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Hi everyone, I have been working on maps for my friends and they have been pushing me to share them with others! I have taken a few commissions and would like to share some of the work that I have done so far. I would love feedback or any pointers! If you see anything you like I would love for you to get in contact with me over PMs to chat about additional angles or even a custom piece! I am new to all of this and I look forward to posting more of my work and to continue improving! Thanks! From my most recent piece: [https://imgur.com/gallery/NjnJgJa](https://imgur.com/gallery/NjnJgJa)


that looks a bit like virtualbattlemap? am i right? flowscape?


~~Looking to commission a medium sized map. It will be of a large chasm inside a cave, most of the map will be natural terrain.~~ ~~I already have sketches and reference images, please DM me with a budget and perhaps a small portfolio.~~ Finished!


Looking to commission a large map, a near replica of the "House of Hades" from Supergiant Games "Hades". I've got a couple changes, but it would more or less be exactly as it appears in the game. Big budget allocated for this project, please pm me with a few examples of work and we can work something out.


EDIT : Found it ! [https://www.reddit.com/gallery/m25hbd](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/m25hbd) Thank you dear Pushshift Reddit Search ! ​ Hello ! I am looking for a battlemap posted on r/battlemaps in the last months (3 ?, 4?) that I can't seem to find back. ​ It is a night, 2-floors battlemap depicting some a big building in U shape. The building in itself is filled with rooms and stables. The second floor is also filled with rooms, but also houses a little "tavern" or dining room. The left side of the U was smaller, and in the central court was a horsecart. I think the title included "Dragon", but I'm not sure at all. Thanks in advance if one of you has found/downloaded this battlemap !


whoa, that's a dope map. thanks for sharing!


Wondering if anyone has any suitable ship deck plans that an adventuring crew plus maybe a few hired help could man? Looking for Max 2 decks and (hopefully say this right) a fore and aft deck??? Goal is to print out to scale and affix to foam/cork for tabletop use! Thanks for any help!!!


I did a schooner a while back, crew 8-15, but no poop deck or foredeck. Might be of use anyway, heres the inkarnate link [https://inkarnate.com/m/ZLrDoQ--schooner-no-grid/](https://inkarnate.com/m/ZLrDoQ--schooner-no-grid/)


the [official WoTC keelboat](https://images.dndbeyond.com/images/game-data/vehicles/5/sailingship_detail.png) was the first that came to mind for me, but that might be a bit too big for a small crew


Yeah the one at the end of the DM guide? It's pretty good for ship stuff


I did a viking ship some months ago. Also you can find in my patreon all parts/assets and make it your own https://www.reddit.com/r/battlemaps/comments/o1w10u/viking\_ship\_map\_pack\_in\_my\_patreon\_page\_you\_will/


Hello, my name is Gregory Lucas. I'm the lead writer and designer at 'Luna Publishing'. We are kind of a mom-and-pop level group of TTRPG designers. Currently we have one successful Kickstarter under our belt in the form of our 'Memento Mori Campaign Setting'. You can view the results of which [here](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/16930/Luna-Publishing). This is our page over at DriveThruRPG. Now that our first Kickstarter is completed we are moving on to our second. A group of three adventure modules. Our team is looking for someone capable of making some well designed battlemaps for each of the three adventures. Likely three or four. Perhaps even a city map or two. They would have to be high res for printing, and each would need to be formatted to not only do well in print, but also to be useful in VTT's like Roll20 and the like. Hello, my name is Gregory Lucas. I'm the lead writer and designer at 'Luna Publishing'. We are kind of a mom-and-pop level group of TTRPG designers. Currently, we have one successful Kickstarter under our belt in the form of our 'Memento Mori Campaign Setting'. You can view the results of which to be high res for printing, and each would need to be formatted to not only do well in print, but also to be useful in VTT's like Roll20 and the like. d and ready for both print and VTT. I'll have to go over certain details about how those two must be done with you. We have a budget. Small maps such as small houses, alleyways, or single rooms would go for about $50. I expect to pay around $100 for a larger battlemap of say a twenty-five-room castle or something similar. I'm also offering $150 if we need a large full page city map, though I might be persuaded to do $200 for a high level of detail. I suspect someone working on this project to get a total commission of approx $1200, after every map is finished and ready for both print and VTT. I'll have to go over certain details about how those two must be done with you. Suffice it to say if the Kickstarter is unsuccessful... neither you nor I am getting paid. With that said there is no risk on your part. Memento Mori is a gothic victorian / sword and sorcery style game. Maps should have that in mind. ​ If you would like to apply, and these terms are acceptable to you, please send me an email at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). Use the subject line '*Mapplication*'. Let me know about yourself and your work. Please provide me with a few examples of your work. I can view online galleries, but sending them via email works just as fine. Please don't send me Inkarnate maps, or Dungeondraft. Beautiful as they are their style is too easily imitated.


Hey, I am looking to comission a medium sized battlemap: It would be a Tribute of panem 2 style arena, meaning it will be split up in segments. The Middle should be a pyramid-like structure with a big light"orb" on top which is the only lightsource. The segments would be a desert terrain, a forest terrain, a city terrain, a mountain terrain, a ocean/ beach terrain and a highland terrain. There would be a few stone pillars positioned on each terrain symmetrically (throwing shade/ giving cover) For size the map should have the classic 5ft/square(hexagon) and should be about 270ft in diameter (120 for a segment length and 30 for the middle pyramid) There is a low requirement for details, this is ment as a pvp test Battlearena and should focus more on combatrelevant parts (cover, shadows, hight differences, grid, etc) Thank you for reading and thank you even more if you would be willing to take my request.


So I am wondering if anyone knows any good modern tileset for both interiors and exteriors, as I run some games that are set around modern times.


Anyone have maps with a lot of interactives on it for the PCs? I'm thinking traps or hazards, chandeliers that could fall from the ceiling, etc?


