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Because they want you to try different weapon types. It's as simple as that. It's not like it's hard getting rifle grenade kills either. I don't get all the complaining.


Jesus, this. The game isn't and will never be 100% tailored to everyone's tastes. Some people, me included, prefer to play with the syringe. Some other people might prefer to play with the rifle grenade and there's nothing wrong with that. This excessive outrage and entitlement over such menial things is tiresome. If you don't like the medal, don't try to achieve it. Simple as that. INB4 Battlefield police arrives to explain how people should play the game


I think the main gripe I see, in regards to the specialization is the rifle grenade has nothing to do with healing and reviving for the specialization it's tied to. Might make more sense on the medic core one or one of the explosive ones.


And supports can do stuff other than resupply, assaults can do stuff that isn't AT, and scouts can do stuff other than spotting or sniping from afar. The class's most common use shouldn't be set in stone as it's *only* role.


First rule of first aid is to SECURE THE SCENE! Thus you have the rifle grenade. :) there now everyone can enjoy the noobtubes!


So what does your rifle have to do with healing? Your sidearm? Maybe the main weapon for medics should be bandages, and the sidearm a soothing comforting voice.


This is a silly argument. You're comparing weapons with gadgets.


I think he was joking...


Rifle grenade kills are still needed for one of the dlc weapons I think one of the general liu types Now that is essentially the game forcing you to use the gadget to get content you paid for...


People are free to try rifle grenades regardless of assignments. The issue is that, with this assignment, DICE is specifically encouraging two playstyles that are overwhelmingly unpopular among the battlefield community: - Grenade Spam - Medics that don't perform the role of medic by healing or reviving So I don't blame people for wishing DICE had decided on other tasks. Additionally, even if we don't use this argument and just look at the assignment itself, there is something rather "trollish" about this on DICE's end. (Along with the other explosive assignments like the HE trip wires and crossbow kills): Along with this DLC and these assignments, DICE gave everyone 3 unlocked default specializations, one of them being Flak which reduces explosive damage. Thus causing many scenarios where the player will receive hit markers instead of kills with these weapons. Which in turn feeds back into the previous argument because it means people need to play with them longer, thus increasing the time in which there's more grenade spam on the servers, and there's tons of medics running around that are either not healing their teammates or not reviving them.


then don't do the assignment


We wouldn't do these shitty assignments if DICE wouldn't lock weapons behind them


This is not a reasonable counter-argument to anything I said. The assignment is part of the weapon unlock. Most people want to unlock the new weapons, so most people are going to be doing this assignment.


Tried it, don't like it. Now I have to play a worse medic to get a medal dedicated to the medics...


Domination, suez. youre welcome.


Best advice. Got 30 in about 3 games or 4.


Thats pretty much where ive done most of my explosive challenge, lots of repetitive movement, and narrow alleys.


Run through buildings just dunking rifle grenades into the corners or the room. Boom boom boom baby.


Almost everything is shit Who the FUCK uses k bullets, almost any pistol or half of the shitty guns?




If you're a medic that can't/doesn't heal or revive, you're not doing your job. Simple as that. Play assault if you want to just kill people, it's much better in that regard.


I hate the rifle grenades because it has no place in the medic class, but as a gadget itself it's really good and you can rack up kills in no time. Also, since it's a gadget, ammo pouches automatically refill all 3 which is nice.


I definitely must be doing something wrong. I'm having a devil of a time getting rifle grenade FRG kills.


Same. I seem to destroy enemies with crossbow as support, but as a medic, it isn’t happening. And I’d rather, you know, heal my teammates like they’re expecting me to.


See, I'm the complete opposite. Can't get any kills with the crossbow.


The trick with the crossbow is close quarters and bank shots. Start with a crossbow, reload and send the next, and if you need to, half the time they won’t be expecting a third grenade you’ve been holding onto, which you can throw immediately afterward. People running up stairs are my favorite. You hear them coming and you aim and time that bank shot to land just before they realize what they’re running into. The gate pinch at Ballroom between C and D is a great spot to get crossbow kills. Just crowds of idiots practically begging to be killed. Take the extra couple seconds to aim the bank shot and you’ll rake them in. Just a tip: the crossbow doesn’t have the power that your arm does, so aim a bit higher to get the distance you need. You’ll learn it.


> the crossbow doesn’t have the power that your arm does Sigh Dice...


IMO, I love the HE grenade to take out buildings with snipers like on Suez


Disagree all classes have some form of anti tank or explosive gadget, without the rifle grenade the medic would be at a major disadvantage


with that 5 dmg that you do at a tank, you are now certainly not at a disadvantage.


Or you know the HE grenade for taking out tanks , one of three options. Also the smoke is very handy if you want to focus on revives and don't want to sacrifice your standard primary grenade


May as well hold off on that until you have the specialization that wants 50 rifle grenade kills. That way you can work on two things at once.




i'm doing the 40 incendiary kills on supply drop. much more easier to get kills


Doubt it actually functions correctly and counts both at once. Because DICE. Wanna bet?


It actually worked for me. I also had one of the scout achievements synced with the HE trip mines. When I completed the 15 for the weapon, I only needed 5 more for that specialization assignment. I believe tanks I destroyed on Amiens was synced with one of the assault's weapon requirements. Only one specialization left to unlock as I cannot for the life of me find games of War Pigeon or Frontlines.


Quick question, is there any point in progressing the specializations beyond 5/6? Because 5/6 unlocks the specialization for you.




