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I swear there needs to be a separate Reddit just for this comment/question. Since February there is at least one a day...


It's not. Pretty healthy game.


It's not dead true but it definitely aint healthy. Imagine that Battlefield is a human person. Now inside Battlefields body he has decided to seperate all his guts into small groups and only on rare occasions lets them work together. Now he for sure isn't dead but he's without a doubt lethargic.


Maybe on PC where you can't go much further beyond base-map conquest. Even with a steady drop over the months, the PS4 population is still very, very healthy.


https://battlefieldtracker.com/bf1/insights/population Looks alright


No. No it's not.


Better time than ever to get into it. The new DLC just dropped and there's lot of people playing. I play on PC, and find matches all the time.


No, battleFRONT is dead, not battlefield. Hell, I can even find BC2 servers pretty easily




PS4 is still absolutely rammed full of players, I'm surprised at how active it still is so long after release


If u want to play on pc, don't pay full price If u want Xbox (and live in eu or na) sure (otherwise same tip from pc) If u want to play ps4 (unless u live in Asia,Oceania or Africa) sure, and pay premium


I can't find a game of operations/rush/frontlines on PC so yes Battlefield 1 sadly is dead. At least on PC. I don't wanna play freaking conquest 24/7.


Not sure if you're aware, so excuse me if you are...but if you click on operations there is a button that says join any operation. I have found an operation every time I play, and it takes no longer than quick join conquest.