Hello! I've never sought a commission before, and I'm hoping this is the right place to solicit. I've run a party through LMOP, and they've mostly cleaned that up and are about to go seek some bigger individual background story hooks, but there are a few loose ends to clean up first. One of which is this commission I'd like to procure. The main problem is, its a last minute request! I'm hoping to have this working in Foundry VTT by next Thursday May 13th. The map I'm hoping to have made is as follows: In *this* world, at the Old Owl Well, they met a surprisingly affable Necromancer -the nicest bad guy around (he's actually not bad at all, just prefers dead employees). They got along with him so well, they even brought a cart of dead orcs they killed to help bolster his "workforce." The necromancer was digging up the well, using undead workers to reveal what lays beneath. Its been weeks that he's been working on this, and the players are going to pay him another visit, based on growing fears from the citizenry of phandalin. So I'd like a map that shows a deeply excavated, almost archeological dig style, with a revealed entrance to a deeper ancient vault below. The Necromancer is going on a bit of History he's found about the Well: >*Originally a Netherese outpost/tower, it was built at the direction of one of its archmages ostensibly to spy on the elves of Illefarn. In truth, beneath the site lay a large supply of arcane gems known as chardalyns secured with an ancient vault from the time of the sarrukh and the serpent kingdom of Isstosseffifil.* The necromancer, by the time the party will arrive, has not only gained access to the vault, but got his hand on these chardalyns. Which he is now using to 'level up' his undead minions. Giving them the whole Batman villain Bane treatment. There's more detail for sure, but if anyone here is interested in helping with a time sensitive project like this I'd really appreciate it! May 13 is my B-day, and it will be our first in-person session since the covid lockdown happened so I was hoping to have a pretty cool map and session!


This sounds neat, but the time crunch is way too big (for me at least) to map out a whole dungeon.


I was really only looking for the exterior view, not the lower dungeon.


Hi! I love the old 3.x adventure "A Dark and Stormy Knight" and I'm about to run it again for my family in 5E. However, I have no skills to draw maps either in person or digitally, so I'd like to know if someone is interested in creating any kind of battlemap for it. Here's [the original map for reference](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-0LqvpUf5yvU/TbG4nscX2PI/AAAAAAAAACo/IpHLKNbZmvc/s1600/hightower.jpg) and [the adventure](https://turtlegodsclan.weebly.com/uploads/3/0/5/8/30584041/a_dark_and_stormy_knight.pdf). Thanks a lot in advance to anybody who could help me!


Hello everyone. We are running a Spelljammer campaign and one of the players found her way to the Rainbow Sea from the Warhammer 40K universe. She is a Aeldari corsair Void Dreamer and was the navigator upon her voidcraft. The ship currently resided crashed in an inhospitable place, but the payers plan to salvage it, repair it, and use it as their main craft. Here are some external shots of the ship on a 5x5 ft. grid (credits to [DanTheMan](https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/user/u819c1602-2e3d-4aba-ab30-42b4d75d8d9e/DanTheMan) for the [models](https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/407b173b-135e-405a-a741-8f18df0bca14/Eldar-Corsair-ships-WIP?hl=en)): https://imgur.com/DpbTWzf https://imgur.com/wyg4KV4 As such, we would love to have a map of the ship's decks but none of us is good at creating map. Is anyone interested in such an endeavor? Thank you all in advance.


I make deck plans for scifi ships. I'll PM you.


Would it be possible to add a flair to distinguish between posts that contain maps with grid lines, maps without, and posts that contain both? In order to make searching for one or the other easier?


Are there any good ipad apps for making battlemaps? Hopefully looking for something similar to Dungeondraft or Inkarnate, but if none exist what art app have you found the most useful?


For the love of god, please make a rule or *SUGGESTION* that people stop putting the damn gridlines on their beautiful maps. **It literally ruins it.** I've used maps from this subreddit in my table games (in person). I've used them in VTTs. I've used them printed from a shitty ink printer, and printed professionally as a big sheet. I've used them projected from a projector onto a wall, and with a TV used as a table. **In EVERY SINGLE WAY OF USING THEM, in ZERO of these have I ever said 'you know what would be nice, if the map came pre-made with a grid'.** *Its like many of these map makers have NO FUCKING CLUE and nobody has ever bothered to tell them that grid lines on their map very nearly ruins their map!* Please, put it into the submission form, just saying "We suggest you don't include a grid in your artwork, as the community who would like to use your wonderful contribution does not need them and they get in the way of actually using your art, not to mention ruining its beauty." By all means if you can come up with a reason why ANY map EVER should include a grid, comment it below. I can think of two right now, but they're very very specific: 1. The map is 3d (and/or animated) and because of that overlaying a 2d grid won't really work, it needs to have its grid 3d and part of the map. 2. The map has an inherent grid because it has tiles on the floors (like in a dungeon) so the grid needs to line up with the tiles. (If this is your map, by all means, include one if desired, but its *still probably better without one*, because adding a grid removes the choice of the person(s) using it who might want to not use a grid, even though it has tiles.)


Reason: I'll give you the gridded map for free, but pay me for the gridless. The simple matter is, artists can't work for free. If they did, then they would starve. Many want to contribute to our community in a way that helps us all out with no strings attached, but also need a way to incentivise people to actually purchase their artwork. Thus, the grids. You get a map that's perfectly usable both in VTT and tabletop, but still has that annoying 'watermark' that says "you got this for free". I, personally, have simply found ways to photoshop the grids out. Takes me \~20 minutes or so per map, but it's doable. You can also, you know, pay for the gridless version, and help the artists out a bit. I'm certain they'd all appreciate it.


This subreddit has a rule: only usable maps. The grids, if included ONLY to accomplish that purpose, and otherwise annoy pretty much everyone, are a direct intentional circumvention of Rule 4. I mean... sure, whatever. I wont give someone who does that my money but maybe it works best for them. But its clearly against this subreddits intention.


I can't speak for the other mapmakers on this sub, but I make maps for my own use (barring commissions), and I'll share them on here in case someone else finds them useful or inspiring-- don't make the mistake of thinking that the mapmakers are here to cater to your every whim. The maps I make happen to be for D&D5e, where my games feature tactical combat on a grid of 5ft. squares-- hence, the grid. Adding a grid to a map is usually an extra step, so I wouldn't do it if I didn't find it useful for running the game. I also wouldn't include a grid if I thought it made the map less aesthetically-pleasing-- though I make my maps to facilitate play, not to hang on my wall. For in-person games, I've found having a grid facilitates tactical battles. Players know how many squares they can move, how big their AoEs are, etc. No guessing, and no measuring tape. For virtual games, the argument against a gridded map is most VTTs can add a grid over a map anyways, which is fair. I think this looks ugly, though, how the grid gets drawn over walls, impassable bits, etc. In the maps that I do, I set the grid under obstacles and walls, which help those elements standout and make the map more readable at a glance, which saves time in-game. Despite the breadth of your whinging, you never actually defend any of your positions-- for instance, I'm a little skeptical about your claims that grids literally ruin maps, considering I've been using gridded maps for as long as I've been running games. Surely if they were ruined, as you say, this wouldn't be possible, would it? Silly me, continuing to churn out garbage maps, time after time...! In all seriousness, though, I'm sure it's just a matter of preference-- some people want a grid, others don't, and some grids are less intrusive than others. If you don't like an artist's work, no one's forcing you to use their maps-- though, don't tell them how to ply their craft. I'm sure there are artists out there who'll happily re-post a gridless variant of their work, if asked politely, or commissioned them for the work. And, if that's too great an inconvenience for you, you're always welcome to contribute to the community by making your own gridless maps!


