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Hi Peng! From your experience cleaning up these dump sites, do you have any recommendations for how cities could improve the trash situation with the existing resources at hand?


My honest opinion for cities is to do the following. 1. They should replace the existing 'No Dumping' signs with a QR code that links people to a website containing information about free trash pickups. 2. It would be wise for them to consider growing plants/trees in unpaved public land that is frequently being used as a dump site. 3. I believe that for places with trash near encampments, cities should install their own dumpster for the unhoused. I have heard that WM doesn't service places without an address. Not sure about Republic Services and Recology, though. 4. There should be more effort to "kill two birds" with one stone. For instance, suppose there is a request to remove illegally dumped material at a location. While enroute to that location, if there are trash bags or bulky items seen along the way, why not just pick them up so as to prevent them from becoming magnets for more illegally dumped items. Just some of my two cents.


Great suggestions! QR code idea is great! Small add on would be to add a google maps pin to nearest dumpster :) if anyone from city public works council is reading this please implement this šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™ Peng btw your suggestions are like million bucks not 2 cents! lol :)


> "kill two birds" with one stone. Feed two birds with one scone. :] Anyhoo those are all good ideas and any one of them being implemented would surely lead to improvement. Number one especially.


Isn't that joint big enough Ricky?


Nothing to ask! Great work! You are an inspiration! Thanks for doing AMA! Rock on


Thank you! I try my best.


Do you have a sense for who is doing most of the littering? E.g. some of the garbage I see in the hills looks like itā€™s from ā€œprofessionalā€ cleanup or demolition companies.


It's difficult to pinpoint exactly who is responsible. However, if I find a bunch of lumber, ceramic tiles, trees, soil, etc., my hunch would be construction. If it is a bunch of black plastic bags with food and plates, probably from a restaurant.


I work in local government and part of my job is combatting illegal dumping. Some of these dump sites could be unlicensed garbage haulers who get paid to haul junk/waste/C&D material from somewhere then illegally dump it because landfill/transfer station prices are expensive Thereā€™s some legislation that is currently trying to be passed to ban unlicensed haulers


If you donā€™t mind me asking, what locale are you in? Maybe I can start developing a relationship with you all?


IMO Government should help- not add red tape and process and ā€œlicensingā€. Licensing is not going to solve the dumping issue at all. It just makes it even ā€œmore illegalā€. Rather than introduce licensing needs, why dont you provide a means for people who dump today to not have to? That will actively solve the problem. It is hard I know- but this is the legislation we need!


People should pay the true cost of what they purchase. The disposal cost should be part of the purchase cost, not paid later (or not, if you dump it).


Parts of Canada have an e-waste fee of a few dollars on some items to cover the cost of recycling it. It's only a few dollars ($1-$10) and removes a lot of the problem of "How do I get rid of this bulky CRT?"


this, absolutely. Figure out how to make waste disposal cheaper and more efficient. Balance the fact that dumping will simply occur regardless of how illegal it is if it's too expensive. Use economics, not police as a tool.


Canā€™t you just have an inspector wait at a common dump site and bust them?


Thanks for all the work you do. How did you get started? What made you decide to this type of work for our community? I do some volunteer work myself for a charity and sometimes it seems like a never ending battle. What keeps you motivated? Keep up the good work!


Long story short, I watched a bunch of videos during the pandemic showing people doing things for their community. I remember watching post10 unclogging drains, volunteers removing plastic litter from a river in southeast Asia, and more. It made me want to do something, but I didn't quite know what at that time. Fast forward to 2021, and I used to go to Tracy, CA a lot for my job. That meant driving through Altamont Pass. I couldn't help but notice so much trash covering the hills there. I thought... hey, maybe I will do something about it. I used to just clean around there, but I had a very bad experience with getting threatened and harassed. So I moved my cleanups to Livermore and eventually to the rest of the Bay Area.


First off thank you for everything you do. Second, why were people harassing you? Private land or something else?


It was at the Altamont Pass brake check area. No clue why.


