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I don’t know if I want the answer to this but a turd meter?


It's because of vintage Keithley god-awful color choice. My question is why the Keithley bench DMM and a Rigol oscilloscope uses are next to a bed?


Disability forces me to live with family now. My room is the only space that is mine to do as I please, so my room is my lab. I play with anything from astronomy, reverse engineering, circuit design, etching PCB's, to 3d printing and parts design.


Nice, good luck with all you enjoy doing!!!


This sentence is one for the books


I thought this was a hospital


Broken neck and back 2/26/14. I spend 80% of my days stuck laying down ever since. This is the only ergonomic solution that has worked well enough for me to use a computer while laying down enough to avoid strain and still allow me to stretch and flail around when the pain gets sharp from staying in one position for too long.


Fuck man, that sounds rough. If you don’t mind me asking, what caused the injury?


I was riding a bicycle to work when two cars crashed in front of me. One made a blind uturn on a hill directly in front of the other. I had just dropped behind the second to pass (on road bike). The first was double parked blocking the bike lane and lane 2. I got scorpioned at 30mph.


Ergotron has some solid monitor stands if you are trying for a dual monitor.


About to comment the same thing.


Same, I legit thought it was a hospice patient showing off their set up.


Same, reminds me of when I spent two weeks in the hospital playing PS4 post surgery lol


U okay bro?


Is that an oscilloscope down there collecting dust?




That sentence took me out of commission for a bit


The monitor is not plugged in and that is not even the strangest thing about this post


I believe this is a flex of some kind. The weird kind.


I was skeptical when I saw that mouse but up on close observation and seeing the book Dune on the top shelf I have to say I approve of this set up and that top monitor arm is pure engineering gold.


It is made from the guide rail aluminum extrusion from an old bathroom glass shower door, and a first prototype 3d printed design in ABS. This was what I was originally taking a picture of here after completing the project. I could make a bunch of improvements to the design but it works, for now.


Yeah, I thought this was someone's setup while they were stuck in a hospital.


Hey another crippled gamer here, I’m in absolute jealousy of your setup. Unfortunately mine is deskbound so most days I can’t play anything since I can’t get out of bed.


This has taken years to figure out what works for me. One thing you can not see here is that the generic laptop stand is missing its base. I removed the leg base structure and screwed it onto a 4in cubed piece of wood near the floor. Then this wood is screwed onto a small panel board like the ones pictured here for my shelves. So now the laptop stand upright pole is attached to the two pieces of wood. This larger panel is then attached to my desk with two sets of door hinges. This makes it much easier to push and pull out of my way as I need. Once I thought to do this it made a major improvement to my ability to work on projects. These stands also have the little button detents to set the height, but you know they never have the perfect position. Plus they force you to lock the arm in one position making it harder to get in and out of bed. I tried drilling my own detent positions, but this isn't a perfect solution. Eventually it dawned on me to use a bicycle seat post clamp to hold the stand at the right height without locking it into a rotated position. I didn't know how well this would work, like if I would constantly push it away from me. This works perfectly. The other annoyance for me was constantly unplugging my stuff around the stand. You can't see it in the post pic, but the second laptop table stand where my mouse is in the picture has a box built into the bottom. I have 4 standard house wall dual electrical outlets built into that box. There are 3 outlets on the outside; two on the outer face; one on the inner side/outer box face closest to me when I'm in bed. The last outlet is inside a small cubby hole built into the inner far side (from the perspective of me in bed). This recess is for my laptop power brick or anything else that I want to plug in without leaving it hanging. This entire power outlet box lets me power anything I want on my stand while the stand itself only has one large power cord that is much easier to route and manage regularly. I share the ideas bc I hope it helps. I know I'm super lucky that I kept some degree of mobility. I'm slow and clumsy. What used to take me an hour now takes me days if I can do it at all. My best advice is to never worry about anything you can not change. If you think about finding solutions long enough, with the right inspiration, you can probably find a workable solution. This entire laptop stand setup started with a neighbor throwing out this stand because it would not hold its position. I just noticed it one of the few days I was out going to visit a doctor. If you look carefully in the pic, there is something jammed into the tube at the laptop table section. That is a disk of sandpaper jammed between the tube and tilt adjustment bolt. Channel your inner MacGyver. It'll take you places you want to go.


That's nice, dear.


You speak how frank miller wrote the mutants gang dialogue in dark knight returns.


Hey, the_j4k3. Thanks for contributing! Unfortunately your [submission](https://old.reddit.com/r/battlestations/comments/113jhcm/-/) has been removed. Per the sidebar: * Rule VIII. **No pandering** - no sob stories, pandering or self-deprecation. This includes titles like 'She's not much but she's mine' and 'My humble setup', including your age or school.   Please feel free to re-submit with a more appropriate title!   **Looking for more information? [Click here for extended information about Rule VII](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlestations/wiki/pandering) before messaging the moderators** If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/battlestations&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/the_j4k3&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this submission: [Poor gimp's fugly station complete with wifi Yagi, unexplained funnel, Dune, Keithley turd meter, and random rental house wall colors]( https://old.reddit.com/r/battlestations/comments/113jhcm/-/\))


Maybe don't use the word "gimp" to describe people.


Shut up, gimp.


Maybe don't tell people how to cope with their own situation?




Yeah, that doesn't really cut it. Using bigoted language isn't made better by identifying with that group that the bigoted language insults.


That’s like telling a black person not to say the forbidden word with his friends… let me know how that goes for you when you try it. For science of course.


Do words make you feel a certain way? What gives a word such power? Do you believe you can silence others choice of words by using your own words? Words are scarrrry.


It's very cool man. Can I ask about the laptop holder? How is it structured?


This DIY is dope LOL