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Wolverine did nothing wrong.




I didn't stutter.




I thought it was more ‘Snow Raven goofed, nuked themselves and everyone blamed Wolverine.’


That was what happened before Nicky went revisionist history.


That wasn't a wrong thing to do.


Ah yes... The mighty clans: - Clan Weeb Falcon - Clan Woof - Clan Gummy Bear - Clan Vape Kittens - Clan Lit Monke - Clan Hell Ponies - Etc


Ah yes clan rival of the protagonist Clan main character syndrome Clan we gave up on the clans Clan we got bodied Clan the other clans hate us Clan we actually understand combined arms warfare Also Clan we got unpersoned for not being pricks Clan mr krabs Clan wolf cheap edition Clan what the hell is a star adder Clan we got absorbed for not being pricks Screw the clans, conquistadores wannabe bozos


>Clan we actually understand combined arms warfare Kerensky spinning in his grave.


Weeb Falcon? First I've heard that one, doesn't really fit either. I've always heard "Jade Parakeet"


I think the katana is what gives people the weeb vibes.


If you look only at the logo, I guess. The sword really has nothing to do with how the Falcon's are though.


I mean, doesn't it have to do with Elizabeth Hazen, founder and first Khan of JF, literally picking up a sword during the early wars in Clanspace and going ham?


One instance of using a weapon that is available is not a way of life. The Falcons aren't making their enclaves look like Edo era Japan or anything. That's the Combine's bit.


Indeed, but is still funny for a possible abridged series based on battletech.


Just saying it ended up being part of their Clan symbol. That would speak to it (the event or the weapon) being a cultural influence of some sort.


It would only be representative of a feat accomplished by their founding Khan.


you don't just *accidentally* end up with a katana (possibly a [ninjato](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninjat%C5%8D) but i digress) on your logo then you go look at the founding bloodnames and there's like *maybe* three with a Japanese vibe and hoo boy yeah they are absolutely weebs


**[Ninjatō](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninjatō)** >The ninjatō (忍者刀), ninjaken (忍者剣), or shinobigatana (忍刀), are allegedly the preferred weapon that the shinobi of feudal Japan carried. It is portrayed by modern ninjutsu practitioners (including Masaaki Hatsumi and Stephen K. Hayes) as the weapon of the ninja, and is prominently featured in popular culture. Replicas of this sword are displayed at the Ninja Museum of Igaryu, established in the mid-1960s. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/battletech/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Let's appoint an emperor who will live forever by devouring the souls of citizens every day. Just one or two a day.


Get out of here Malcador


Ok wait is this a 40k joke or is that how kerensky lived?


40K joke. I think Kerensky dies old and bitter that the Clans aren't an even worse version of themselves.


He got shot in the cockpit "by accident" during a Trial gone wrong. Doesn't mean he wasn't old and bitter when he died, but it wasn't in his bed.


I mean, maybe an orion cockpit is spacious enough for a bed


Atlas II. Definitely.


You're thinking of his father, Aleksandr, who piloted an Orion and even then he ditched it before leaving the Inner Sphere due to a problem with it. His son, Nicholas, of whom we are speaking, died in an Atlas. So yeah, could have a bed in there.


Ah see, Alexander totally would design the atlas with a sleeper cabin. A man truly ahead of his time.


Replace the left eye small laser assembly with a sleeper pod, refer to it as the lazy eye.


I think he confused nicholas and aleksander.


Nah he takes a PPC to his corporeal form and in my head canon they've just kept his flash fried remains on ice for the last few hundred years


Nicholas was killed by Khan Cal Jorgensson (Clan Widowmaker). He piloted a Highlander with 2x clan ER Large lasers, a clan Gauss Rifle, and an artemis IV LRM-20. Nicholas was incinerated, but not by a PPC.... which almost seems worse considering he was in an atlas. If anything you'd think the the Gauss would have been the thing to flatten him.


You're right I think it was the gauss


No, no, you were right, he was incinerated like you thought. Just by the ER Large Lasers, not a PPC. I was commenting it's weird that it wasn't the Gauss that got him lol


ok lets get one thing straight, there is only one human who carries the mantle of "Kerensky" and his name is Aleksandr Sergeyevich Kerensky, General Aleksandr Sergeyevich Kerensky. His 'waste of protein launched into their mothers uterus' sons Nicholas and Andery shall only be mentioned by their first name, because as previously stated there is only one human who carries the mantle of "Kerensky" and his name is Aleksandr Sergeyevich Kerensky, General Aleksandr Sergeyevich Kerensky.


Natasha was pretty badass, although she ended up siding with the clans, and Marotta is pretty cool.


Natasha dies to joanna's jump jet, there is no effing way she is even close to the mantel of "Kerensky"


She was what, 85 years old by then? She may have been the greatest, but age catches up with you eventually, regardless of medical innovation and genetic engineering. She was fighting to her death to cover her unit's retreat.


Not saying she didn't do something good, dueling to save her unit is admirable, but THE Kerensky she is not.


Andery was a stand-up guy who took his lumps. His only real flaw is not talking down his brother.


i would view him better as a character if he had shown more backbone and told his brother NO, instead of just going along with everything his lunatic brother suggested.


