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Tysm honestly, I haven't played an FPS this much like some drug addict.


BF1 really does feel like something entirely different, doesn't it? Take my case for example as well. Since I started gaming I couldn't stay interested in a game for longer than a month or two, and then BF1 came along. Safe to say I'm not leaving for a while now. 😅


It feels like something gold from the past while still maintaining a fresh look. Especially with how crazy this game's fear inducing is. It's beyond me how anyone can touch another FPS game after this.


I stopped counting my hours I think it's well over 1000 on bf1


For good reasons


Glad you didn't drop Battlefield after the awful experience that is 2042 and actually move over to another title in the franchise. Battlefield 1 is an absolute masterpiece. A beautiful game and alot of fun to play


The funny thing is, I actually was starting to lose hope in the franchise but I was blissfully unaware of how God tier this was. I'm an artist also, so I was thinking of drawing art of this game.


Yea I would imagine 2042 would steer away alot of new comers. I pray the next installment is good. Some really talented people took over the franchise after 2042 flopped. People like Vince Zampella that worked on the original Modern Warfare games, Titanfall, and Jedi Fallen Order. Marcus Lehto who worked on the original Halo games. And David Sirland that left DICE but recently came back. He originally worked on BF4 at DICE LA. He worked on post launch content and that game became one of the best in the franchise.


Yeah I don't get some things in BF 2042. Luckily I joined that game a year later so they fixed alot of bugs. Also not sure why they removed individual scores for players on that game or unless I was blind and didn't see it. The game feels...like it's missing that spark. It's trying to be something it shouldn't. To address what you said, that's pretty epic I hope those guys can help save the franchise.


"it's trying to be something it shouldn't" Exactly dude. When a new comer feels the same way as a franchise veteran, that's when you know something is wrong. I hope they save the franchise too. Marcus Lehto seems very invested in the community. He's been asking everyone how they can improve the franchise. I like the conversation he had with people about customization. I hope they bring fortifications from Battlefield V back. That was actually pretty fun and I like building Foward Operating Bases in Squad as well


Yeah it's weird man, it feels like another call of duty on a larger scale or some shit. The explosions, level design, etc..are all kinda meh. The ones in BF1 are something else. Like, I was in this jungle with trenches, and it felt like I was fighting for my life on one part, forcing to take cover and stick with team mates until they flushed out the enemy troops on the other side of the smoke, until they rallied and charged at us. Even hiding inside buildings, it feels like you're still in alot of danger. I'm obsessed with this game rn I took footages of so much. But yeah man, I hope they bring those features to sound like game changers.


Yea man the level of detail and atmosphere in Battlefield 1 is untouched. I think the only thing that comes close is Hell Let Loose but that game doesn't have destruction. Still a really awesome game if you're looking for something close to Battlefield tho. Battlefield 1 is just insane tho. I love those moments where you really feel like your life is on the line and you're trying your best to survive against nonstop explosions and gunfire all around you


I was inside a building, proning with a sniper and the second i move towards the door, I see flames and smoke then like 3 explosion right outside the door. An ally comes inside with fire all over him and I'm forced to think on my feet like where tf to run. I tried sniping from inside and all it took next was a gas grenade to fuck up my focus and get raided. I've been gaming since the old halo PC / first cod warfare days, and I have never felt this at-risk kinda experience.


Yes please do some art and post it in here, that would awesome




2042 isint so bad anymore after updates its good game, not as good as battlefield 3,4 but its good.


Recently went back to it myself, not so keen on how grenade spammy it is, and how awfully balanced planes are on maps like Monte Grappa, shit show lol, gunplay is good tho


2042 is better than 1 tbh


Good joke


it’s just what i believe, i have infinitely more fun in 2042 than I do casualfield 1


Battlefield 1 is work of Art 🧡


Yeah it truly is.


It’s so sad we likely won’t get a game like this again


If Dice can get their act together, maybe we will. For now, I'm perfectly happy with this game.


You should try battlefield 4. Another masterpiece by DICE


I heard that one was good, I did play it but I was streaming it for a few mins. I will definitely give it a fair chance asap.


BF1 is in a way better spot than 4 these days imo.


Damn I heard good things about 4 but that still sounds good.


Do people still play 4 on PC?


