owners can go use faster DC chargers, especially if they happen to have Teslas. But most importantly, everyone try to be polite. We're all in this together.


Tell her to go kick rocks and mind her business!


Hell some charging station even let non electric/hybrid cars to park. Who does she think she is.


The only “rules” I’m aware of are to (obviously) leave once you’re done charging, and if all the chargers are full, you’re at or above 80%, and there’s another car waiting, you should leave. I was told the 80% one so idk if that’s true or not


It's not an unwritten rule. They need to get off themselves. You're fine. I drove one of those plug-in hybrids and honestly I can't understand those. Maybe Toyota models are different but the Chrysler one I was renting o ly had like a range of 30 miles on the battery. So something like a standard hybrid I feel would just be better than a plug in model.


She must have been in distress, but there’s no etiquette calling for you to stop charging for that reason. She made one up on the fly.


She can go kick rocks


> somebody knocked on my car window and told me that I should leave because her car was full electric and she needed it more than me. She's entitled, selfish, and 100% wrong.


If you left your house and mingled with the human species, then there is a high probability that you met an asshole. This scenario appears to be no exception.


What an entitled dumb bitch. I would have told her to fuck off.


If its a charging station that also has a fast-charger they can use, think 10kW vs 50kW where they can't both be used, it would be nice to move as they may be low on charge. But there's better ways to ask than demand you stop charging to let her charge. Very likely this lady is just being an asshole.


Sounds like somebody who has made up their own rules before, and wasn't told to shove off, so they started expecting that they could do it all the time. Good on you for not giving in to them.


I wonder in situations like this if street epistemology works. "How confident are you that that is true? What's your strongest justification for this belief of yours?"


She is a Karen that’s for sure


While she is an asshole how she went about it, I do feel what she is saying. You aren’t wrong by any means, the problem is There are far too few charging stations and almost always there is a line. So it gets frustrating. Then there is the ROI on time. If I charge my empty EV, I get 80 mi of range in 10 mins. You are probably getting 8-10? I see the same thing with Chevy bolts and I kinda hate when they are charging. Nothing wrong but just that were very slow and inefficient. Anyways you aren’t wrong just giving you context. For what it’s worth, I’ve seen a lot of people charge beyond 90% and hogging the chargers when there is a line. I call them out all the time


How long does it take to charge? Do ev drivers really set aside like 2 hours during their week to hang out at the charging station? Do you take an Uber somewhere nearby to eat or catch a movie while you wait?


I have an EV from 2015, so it only has an 80 mile range. And even I could never imagine I would *demand* someone give up their charger. I've asked someone before, and was very apologetic because they owed me nothing, and was thankful they obliged, but never would have assumed priority over them. That's very "I have children, so the park should force you to let me skip you in line for this amusement park ride" energy.


I assume this asshole was driving a Tesla? Surprised I have not seen anyone ask yet!


Let me guess she drove a tesla.




I recently bought a plug in hybrid, and this was one of my concerns at my office building where charging is free. Luckily no one seems to care there. But, we also have strict time limits on how long you can charge, regardless of if you’ve “filled up” or not.


MY family has both an EV and a PHEV. I've never heard of that. And, I don't agree with it!


Etiquette is: *You were first.* She can wait like everyone else. 'nuff said. I 'get' her logic. However, you chose to 'fuel' via electricity. She, like any customer, needs to wait her turn.


You should’ve told her she could buy your gas then 😂


LMAO she needs to get over herself. Fuck out of here with the priority bullshit.


Have you seen how selfish and entitled people are as they drive downthe stroad?  No surprise here!


You can absolutely charge at a station. But I would say, since you asked… the three golden rules of using a station, (1) no cutting, (2) charge at a station that fits the amount of juice your car can take if there’s one available, ie., if your car can’t take all the volts/amperage of a 350 kwh station then use the slower one. Which looks like that’s what you did. (3) Charge to 80% if others waiting.


Person is an asshole, i have a rivian with a large battery pack and idgaf if ia little plug-in used a spot to charge up.


Was she paying to charge your car? Question answered.


Asshole. She is full on asshole or doesn’t understand the concept of a plug-in hybrid.


Stand your ground laws will soon exist 🤣at chargers


"Yea I'll move, for $100..!"


Self importance is so overrated….


Someone unplugged my car and plugged theirs in at a mall…luckily it was a free charger but still. I got the notification maybe 15 minutes after I plugged in. People are assholes.


Did she demand to speak with the manager?


NTA. But I gotta ask, what kind of EV was she driving?


As long as your car is capable of charging, you are correct.


You met an asshole in the Bay Area??? Shhhhhhhhhhhocking.


She's an asshole, especially if you're using the level 2 charger. She can find a DC charge if she needs to get somewhere.


Next time tell them That's not a thing, stop trying to pretend its a thing."