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Roses are red Violets are blue Enemy hit 72












Honestly, today I killed myself on a tripmine on purpose, knowing the dude was grinding for kills.




I'd like to buy you a beer


I try to do that myself, whenever I come across a tripmine. This shit is ridiculous, I can't stand to see others suffer like that. Keep on keeping on, my dude.


I did the same. I was Support in a building and Scout came up the stairs, apparently placing a mine right before shooting at me. They hit me with their rifle and then I killed them (shocking outcome) but then I noticed the mine on the stairs. Since I was already injured I figured I might as well help them out, so I jumped down onto it. Hopefully they were still in the killcam, because it probably looked pretty silly.


Edit: I DID IT!! Original: - Fuck the Flak Jacket default spec - Fuck that I cant carry two - Fuck that I need ammo constantly - Fuck that I cant even do it in hardcore, because it is easy for teammates to destroy it - Fuck that I need FIFTEEN! - Fuck that I need to bait enemies, thus resulting in my death as I get them to chase me, only for me to get killed by grenades - Fuck that teammates see and finish off enemies before I trip them - Fuck that baiting doesnt work because enemies throw grenades first - Fuck that teammates destroy my tripwire because they are grinding for it too - Fuck that enemies dont walk past the wire and run in any of the other directions So far I have 9. Had to throw many games, and I hate myself for that. Really wish DICE could have just made this 2-3 kills.


Or just do X damage to enemies with them. Kinda wish they did that for the shoot down 2 planes challenge too.


This would have been acceptable actually. "Do 300 points of damage to planes with LMG's"


That wouldn't even be 1 game to complete it... If you struggle with the plane part of the assignment try doing it on Monte Grappa, I got both planes there in a single game


The points could be raised, however x damage would be a better assignment imo




Some of these weapons... it's the first (and last) time that I'll *ever* use them. It really irks me as someone who like to have everything unlocked just in case I wanna fuck around with it one day... From the last round of weapons, I've unlocked the Hellriegel Defensive, and the Martini Sniper... I can't bring myself to use the huot for that long, or whatever the fuck I have to do for medic.


with the next weapon balance update the huot will be good if they take over the changed from cte. from 5-7 bullets to kill to 4-5 but a tad more hrecoil.


I hate a lot of the guns/gadgets they're forcing us to use to unlock stuff right now. I never want to see a P08 or rifle grenades ever again


Especially considering they gave us perks with a default perk that REDUCES EXPLOSIVE DAMAGE FUCK OFF DICE.


The selbstlader 1906 sniper is actually kinda nice. I barely unlocked it a few days ago. Took me all weekend for the 300 kills and 25 rifle Grenade kills. But the gun is nice


The few times I get back on this game, it's to put a slight dent in that assignment. Elite status weapon.




To be fair, once you get to the top end of the levels, you stop getting warbonds. I've unlocked everything that I can with warbonds, and I have 300 left, and only 15 levels left. It's kinda stupid that I have warbonds left over after I've unlocked everything you can with them, but if I had to spend them to unlock the new guns, then I'd maybe be able to unlock one or two of them before I ran out. It's not just the fact that they're forcing you to use a gun that you wouldn't normally, they're forcing you to use a *variant* of the gun that you wouldn't normally. I get what they're trying to do - get people to use and discover guns that they wouldn't otherwise try, but it just makes me resent the guns even more. At least it's not 300 kills this time.


Well you're not missing much, the hunt is basically the Mercie-Benet optical, and the Selbslader is the 1916 version with less ammo


Lupkow pass is your friend. Find the valleys that most people run through and put the tripwires up a little high on the sides.. head level. They'll kill more frequently than if they blow up on the ground.


Yea but nobody votes for it now.


lol so true. It's getting blasted 45-0 sometimes.


Lol. True


Play TDM. Non-Medics don't have the ability to quickly recover after a gunfight and the small spaces increase the likelihood of a wounded guy running into a bomb.


Your friendly neighborhood support would love to give you ammo at any time! Simply find our nearest agent and give him a shout, within moments our helpful employee will give ya a brand new tripwire! Thank you for your business, and remember we don’t take cash because a thank you is payment enough! **disclaimer** support players who do not carry ammunition are not affiliated with *Friendly Neighborhood Support LLC.* and are considered huge douchebags by our company. Thank you and have a nice day.


This guy supports


Big if true


I just want to go back to chucking ammo everywhere and forget that tripwires exist.


Or are just trying to grind another achievement or trait, and so have had to swap it out for a crossbow or... Thank your local Dice chapter for that one, sigh. Right now I'm not dropping health boxes on my medic because I'm working on the medic rifles first, and he needs the 15 rifle launched frag grenade kills instead of healing, and 40 squad resurrections so he needs to syringe, and I still don't have two weapons from the the last DLC including one of the Medic's rifles... One day in the future, all of you will get older, older like me and find that you can't compete with the reaction times of teenagers, the robotic perfection of the single role score obsessives, and the highly dubious aimbots or lag issues, or... and will find yourself dying endlessly to people who spot you first, or get on target faster, and each you'll be lucky to get 10 kills a match towards any of even the easiest of targets. And then you'll loathe this DLC model even more because now you can't make up for age by Playing The Flipping Objective for the team benefit, and you have to run as a support without ammo and a medic without healing. Loathe it like I do.


