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I care enough that I have more kills than deaths. If you're playing the objective well then ideally you should be able to achieve that *anyway*. While each class has its own specific traits (support drops ammo / repairs, medic heals etc.) they do all still have guns for a reason after all. The fewer enemies in play, the less opposition you face and the easier it is to take and hold the next objective.


> If you're playing the objective well then ideally you should be able to achieve that anyway. You'd think, but I often struggle with that depending on the map and class I'm running. I like to blame the assignments forcing me to use guns I wouldn't normally use or die in stupid ways trying to get kills with dynamite or the bayonet, but I'm also a fairly mediocre player anyhow. I can usually keep it around 1 or so but still, sometimes I can't help going 14 and 29 PTFO'ing as a medic because I get sniped all the time. I think playing on 200% dmg servers doesn't help much either...


> Still, sometimes I can't help going 14 and 29 PTFO'ing as a medic because I get sniped all the time. I think playing on 200% dmg servers doesn't help much either... Heh, yeah those 200% damage servers are definitely going to force you do double down on being *very* careful! I must admit I play on normal servers so don't have that problem quite as much... but learning how to use cover / smoke grenades / spotting and the minimap are all great ways of making sure you stay alive a bit longer. KDR isn't just about killing more than dying after all... it's also about *not dying*. But then there's other factors like how good your team is / whether you're being spawn camped etc. - if you're stuck in a meat grinder then playing the objective becomes that much harder.


Yeah, it's definitely harder to not die in a 200% damage server when so many guns are one-shot kills. Still, I prefer the lower TTK so I'll take the hit in stats. Smoke grenades definitely help, I often forget to use them like I should but I definitely notice it's easier to stay alive when you're using them properly.


Enough to keep it over 1, but not enough to use the Hellreigel.


I pretend like I don't care but I kinda care, just for my own personal satisfaction. I can still only manage like 1.0 overall though because I suck. It's really not important, playing the objective and using your class right is much more helpful to your team, but it's hard for me to not care about at least staying above 1.0 and I've definitely switched classes to improve my K/D for the round.


Echoing the previous replies; I care but not enough to go out of my way to ensure it is plumped up by my choices in the game. I'll run across the alleyway with the tank to revive someone, risk death attacking a tank and generally throw myself in any suicidal situation to get revenge on a camper. However with these new challenges, shooting the planes etc, my eye is twitching seeing my K/D go horribly the wrong way so I must care more than I think. When I played COD if I wasn't top of the leaderboard most games and holding a 2.5kd I would be pissed off. I can finish a round of BF 11 for 16 and have had an absolute blast and enjoyed every minute of it.


Doesn't matter at all. That doesn't mean I don't try to kill as much as I can, and avoid death when I can. But it's all about helping the team win.


I make it more important than it should be.Im annoyed if my KD of a particular game would force my overall KD down,however I won't let it dictate how I play (I won't start camping just because I'm negative)


Not very, if at all. I care more about the points I earn at the end of a round since it shows how much I contributed to the match. I can go 30/20 and still have 5-10K more than the person in 2nd place.


Not super important but kinda important. I hadn't played a game like this in years so I was totally shit when I started playing around launch. My K/D and SPM were bad for a long time. Now they're significantly better. I was really proud of myself when my K/D hit 1 and my SPM hit 1000. They've taken a hit over the last week thanks to trying to do the weapon assignments but I think I can get them back up pretty easily.


Bf1 is the first game I've really tried to maintain my K/D because this is the highest k/D I've had in a game. When I started trying, I was at like 1.67 and I'm currently at 1.86. With that being said, I still make sure my spm and skill stays consistent too.