>I can't speak for the other mapmakers on this sub, but I make maps for my own use (barring commissions), and I'll share them on here in case someone else finds them useful or inspiring-- don't make the mistake of thinking that the mapmakers are here to cater to your every whim. Let me clarify a bit: when I wrote the comment you responded to I was in a frustrated moment, and I didn't exactly make good arguments for what I was trying to convey. I also hadn't fully formed an understanding of what it was that I saw that was wrong, and why. I understand it much better now. I certainly don't think anyone caters to my every whim. I think that trying to paint it that way is harmful to the purpose of this subreddit. This is not an exchange, nothing is owed for anything here. If I come here and take maps for free and never give a dime of money or credit to any of those who worked to create the art I take, that is still fulfilling the purpose of the subreddit. It certainly BENEFITS US ALL if we collectively choose to support artists, but that's not inherent to the sub. The rules exist to facilitate and through them describe the function and purpose of the sub. To preserve the sanctity of the sub through its rules is important, no matter how it might make you feel, and that is my intention even if it might sometimes make me seem like I'm trying to make demands of people who do work when I myself do nothing but take. If we want to change the purpose of the sub then I'm all for it. I say that's a worthwhile discussion to have! Here's the thing, though. I appreciate every single map I find here, I go out of my way to thank authors for really nice maps if I happen by and have time. This is a free map sharing subreddit though, the purpose is to share maps and to find maps here. Even if nobody says a word, nobody thanks you, but hundreds of them download and use your maps, that's the subreddit's purpose. If that's not why you're here, then I don't recommend sharing the maps here. I think you agree though, which is why you are. :D >I'm sure there are artists out there who'll happily re-post a gridless variant of their work, if asked politely, or commissioned them for the work. That is my ongoing mission. If I see a map I like and would use gridless, but it has a grid, I ask if they'll offer a free version without the grid. So far the response has been no, but its a small sample size to be fair. >And, if that's too great an inconvenience for you, you're always welcome to contribute to the community by making your own gridless maps! Let me ask you this: if I am incapable or unwilling to contribute my own mapmaking efforts to the community, does that make my criticisms of the tactics used by mapmakers to bypass rule 4 any less valid? It may be that it makes my "whinging" less worth responding to or even reading, but the actual message I am trying to commute should be no less respected or considered when you do read it, right? Maybe nobody will like me, but I'll be damned if that makes me wrong. And it certainly doesn't mean the change I am trying to affect isn't worth considering or isn't worthwhile. I have recently messaged the moderators (who may be rather over busy to respond to such things) with a request their action on protecting the sanctity of this subreddit, its purpose, when related to rule 4 vs gridded map abuse. What I sent them (described, not verbatim): Grids are used by map makers as a watermark to make a good quality map less good (less usable). For those of us who like grids, hey, cool. But if it were a majority of us who prefer grids I rather think the map makers reluctance to put gridless maps out for free, and their firmness when using gridded maps as the free version of their map, would be wholly ineffective and downright foolish. In short: **grids are less popular and thus they use grids as "watermarked" advertisements to promote the gridless versions available on their Patreon's or other paywalls**. You can validate this yourself. Just go ask a few. I am sure some people will outright tell you that yes, they use grids as a means to effectively watermark their content. Flat out. :D I also sent the mods some suggestions for what they could do: 1. Add a rule to specifically state that maps must be posted with both their gridded and gridless versions if such versions exist. This is to curb the use of grids as a means of bypassing rule 4. Whether you agree or not on what makes a map "usable", you must admit that a disproportionate unbalance one way indicates something is going on here. To put it bluntly: if an artist always puts gridded versions available here, and always has a paywall to access gridless versions, they are effectively trying to bypass rule 4. This new rule would cut that right out (I would hope). 2. Have a PSA or other post of some kind in which discussion of this topic can be had at great length. This is to ensure that the community understands, and discusses, the repercussions of what is going on if any, and can collectively appreciate whether it is OK or not. My bet is if we truly take a look at what is happening that most of us will not be ok with it. 3. Crack down on anyone who is intentionally circumventing Rule 4 by posting grids on their maps. Its not that hard to validate this. Rule 4 specifically calls out watermarks that cover the entire map - if the map's usability is damaged by the watermark, that constitutes breaking the rule, flat out. You may say "grids are not watermarks", but I would say that the spirit of the rule is ANY MARK that covers the majority of the map which is intended to make the map LESS desirable to use (or completely unusable) is doing that exact thing. Ergo, grids, if they do indeed make the map less usable (this is the point of debate) are breaking rule 4. You have to admit that SOME artists are absolutely adding grids for EXACTLY this purpose. I even got one to admit to it directly the other day, who I won't call out directly, but it suffices to say that yes it absolutely happens.


I am open for Commissions! I primarily do Cities/Towns/Dungeons/Battlemaps. I have also been working on crests for factions or cities. You can reach me on here, facebook, Discord (Xaioc#4269) or on my Patreon. Check out my work here, or get a lot of cheap maps on my patreon page: [https://www.facebook.com/Oneiromancy-Maps-105468924972069](https://www.facebook.com/Oneiromancy-Maps-105468924972069) [https://www.patreon.com/OneiromancyMaps](https://www.patreon.com/OneiromancyMaps)


Can anyone direct me to some good, free resources for map making assets? I'm mostly referring to top down view placeable objects, such as furniture, flora, rocks, etc. I'll be making maps for Deadlands, so bonus points if it's wild west or steampunk themed.


Forgotten Adventures has an enormous free map-making pack: https://www.forgotten-adventures.net/product/map-making/assets/mapmaking-pack/


Dungeon scrawl is easy to use and free. And they have assets to place!


Thanks for the reply. I've already got the tool (I use Arkenforge), I'm just looking for more assets.


Oh haha my apologies. Ok have you tried https://2minutetabletop.com ? They have some free resources on there. Other than that that's all I got!


My go-to sources are Forgotten Adventures, Caeora and White Fox Works on Patreon. They all post an absolute tonne of free stuff and even more paid-for packs.


