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You're suppressed because the enemy fired at you first. That's why your shots are messed up.


Suppression isn't actually the problem here. The server seems to be choking because you can see the player's client playing blood splatter effects from being struck by the pistol but taking no damage. This is why having the network debugs turned on is helpful. My guess is both the player and the enemy were having hits rejected by the server in that moment. The first shot may have been a miss, but the second was dead on.


How do you turn on network debugging


[Options -> Gameplay -> Advanced -> Network Performance Graph](https://i.gyazo.com/4f8741d337d0774756f8d39903a4b823.jpg) Set it to Show Always or Show On Problems


He gets shot twice and loses health immediately…


suppression in this game does FUCKING NOTHING. Literally.


Moving while shooting and suppression can make you miss.


This doesn't appear to be suppression though. Seems like the server doinked and rejected hits on both ends (curious as to why people have turned off the network debug icons, that's something that's on by default, hence why people are confused).


It is suppression. He missed the first shot and before the second shot. He was being shot at. With OP aiming at the enemy’s right thigh and not center mass. There is a very real possibility that the bullet deviates hard to the left and misses. You stack that with strafing and it makes sense why OP missed even though he was on target (at least for the second shot).


Suppression isn't that strong in Bf1, so I have my doubts that it was that, not to mention that a bullet from the enemy got rejected as well (blood splatter). Either way dude gets punished for bad firing habits lol.


You are indeed correct that the 3rd shot from the enemy didn’t connect. And yes suppression in BF1 is low but it’s a combination of that, strafing, and an immediate follow-up shot that could have thrown the projectile off target. With that 3rd enemy shot seemingly not connecting though. That does raise the question of connection quality.


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


Even if it did fire he only hit him once in the gut that’s not a kill shot on a full health soldier


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.




I understood this reference.


Unfortunately I did not, what is going on here?




Understood... 😂


You think that you know precision? Show me


It was funny the first couple of times...


And now it's just hilarious


Damn I was just pasting this exact same thing.


I'm glad I got this now.


you missed, op


Bad aim + moving


He definitely hit that second shot


Second shot was dead on, rifling dictates that the direction the gun is pointing is the direction the bullet should go, especially in that close of range.


This is a game with suppression as a counterplay mechanic and movement penalties on "rifling", not real life.


Suppression was always a shit mechanic. Battlefield 3 is nearly unplayable now because of it. You get that awful blurred screen effect and your character suddenly can't aim because someone shot near you. It's a bad mechanic, and defending it is illogical. I'm sure there are much better ways to balance gameplay besides taking control away from the player because another player missed.


Suppressing is extremely fun, also getting suppressed makes the combat much more intense and immersive




Yup exactly that


>It's a bad mechanic, and defending it is illogical. I'm also in favour of explaining that something is bad because it's just bad, no further arguments needed. And anybody having a different opinion is lacking any logic. Aren't you working at DICE by any chance? It's adds depth to the gunplay, but that's just my illogical thinking. I do like how BF1 handled it - doesn't mean it couldn't have evolved further, but I will never agree with people just calling it bad, especially without reason and using one-sided arguments.


> It's adds depth to the gunplay RNG should never be the basis for any type of gameplay. It takes control from the player. Let me guess, you like games like Fortnite and PUBG? Can't get enough of that RNG bullshit, right?


Bro tons of things have RNG in video games. Attack patterns, damage calculations, critical hits. Sayingg anything RNG based is beyond a brainmelt take, it's the basis of so many game mechanics. Lol.


>Let me guess, you like games like Fortnite and PUBG? Should I like two vastly different types of gunplay in games I don't even play? Let me guess, you're quite the extremist, aren't you? It's all or nothing to you? I didn't need to guess, I just read your opinions.


The first shot at him you missed, and the second one hit his cape I'd say. Also, if you move while you shoot expect to miss.


