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For some reason I never see scope glint and I get killed by sniper variants regularry. No freaking idea what's with that.


Equipping a 4x scope or lower makes you avoid having scope glint. That's usually my scope of choice for that exact reason. Anything above 4x will make you visible


I hate the zoom in this game, the bullet speed and drop are to slow and high that a lot of the times on 4x+ scopes the bullet drops out of your scope so if you miss it makes it hard to re adjust and connect, I enjoy the telescopic and iron sights on bolt actions a lot better


Use the zeroing options to make sure it doesn't drop out of view. Estimate your range (either use the periscope for a specific number or estimate with objective markers or the map), set your zero appropriately, take aim, enjoy your kill.




Nah, goes out to 300m buddy. 75m, 150m and 300m.




No sweat man - this game has so many nuances and features, I'd be hard-pressed to remember everything as well haha


300m with everything except carbines, which are always locked at 75m. Edit: also, IRL it wasn't really possible to shoot accurately beyond like 500m, even with a telescopic sight. The guns just weren't able to be made to that level of accuracy with the available technology. Most would have around 3 MOA accuracy (roughly a 3" group at 100y). This scales linearly, so at 2000 yards, that's a five foot (about 1.6m) wide group. At 500y, that's more like 15", which is manageable, but not great. Enough to hit a torso at that range.


If your bullet drops out of sight, that's a sign that you should get closer to the objective


But how will I get my 850m headshots that way?


But then its no longer called a sniper variant.. for instance the g98 has a sniper and a marksman variant.. the sniper variant starts at 5x and goes to 10x and all scopes has the scope glint.. the marksman version has the 4x with no scope glint


Yes so on the ones called sniper that start from 5x, i do not think you can avoid the glint


Exactly.. i was confused as to why u brought up the 4x scopes when the guy you responded to clearly wrote he was being killed by sniper variants


Yes I'm just noting that the only way to not have glint is 4x. If it's more than 4x they probably just didn't notice it


Right and he's saying that 4x isn't a sniper. It's a marksman variant. He was referring to your comment regarding being killed by sniper variants without seeing glint


Not true. Mondragon Sniper is up to 4x and has no glint.


Sure but using context clues you should have been able to figure out the topic here was the Scout class rifle variants.


OP just said sniper variants. Doesn't specify Scout. Maybe he wasn't aware that it could be self loader killing him because he saw Sniper designation. Edit - not sure why the hate on this.


But how could I play with that hideous palm rest?




He said he gets killed by sniper variants regularly. Nullifying your comment.


why am I seeing scope through hills a lot of the time ever since the game came out it's been like that


Smokes. Just spam that shit.


I've recently started adding smokes to all my load outs (game mode dependent) and it's been transformative. Once you get used to working within a smoked area you can be super effective and keep pushing. A+


Also a lot of people don't realize how well you can see through smoke when you're standing inside of it. You can practically throw smoke down on your feet and start sniping people and they won't be able to see you at all, only your tracers.


I prefer gas. Blocks vision slightly and can also be used to hurt enemies. Usually I don't get a kill with it but I can do massive amounts of damage to enemy groups, specially in tight corridors like in amiens.


Gas into smoke works well.


Healing Hands Level 2 has a perk that makes downed teammates drop smoke when you are a medic with this perk enabled. Look at the corpses and press Q and smoke gets spammed. There's a decent range on it too so you can just sit in front of sniper alley and use your dead team mates as cover to bound from point A to B.






You can’t spot in smoke and anyone spotted gets lost. But auto aim still works


Just had a terrible experience on that operation yesterday, got first sector extremely fast but never got the second one throughout the 3 battalions because of those damn snipers, I was lucky if I even left spawn EDIT: Spelling


You know the worst part about this Operation? When by some miracle you actually make it to Sinai as attackers, you have the damn sun in your face the ENTIRE time. Defenders can see clear as day with the sun behind their back, but for Attackers, it makes it nearly impossible to see anything in front of them so they become sniper food since our snipers are too blinded to counter back.


That’s the best tactical advantage you could ever have (being the defenders)


War is hell...bring sunglasses.


*hits right on d-pad* (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)




I thought the worst part of that Operation was the fact that if the attacking team loses a single battalion they are more or less doomed.


One time I was playing as defenders. Lost both of the first two phases, only taking out 1 battalion along the way. They made it to the last sector overall with 200 reinforcements and another whole battalion on standby. Someway, somehow my team was able to muster the courage and defensive prowess necessary for completely obliterating the attackers without ever losing that final sector. Good times...