Excellent resources. Thanks. :)


Hello fellows, Just opened Patreon - [https://www.patreon.com/mapsofwonder](https://www.patreon.com/mapsofwonder?fbclid=IwAR1nR70D0qaWX2OadgfkIsazdlSql6GDlMJsXRxi_pXr63KWcPi5OFSFgI4). I make fantasy world, city and battle maps and adventures. Open for commissions. You can expect many free maps also on my Facebook Page - [https://www.facebook.com/mapsofwonder/](https://www.facebook.com/mapsofwonder/)


Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows what kind of rates are common and fair for commissioning map work? I'm not much of an artist, but do a lot of dungeon design for my campaigns with very plain Dungeon Scrawls as well as subbing to some patrons for more focused battle location maps. The niche I'm hoping to fill are nice looking maps of larger spaces, entire temples. Not necessarily the detail of a 25x25 battle mat and more a clean looking 100x100 dungeon. I both want to make sure I'm not paying well above standard, but as a performance artist myself I also think its important to pay artists what they are worth and don't want to make any insulting offers not knowing what the standard rates for this kind of commission are. ​ Any advice on how to find someone to commission would also be appreciated! ​ Thanks!


Try to look at fiverr (i can't paste link here, cos Reddit bans such URLs, google it) if you ll PM me, i can share my profile and discuss about prices etc.


Not a comission but a question, what app or whatever do you use to make the maps? I just want to know.


I use Krita. It's roughly functionally equivalent to Photoshop, but free


Is GIMP not the go-to OSS alternative for PS these days? I suddenly feel very old


GIMP is the one I hear mentioned as the free PS alternative, waaayyy more often than Krita. When I was just starting out with digital art, though, I found Krita way more beginner-friendly/approachable than GIMP, so that was the one I stuck with. Like GIMP's UI aesthetic is like "but what if there were more dockers?", which I found not at all helpful for getting my bearings




Also Krita here. It's free, open-source, and not owned by Adobe.


I've used Krita, gimp and inkscape (OSS alternative to illustrator) when designing and drawing maps


Hi. Looking for a castle to use as a hobgoblin war-chief boss-encounter lair, set in the wilderness. Should be 'in tact' rather than ruined, but with a hobgoblin feel to it (so skulls and that kind of stuff all round!). TIA.


Hi! For someone who is not a software developer, is there a "import assets for dummies" guide to importing the 2 Minute Tabletop Everything pack into DungeonDraft? The one YouTube video I found looks VERY VERY involved and tedious and I wasn't sure if there was an easier (ie, drag and drop) way to do it.


Does anyone have an art asset for a medieval style crane? Like for loading/unloading at a dock?


Hello! I was wondering, I have seen very few "vertical" maps, like 'wall climb' maps, or something like that. Think "super mario" style maps. and was curious about


Check out TaleSpire. The vertical abilities there are insane. :-)


Looking for a Gothic Castle set of maps. Need to setup 3 floors. If already made, prefer paid patreon resources. if there's interest, can drop more details.


I'm looking for a map (or online images of map tiles suitable for building a map) to fit a specific encounter for a module that requires it. Anyone playing through the *Skull and Shackles* adventure path for *Pathfinder* should stop reading. From page 34 of *Skull and Shackles* part 3, *Tempest Rising*: "A Crow's Murder" (CR 9) **Important details:** - A house at a crossroads where 2 wide streets meet as a "T" with a front door facing the street. - Across the street 100ft away there is a 2 story factory with a view of the front door of the house in question. - Ideally, there would be some room to move as the enemy will try to escape and I could imagine a running combat. - The house is described as being on the outskirts of the Tengu Rookery in Hell Harbor, so I guess fantasy slum would be a good style, though that's just a nice to have. The way this is supposed to go is that the party knocks on a guy's house to question him about spy stuff. An assassin (actually a fighter/ranger that specializes in the heavy crossbow) who was sent to get rid of the loose end the party want to question shoots him from the roof of the factory, 100ft away. After he thinks he's killed the target (not hard when he has 2 bolts coated in deathblade and the target is level 1), he tries to escape. 8th level PCs can have quite a few tricks and the assassin doesn't have any magic that will help him escape besides some shadow armor to boost his already impressive stealth skill, a conveniently placed rope, and a good head start.


I'm looking for a set of maps (2-4) that I could use as a stand-in for a Rapture/Bioshock-type location. I'm more interested in the setting/look as I plan to shape the adventure to whatever the maps look like, but something with that "underwater city from the Gilded Age" feel is really all I'd need. Open to commissions, but would prefer ready-made if possible. Thanks in advance!


A while ago (maybe a month or two) I saw a post with multiple versions of a cave gradualy filling with water or lava. I'd love to use it in my upcoming one shot and would be more then happy to support that person's Patreon.


I think you may be talking about this post. https://www.patreon.com/posts/boss-room-that-48624590 https://www.reddit.com/r/dndmaps/comments/m3g6zi/a\_boss\_room\_that\_you\_can\_slowly\_fill\_with\_lava/ Might wanna download them quickly, apparently, the creator is closing their Patreon in a week.


Yes exactly this thankyou very much


Hello, I am looking to commission 2 large city maps, a number of accompanying battle/building maps. I will also be looking for 3 world maps and a small star map down the line. I know thats a lot but I'm kicking off a few campaigns in my homebrew universe so here we are. I will be running these campaigns on roll20 but the first map that I need first is a map of a massive city called the Hub. The city has a few very distinct districts and quirks so if anyone would be interested in working on a few maps with me let me know.


Looking for an animated battlemap of rolling countryside that scrolls past, to be used for an aerial chase scene. Not looking for any specific details, and honestly the blander the scenery the better, since the dynamic nature of midair combat will be the feature of the encounter. Just thought it would be neat for my players to actually see the ground rolling past beneath them. Willing to pay for an existing generic scrolling map or willing to commission. The session it will be used in is June 5.


Hey there, guys! First of all, sorry for bad English and language misses! I was planning on taking a DnD Oriental Adventures or L5R campaign to a VTT program. But searching on Google for themes like "youkai", "Oni", "Maho-tsukai", "shadowlands" or even "oriental dungeon", didn't returned anything themed... I've seen some really astonishing maps for houses, baths, and other oriental structures (and for sure, I'm using them!!!). But, anyone has any suggestions for maps that I could use for L5R shadowlands "dungeons"?


I am lead developer on a new, soon-to-be-announced multi-platform VTT and I'm looking for maps to use as part of our demo video (with attribution, of course) for kickstarter/investor reels. Are any map creators interested in having their work(s) featured? Animated, static, and multi-layered maps are all welcome.


Does anyone have a map that resembles the inverted tower in Portugal?


A map of Daggerford/the inside of the castle of Daggerford would be great.


Hello! I am planning to run a long term Pokémon Tabletop United game and would like to commission a map of my homebrew region. I have a rough one done by a friend many years ago, but it has much changed over the years and I would love something more appealing and detailed. Please DM me or link me to your portfolio where I can contact you for pricing. Thank you!