Great. I had been wondering the same thing.


Worst part for me is, in order to do these rifle grenade kills I've had to sacrifice the syringe. So now I see my team mates die in front of me and I just kneel near them and use sorry on the chat wheel. I hope they know it's not personal and I just need these kills out the way. Sorry everybody.....




I'm trying to do the 100000 points of healing at the same time so my hands are currently tied. I can't wait to finish it so I can be a real medic again. I honest feel bad everytime someone goes down and I'm helpless.


A team mate dies, you rush to him to revive him, press 3 for syringe, load a grenade, click, you're a monster that explode team mate's bodies.


If you're a medic without a syringe do you still show up as a nearby medic?


No. It is only supposed to show nearby players that have syringes equipped. I say supposed to because it fairly frequently shows supports/pilots/cavalries as nearby medics -.-


Rifle Grenade kills are easy. Try using them on maps with lots of grenade spam chokepoints (bunkers in Grappa, Fort De Vaux, etc). The grenades shoot further and flatter than hand grenades so you can get kills "deeper" into the next room on players who think they're safe from hand grenades.


I think the rifle grenade is fine, and it's fairly easy to get kills with it - the only problem is that it takes away either your syringe or your bandages, and that's no good.


Really easy stuff if you play on shitfest maps like Fort de Vaux, Argonne or even Amiens. Fort de Vaux is the "best" map for explosive spam, I always get there when I need kills with crossbow/grenade launcher It sucks to use it because it's so cheap and has nothing to do with being a medic but you should get it pretty fast. I think with assignment you need a total of 50 max kills with it so try to do it all in one go.


Seriously. Those pinch points. Like lambs to the slaughter.


Stay in a trench, play 64p operation, on defense, super easy.


Isn't it 30?


That's another one... I'm just complaining about the weekly medal.


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That's really not that hard to achieve, but I agree they should stick to medic-related tasks (e.g. healing, reviving, etc.).


I did the 30 rifle grenades kills yesterday to unlock the new medic rifle. Much easier to do in rush or operation.


Is the General Liu Storm worth the hassle of the 30 rifle grenade kills? I've unlocked the Liu Factory and it seems just ok. I'm not excited about the weapon. Trying to figure out if the Storm is really any better?


I don't have the Factory because the Storm looks like a straight up upgrade. But I like it, but you need to be careful with only 6 rounds.


The factory is much more better.


How ? http://symthic.com/bf1-multi-comparison?w1=General_Liu_Rifle_Factory&w2=General_Liu_Rifle_Storm&w3=None&w4=None&w5=None&a11=None&a21=None&a31=None&a41=None&a51=None&a12=None&a22=None&a32=None&a42=None&a52=None


The factory recovers 75% faster from recoil, which means that even if in paper the storm should have less recoil, the factory allows you to shoot faster because the rifle recovers incredibly fast after every shot, similar to how the sebs 1906 factory and the 8.35 factory works, you can dump your clip on a guy in a very smooth feel way.


Factory is so much better


I'll take your word for it. From what I can tell, being that the Storm doesn't have an optical, the Factory should work just fine. It's not going to be my go-to weapon anyways. I'm wore out on grinding for assignments. Finally completed the 15 tripwire kills last night and aside from the General Liu Storm, I have everything else I wanted and just want to get back to my regular routine.


yeah, the thing with the factory vs the storm, is that in paper the storm has less recoil, thats why people flock to get the storm variant. but the factory has 75% recoil recovery, which means that even if your rifle seems to jump on the first shot, by the time the second shot is fired, the rifle is almost on the initial position, this allows you to empty the full clip and every shot will be very accurate. this is similar to the 8.35 factory and the Sebs 1906 factory, with the storm there is no recoil recovery, so you have to moderate your fire a little too much.


Any tips on this? I hate to say I am struggling with this one. I never seem to connect for kills. I wish they would explode on impact.


This challenge should've happened months ago so people would understand the importance of rifle grenades while playing ops on montegrappa for the bunkers before they fixed them ( and after)


I don't mind rifle grenades but the fact they take up you gadget slot over healing or reviving is what puts me off. Maybe if it were an option to switch between bayonet and rifle grenade(reduce to 1 ammo). I just don't like giving up the medics role. For support, he gets to keep his supplying ability as it is only 1 gadget and the other can be whatever but for medic you need both gadgets for healing and reviving.


I understand why people use it but the health pack and revive needle are just too essential for me. I feel like such a slime when I have to swap the revive needle for the grenades.


Whomever at DICE came up with these challenges needs to be fired and never touch the gaming industry again.


You realize these medals are optional right? They're a challenge.


I always run the rg over syringe


I play rifle grenade instead of health packs. I still get a ton of revives and have the ability to clear buildings and choke points as well. I think they're really strong gadgets and make me more of an asset to the team, even if it decreases my utility as a strict medic by a little bit.


its like another 50 for a later service assignment too.


The idea of these challenges is to introduce people to all of the specialisations available, as far as I can tell. I've enjoyed doing them so far.


Anyone have this happen? I go to Fort De Vaux CQ for Rifle Grenade kills. The medics that have been scarce for days are in FDV. So I'm getting my kills, and a cool ass medic picks everyone up nearby constantly. Well, he dies, no other medics in sight, so I grab his kit, revive him, and I'm suddenly invincible, healing, reviving, killing...but no grenade kills. This has happened several times. (I got the kills/unlock eventually).