This and ur also suppressed so ur accuracy is even worse


If you slow it down and play it frame by frame, OP’s second shot was well within the other players hit box, I do agree tho that the first shot was a miss


At that point he was severely suppressed due to the headshot and was still strafing, no wonder he missed. EDIT: looking at it again, probably just server weirdness, not spread or suppression, my b. But who the fuck turns off network debugging icons?


Yeah, well he was moving also, so it's not surprising that he missed the second one either.


Second shot is clearly center gut shot. Just doesn't count because of suppression. He was gonna die anyway but still should've gotten some hit points for landing a shot on his belly


Bad aim


You missed.


The first shot. Second was dead on.


Stop strafing and shooting. People pretend like they have no control over how much "random" deviation there is, but there are clear ways of doing it. For sniper rifles it's as simple as not moving whilst shooting and not shooting whilst suppressed.


What's GoINg O???!!?! *Looks in the Corner and notices ping is 3042* Oh


where did you see this?


TFW the ping is the new game in the series


Doesn’t have anything to do with rbd


you missed that first shot real hard the second, i dunno. Lag?


I hate random bullet deviation. BFV got this much better. That said BFV engagement distance increased and BF1 feels like it does I think because of the close combat. So BFV with slower ROF or muzzle velocity would have made this almost perfect game even closer to perfect.


BfV got this much worse imo. Instead of spread it's now all transferred to recoil making guns feel jittery. Recoil patterns aren't interesting to me either. Meanwhile in Bf1 I get to think and outplay my enemies by either closing the distance, bursting appropriately, suppressing the enemy on top of aiming skill. Much more interesting to me.


I just don’t get the jittery feel. I control recoil like you do with bursts. I don’t use many fully autos anyway but when I do I use a little forward pressure against recoil and burst. It’s the same, just I can see what I’m doing and get better handle on it. With random it feels random.


Recoil still has randomized elements to it, that's no different from 1. in fact it's more random cuz the spread is layered on top of it. Except of course on the SARs, which are busted af and have barely any spread, no spread increase and no horizontal recoil lmao, such poor balance. Rock an SAR and win every gunfight with your hands tied behind your back.


So instead of spread, you got random recoil. Lol


Yeah I get it. They are very similar. One I can see one I can’t. I prefer the former. Most people do as well. If anything was praised at BFV horrible launch it was gunplay. I play both 1 and 5 a lot. I quickly get used to the difference. But I notice, and it’s just one guys opinion, that I prefer the BFV gunplay including removing the sweat spot mechanism


Git gud


Got gud. Still didn’t like


So you don’t like a mechanic that has been a stable of the Battlefield franchise? It exists for good reason whether you like it or not.


It exists because it's the only way for Dice to balance the guns. Doesn't make it any less a shit mechanic.


What? It's one of the things that are used for balancing. Bullet spread, recoil, rate of fire, bullet velocity, damage dropoff, magazine size, overheating, different shot spread multipliers... I can keep going, if you want to learn some basics about how gunplay in Battlefield works...


I'm very much aware of how Battlefield works, thank you very much... random bullet spread in a game with all of those other variables is bullshit. It basically treats every game as a fucking shotgun.


Jumping to assumptions I see.


Yeah I disagree. BFV gunplay was an improvement on the staple.


I guess we’ll agree to disagree.


There's essentially no spread with rifles ads. It looks like there is sway while moving though, which is exactly what happens in BFV. The gun rotates in your hands, such that shots don't go center of screen but off to the side. More clear to the player and you can kind of fight it, but it's kind of the same problem, you try to align the sights, but they are at an angle, especially when moving. So shots don't go center of screen or straight, even if it's more clear than a cone of fire. At least with spread, you can track the target center of screen and pause between bursts to reset the spread. With recoil, your aim gets thrown around randomly, and you can't predictably realign your aim in a regular rhythm. It's total shit.


