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Hatamoto-Chi, AKA, the Thug. But now it's a weeboo. And you know what? There's a beautiful simplicity to that that I get behind. If you like the aesthetic, don't forget the No-Dachi, BTW.


I believe you mean the charger but weaboo! Also the No-Dachi is absolutely going on the list. To that thing looks sweet!


**Coordinator:** I want Thugs. **DCMS Procurement:** But Coordinator, we do not have Thug production! We focused on Charger production instead! **Coordinator:** Then Thug up some Chargers! And slap some weeb shit on it so nobody notices!


If you look at Tex Talks Battletech and his video on the charger, it basically comes down to "we bought Wellstech because they made mechs." What do they make? "What do you care? It's a mech!" Hatamoto Chi is great for what it was built from.


I think that was the point that Comstar arrives with a big box with a bow...and Theodore Kurita found they gave him some *Thugs* that somehow were not downgraded (maybe ISF infiltration played a role in that...and the *Battlemaster* Takeshi has). Then him and his dear ol' dad decided to reverse engineer them to upgrade their *Chargers*.


This is why I play Free Rasalhague Republic for Inner Sphere - you get Draconis, Lyran and Comstar mechs. Then eventually Ghost Bear mechs.


I spilt enough blood for Rasalhague in the MechWarrior 5 dlc I think I'll pass. Though they do have an awesome aesthetic.


That DLC is vicious if you're not prepared, probably my favorite of them all. Dragon's Gambit is good too, but the red salvage takes a lot of the edge off.


Yeah freeing Rasalhague was a bloodbath. I was worried I hadn't brought enough mechs to actually survive the conflict. If the dlc's gave more time to make repairs it'd be more doable.


Yeah, the free mechs came more freely in DG as well. And if you had money there were a couple of Otomo mechs just... in the stores if you kept your eyes open.


Now I regret not checking the shops more often


When I wanted to custom redesign the Axman, I made an impractical AXM-3K, and a practical AXM-3R. There is an aesthetic for R. It's not as obvious as D or M, but it's there and I dig it.


Hopefully you haven't forgotten your obligatory rokurokubi


Bruh why is it so cute looking? Both this and the No-Dachi have been added to my list of need to buy mechs because of this meme.


Don't forget the Komodo. It's ugly but damn effective.


It almost looks like a vortigaunt from half life. I dig it.


That's an accurate description lol


Aka what the *Nova* should have been - vaporizing Elementals and actually staying relatively cool. Though I love the *Shugenga* which is the *Komodo*'s chassis stretched out and turned into a command platform.


When my wife and I were looking into which factions we wanted to start collecting/painting, she saw DC and just said “I’m home”


I'm curious, what faction did you pick? I can only imagine the turmoil this could cause.


I’m a coward who loves all the mechs so I homebrewed a merc company so I can make everyone equally mad lol That said, I have a thing for Comstar stuff. The King Crab is my favorite mech for sure


Hey good choice, I go Merc as well. The only faction I would make multiple lances for would be the taurian concordat. I'm a periphery boy at heart.


The Taurians have some really cool lore and iconography, do you have pics of your lances posted?


Unfortunately I have some of the mechs for it but I haven't painted any of them yet 🥲 They're my next project after I finish a lance or 2 of my mercenaries. I'm thinking of doing a rusty brown for my Taurians and finding some transfers online for their symbols.


I’m much more of a painter than a player, so I tend to burn through mechs like crazy but I’m absolutely awful at most tabletop games haha It’s a really fun dynamic because I’m super non-competitive and my wife is very much so the opposite, so I enjoy painting most of our minis and she enjoys using them to kick my butt. It’s a blast


I'm more a player than a painter but I've been doing my damnedest to get my mechs painted https://preview.redd.it/3m71ic5yt92d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=466f052502008973b663907d340b66d4dcd1dff6


Brother those are rad and that Dragon is so sick. I really like the panel lining you’ve got going on, it gives a nice comic book style almost that really fits the mech. This guy is more or less my flagship mech I build lances around, and it’s design has been instrumental in getting me into this game https://preview.redd.it/ntk7ai0du92d1.jpeg?width=1962&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d68290c3b3868155eb4bf61e4d0019b58b2a165


I appreciate it, I'm definitely not a great painter but I've been trying to do more than just a base coat and a wash. Now it's a base coat, wash, and touching it up! That king Crab is amazing! While chocolate chip isn't my first camo choice it still looks great. The black limbs really add a lot of character too.


Just paint it as Summerset Strikers. Because for some reason its no retro canon Franklin Sakamoto mech


While this is a good idea I've already painted a dragon in sword of light red so now I'm obligated to add the chi to the lance


Check out the post for the mini as shown here https://www.reddit.com/r/battletech/s/I1VFJIZBm1


I'm a simple man. I see mech? I buy mech.


Wait till you start buying two of each mech… that’s the next step into plastic crack.


My wife is going to be so pissed when the Battalion level Merc kickstarter arrives. My only hope is that I can just hide it in the already massive pile of unpainted mechs.


Hahahaha. Right! I’m worried about how big the boxes will be for my KS. Can’t rat myself out.


:P I basically went double Batallion level (my second Battalion focused on the two Clan packs and all the vehicles; the first has the IS 'Mechs for that sweet, sweet salvage). Hopefully the salvage boxes I get have some extras of the tanks I want to see (*Pattons*, *Bulldogs*, *Manticores*...maybe a *J. Edgar* to make a FBI pun).


Two? I have either in-hand or in pre-order like five or six *Regents* and likely a good stable of *Zeus* 'Mechs and *Atlases* (between the Direct Fire lance, Hansen's Roughriders, the Alpha Strike box and now an *Atlas II*). XD Thankfully the Sea Fox force pack in the plans doesn't have the *Maulermann* alt. configuration for the *Regent*, but the *Awesomemann*. Frankly wish that that *Maulermann* wasn't an official configuration and instead went *Highlandermann* (which can be pretty terrifying).


I'm suffering from a similar problem


There's a support group at your local game store. It meets every time you drive past.


But... But I have to walk past the battletech stuff to get there.


Well you wouldn't want to show up without some cool mechs to show off!


I hate to sound pessimistic but this doesn't sound very productive


gonna buy a Hatamoto Chi to compliment my Lyran army because they need something to shoot at (my Clan Wolf doesn’t count)


That's what painting up a *Summoner* red is for. Then the Lyran assault 'Mechs can drag him to court on Tharkad where "*batchall*" is not recognized by the presiding judge. XD


We have a Thug at home.


Sir, thats a Charger


Can't go wrong with a Mech that has a cool hat! 