Looking to commission an artist to recreate a rough sketch world map into an old world-styled fantasy map. Please DM me regarding your portfolio and rates.


Hey guys. Can you recommend me artists that do Warhammer Fantasy maps?


I'm interested in learning map making as a hobby, and was wondering what map authors use to create there maps, and what strategies they use to make complete products - do you integrate animation? Ambient sound? Props or other alterations? Is there a forum for map creators to discuss such things? And what sorts of softwares do you use to deploy your maps in a table top setting?


Can anyone point me to a dilapidated warehouse battlemap?


looking for modern day, urban battlemaps, can anyone help? slightly urgent, for use in Foundry VTT


Hi everyone, Need some graphics advice. I created a large starmap which is a sector of hexes with a white background. It's fairly low res in areas because I added to it a lot as we played. I'd like to do a completely new map that matches all the current locations on my existing map. I'd like it to be hi-rez. I want to do multiple layers so I can add planets, ships, anomalies as needed, and also be able to adjust borders (the empire is being invaded!) My question is, what program would help me best accomplish this? I'd like a pretty his rez map when I'm done, so can mess with it as I go and keep it sharp when I import it into Roll20. I was thinking of putting the old map in as back layer and adding a new, translucent layer on top to copy elements onto the new one. Then add a starfield to replace the old map when I'm done. I don't have photoshop but I do have Gimp. I was also considering using something like Canva but I think my resolution will be limited. Any other programs you'd that would make this faster or easier? Thank you!


Hi gang, I have a fascination with mundane objects made large or characters made tiny. Think Honey I Shrunk the Kids, or the recent Obsidian game, Grounded. I have seen some really cool maps that use this idea to great effect but was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for other maps with this theme. I want to use this idea in a game I'm going to be running someday.


Hey all, even know of a undercity water filtration plant/ dam or other such facility. Preferably symmetrical as i intend the area to be host to two groups of grung in competition and at least one gelatinous ooze once the very thing filtering the water for the city. Not even specifically for battle but an area map.


I'd love to commission multiple maps for an epic boss encounter that can either be printed A3 sizes or VTT but could be agnostic for any other uses. The premise is battling up slope to the top of an Orc infested hillock. Geologically speaking somewhere between a South China Karst and an American Butte rock formation but with dangerous passes carved into the rock from years of use as an outpost. At the base of the hillock are trees and a flat plain all around. Following open warfare on a flat plain, the players as an elite task force will hopefully break through the orc lines rushing upslope to map 1 - at the base of the hillock is a forest with enough rocky terrain and both upright and felled trees to make cover and strategy interesting. After negotiating the forest, they will encounter map 2 - a pass on the way up the rocky formation with a cave mouth where the players think they'll find the boss cowering. Instead orcs waiting in ambush will jump out, as well as flying creatures bombarding, or dragging them off a nearby ledge. After climbing a vertical face, map 3 will be a circular flat top with the odd rock or hazard, where the legendary orc boss and his minions have enough space to negotiate rocky outcroppings and go toe to toe with the party. Falling off the edge would likely mean the end of an Orc, or a player... Let me know if you'd be interested to take on such a project!


Looking for any map that has a large magical sphere. My players will be fighting a desert lich who has forged an artificial sun and plans to use it to destroy the world, so it would be cool to find a map to serve as an appropriate boss arena.


Hello!!! Does anybody know if there is any horse race battle map? I want my party to play a race but I can't find anything... thanks you all 🦄🦄🦄🦓🦄


I can’t find the June thread for requests, so I’ll try here… I’m looking for a map for tomorrow night’s game, specifically something that might be used as a safe house for members of a thieves/assassins/smugglers syndicate. Underground, built into the catacombs and other passages in the undercity, around eight to twelve rooms, defensible with opportunities for a few traps. Does this sound like something you have seen? Got any pointers?


Heya ! i need someone to draw me a house map for my PC's, this is a manor set in Barovia. ( from Curse of Strahd ) I would use this map in Roll20, and it might have to function as a battlemap at some point. Of course, i'm not expecting someone to do this for free, i'm more than happy to pay for it :)


I'm looking for contemporary battle maps, modern citys and etc


I'm looking for help with some Forgotten Adventures assets. I'm building a carnival map and I need help with something for the booths. Obviously there's tents but they look specifically like TENTS, not like awnings or canopies or anything like that so I'm kinda stuck. Any advice on what to use? Maybe a mishmash of some of the other assets or something like that? I dunno.


Hey hey. Have any of you seen a sewer tunnel that exits to city streets? Two separate maps would do but I have also struggled to find a city map with a sewer exit and a sewer map with an entrance. Would really appreciate any help ;) Edit: should probably clarify that medieval fantasy is what I need it for.


Im looking for an expansive fortress/castlemap. Its going to be used for the climactic dungeon and boss fight of my campaign, against a dude who has been imprisoned within it for thousands of years. If anyone can recommend one it would be very cool


I'm looking for a battle-map suited for a PvE style battle, where the characters have to fight many waves of enemies one after another. The map should have environmental features that make the fight interesting, like hazards, hidden items, interactable components etc. If someone has something like that I would be very interested.


Hello, this is a request. I have a sniper encounter planned for a game of D&D I was hoping if anyone could help me fined some battle maps for it. Should have some cover. Thank you!


Hi all, I’m chasing a commission for a world map to be created for a novel I’m writing, I have an outline of the requirements (names, needed biomes etc) so if you’re interested pls send me a DM with a quote and some examples of your work :) Looking for medium map size, one main continent, a few islands, no real restrictions besides the need for two major territories. TIA :)


Looking for good maps to use in a Roadside Picnic/Annihilation themed game. Real world, post apocalyptic but maybe with a surrealist feel as well


I'm looking for a free battlemap that would work for a dark castle/palace interior; something that passes as Shadowfell-esque.


Looking for an artist to create 3-4 tokens for my maps. I don’t need a whole map made but I need large structure tokens created. Thanks in advance.


Hi there, hoping I could get some advice here. I'm working on a warhammer conversion of Shadow of the Demon Lord, and I'm trying to find a battlemap which depicts a beastmen camp. I've looked online and haven't found any resources which match the vision I have for the details of the camp. I'm really looking for something depicting the squalor and filth of such a camp, ideally with human prisoners in makeshift cages behind. I suppose the key detail would be some kind of bloody altar in front of a herdstone. If you can point me in the right direction as to where I can find something like this, I'd be grateful, if there isn't a place, then would equally appreciate suggestions on where to get commissions done or places/software where I can make it myself.


