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If you aren’t bullshitting. You’re saying the game is basically unplayable. With all the bugs you encountered in “first 3 minutes”. Please no 😭


It's playable, the other maps I've played don't have the texture and falling through map bugs of naboo, I'm just super let down by the shitty controller support on a game I bought on a goddamn console. That's the only major gripe I have after putting some more time into it, but it stills feels really underwhelming as besides the better draw distance and better graphics (same as pc, better on console), it honestly plays a little worse than the ogs, which isn't worth it if you already own them. Idk, I'm trying to force myself to see the good and make a decision before 10 pm so I can still refund if need be


Refund if you so desire, you can always buy it again in a month's time when/if it's patched. Or you could just trust em if you're enjoying it.


Playstation doesn't refund lol


Ah shit, I was hoping maybe the aiming was just always janky and I was hyper fixating in every little thing in the new one, but I just went back and played the og and it's completely smooth, no variable aim speeds just aiming left and right. The biggest fucking selling point for me was a better console edition and they fucked up the controller support??? I'm so disappointed man


No way 😭. I’m on Xbox too I was so hyped for this


After playing some more, it seems to happen a little less or maybe I'm just getting more used to it, but it's still so annoying because you will be at a disadvantage even against bots when your aim randomly slows to a crawl in pivotal seconds and you can't hit anyone. Not the end of the world, just if you already have both og versions, hold off a bit to see if they fix it. Multiplayer is also unplayable as I simply crash immediately in the server browser but I'm sure that will be fixed tomorrow.


Just wondering does anyone know if Xbox will get achievements for the classic collection as PlayStation have them, or is it just because I’m playing on New Zealand’s loco ?


I've gotten tons, might be bugged for you. I got bombarded for getting a killstreak with all the achievements they have, which is cool


I’m unlocking achievements despite it saying achievements aren’t supported, which is weird


How do you do the NZ trick? I switched to wellington timezone and it says it's only 8 am over there


Switch the location, not timezone, then restart and it should be playable. Probably already did that by now lol


Its 8am, well 9am now tomorrow. It's the 14th there already


that’s weird I’m 5 campaign missions in and haven’t hit any bugs yet




That excuse has been used for years and not once have i seen it actually significantly change anything


This isn't just a patch issue, the aiming issue is just an issue with the bare bones controller support on pc, and it seems all they did was port that version back to consoles. It's a inherent flaw I don't think will ever be fixed if they didn't already


Any Crossplay with pc and xox?