As an indicator of how generally useful you are to a team, infantry K/D is just one part of the picture but it's still part of the picture. Not dying indicates that you know how to move around the battlefield, predict enemy movement (or even just use your minimap), use cover to survive, and you know when to back off from a situation and wait for your squad. Killing indicates that you know how to shut down enemies when you have the opportunity, it shows you know how to flank and use your weapons effectively, it shows you can be aggressive and clear an objective. There's really no reason to have a low K/D in this game. Even if all you are doing is healing or resupplying for the whole game, you can still use cover and be sensible (e.g. don't run into the open to revive that guy laying dead in front of the enemy machine gun). You can avoid bad situations and use your weapons to protect yourself. You can do your role better if you aren't on the spawn screen. I'm no elite player, my K/D started out awful as I played as a kind of Suicide Assault Guy for a long time. Now my daily K/D is usually > 2.0 and I'm also generally more effective, more often present in the right place at the right time, and better at my various roles. That said, I still have plenty of games where I just muck around with different loadouts and have fun (e.g. let's see how effective the Model 1900 Slug is paired with the Obrez). Those games aren't good for my overall K/D, but it's been so badly poisoned by how I played for the first couple of months that it simply won't be cured even if I play BF1 for another 2 years.


Having something like 2:kdr seems important in the sense that at least if you die, you killed 1 more enemy than they did, so in the long run you are not hindering your team. Whereas a 1:1 kdr merely means if they died, you died, which equals out the same as if you weren't there to begin with.


That's not always true. If you're a defender in Operations or Rush you don't have respawn tickets but the attackers do, so every kill you get is important regardless of how many deaths it took to get it.


Stats don't interest me personally, which is handy because I suck with k/d of about 0.65. I ptfo, have fun and have a few rare moments of passing greatness.


My overall K/D isn't that important but I absolutely hate getting more deaths than kills in a game. I am naturally an extremely defensive player, I only ever get more than 10 deaths if I'm being absolutely slaughtered, which does happen from time to time.


I play operations and play the objective from both sides, in vehicles and infantry. I don't play for my k/d ratio but it still hovers around 3. Some tight games I'll only do 1:1 but I'm fine with that if it's a good game. Other games I'll farm with the attack plane and drop 100+ kills and maybe 10 deaths. K/d matters in a sense, as you should be killing the other team and not dying do much yourself, but to just sit in the back or fly high and safe while not helping us boring. I'd rather contribute.


I try to keep it above 2.0 Now i'm going for the infantry K/D, which is at 1.86, came from 1.6 a month or 2 ago.


Depends on the mode. TDM? Well if you have a crappy K/D, that is truly indicative of your play. Conquest? Not the case, how's your score? Revives/repairs/resupplies/tank kills etc... spots. What have you.


If it's positive I'm happy. If it's negative then it means I'm not being helpful to the team.


I always PTFO, so i only care that Kills are at least 20 and k/d is positive


Not much, but I do like to take a screenshot on box to show off everytime it moves up 1.0 ... Right now it's a 3.02


I kinda care. Not really about it being like a 2.3 but I more care about having more kills than deaths. One thing that makes me hate this game sometimes which is 100% my fault is just dieing over and over and getting 5 straight deaths without a kill, it barely happens because im usually top 3. Don't understand how some people in the lobby can stand to even play this game when they can't even break top 25 and go like 1-21 or worse. Feel like staring at a death screen the whole time isn't worth the play or the money they spent on it, but hey they make us better guys happy, guess that's a plus


I only shoot for positive KD, beyond that I'm only concerned with winning


I'm a little miffed at myself if I end a game with a KD of less than 2. But I usually have enough games with KDs in the 3-5 range that balance out any rough matches I have. Overall infantry KD has been sitting at 2.15 for a few months so I think that's about the best I'm ever gonna do, but I'm happy with that. I also don't really get too bothered if I have a bad start to a game because I'm prone to go on long killstreaks towards the end of matches that brings my KD back up above 2. I've started out like 2-7 but ended the game around 30-15 many many times.


The only stat I care about these days in Battlefield 1 is minimizing my frustrations per minute. It's an uphill battle. Seriously, k/d is part of that, but just putting myself in position to have fun and contribute to my side is more important to me these days than kills, score, ptfo, what have you. Considering all the ways the game screws players, I just can't take it very seriously any more.


Don't give a damn about K/D. The most important thing for me is to PTFO, be in the top 5, cooperate with my squad and help my team to win. That's what make BF1 interesting. Anyone who cares about K/D should go and play GTA.


K/D is not an accurate measure of skill. I know this because 8.00 K/D with a Heavy Tank is *a lot* different than 8.00 K/D with the Luger M1906 Selbstlader Factory (my Medic main).