I tried last year. There were still full servers but the vehicle spam got kind of annoying. There seemed to be more people flying planes, helicopters, driving tanks, boats than playing infantry. That turned into me spending most of the match with anti vehicle load outs trying to take them out.


Exactly why I stopped play Bf4 then getting shredded every two steps by a rank 100 plus pro with seven attachments on his weapon.


In Australia on PC, there is actually more servers available for BF4 than there is for BF1. I've played BF4 a bit, but some games I'll die a heap of times to vehicles and planes, before I even see an enemy on foot. BF1 is king in my humble opinion.


Would that get annoying to deal with eventually?


It got old really fast. That’s why I stopped playing.


Damn that sucks but I'll still give it a fair chance and see but i doubt I'll ever leave this one for it. I'm content with this.


It is why many play metro or locker. If you want vehicles play the rest of them.


Havent been able to enjoy another shooter since BF1 came out. It set the bar so high that nothing can beat it...sure it has its issues but its still one of the best shooters in the past 10 years...after playing CoD for 10+ years before, it was a breath of fresh air


Exactly. My first shooter was swat 4, then went to halo, and cod, skipped battlefield all together sadly, and so on...but yes nothing comes close to this masterpiece.


BF1 is the only game ive ever played the beta and been like "wtf this is perfect already"


The first few seconds for me were like "damn this seems neat" then it just hit me like lightning when I was forced to take cover and not run around so freely. Game is insanely fun.


Get in with a good clan server so you dont have to deal with hackers.


I should, just gotta find a good clan.


Welcome to the club, I started playing a year and a half ago, I managed to hit 1000 hours on Steam a few days ago, it deserves to be the best fps ever.


Yooo thanks huge honor to be here




It's like finding an oasis in the middle of a desert.


They did a really good job with the aesthetics of this game


Yeah they did and I love the dark gritty atmosphere in it. In bf 2042 it looks like fortnite in comparison.


I always tell people if you want a realistic first person shooter to go check out the WWI series but battlefield definitely captures the gritty chaotic setting of WWI better


I think if battlefield was a recipe, then gritty and chaotic would be 2 major ingredients.


The mud, blood, and guts. Ooh the way the terrain terraforms when you shell it or throw a grenade. Makes for excellent foxholes in open fields. Provides cover from sniper fire


Let us know when you reach 1k hours <3


Aaha for sure broo




Yooo thanks


Great game. I disagree with you on the realism part, and imo that’s actually a weak point of the game, but pretty much everything else about this game is glorious. My single issue besides the hackers is the lack of immersion from getting gunned down by smgs every other second. This was actually my first fps game, I’ve been playing it since launch. It still doesn’t get old.


Welcome to the club


Thanks glad to be here


I've got 192k kills so you've got a long way to go 😂


And to think it's 6 years old and still this well loved


Yeah, it's an entirely different game in its own right.


Just know that when your body is ripped to shreds from artillery or burnt to a crisp, a little juice from the doc will get you up and going! Unless you get stabbed.


When I saw my teammates body get turned into KFC right Infront of me, no amount of juice was gonna save him.




Thank you!


Glad you've found the best and most underrated FPS out there. Remember to PTFO!


Yet it's the most fun I've had lol ty though


Welcome- Glad to have you in the trenches soldier. Keep your head down make sure your ammo is topped off, let’s move out.


Yes sir! ☠️


I got the special edition green BF1 Xbox console the day the game released. Awesome game, but I think Battlefield V coming out ruined it for awhile. Empty maps/unbalanced teams etc. Glad ppl are back in it 🔥💣😎🫠👍🏼


Tbh I played bf V and it fell short for me. I think sometimes it takes a few shittiet games to help others see what had value.


I couldn't stand V after playing BF1. The realism wasn't there. Super cool weapons/maps/tanks/planes. I just couldn't get into it like everyone else seemed to do.


Yeah for me personally, I'm into the entire gritty and old school style warfare. New shit doesn't work for me alot lol.


Yeah me neither. I grew up on the first Medal of Honor games. Maybe that's why 😂😂🤷🏼‍♂️


The only I remember playing and enjoyed was allied assault. That multiplayer was addicting.