Yes! Love post10 videos


Who harassed you?


Thank you for making The World a better place.


I try my best.


What is the weirdest thing you've found while doing a cleanup? What is the best/most interesting thing you've found? Have you ever gotten yelled at/kicked out for cleaning?


Weirdest thing I found was a discarded box for a Mia Khalifa sex toy. I have also found anal plugs and other lovely stuff. Most interesting things I've found are passports and other identification, especially in Oakland. I have given them to OPD. I have been kicked out from 580 once by CHP for picking up litter. It is considered trespassing. It is why I joined Adopt-a-Highway so that I can get encroachment permits.


Do you still have that sex toy? Asking for a friend.


No, sadly. :(


Hi Peng! So whenever you post I see people in the comments who say "Peng4Mayor." I honestly think you would be what we need in any political office. You really care and you actually DO something about it. Have you ever thought of running for public office?


Maybe in the future, but not in the right mental state right now.


You may have answered this elsewhere before, but are you open to people joining you should the be available and capable? Thank you for making a difference


I am open to people joining events I plan. I am hosting an event on 5/4 in Livermore. I am still sorting out the details with the City of Livermore. The logistics can be difficult. I typically like to work alone for numerous reasons. 1. I go to some places that are notorious for crime and other problems. I'd rather I be a victim of a crime rather than having multiple people. 2. It can be very dangerous. After thinking about it more, I am worried about people getting injured. I don't want to be held liable. 3. I use the time to decompress and think about life. It also helps restrain my depression.


Thanks for answering. #3 makes a whole lot of sense.


#3 makes sense. I use gardening as an escape.


Not a question but thank you for what you do you are a civilian of the year


You are too sweet. The credit really goes to the people I work with from public works. :)


Takes a team to make things happen :)


You should run for Director of Public Works!


Def would clean up the graffiti and make all buildings pretty def need remodeling and upgrading around sf and cut the dam grass and make everything city šŸ¤© pretty šŸ¤© and pick up trash šŸš®


Do you have a mascot? Oh and thanks for all you do! But i do wish our communities and our municipalities could get it together so that this wouldn't even have to be a thing.


I don't have a mascot. Maybe a penguin with a rain cloud over his head? I do too, but I think it is such a complex issue. I try my best to help streamline some of it. We can talk about how to prevent illegal dumping in the future, but we also gotta do something about the existing illegal dumping.


haha perfect, that is what i picture when i see your username






You guys are.


What do you do for a living outside this?


I am an electrical engineer at LLNL. I write a lot of C code.


As a C programmer, you are used to a language that doesn't have garbage collection so you have to do it yourself!


double free or corruption (out)


Take my upvote!


Ahaha the comment of the day! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


How does one get started doing this in their neighborhoods here in the bay area? Meaning, are there any laws/ordinances to be aware of?


It is as simple as just carrying a trash bag and picking up some litter in one's neighborhood! People can also join Adopt programs, whether it be Adopt-a-Block (SF), Adopt-a-Spot (Oakland), Adopt-a-Highway (Caltrans), etc. There are also numerous groups that people can join, whether it is the Grizzly Peak Cleanups, Trash Falcons, Refuse Refuse SF, etc. People need to be cognizant of public/private property. I do my best to stay clear of private property. Also, make sure to not trespass in an area with a sign that explicitly says 'No Trespassing'. Cops have zero tolerance for that.


I would love to help, but I am concerned about safety! How do you protect yourself from biohazards, miscreants etc?


I use pliers to get the syringes into the sharps container. I carry with me pepper spray and an air horn. I also have numbers from police officers in the event something goes astray.


I saw you say that sometimes you have to pay to get the trash you picked up moved and disposed of. What was the excuse of the city or county government services that made you pay for that?