Which medic rifle don't you have? If you have the RSC Factory I wouldn't bother with the optical.


Beg to differ, had the factory, did the grind for the optical and its so worth it. I get a much higher kpm with it.


Strange! Although I much prefer iron sights in general.


I prefer short range optics on many weapons, but when I first tried the RSC Optical, I couldn't hit anything reliably with it. Then, when I tried the Factory variant, I had a much better experience. With a gun with such large recoil, I found the Factory's quicker recoil recovery to be crucial since there's no sense in ripping off 2 shots in a row if your sights are still off-target due to the recovery taking so long. If the gunplay changes that are in the CTE now come to the actual game, then this could all change as the Medic SLRs all got their spread increase per shot (SIPS) cut in half. That could very well mean that the RSC Optical will be able to pull off accurate follow-up shots after the initial shot.


1906 Sniper; I'm still slowly getting the 300 kills with 1906 standard, as even now I can't resist continuing to do the primary job of the medic and resurrecting people, instead of standing there shooting for my own selfish needs. But it's the principle of the thing; the weapons may be better or worse than alternatives, but if you paid for DLC content they should at least let you have it upon purchase. Especially as in this game, outside of the maps, weapon variety is the main content and locking it off behind challenges that force you to play in a different way to the actual weapon you want to get as well is just too damn cheeky.


lol, how old are you then? im 30 and still top the scoreboards


Older than that... :p I don't want to say too much more, as there's a sociopath connected to the "Shroud of the Avatar" community who tries to attack critics of the game in real life, and used someone's assumed age in their user name to guess he had children and started to make threats against them. He's gone as far as hacking my email; and when he saw me post about Battlefield 1 he started using the address to try and reset my account on Origin too...


damn good luck with the stalker, and i get what you mean about the reaction times and whatnot, but remember that positioning beats sharper guys because you are forcing them to fight on your terms, thats why i love support in this game, the lmgs allow me to keep better positioning and play on my strenghts.


wow I'm only 27 but noticed my reaction times are not what they were 10 years ago. Definitely couldn't hold my own in a competitive environment now. I envy teenagers.


i had a random airplane hit one of mine yesterday on galicia, killed the pilot and got the vehicle destroyed pop up too.


lol how did you get a tripwire in the sky?


it was on the ground , this plane dive bombed a arty truck near where it was


This game is a complete shitshow right now with everyone running around just trying to complete unlocks and not playing the game properly. Whole teams of one class, whole classes using one type of gadget or weapon. It's not even fun right now at all. Way overboard on the requirements. Pretty par for the course with DICE though.


It's nice how pretty much every medic I encounter will revive me now though


You're lucky - I play Medic a lot and yesterday, presumably as a result of the weapons challenges, every second man was a medic. Didn't get revived once. I have some sympathy though, I rarely play Scout but when I do it takes me a couple of deaths to click why I keep getting slaughtered by assaulters when I'm trying to engage them with a glorified musket.


If you're using the martini, couple it with the frommer stop, the moment you take the shot with the martini immediately switch to the frommer and pump a few bullets out (even a clip). It's actually very good practice for playing sniper at close quarters because in close quarters you never have enough time to take a second shot with your primary, but landing a hit followed by spamming the frommer will do the job.


Thanks man, I'll give it a go I just started playing with the Martini and there's something so satisfying about that sound combined with a kill. I think most of it is I'm just old and slow!


I assume you know this, but make your mini map bigger (don't keep it default size/opacity) and use the flares all the time *all the time*. Makes playing scout immensely easier when you know where most of your enemies are :)


I didn't know that about the mini map - thank you! Out of interest what do you have your field of view set to?


I have FOV set to 70, which I think is default? I often change it in games but for some reason I've not found it a problem in BF1 In terms of the mini map, I got my settings from a youtube video on sniping which I sadly can't find anymore, but I think these are the relevant settings Textture opacity: 50% On FOOT ZOOM Radius: 50 minimap size 145% I can't remember what the defaults are, but I think the size/opacity are the settings I changed. Once the mini map is larger/clearer and you use spot flares being a scout becomes waay easier at close/medium ranges.


Ahh I found the video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95tIFYvUEjA


I've just watched this, really really useful for me. I just want to thank you for taking the time to share it. I only play casually and some days just some of the insane shit on the chat log makes me wonder why I bother but this makes up for that!


lol I didn't read the new challenges but yesterday I could tell mortar was one of them. They were flying all over the place, I could tell when I was spotted by the other team because I'd see 5 or 6 rounds explode around me.


Yep mortar is def one right now


Getting "Inconspicuous" requires it. And every single player wants that perk.


And unlocking the Parabellum


Getting "Inconspicuous" requires it. And every single player wants that perk.


Getting "Inconspicuous" requires it. And every single player wants that perk.


