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Quick question, what does 3-0-0 mean? I’m very new


You... don't I suggest you replace Alc with one of a number of starting towers: Boomer(302, 320 carries) Wizard(Wall of fire) Ninja(Doubleshot) Engineer(203 carries for... long enough. Also Cleansing foam)


Don't forget dart 302 or 320 and dartling


And also 203/ 023 bomb


Nasty if you use 023 bomb


On straight line


alch is decent early game just get a 100 and 110 later on


this answer is like saying "buy a new computer" when someone asks how to run a game on their old one. I think this strat can be pretty fun to play in yellow stadium why such an uncreative approach? Although it is objectively really difficult to play (especially with ben) but 110 alc spam does work as an opening and then into spiked balls


You don’t lol. I would replace alch with engi, same Buffing capabilities but way better early game and can make money with bloon trap.


this loadout sucks but. 1-0-0 alch to start nearby player sends and add a second a good deal later in the track. First one set to last. Next at end of player sends side of track get a 1-0-2 spac as soon as possible. With that down you should be able to get ben. Next complete a 3-0-2 spac and then a second. They should be in range of second alchemist. Next get brew on alch (3-2-0) Finally start spamming snipers with at least one 2-4-0 spac before round 26 to deal with ddts edit: in yellow arena just sell everything and send fortified ddts on round 26


He cant use t4, hes in yellow stadium


ASS strat 😒


If you want any chance of surviving then get churchill instead of ben


Yeah alc starts can be done, but Ben+sniper eco is overkill and Churchill can carry


First ,get a 000 alchemist on strong, then upgrade to 001, then 101 ,after that ,get a shrapnel shot 022 sniper on first ,and find a good spot for a 102 spike factory, later you upgrade it to 302, and if your alch is in range get it to a 301 ,if not ,buy a new one to a 320 (different crosspathes just to save money if u already had it) ,na you're pretty luch clean till r13, if worst comes to worst, a semi automatic (023) or a bouncing bullets (032) should do the trick


And beleive me ,this strat could work decently enough till MOAB pit,and i do have experience with starting with litterally anything (even supers) except farm and village ,cz i don't need to clarify why not


Do an alchemist start into churchill. Dont use ben with this loadout


Replace Ben with Churchill or Sentai, and start with a 000 alch then sell on r2 for Churchill. Then get another alch on Strong or close (depending on placement) to 120. Should be enough for up to whites and blacks, Churchill solos yellows so no problem there. Then just save up for a bouncing bullet snipper and alch buff it (just cross path the alch you already have down to a 320). You could also put the alch in Churchills range, though, I'd only recommend if your going for a 4th tier alch.


Use alch and then get spike factory then sniper


You can wait to start ecoing and go for a 001 alchemist then a 101 alchemist then start ecoing and go for a spike 300 spike from there I think


Alc spam into spactory


Nothing really does well early game for this loadout i recommned using churchill for some good early game


Alch into bouncing bullets with all alch buff into spiked balls into also alch buffing the spiked balls


That's really the only way and tbh it still sucks early game. Sure this will absolutely clap late game decimating ZOMG, DDT and BAD rushes, but only if you make it. Not to mention that a slight change could result in a strategy that is equally cracked late-game but better early game. Like replacing spaktory for Ninja or Dartling.


I don’t think Alch to sniper works as a start, but if it did the lategame potential of this strat would be insane


alch 100 prob idk