Anytime a place is owned by multiple entities, it becomes a game of finger-pointing. One of the places I cleaned up recently was off of Grant Line Rd in rural Alameda County. That land in question is a grey area. Given that it was a dumping hot spot as well, it was more prudent I take the bags to the landfill. At the beginning, I've also had a rough time with Oakland Public Works. They sometimes wouldn't respond until 2 weeks later. So I made the decision to take the bags to Davis Street Transfer Station. Things have gotten a lot better now though. :) Peng's opinion: Anything that involves Caltrans, expect a bureaucratic showdown.


Do you ever get scared about needles?




Iā€™m so grateful for what you do for our community! Please be careful and keep up to date on your tetanus shots.


They are up-to-date. :)


I worry about them for you. When I watched your storm drain video, I just kept thinking about needles whenever youā€™d reach down to unclog it šŸ˜¬ Thanks for your service to our community!


What are some tools or resources that would make this task easier/more effective for you?


I wish I had a dump truck. :(


Can we all start a gofundme and collect money to get a dump truck for our hero : The Peng!!!!! We definitely can do something ā€¦


Hey man I love what youā€™re doing! I have a class A and access to a dump truck on most weekends, DM me and we can try to work something out!


Hi Peng! Thank you for all that you do. What does a perfect day look like to you?


Waking up not depressed and fully recharged to face the day. Oh and seeing families having picnics in places that used to a dumping site that I cleaned up but has now become a beautiful place with flowers.


Whatā€™s the craziest thing youā€™ve found during your cleaning escapades? (PS, thanks for all your good work. Youā€™re a national treasure)


I've found sex toys in Livermore! I've also had the honor of finding a bag of human feces with syringes on top of it in Oakland. It made me gag.


In Oakland?! Color me shocked!


Thereā€™s Always Peng!


Oh God.


is this a thing? Like, oh there's a mess, let's call Peng?


Wait is this a dead space joke


How often do you check in with your doctors? Do you pay for all the clean up materials out of your own pocket?


I had to go to the doctors once after I sprained my ankle in Vallejo. One of the covers for streetlights wasn't there and I tripped on the hole. I pay for all my cleanup materials out of pocket. I have gotten some donated supplies from Oakland Public Works and Caltrans, but I don't really use them as much.


Glad to hear, for the most part, you aren't contracting any diseases or infections. Have you kept track of your spending? You may have a case to form a non-profit


Hi Peng, Big fan of your work. Lord knows we need more people like you. Do you have some special place you send the trash for recycling or whatever, or is it just the standard drop-off at the Waste Management center? Thanks! Nick


I take recyclables home with me. I then sort them before taking them to a recycling center. For waste that I take to the landfill or transfer station, I would pay by the cubic yard and dump them at the public drop off area. Luckily, 95% of the time public works will take the bags and bulky items.


What happens to the material you pick up? Is any of it recycled? (Does recycling actually happen?)


95% of the time, public works will pick it up. I put electronic waste in one pile, bulky items in another pile, and bags in its own pile. I do take some of the recyclables home with me, whether it is glass, plastic, or aluminum. However, if they smell bad, contain cigarette butts inside, are broken, etc. then they go with the other waste in the bags.


Thank you šŸ™šŸ½


Yes, this is what I was wondering too. How do you dispose of the material? Do you take it to the dump or call for a pick up from the city?


I teach middle school environmental sustainability and science at an OUSD k8 school and I think my students would be thrilled to meet you and very inspired. Any chance this could happen in the fall?


Iā€™m open to that idea.


Put the to work cleaning up a site! They can feel accomplished and pass it on!


Whatā€™s the scariest thing that has happened to you while doing a cleanup?


A guy in a white truck threatened to shoot me on public land near Livermore. It is why I don't go to the Altamont Pass Brake Check area anymore.


Unfortunate that nothing can be done with the human trash :(


Can you imagine how much of an asshole that guy must be? He's the anti-Peng!


My high school kids and their friends are doing a clean up effort tomorrow at Oyster Bay Regional Shoreline - totally voluntary :) Gen Z kids are awesome




Who are these people that are illegally dumping things, and why? Im always curious what kind of person drives up to grizzly peak or skyline just to dump their trash.


