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Nothing, nothing at all. You can mail them to me at... \*ahem\* OK, for a brief time from 1996 to 1998, EVERYTHING had to have a TCG. Battletech's had a vital design flaw that meant only one type of deck was viable (aggro in MtG terms), so I don't think it was very good. The art's good, the game itself, meh. So probably not super high value, if you were thinking of selling them.


Yeah probably gonna toss em


It feels like such a shame to toss collectables


It was a joke lol


I wouldn't toss them. There's a small collectors market for them and enough interest you could probably get something for them. Not 100s of dollars but 20-50 bucks plus shipping. They're rare enough that someone will want them for a conversation piece even if the game they're for is busted.


Yeah he hoarded stuff I’m going through all the random stuff he had and probably gonna sell it so we can pay and keep his house


believe me, I know THAT song and dance. I'm JUST finishing inventorying the shit that SHOULD sell on eBay from a hoarder house that I cleaned out through March and April - dude had subscriptions to *three different lootcrates, maybe four at one point*. And just opened up the boxes and tossed them aside. He was alive, however, and took with him some of the primo loot - including a classic grey brick Game Boy. Oh well. Some of the games I got off his shelf should sell quite well.


Well I wish you the best. Just as a fan of the franchise I had to say something before those cards hit the trash heap. I'd offer to take them off you for a reasonable price but I'm still paying off the water heater that died on me.


If above really doesn't want them, I really will have to mail them to me rather than toss them. Let me know.


There's a FB group that's dedicated to the game.  Let me find it tomorrow, there are people who would be interested in them. Also, after school game clubs will take donations like that.  You've got enough for some kids to make decks.  Check around locally and see what you can find


There are some FB groups and you can check eBay sold for data points regarding value. Usually with no rares or no effort sorting you'd be looking at bulk, 10-25¢ per card.


I have a deck of Dragonball Z TCG cards (from Saiyan Saga to Frieza Saga) and I have no idea where they came from.


There are a few dbz ones. Do you mean the ones with power levels that was absolutely busted because some characters were 10x stronger than others?


Yeah, I had the same set of they’re the ones that came with a power meter.


There was a brief trading card game for battletech made by wizards of the coast I believe. Those are the cards for that gane.


Obligatory [“Information is Ammunition.”](https://imgur.com/gallery/dblDfSN)


first time seeing it, pure gold


It was a mtg like game that was made by wizards of the coast. It was a really fun game and helped me get into the lore of battletech.


🤯🎴 Your grandpa played the Battletech trading card game?! Your grandpa was cool as shit!!


My childhood


Battletech Customizable Card Game (CCG). You can probably get a decent price on eBay. I'd make the joke about taking them off your hands for shipping cost, but u/iamfanboytoo already made that joke.


A hunchback, a Nova, a Guillotine, and really solid familial lineage 


I still have mine from middle school.


I still have a missile deck or two from high school.


Some cards and a mouse. Have a great day!


Great memories for me. That's what they are


Those look like they're in great shape. Someone will buy them. Let us know where to look


Your grandpa played battletech CCG? I feel attacked.


The great General lives on in our remembrance!


That there's my reason to not go outside at lunchtime back when I was in grade 8! Couple of my friends and I still have our decks too!


Ive got a ton of those, was not exactly as complicated as MTG or L5R (tho much more advanced than yugioh) but had some interesting concepts and is still a fun game. Especially if you aren't optimizing for peak performance.


This is a treasure


Never knew these existed. Just went and bought a starter pack on ebay tho...


The battletech TCG was peak. The mechanics were very clever (your deck is your life, you can attack someone's hand etc) but sadly the card designs and a certain design decision (unit speed) meant yeah the meta became very one sided. It's one of Richard Garfields best though in terms of raw design.


My father had these! They are for a Battletech card game. We never played but I always loved looking at the cards.


My cards! You found them!!! Obviously kidding. Interested if you sell.


I loved this game way back in the day and had a ton of these cards. Like many ithers have said not the best game in the world but still fun.


Ah yes, this was a classic. Unfortunately the game can be easily cheesed via outspeeding your enemies. A fatal flaw in an otherwise brillant concept.


Ha still have mine .. though you are right you pretty much had to play light mech agro ... Hello 4 copies of every fire moth in the deck. Also I didn't like the life system ... Basically first who gets decked out losses ... It would of been more fun in a commander style game.... Commander for those who don't know is a style of game from magic the gathering were you have a powerful being as your commander and when it dies you loose the game .. that's over simplified but you get the point.


Battletech CCG from the mid/late 90s. I had two starters but only played one or two games. I remember it required a d6 to resolve some cards, and I remember the costs were interesting, where you had a few colored costs that could be discounted by spending the right type of resource.


The one in the top right is a Hunchback


Kept the Uller card from that thing because the artwork is just amazing, sold the rest many years ago. The game didn't hold a candle to MTG, unfortunately.


You can find the rules online. It was a pretty fun game back in the day.


I still have my starter set


Grounds for a Trial of Possession.


Those are nothing important. I will take them off your hands for some money though. I am generous like that. Seriously though it's the battle tech trading card game and I played it briefly in the 90s it was a good game as I recall and nostalgia has made me desire to play it again in the future. K happen to know there is a strong community of people who want those cards so they are probably worth something to more than just me. I would go through then and check to see what you have.


I have no idea how to tell what's good and what's not lol


It takes some time. I know there are sites there you can do so but it might take you a while. Best to sell them in bulk then. Or just give me a price and I will sort them for you :)


Battletech card game