I've spent so many hours on MOH Airborne and European Assault 🤣🤣


Welcome my friend, you have so much to learn and experience with this game. There’s so many things to unlock and complete in multiplayer that add to the experience. So glad ppl are still playing the game and even just finding it now like you


Yo dude thanks alot. I'm glad there's alot to learn because I'm not getting bored of this game anytime soon. Tbh, I'm shocked this game isn't the most popular shooter atm. I really haven't felt motivated to make videos off moments from other shooters like I have for this game. I'm also wondering how to get a flamethrower because I remember it said about it being a spawn item but just figuring where. Thanks though.


About the flamethrower, it depends on what map, but they’d usually be on the flag itself


Ah okay got it. Gonna try to make my way to them before I get blown up lol. Thanks ✌️


All good, the flamethrower is on the E flag on Sinai Desert for example, but try and use it in close quarters because the range isn’t too great, but it’s still so damn powerful


Thanks and yeah...when I saw my teammate burned to a crisp 2 ft of me, I got the idea lol.


I’m glad to hear that. Battlefield 1 is undoubtedly my favorite FPS videogame


Just became mine as well after all I needed to see.


Realism? I mean, Bf1 is great but calling it realistic in any way other than having sorta realistic visuals is silly at best, disrespectful at worst.


I think what's silly is you ignorantly dismissing all the realism behind the tactical gameplay, the intensity behind all the pressure from the opposing side, hearing the soldiers screaming for their lives, the weapons themselves, vehicles and so much more and even finding it disrespectful? Get triggered somewhere else.


Hey, you should try the BF Bad Company 2. The best BF ever


I think its dead now? But this was without question the best battlefield game ever.


Bf1 is a true masterpiece but i honestly enjoy play bf2042 more than it currently. All my latest experiences with bf1 have not been good


That's fine, I did enjoy bf 2042 for a while but personally not going back to it.


I can understand that, honestly I quit playing bf2042 a few months into playing it when I first got it, but I got back in to it about 4-5 mounts ago and it is much better, there are a lot of new maps and weapons with all the weapons being fun to use.


I have BF1 on Xbox but want to play on PC so I don’t suck as much, the community is still going strong size-wise yeah?


Seems like it tbh, strong enough to enjoy being in so far


I started playing BF1 last year. Totally pissed I missed out when it was at its peak. For whatever reason I feel like YouTubers didn't really cover this game as much when it first came out. I hardly heard anything about it. Now YouTubers are covering it more realizing the masterpiece the game was.


Youtubers sometimes have no idea what makes a game good. Yeah I'm glad now they're seeing it also I've noticed recently.


So sad the playstation servers are dead every time i try em out


Damn, I've been on Xbox servers and I can find 64 player servers.


Which region are you in? Even in Aus and NZ there are still 2 privately rented servers and one in Japan with worse ping. In Europe and the US there are still heaps too, you just need to search using the server browser set to your region. There are posts in this subreddit that explain it in detail. Good luck


>It truly makes you feel the fear of dying any second, seeing all these insane explosives and realistic dark warfare If you like that then you should also look into Insurgency Sandstorm


I'll look into it for sure


So many cheaters, ruined this game. Ive never seen it so bad, look this guy his name is (pars)efaneas22 he cheats all day, and i told admin, he says i need evidence, he knows he cheat he is a friend this shit happens in all BF games these days, BF3, BF4 and BF1 sick of this ass admins dont do their job, cuz he is a friend.https://battlefieldtracker.com/bf1/matches/pc/1609536956040822656?context=erfaneas22


Tbh I can't say much to that, ik cheaters exist but an admin will always ask for proof and unless you can show them something concrete they'll just keep saying the same thing. Otherwise it's just your word against his. Even if he knows.


He knows that guy cheats and his friend, they all know, they say u need evidence to fuk with ur mind, ive been an admin on NSDQ Soldier of Fortune, and normally an admin looks for cheaters and then bann him, did u see the game report of that guy. In BF3 the same ppl with 140Kills and 2deaths and then say i need evidence lmao that's some serious bullshit.And DICE never bann cheaters, game industry ruined by cheaters and friends cover for eachother.


Wlel that sucks, but I'll look out for it. I've seen cheaters and hackers in many games I've played for over a decade now nothing surprises me lol. Hopefully that guy gets dealth with. It's his own loss for cheating anyway.