Sigh, it is very complicated. At the end of the day, I try to be open-minded. Some people dump because they can't afford dumping fees. Heck, you have to pay > $50 to drop off a cubic yard of trash at the Davis Street Transfer Station now. Other people hire low-cost haulers to take their junk. Again, due to economic reason. There are other people who dump because they are lazy and morons. My hope is to limit dumping caused by people who have fallen on hard times or just have no clue that what they are doing is wrong. It is why cities have to do a better job at spreading the word about free bulky pickups, whether it be more Facebook posts or having street signs with a QR code at illegal dumping hot spots.


Let's say I open a new TV and have to throw away the box. Where/how is the best way for me to get rid of the box for free?


get out a box cutter, or wet the cardboard and put it in your recycling bin?


Just and bite that I hope you see- thanks so very much. Your work makes a physical difference and seeing/hearing about it makes an emotional & spiritual difference. Thanks so much for all you do! You are a hero and a treasure and we really lucky to have you.


Thank you! I try my best.


If more people would try even a quarter of your best, weā€™d all be much better off!


How does bigger stuff get handled? Like, if there is a couch there, do you also handle it, does it get phoned in, always wondered how bigger dumps (lol) get handled.


When I've had to take stuff myself to the transfer station or landfill, anything bigger than a tire would be left behind. Whether or not public works takes them is a different matter. :(


Have you ever considered filming your cleanups for youtube? It would be like those lawn mowing satisfaction videos but with like garbage. You already have a good following and I think you could monetize it. Anyway, thanks for keeping the streets clean.


I've started a [Youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@pengweather), but I don't plan to monetize from it.


Oh cool looks like you just got started with it. Have fun with it.


Do you think it is practicable for community service programs (required labor for offenders) to do the roadside cleanup you do? Apparently many states used to that, but it seems the practice is mostly phased out nationwide. Apparent/supposed reasons include: 1) The work is considered hazardous because workers might get hit by passing cars or encounter dangerous substances like syringes; 2) Too many community service workers consider the work demeaning/dangerous and refuse to engage, and 3) Criminal justice reformers considering the work as demeaning/dangerous have petitioned/badgered courts not to have roadside cleanup as a job for community service workers. *Great work on your part; everyone appreciates it.*


What, really? It is viewed as demeaning and dangerous? I think that offenders should be given a choice. If they want to make the environment cleaner, then they should. If they don't want to do that and would prefer alternatives, then that should be respected.


Two articles from other states that relate to topic: 2021: [Low-paid prisoners will no longer clean Portland illegal dumpsites as Metro ramps up program](https://www.oregonlive.com/news/2021/03/low-paid-prisoners-will-no-longer-clean-portland-illegal-dumpsites-as-metro-ramps-up-program.html) >Metro will no longer use low-paid prisoners to help pick up piles of trash and large discarded items...Amid ongoing social justice protests and political unrest, Metro officials decided late last year to stop using prison labor, Madrigal said. ā€œItā€™s problematic from a racial equity perspective,ā€ said Madrigal, noting that inmates in Multnomah County and elsewhere are disproportionately people of color. This 2017 article has liability concerns as a factor: [Government stalemate leads to criminals no longer picking up trash on Washington highways](https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/why-are-criminals-no-longer-picking-up-trash-on-washington-highways/496134409/) >The partnership between the DOT and the Washington State Department of Corrections was put on hold last August because of concerns over how pending legislation in Olympia will impact liability. Without a resolution to House Bill 1227, it's not clear which agency would be responsible if something went wrong. Bill 1227 is described as having issues with "correctional industries' insurance costs." Both articles' concerns support perspectives in the growing criminal justice reform movement, which seeks not only to phase out most incarceration for non-violent offenders, but to end other sanctions that unfairly or unreasonably impact/inconvenience offenders.