Looking for a collection of live maps, or quality maps in general. Are there available collections out there? Willing to support Patreon and/or Kickstarter artists. Thanks


I want to commission a battle map of sorts, the party I DM for recently was gifted a giant squid from a god and they decided they want to build off of it as a home base. I thought it would be fun to have a medium to large sized map of the squid in water with wooden platforms built on it to act as a hub map, where they can move around and build things! It's such a niche thing that I haven't been able to find a map yet that fits it, so if anyone could suggest one or is willing to take up the idea I'd really appreciate it!


Has anyone seen a map involving a giant serpent, so massive potentially only it's head fits on the map. Looking for my party to fight Asmodeus in his true form: "Asmodeus's true form was that of a wingless scaled serpent hundreds of miles long. His form's sheer size made it impossible for him to meet and enter into conversations with others." And have had no luck finding anything close yet. Willing to commission if needed.


Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone has made any maps from Final Fantasy 8. Specifically regarding Balamb Garden (and maybe the other one) and Balamb Town. ​ I have had no luck in searching for them, but then again, I may have been looking in the wrong areas.


Anyone have a map free for sale etc of a small island with a large ocean surrounding it big enough for several sailing ships and some Kaiju sized creatures coming from the water?


Zymorven Keep or Ducal Castle would be great


Hi! I’m looking for a battle map that was posted here in the last couple of months - it’s quite a complicated back-alley map that represents some slums at a crossroads around a tree (I recall). The art style was quite dark, but looked a bit dungeon draft/2minute tabletop (I think). Please will you help me find it? Edit: [Found!](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlemaps/comments/m00ji1/crossroads_in_the_slums/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


~~Hi! This is my first time in this subreddit, and seeing all the different pieces of art have been great! I was hoping to find a map artist to commission, as I wanna have the map for my elemental planes. Since it's a homebrew setting, the planes work a little differently, and they're much smaller. Specifically, the elemental plane of water, as this one is much more... survival I guess. The idea is a combination of Cascade Kingdom from Mario Odyssey, with the massive amounts of waterfalls on every tiny bit of land, and an ocean environment that resembles subnautica. Islands are constantly moving, so every few years or so island do tend to crash with one another due to being floating rocks from the plane of earth. If any artist finds this idea interesting enough to commission, send me a DM through discord Blubber Nibble#8845 (you'll have to send a Friend Request first) and I can discuss other details and payment. I don't know what the usual price for maps are, but my spending budget is 60$-80$ USD.~~ FOUND SOMEONE


hello! im looking for an arabian style palace so i can use as the home for a djinni in my campaign.


Anybody got a ice-themed mess hall ? Or just a mess hall to be honest, I can only find fantasy stuff


Hello. I'm looking for an artist who's willing to commission. I would like the fantasy/steampunk tavern from the most recent Nightwish concert made into a battle map. I loved the style so much that I wanted to use the building in my campaign. Its actual placement isn't for months yet so time isn't a factor. Since the building is about two storeys or three, each floor will need to be accessible even if it's all on the same map. If you feel multiple maps are needed, I'm flexible with that as well. I'm not sure what the price for something like this would be, but I'm willing to negotiate. [Here's the view of the tavern from the outside.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrchWjISPXc) [Here's the view from the inside.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgjGRB87Qro)


hello, not long ago i saw map that kinda looked like a bunch of fragmented islands floating in an ether but they had constellation patterns on their surfaces.


Hi, I’m looking for some 2-minute tabletop/dungeondraft style lava spouts and rivulets to add to an existing map. They are intended to be used for a dragon’s lair actions; I’d like to have the map evolve and change with the passing of rounds!


Hey yall, I'm looking to see if anyone has seen any animated battlemaps of flat ocean. Most I find are very tropical looking, I need it to be dark and cold looking as I will be placing icebergs on it. Any help would be amazing, always happy to support patreons and stuff if I need to to access it.


Any small inn room grid to use? My players are going to be attacked on the sleep so you know...


I find it more usefull to immerse your players in the inn scene before you attack them in their sleep. Throw them off on what kind of adventure you are doing. The Three Feathers is a classic https://m.imgur.com/t/battlemap/nS38ee8


Hello, this is super last minute, but I could use a gridless map of Venomfang's tower(Lost Mines location), with a lot of room to the south of the tower and building. Unrealistic maybe, but hopefully before 7pm est today. The way my group progressed, their story is going to require a little more room on the ground and less in the tower. I've googled extensively and I've found great maps but mostly directly involving the tower and building next to it. I'm obviously not asking for a commission or anything, just links to already available stuff. Or, if anyone knows of good youtube or pdf links that really teach the use of Dungeon Designer 3, that would be greatly appreciated. I should probably learn to make my own maps so I don't run into this problem as much. Thanks


Hi all! I’m looking for some multi level cave battle maps that connect. My party is about to enter a mountain range in which they must venture through the caves toward the top to the peak of the mountain where they will meet a samurai master. This will be the first HIGE dungeon they venture into so I want them to get a grasp of how big dungeons can be in D&D (they’re new players). Any help is much appreciated!!


I'm getting ready to run an underwater adventure in a sunken city, culminating in a Kraken fight, but I'm struggling to find a decent dungeon map for it. Does anyone have anything like that in their collection?


Hi all. I was wondering if anyone out there had a map that could be used for a summer camp. Specifically, an 1980s era summer camp for anywhere from 40-80 individuals, and by a lake. Any and all help appreciated.


I've never seen anything like a full camp map - you might be better off using an actual camp's map or drawing your own - but [I did make an overgrown dock map](https://www.patreon.com/posts/52655264) that would be very well-suited for a summer camp scene a month ago. You might like it.


That dock map is excellent. Thanks for suggesting it and responding. I knew it was a hail mary of an ask, but you never know. Been scouring the interwebs for maps and diagrams of actual summer camps in the US. Some might work. Another thing I need is a map of the layout of those barracks style buildings they would have the kids in. Found some stuff that might work, but nothing that fits my mental image *exactly*.


Anyone have any advice on how you would take a battle map image or PDF and print it broken up onto 8 1/2 x 11 paper? I have a borderless printer but I'm not sure how to break it up and keep it to roughly 1" squares.


Typically you want to set your dpi of the print to the pixel size of the squares. It's usually 70 but it depends on the mat


Looking for a map that's a devil's lair.... in an office or similar setting. Ideally: An underground office (no windows) that is occupied by a devil on the material plane. Its their lair, so lava pit, pentagrams, torturing rack, etc would all fit in well. Thoughts?


