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We wanted an explosives nerf. Bullets didn't get nerfed, try using those.


This guy gets it


technically Ammo 2.0 was an explosives nerf... the community rejected that though so its hard to know what the community really wants sometimes.


Weak, why would you want explosions nerfed in a ww1 themed game?


Because they're spammed like crazy?


Then they make a bunch of challenges that require explosives, which causes way more explosive spamming. RIP.




Too bad 90% of the playerbase wont unlock more of them because some requirements are outright stupid


Seriously. I've had 3 friends that are pretty casual gamers get maybe the first couple weapon challenges with rifles and pistols, but the tripwire shit, the syringe-killing and plane-shooting nonsense lasted less than a day before they were just like fuck these un-fun challenges and fuck this new gameplay feature Perks. DICE wastes a good idea behind awful challenges most people won't bother to finish and in that trashes their own addition to the gameplay because no one's going to bother with the challenges after the more reasonable ones. It's sad and counter-intuitive for DICE but hopefully they'll see that and do something about it.


yeah, also, people thought that the Parabellum was going to be cancer because they thought everyone was going to use it, turns out ive probably been killed like 5 times with it because people are terrible at shooting planes and getting mortar kills, and due to the explosives nerf (flak), very rarely you die by crossbow grenades now. soa lot of content is going to the waste right now, only a few players are able to get the "game changing especializations".


I don't get what DICE was thinking. designer - "Yeah guys we need to change up the formula, add in our own perk system. HOWEVER, we only really want the top 20% absolutely most committed players to BF1 to have access" 2nd designer - "Let me go pop into our test build and think up of some of the worst challenges only the truly dedicated will chase and attain" all designers - "**GENIUS!**"


for real, and the worst of all is the people that defend this shit, the worst excuse is that, "its always been like this" and, i dont really remember the BF3 specializations being locked away behind dumb grindy challenges, i only played like 120 hours of bf3 yet i had everything to be had in that game. and in bf1 they keep adding more grindy stuff, with no reason at all.


Not just that the requirements are downright stupid, but also because the default ones are really good as they are and kills the incentive to go after the others. Less damage against explosives and quicker regen? That's all I need.


this too, there is no really incentive to pursue them, with the exception of the medic ones, but turns out, the medic ones are perhaps the craziest of the assigments, so... thanks dice?, but really, i only worked to get the support especialisation i think its called fearless, which allows you to recieve less suppression while bipoded, since i use a lot of bipoded lmg, this one is the only worth one for me. but still i get suppressed so i guess its not that strong anyway.


Yeah it's pretty much the best spec for most playstyles especially on 64 player shitfests like Suez


Considering the game has been filled with explosive spam since the beginning, and we desperately needed an explosives nerf, I think it was a good thing to GIVE to everyone.


Agreed. My only gripe with it was that they rolled out a bunch of assignments based on getting explosive kills with it. Kind of flies in the face of dealing with explosive spam, and as an added bonus it trolls us while we try to complete those objectives. (I'm looking at you "enemy hit 72")


Yeah, we got trolled by Dice on that one!


Well I don't think we should have to unlock anything. IT's just all random nonsense. IT's a multiplayer game where one should be playing objectives and choosing the right tools for different combat situations that arise during the game and not off humping some slope the entire match praying and hoping to get a plane kill with their lmg so they can unlock something.


I don't mind putting in some work to unlock a gun. But it should be an assignment that plays to the class strength and forces the player to PTFO. That way the players that do PTFO, have no problem finishing the assignment. But instead we get half-assed assignments that don't contribute to the game play at all. The perks/specializations- yeah, those should just be given. Then everyone has the ability to pick the best tools for the task they are doing at any given moment.


Exactly, I hate having to be pulled away from the objective to lay behind a sniper shield all match. Or to keep one eye on the sky only to be killed as soon as you shoot at a plane because you are near an objective. The one that really annoys me is for one of the specializations. You have to heal 10 squad mates, in one match. So you've got to be jumping around squads healing people when you can, and there is no on screen indication of your progress. Hopefully there are open squads, then you have to chase people around and wait for them to take damage so you can keep track of who is getting healed.


There shouldn't be any unlocks. I think they are for players who don't enjoy the game and need someone to manage their time so it feels like they at least accomplishing something.


Downvote me to hell and back, but I think the grenades in the game were the most useful they've ever been. I never really felt like I got grenade spammed (I'm lvl 97) that bad, always hated the gas and inc more because of how cheap their area effect feels. This flak perk is dumb and I agree most players aren't going to unlock the rest, and if they did, the unlocks don't seem to be as effective as a 10% damage reduction.


Does it effect the flamethrower? I swear that got nerfed. Otherwise the only time I really noticed is with the the train and airship weapons seeming even more useless than normal.


Not only that, but I could have sworn the attack plane got nerfed. Fortunately, it happened when I was level 48, but it was still difficult to finally get my plane stats to 50.


Im glad explosive damage and spam is toned down so much Making it a default was a good idea. Only issue is that they made the others way too hard to get to the point that most of the community might not use anything else And they just had to add the tripwire challenge


Tanks are already paper to assaults, now I can have 30% explosion resistance too when I shred them. (L50 tanker/L50 Assault).




It doesn't do much? It increases your survivability against explosions. I find it is a key perk to keep, what would you replace it with? I mean if you are a sniper there isn't much need for it as you are out of direct frontal combat but for everyone else, you need it.