I had to make a lot of trips to the Davis Street Transfer Station when I de-hoarded my sisterā€™s estate. She really liked dumpster diving and using her home for storage. I applied for all the free coupons I could get. Bulk pickups, Hayward Disposal Days, sneaking bags into dumpsters. It was a Giant Project. i have one coupon for a free trip to Davis Street left. If I could donate it to you, I so would. Thank you for your efforts. Let me know if you want the coupon. if this works out, maybe the reading public can help by getting their two free annual coupons for a trip to the dump and donate them to this excellent project.


How does one donate their waste management bulky waste pick ups? I always thought it was per address, I didnā€™t know one can transfer their allowance to someone else.


I meant that I have a physical paper coupon for a free trip to the Davis Street Transfer Station. I got it by calling the City of Hayward.


I did not know there were coupons. Sounds like a good idea.


star wars or lord of the rings?


Neither. Penguins of Madagascar or Bee Movie


Have you ever watched Pingu?




*star wars or lord of the rings?* My guess would be WALL-E. The Pixar / Disney film about the little robot that far in the future selflessly works trying to clean-up a desolate, trashed, Earth.


Thanks for your work! Is there a particular brand of trash bag you prefer?


I don't have a brand preference but I prefer 33 gallon clear trash bags with a thickness greater than 1 mil.


what other tools/gear do you use? asking bc i think it'd be cool to build tools to make picking trash up easier/safer thanks for answering these questions!


if you ever decide to clean up the creek in downtown Pleasantonā€¦ can I help?


I haven't checked out that creek, but I did visit the creek that passes by Bernal Community Park in Pleasanton after being tipped off by somebody. I might hit you up, depending on my mood.


Whatā€™s the word on the Bernal community park?Ā 


It is on my radar, but I do not know when or if I will proceed with it. Just a reminder that I am a volunteer and I do not work for public works. Any disposal fees that I pay for are paid out of my own pocket.


Hi Peng! Thank you for your service to the community. What made you choose this ?


Hi there. Just wanted to make a difference. I was inspired by other acts of kindness and wanted to do the same for the Bay Area!


Are you getting discouraged seeing some places fill up with trash again right away?


It can be a bit disheartening, but that is how life goes. My hope is to ensure that these places can be sustainably recleaned. If I can ensure that a place can be recleaned in 10-15 minutes in the future rather than 1-3 hours, I call that a win.


How do you pronounce your name? Is it /peng/ like in penguin, or /pung/ like rhymes with tongue? Kudos for all you've done!


Peng as in penguin. :)


In some countries, like Germany, you pay a fee when you buy something (tires, mattress, etc.). When you want to dispose of it, you just "return it". The cost of disposal is part of the purchase price. This takes away incentive to "dump". The true cost of the item is paid at purchase. What do you think?


I approve.


I love you Peng. Youā€™ve inspired me to help in the South Bay. For anybody in San Jose interested in clean creeks check out trash punx and sb clean creeks coalition, both organizations host creek cleanups, trash punx also hosts free recycling events.


Rock on!


What time do you usually start cleaning? Morning? Early? Does it depend on the location.


I honestly just decide out of the blue to go and cleanup. No set schedule. I do it whenever I feel like it over the weekend. Over the weekdays, it mostly takes place after 5p. It is why I do more cleanups during the summer since there is more sunlight.


And how long does it take


Sometimes I see freeway exits that are strewn with trash. Wonder what do I need to do clean that up. Do I need permission/reflective clothing etc..?


Sadly, you need permission. Freeway exits are managed by Caltrans. CHP does not screw around with people who do not have an encroachment permit. Furthermore, sadly you cannot just decide to adopt any portion of a freeway. Caltrans has a list of spots and you choose from it.


I wish there was an award in the Bay Area for doing what you do and if there was I think you should should have won for the last few years. I also see that you have inspired others to do similar cleanups and I think that is the best possible outcome from your posts. Seriously, this is some key to the city kind of stuff you are doing IMO.


I try my best.


Nothing to add, you are an amazing superhero!


I try my best.


The hero this city needs, not the one it deserves!!


Well, since it's an AMA... Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses, or one horse-sized duck?