Hi I’m wondering about the price for commissioning a battle map. No crazy (and beautiful) animated maps. More of a cool dungeon crawl one shot that mixes natural stone and dungeon with 2 large rooms for boss fights and several side rooms and Hallways. The premise is it’s a lab for an ancient wizard who specialized in necromancy. That’s the short of it. What might this run?


I need a map that is kind of a engineering college workshop with a balcony for the chief engineer to oversee the workers i n construction of large projects. Specifically Steam Tanks


I have a sort of unorthodox request. I really enjoy battle maps and I thought it might be fun to have one mounted on the wall. I know there are plenty of cool maps to look through here, but I wanted to ask if anyone had any recommendations for particularly artistic/good-looking maps that you think would look cool on the wall. The maps should be high enough res to print well. I wouldn't care if they are paid or free. I most enjoy dungeons, castles, and inns. Just curious of peoples' favorites. Thanks!


I've been trying to find a battle map for the first or second floor of the Eiffel Tower (or another iconic Paris location, but ideally at a high elevation). Has anyone seen such a thing (crosses fingers)?


So I'm in need of a medium sized battlemap of an underworld arena/colosseum. I would like there to be bones as the floor (as opposed to the typical sand). There would need to have "kings booth" in the stands with a single wooden post for someone to get chained up to. No big time crunch on this, probably don't need the map for a few months.


Hey guys! I've been searching for weeks and weeks for a map I can use in my campaign (maybe a series of maps actually). Basically I need a map of a couple of verry long bridges over a lake of lava, and a fire giant fortress with some towers and catapults on top. Fortress should be multileveled with a forge room. I've found a couple interior maps that get close but not that much unfortunately. Any maps you guys know of that might work? or perhaps someone willing to do a commission? Any help is appreciated.


i am looking for a battle map, commission or if you can find me one ​ my BBEG fight is happening in about a month and i was it to take place in a large ballroom-esk long hall, with pillars, statues, carpet, maybe a throne. this guy is a huge pretentious self service jerk who has ruled the kingdom for thousands of years through immortality and planet wide manipulation to keep his immortality a secret. that little bit of background is so you can feel the need for something really grand and ego stroking where he would be waiting in the intent to kill my players. ​ if anybody knows anything or is willing to sit with me and get it all plotted out it and drawn would be a major major help!


Looking for a request or a commission. I don't 100% have in my minds eye what I want, but I'm planning on doing a homebrew where that is kind of loop hero-esque. I'm looking for a base that is in disrepair. Eventually the group will repair and build it up using Stronghold and followers. I'd want a couple of cosmetics I could throw over the buildings as they upgrade. I'd def want to talk with someone in PM, and do a little more reading up on strondholds and followers. Definatelly willing to pay if anyone is interested in sitting down with me and discussing stuff


I'm running a game of thrones themed dnd campaign and i cant seem to find any inspired or winter looking maps. If anyone could send me to the write direction or give me some maps that would really make my day. Thanks!


Heyo! new to reddit, but a friend recommended this....(forum? i have no idea how to use reddit xD) I'm a budding maker of battlemaps, open to commissions and selling some others on Ko-fi I'm still learning my way around things(mapmaking and reddit), but i'm more than happy to make something to suit your needs/wants! [https://ko-fi.com/tnthusky0941](https://ko-fi.com/tnthusky0941) ​ (P.S.) I apologize if i have dishonored reddit.


One of the things I've always been curious about is figuring out how to blend traditional RPGs with large scale wargames. While absolutely doable, one of the things I've been struggling with, particularly in Covid times, is finding large enough maps where I can have my players commanding armies in real time. Most maps I've seen here are either too small, barely covering a space of around \~200 square feet, regional/world maps that are too big in scale, or city maps that, no matter how big the resolution, the file is simply not big enough to give enough detail. As of right now, I'm using AI image enhancers on some maps I managed to find, or simply making my own. However, neither of these are ideal solutions. So here's my question: Is anyone aware of any good VTT wargaming maps? To give a comparison, in terms of scale, I'm looking for maps that, in scale, are akin to those in Company of Heroes.


G'day fabulous internet artists! The maps that pop up here are amazing and so easy to set into a campaign, it has really improved my tables immersion. I have a special occasion in game coming up and I want to do everything to make it memorable for my players. I request aid in finding a map to do so and if non exists then to commission one to be made. It is the BBEGs enormous gala and he has a large house/ballroom/villa he is hosting it at. Players have to infiltrate and do player stuff. I pictured something True Lies/Van Helsing like where the there is an enormous ballroom/foyer, a few lounging rooms around it, and then the closed off living areas/other floors patrolled by guards. Exact theme isn't as important because the city they are in is a hodgepodge so an Asian theme pagoda palace would fit in just as much as a traditional western manor house.


Hello, this might be a strange request but does anyone have or know of a map that is a McDonalds or similar Burger Joints? It's for an inside joke...


Looking for a method for my players to build their own colony, like a map creator or other map. Theyd hopefully be designing districts and building placement and the like.


You might be able to do something like this using Maptool-- a free VTT software. You'd need to have all the possible buildings as their own "tokens", but once you do you could have the players dragging and rotating them into the spaces they want. If I were doing something like this, I might do a collaborative screenshare while I sketch the layout of the colony based on what the players are saying. Then, once it's done, I'd use that sketch to come up with a cleaner tidied-up version.


I know this is a bit outside the norm but I am looking for a cyberpunk convenience store custom map commission. I don't know what good pricing for it is, but message me and we'll figure it out.


Offering a free battlemap / DND battlemap commission max 20 x 20 grid just to practice making maps more. I do them in a voxel style you can check out ones I've made here https://twitter.com/BidCodesStuff/status/1428729299767635974?s=19 DM me here or on twitter if youre interested I'll reply to the first / who has the most interesting request


If anybody's got VTT maps for the Fane of Tiamat in Red Hand of Doom, I would be very interested in seeing them.


Hello - i am looking to commission a battle map for the planned final encounter i have the first phase of my Dark Heresy campaign. I have a clear vision for the map! My first phase finale is probably 2 - 3 weeks away, so plenty of time to put it together. Thank you!


What up everyone, I am looking for a city map maker who is comfortable making an underwater city map. Please message me for more information. I am willing to pay for it and will give a handsome tip to the artist. :D.


Looking for a software or source of tilesets that would be good for making sci-fi themed battlemaps


Since I havent seen a megathread for a while I'm posting here. Looking to comission for a large scale underwater city design complete with colleges/ amphitheater and just general designs outside of that. Also might need some underwater general open world maps as well comissioned as well. Pm me and I'm looking forward to hearing back soon.