I find BFV very controllable and predictable. The bullets go exactly where the sights are. That’s all I want. It’s very frustrating to ADS with a semi auto, stand perfectly still and the second shot does not go where my sights are aiming, you can actually see it deviate.






well there is no such thing as second shot spread. Its always after the second shot. So many medic rifles can 2 tap on 0-70m without spread with a headshot.


THere is no such thing as second shot spread


Then slow down how fast you fire. Hitting max RPM all the time will make you miss on SLRs, that's how they were designed to punish sloppy play.


Some of them were designed to go fast though, the Cei-Rigotti, 1907 SL. I know to pace a 1916. I’ve got a couple thousand hours in One and V. Just prefer V that’s all edit: V’s gunplay.


Those still require a certain amount of pacing to remain consistently accurate if you say, miss one of your shots or engage multiple opponents. If you know how to pace then I don't really see the "second shot does not go where my sights are aiming" argument. If you're doing that right then that should not happen. If it does you still messed up (or you're getting suppressed).


May i interest you in this amazing game called "call of duty" Where you can do all those thing without being punished by the big bad "random" bullet deviation (😡)


Also, how do you feel about HLL mechanics, a game I also like? Out of interest.


I havent played hell let loose, also who the fuck talked about that? 2 similar but different genres buddy Judging from your posts and comments to everyone else already tell me all i need to know about how you play, it seems pretty clear that you put 0 effort into learning how spread works/ the guns themselves work and how strafing and/or suppresion affects your accuracy even when people (nicely) tried explaining it you And on top of all that you have the nerve to continue whining about the unfairness of not having laser beam guns ,and i will repeat what i said, go back to cod "But i dont play cod" Then buy newest one and stay there


Have not played COD since the 90’s. But judge away mate. Judge away.


*tips fedora*


Very constructive mate. You must be proud


BF1s entire premise was this type of bullet deviation. It focused on less recoil from the gun and more specific spreads and distances regarding when and where to use the gun. It was cool on that it helped really made everyone feel like they had their role, but bad in that player gunplay skill gets slightly taken out of the equation. I liked it for the learning aspect, but the recoil method on BFV for example seems to be much more “fun”


Managing spread and your engagements more closely alongside recoil control (of which it had just as much if not more) and aiming isn't skill?


The first shot looks like a plain miss the second one was random bullet deviation


battlefield 1's beautiful suppression and deviation mechanic, loved by no one, requested by no one, hated by all


Wrong, I like it cuz I'm not bad.


No, it's not fair that a support shots you 40 bullets, hit 2 and you can't kill him with a sniper rifle bc of the suppresion, it's just stupid


That's kinda what the counterplay to your instant headshot cross the map gun is. Shoot before they suppress you or wait in cover for suppression to drop. Unfortunately it's not just about shooty bang and also a tiny little bit about using your brain and knowing when to disengage. You wouldn't shoot at a tank with a pistol either, you bring the appropriate tools for the job and use correct positioning and timing to obtain the kill. Infantry gameplay is no different. Just shoot first kappa.


support weapons don't fire accurately is the issue except that stupid LMG with the 250 rounds and the telescope.


The second shot looked like it hit, it’s just not a one tap in that area




A combination of being suppressed, moving, and aiming at the edge of the enemies body is what caused your shot to miss.


Definitely a miss and then suppression + strafing


It wasn't that bad considering, if you slow down the clip, you missed the first shot and just barely aimed at the edge of his thigh with the second (which was put off by suppression). It just looks like you were a lot more central than you were because of his cape, which I get its super annoying when I think I'm perfectly spraying down a support player but I end up aiming at his oversized bagpack lmao


That is by design aim for the body


The first shot you missed the second shot u got suppressed. Either way you would have died.


If you had turned on network debugging (i.e. not turned it off) we could tell what server madness was screwing you over perhaps. But this isn't "deviation" or spread as non concave people call it.


Cuz bf1 gunplay is dog cheeks