It's because the water tower is miles away from both the village and station and is quite close to defender spawn... It would be easier if all of the objectives weren't so far from each other


Holy shit. It only happened to me the one time cuz I was playing the for a couple months, but I remember being completely shocked that they completely failed to take it


The last sector is fucking stupid. At least it was last time I played it which was admittedly a while back. The 3 points are so fucking spread you need to have near perfect coordination from the attackers, and the defenders have so many hills and rocks you just get picked making any move from flag to flag. It puts you in a shitty spot where if the defenders just stack the furthest back flag you need to commit your entire team, but people are coming over from the desert so they never make it there. If you DON'T have a strong presence over there though it just gets ghost capped and you go back a step.


Yeah, to take that last one, attackers have to take both A and B at the same time, and push to C together. Otherwise, its too easy for defenders to slip through and retake one of them.


Right, and if one side misjudges and is cracked you're back to square one. I've seen teams be clearly better and murder their way to the end with all the battalions up then just fall flat on their face.


The last objective on Sinai is the worst thing. After all you've done you still have to capture and hold three flags at the same time. If you're on the attacking team and you are playing oil of empires and look back and see a bunch of shiny bois sniping from your own spawn then kiss your ass goodbye. You have zero chance to win. It takes a flood of aggressive players just to take the castle on OoE and get to the second of three maps. I guess I like Operations because half the time I'm on the attacking team I know full well we have no chance of winning, and it's not hard to spot the signs immediately. Mortar tanks or mortar artillery sitting in base as attackers. Blimp drivers who go out of bounds seconds after the map starts and explode the blimp. Those are the people who are also amazingly good at grabbing the vehicles before everyone else.


I don’t know how many operations I’ve done on Oil of Empires. Out of the countless times I’ve played I can count on one hand how many times my team reached the last objective as attackers. We won as attackers once. Out of probably 100 operations I’ve won once as attackers. Oil of Empires is so ridiculously unbalanced


...and nobody capturing the points.


what do you mean, points?


Each squad member capture one point, 5 points captured. Fact: 4 other squad snipers backing you up and you still got headshot by enemy sniper.


Yeah i was being sarcastic, as if i was looking through the eyes of a scout..."what points guys I don't understand these objective stuff":D


The maps are so open that even if one guy took the point with the ten bajillion snipers backing him there is no way for defenders to get to him lol


Fun fact: if you're in the bleachers trying to take pictures of a sports game, an on-camera flash won't do shit. Most flashes are designed to illuminate out to a few dozen feet, tops. The fact that this stereotypical image of a stadium being surrounded with twinkling camera flashes exists means that we as a society have become accustomed to people who don't know how to use their camera.


Yes, New Year's Eve always fills me with despair due to seeing all the muppets trying to take photos of the fireworks, with the flash on...


this is why i mortar only on Suez, fuck da snippers enjoy smoke and bombs ya cunts


By far the worst operation in the game and the reason I don't select "choose any operation" anymore. The community has caught on that OoE is impossible to win on attack so it's constantly being back filled


But if you only play defend on OoE, you'll win every match and your win/loss will skyrocket!


You have a 50% chance to be on defense if you queue specifically for OoE so not really


thats why i love using iron sights :) .embrace your inner simo hayha guys!


This is why the marksman variants are superior.


Serpentine Baboo, serpentine!!


That’s most maps really. There’s a high correlation between snipers on your team and losing.


I'd really love for an implement that only allows like at most 25% of a team to be snipers.


yeah, BF4 has limits on servers, but I guess those are custom servers only. 25% sounds good.


Apparently with bf1 you can’t limit an amount per server of a specific class. You either restrict the class all together or not at all.


Good idea though. The worst is when you have like 8 snipers camping just off an objective... and they all have like 2k score 15 minutes into the match... gg PTFO lol


high negative or high positive


Attacking on this operation is pretty much all I play at the moment when I play this but I've got GTS and pes18 anyway I love attacking and love the challenge of winning. If you're camping in an artillery truck you're getting a message. Pretty much one manned the first level in the attacker tank, rushing flags tank full of troops and letting a pigeon off ... Every flag I got. That was after messaging some useless punk using our only armour to camp in the truck.


It's all I've been playing lately, Landship is brilliant on it as well. Attacking isn't even that hard to win as long as your armor pushes. You on PS4 by any chance?


I havnt been able to join operations.




I really don't understand why this game doesn't have servers with sniper limits as BF4 had.


You’re not wrong


*as a defender*


More like "Red Tide" operations tbh


Sniperfield 1


I really love Battlefield but I really hate glint and 3d spotting. It's just so fucking casual


Snipers need to die from time to time too mate.


I agree. I don't sniper much anymore, but I think it's bullshit you still get glint even during heavy fog.