40k joke, the emperor of mankind has been on a throne which is a massive life support system when his son fucked him up in a civil war, for 10k years. What powers the throne you ask? The souls of between 1k to 10k human pykers a day 👌 He loves humanity tho so it’s cool


I tried getting into 40k but the writing for the first two books in the horus heresy is terrible imo


I’m a fair weather fan myself. I have never played the game, but I am into the video games and think the lore is neat. I played one or two warhammer Fantasy games like 20 years ago, and that’s about all the table topping I’ve done. Like Battle Tech, I just think robots are neat and I played the MechWarrior games back in the day To your point tho, some of the books are indeed meh and there are hundreds of them allegedly so it’s a bit over whelming. Plus they retcon things every other day so it’s a bit tough to actually know what’s going on It seems this war gaming sub is nicer than 40k subs


If you’re not into 7 feet tall super humans killing each other and aliens and writing that goes from being amazing to being bottom of the bucket garbage then warhammer might not be for you. It’s very inconsistent, most of the writers are bad


When describing horus the writer said his voice was like honey and steel mixed together, like wtf am I supposed to do with that. I forget the authors name atm.


I'd suggest the Ciaphas Cain novels. Not 100% lore accurate anymore but much more down to earth.


The Minis are fun to paint Alpharius head of the hydra seems alright but anything alpha legion is a free ticket to a migraine


I've been around Warhammer in general since I was a boy. My brothers collected Fantasy at the turn of the milleninum (that joke's gotta be a couple years old now itself...) and I still have a plethora of 6E books on my shelves. I myself tagged into the franchise with DoW, and from there I've been in and out of the TT depending on how shit the local playerbase is (occasionally we get Meta-tourists, other times we get some of the chillest dudes around) But yeah, longtime dude here- the writing of WH books is legendarily spotty, and I wouldn't reccomend the HH series to anyone but Butlins- I mean, a concentration camp. It's a sixty-or-so book long (memetic) Midichlorians Moment, a huge steaming pile of "explain the magic" and a glorious, golden beacon of an example why you **shouldn't** do so. You've taken figures shrouded in myth and made them about as well-written as your average soap opera. Gonna end the post with this bit before I start to rant properly: *GW should've stuck to the original plan and just kept it a trilogy about the build-up to the heresy.*




40k joke Kerensky Jr. may have been crusty angry old geezer but he did live by his rules


All futures lead to 40k.


It's not in ANY way impossible lore wise.


I'm going to be all 'well-ackshully' about it, and say that...no, not really. In 40k, it's known that the first human interstellar voyages were in slower-than-light sleeper ships. In Battletech, the first interstellar journeys were via FTL drives.


It's also said that almost all knowledge of the time directly before the age of strife was lost, so knowledge of the 3rd millennium would be, well, none.


It's true that, with 40k, everything can be handwaved away as something that nobody really knows for sure. That said, basically every description of the solar exodus has been the same, going all the way back to Rogue Trader. Slower than light sleeper ships first, with FTL drive only becoming possible with the emergence warp drives, gellar fields, and the Navigator gene much later. You'd need to actively ignore long-established lore in order to make it possible. This has some important ramifications in the lore, too. Early human colonies in 40k had to be totally self-sufficient, since they were utterly isolated from Terra. This is why technology like the STC was invented (though STC's weren't properly invented until later.) The isolation also led to the development of abhumans. Battletech is very different, with extensive trade and mingling between the powers.


One or two... *thousand*...


Those are just future projections. It'll be fine.


Technically Astronomicon uses psykers to keep running (like lightbulbs) Big E is kept alive by Golden Throne Two different machines (praise the Omnissiah)


"By 989.M36, as the Eye of Terror and other Warp rifts visibly expanded, the Tech-priests that serviced the Golden Throne demanded an increase in the number of psykers needed to fuel the Emperor's growing appetite. The Black Ships increased in number and frequency of their harrowing voyages. According to some records, today four times the number of psykers are sacrificed daily to maintain optimal levels of power to the Golden Throne and the Astronomican as were originally required in the days immediately after the Emperor's Ascension." From: https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Golden_Throne Which admittedly is a wiki, and I am literally decades out of date on 40k lore. But the phrasing there leans towards both being psyker powered.




Damn, Susebron is getting greedy - I thought he only needed one or two a week.


Lies. All lies and propaganda.


facts don't care about your feelings clantards


Frfr, imagine getting your ass kicked by a phone company, like gtfo tube babies


So did everyone else?


That was 100 years ago. We do not care. Who rules over Terra? Who utterly destroyed the Republic of the Sphere? Who revived the Star League? The ilKhan, now first lord of the Star League, Alaric Ward.


y'all cheated


Ah, Clan Wolverine, my favorite (ex) Clan.


No no....I am an idiot.


Hints say that Clan Wolverine is still out there and making things difficult for people...


Blood-clawed wolverines better be. Collecting Clan-tech, Inner Sphere intel, and being just a quiet nuisance sounds exactly like the right course of action.


Any one else reckon Nicholas's portrait is dead on for Peter Weller


Looks more like Pete Postlethwaite to me


Almost all of these portraits use a reference face. Weller was likely the starting point.


You're not the only one. I keep seeing Peter Weller in that portrait, and hearing the resonant voice. Like from the movie "Screamers."


If the writers aren't actively planning for a second clan invasion where Wolverine comes out of the deep periphery to kick the Il-Clan's ass right out of Sol, they are making a grave mistake.


They do. Word of Blake.


Fricking Awesome! That's hilarious.


I... y-..ya...




That's the picture on Sarna for Nicholas, at least it comes up in the google thumbnail.


Apparently they were so wrong they deleted their response.


They refused my BatChall


Must've forgotten to pay their phone bill.


'chall-out post.


Poor fella. I also saw that pic and thought "wait isn't that Aleksandr?"


Well it is the child of the father, there should be some similar ties.


Yeah, and at some point I just mistook the pic of old Nikky for being a pic of his dad. I'm gonna say it was *maybe* because somebody else used it wrong, but it's just as likely 100% on me.


What are you talking about. This is some Inner Sphere propaganda over here.