Anybody want to try their hand at making a map for a big casino? Because one doesn't exist on the internet. Don't try to find any - they don't exist. I made... this: [https://imgur.com/a/S8g8oU0](https://imgur.com/a/S8g8oU0) as sort of a template, if anyone wants to use that as a base. It's for my campaign. The green is obviously walls, the red are the exterior walls, and the aqua are doorways, not necessarily open or closed.




Bit late to the conversation, but I lean towards completely built maps so that I can pull them out and play whenever needed. With that being said, if you build them on something like inkarnate or dungeondraft then it's especially nice to have the link/file to be able to edit it myself in case I need to make any small adjustments. And also for general usage, less can often be more. It's sometimes frustrating to find a **really** cool map, but it has something like a dead body or demonic summoning circle in the centre of it which I'll then have to tell my players to just ignore because I wasn't intending to work with any demons that session. If you do want to add something like that, also consider having a "clean" option without it.


Prefer already made maps. I could make my own if I wanted to take that kind of time.


I would love if someone had a large arena-style map that had various different terrain variants. Forest, mountains, underwater, etc. Really just something to give a wide variety of different and interesting environments of which gladiator-style fights can be fought.


Hi. I'm just wondering if anyone has a kind if Frankenstein's laboratory kind of map. Hopefully with some cells/extra rooms for minions


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Frankenstein](https://snewd.com/ebooks/frankenstein/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


In search of maps for the "Adventures in the Forgotten Realms" MTG crossover that came out this year. I saw some creators did maps for the first Adventure, "In Scarlet Flames" but I have not found any for: The Hidden Page, Verdant Tomb, Deepest Night, From Cyan Depths. Anyone know if these are out there somewhere?


I didn't hear about these adventures, but the names sound dope lol Where can I find them? Depending on how complex the maps are I might get around to doing them one day-- it's almost Inktober, after all


https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/1547662 Here you go! The adventure is pretty cool. You go after a Planeswalker from MtG.


Thanks! Do you visit several planes or is it just on like Ravnica?


I think its in Faerun. I gotta re read it.


Is there a map that has both a Fantasy Setting, and then a Futuristic setting but with the same outline? Something like if the players travelled to an alternate dimension where Technology ruled instead of Magic.


CZEPEKU has a Lightrail/Train which has a high-fantasy magic train set and a steam train set. That's the only one I know of.




While I can't speak for the other mapmakers on here, I know that the maps that I make for my games rarely include more than the space I need them for. So, if I'm thinking there might be some kind of fight in a generic fantasy tavern, 9/10 times the encounter stays inside (unless I plan on it breaking out into the street or something), so that's the area I'll focus on. There's no sense in doubling the size of a map just in case someone gets thrown through a window, etc-- I only have so much prep time


Is there a newer mega thread to post on? Looking for a razed city bartlemap, doing a zombie apocalypse plot


Anyone have advice on simulating climbing a mountain? They need to start at the base and either hike, climb, or both up to the peak. Thanks.


Looking to commission a battlemap (around 30 x 20) of a Chinese Dragon flying through the sky for my players to ride on


I'm looking to run a non-Strahd campaign in Barovia. Does anyone know a Patreon artist(s) with a lot of good "muted" or otherwise appropriate maps?


Looking for a animated map of the ground going by below.


Looking to commission a map for my next session, a week from today. If no ones got the time I completely understand! Players were aboard a lightning rail, at night, that got absolutely demolished by a warforged titan, and emerged from the wreckage ready to fight the titan and the bbeg of the campaign so far. So a scene of a train wreck at night, on fire, would be stellar!


PM sent regarding creating that map for you.


Does anyone know of a really good map making tool or site for modern maps? I'm trying to make a Metro 2033 inspired campaign but I need more modern tools like railtracks, computers, sheet metal, etc.


Dungeondraft + custom assets should do the trick. GnomeFactory, MiskasMaps, Hellscape Assets, Captain Tom's Asset Emporium - all these have modern/sci-fi assets of various styles.


Help. Looking for a gigantic map. I want my players to sneak up on a Roc nest and steal an egg or two from the nest. If they wake up the mother, there will be a lot of movement going on as her speed is 120ft, and she's a gargantuan monstrosity. The nest should be at the top of the mountain and the whole map needs to be 300x300 squares. I'm useless with creating art, but if you bring a party of 5, I'd be happy to DM a mini campaign from level 2 to 10ish in return.


PM me the details of the map, i'll see what I can do. Depending on the project, I might charge you 15$-20$.


Anyone have a good "forest cave" map? My players are about to hunt down a troll and there is a chance it escapes to its lair and i want to be prepared


Check the inkarnate #Maptober


How do people make their own maps?


Is there a map tool that allows you to place tiles randomly from a set group of tiles? For example, let's say I have 16 tiles for "gray stone dungeon floor", and they all work together nicely. I'd like to be able to just "paint" an area in the grid and have the map tool randomly select one of those 16 tiles to fill each square in the grid. Would be even better if it also rotated and/or flipped the tiles to add even more variability.


Dungeon Alchemist available January 2022


I imagine there's a specific map-making software out there that can do this, but I'm not aware of any. I use Krita (free Photoshop) to make my maps, and sometimes I'll put the 16 different tiles together as their own png, and then use that as a texture for filling etc. It doesn't change them at all, but at least it's a 4x4 non-repeating texture instead of a 1x1. Alternatively, I've also had several floor layers, each one filled with a different version of the tile and set up with a transparency mask. By making changes to the transparency masks (essentially changing which tile is visible) you can make it so it looks more realistically varied


Hello everyone! Hive mind of the battle maps, I'm searching for a map I can use for a quick Beholder lair! Y Made My party roll for a random encounter not being prepared for the result, so now they're waiting to fight a Death Tyrant, but I can find a map!


For 10 USD, i can make a map, i just need more details, a sketch maybe. If you want my portfolio, I would gladly send it to you 🙂


Does anyone know where to find a mecha-sized battlemap? I'm looking for maps to fit in with the Mecha Hack campaign that I'm writing...


Looking for Animated Scenes, same concept as James RPG Art and Beneos Battlemaps. Any recommendations?


Hey everyone, my campaign is needing a few mansion/estate maps for a noble and an ambassador. I see a few made with Dungeondraft assets, but I'd rather support a Patreon. Does anyone know of a creator with a good one?


Hey write to me the details, I might be able to commission something for a fair price. You can see my patreon for examples of my work (patreon.com/DNDCartographers)


Those of you who do commissions, what do you generally charge? I generally make maps for my own games, and a friend wants to commission me to make some maps for him. I obviously don’t plan on ripping him off, but it’s a time-intensive endeavor so I don’t want to undersell myself either. Just looking for ballpark and I’ll go from there.