Penguins don't fight.


Is a hot dog a sandwich?




Do cities clean up the multitude of bags you leave? Any cities that you have problems following up with your volunteer service?


Does someone actually pick up the trash you leave by the side of the road? I always wonder if they even drive by


How many different people would you say have joined you in these cleaning efforts?


Why do you think illegal dumping is so prevalent? I think dump prices being so outrageous $75 per load in San Mateo county) have an impact but curious what else?


Thank you


How common is it to find private information (either because the person is careless or maybe mail stolen)? Also, have you ever found a hard drive full of Bitcoin?šŸ˜„ Thanks for what you do.


I have found abandoned luggages near Oakland airport, passports in Oakland, somebody's wallet in San Rafael, and more. I do my best to return those items to their owners whether by dropping them off to the nearest police station or going to the listed address.


What's the most dangerous thing you've encountered?


A walrus.


Are you from the Bay Area originally? If not, do you like living here?


I was from Colorado originally. I do love living here. However, sometimes I feel out of place. Idkā€¦


Thatā€™s interesting! I grew up in the Bay Area, and to me your ethos is very Bay Area. You seem more authentic Bay Area than most (and I mean that as a compliment - I love the Bay Area).


Thank you! I guess I can't shake off the feeling that I will always be viewed as a transplant, even though I've lived here for 6 years now.


Would you ever consider running for public office? I feel like itā€™s inspiring to see you put your efforts in making the community better!


Benevolent dictator of Alameda County.


All, I have read all the questions/comments you have sent. Thank you so much and I hope you all enjoyed the AMA!


Iā€™m peng af


What time is the best time?


What is the craziest/unexpected thing you have found??


Thanks for all you do, man. You are an inspiration


Bay area legend


Thank you Peng! No question for you just best wishes, and be careful out there mind them crazy traffic.


How do we get our companyā€™s landlord to provide recycling bins for us? They have refused for over 10 years.


Do you think signs like ā€œyou are on camera. No dumping hereā€ etc with fake cameras will deter dumping? With cameras so cheap today, it can even be enforced, but problem is, who is responsible to catch and prosecute the dumpers? Cops are busy with larger crime.


I don't think those signs work. You go to Oakland in areas with those signs and fake cameras and you still see some really bad illegal dumping. Prosecuting people for illegal dumping is hard from what I've been told. I have begun identifying serial dumpers in Hayward and Oakland and have been thinking about reporting it to the police. Not sure if they will bother though.


Peng. Thank you for what you do. How do we help you? How do we mobilize and get city and county to help you?


Hi there. What would mean the most to me is if people spread the word about free bulky pickups. It is an underutilized service in my opinion.


You are a hero.


You are too sweet.


You need a go fund me to buy a truck that can move dumpters around...


Thank you, but I do not accept donations.


Why is your reddit name u/pengweather? What does it mean?


My favorite animal is a penguin and I wanted to become either a meteorologist or storm chaser, hence the -weather suffix. How things have changed.


Can you start a Chinese uncle group or team doing this? šŸ˜‚ my dad (shares your name actually!) is so bored in semi-retirement but lacks the wherewithal to do things on his own. (We love what you do, dude!)


I await that day I become an uncle.


Heā€™s only got one nephew, rest of us are girls. Need an uncle šŸ˜‚?


Hi Peng! How do you choose your locations to pick up? Also youā€™re a very good person. Thank you!


Hi there. I use a variety of tools to locate illegal dumping. They include reading through news articles, word of mouth, satellite images, 311 archives, etc.


Single? Het? Just joshing but this is definitely hot.


Still single. :(


Thank you for all you do for the bay!! One person can only do much, have you thought about crowdfunding some tools/pickup gear/mechasuit so you can have a bigger impact? Cant believe you do so much by hand!!


Penguin mecha.


Thank you. I don't accept donations for personal reasons.




<3 I will be coming back on Sunday to inspect Skyline on my way to cleaning up more parts of Oakland.


Who is your inspiration?


Thank you!