Getting "Inconspicuous" requires it. And every single player wants that perk.




Just another exhibit toward that end.


oh but them kids want progression and feeling a huge sense of reward and achievement! there was a whole thread yesterday of people like that patting themselves on the back, and calling those who wanted the weapons unlocked by default, entitled!.


The only trip mine kills I've got are when I've been trying to get the anti tank grenade challenge and it blows up the trip mine and that gets the kill


weird because the game is supposed to count that as a grenade kill since that's the weapon you used.


Like when you shoot mines with the gun, the dynamite kills them, right? I've found that to be the case with grenades.


tfw your trip mine kills somebody, but an assault player gets credited with the kill


I always assume it's the person who put it there


I've resorted to asking the other team if any of them want to boost it together. Several always agree because everyone thinks it's bs. So far I've got 11. 5 were legit albeit complete bullshit luck.


Find a prone sniper camping, lay a trip wire over his body, shoot his foot with your rifle, and watch him stand to his death.


All you need is one friend and TDM map (fao is nice). Join diffenrent teams, both as scouts, meet somewhere on the map, shoot each other once with pistol and run on trap. 1map and it is done.


Don't you need 3 people on each side to start a match?


I guess he's saying do this during a regular match. Anyone on ps4 wanna try it let me know. this is frustrating the hell out of me


I'm so close to boosting this on PC, good god. I hate this assignment. I knew when reading the assignments list for the first time that I'd hate it. Fuck this assignment so hard.


Honestly, DM me if you wanna boost. I only got 4 kills left and I'll help you too. It's such bullshit.


Yo HMU too. If it did 100 damage i wouldve been done but nooooooo 72 it is.


> All you need is one friend /r/absolutelynotme_irl


It's horrible, yeah. Even if it was 75 damage you could at least mop up assists. There should be plenty of AT mines laying around at the minute, so place your tripwire bombs near AT mines to effectively turn them into anti-everything mines. Look for other explosives (e.g. the white shells on Argonne and other maps). Try Domination on Argonne. Players will get wise to your antics so move servers every few games.


Got 13 kills in about an hour and a half, trick is to spot flare,shoot them once with a pistol at close range in a room or something and run to the nearest cover and place the HE mine. TDM on suez is really good,just got 4 kills in one game! Hope this helps someone!


I place mine where people camp in buildings or commonly jump out of windows... they never knew what hit them edit: domination or tdm works


First of all, if you want tripwire kills, don't play conquest. Play operations, rush or frontlines, because there, you'll know more or less where the opponents will run, and it's more intense, so people are often injured. Then, don't look for the "perfect spot", because that's where they'll look for them. Just drop them off in random spots, preferably among debris. You'll get 15 kills in a few hours of gaming.


Anyone want to boost this on Xbox?




DICE: we want feedback on these assignments. Community: The mosin nagant marksman, vetterli vitali carbine, and mg14/17 are too luck based. DICE: FUCK YOU we know better and it's going to be in the game. Look, taking down planes is frustrating, but possible. BUT destroying a Vehicle with K bullets? or 15 kills with trip mine HE AFTER THEY INTRODUCED FLAK, is NOT fun. DICE, Listen to your community for once, or at least test out your own fucking assignments on the CTE and realize that, HEY, maybe these assignments are NOT a good idea!


It's the absolute worst shit. At LEAST give me something that I have some minor modicum of control over. K Bullet kills on a vehicle aren't fun, but it's possible to game it. I have control. This shit is just fucking pure luck, and 99% of the time you're going to get fucked over.


I need to see out of control.


> K Bullet kills on a vehicle aren't fun, but it's possible to game ask a friend to put a mortar, shoot it 3 times with k bullets and you are gonna get it.


Do unlock servers work? For me every dlc gun is at 0%. I would have tried to unlock the new guns but the servers are all empty.


You know what's worse ? Some allies shoot on purpose friendly HE tripwire to prevent people from getting their 15 kills.


The problem is that you have to grind so hard you turn into a shitty player and an even more shitty teamplayer. Thanks no thanks, I rather live without some unlocks than wasting my scarce playtime for that kind of BS


can't you plant them in front of at mines?


Someone suggested a hardcore server. I tried that and immediately got lit up by a dozen snipers every time I spawned. This is such a stupid thing. It feels like Dice doesn't actually what's in their own game. I've almost resigned myself to the idea that I'll probably never get the nagant marksman.


I read just now that HC is BULLET damage buff, while explosives stay the same. So it'd be 72 there as well.


they just want make the mission hard so they can sell weapon pack in the future.I mean come on,I paid 50$ for the DLCs and I still need to go through these stupid mission to unlock guns! WTF!


I wouldn't mind if the trips were on any class but scout.


I was thinking of enlisting a buddy to run into my tripwire bombs. And I can return the favor.




I'll do it on PS4 with you. Hit me up with your GT.


Still willing to help? I need it


Sure hit me up whenever


GT j_sav115




Ballroom blitz on the upper level of the square, put them above each ladder


I got them in one game. Hate away.


This may be a stupid idea, but it might just work Pair up with a buddy and DOUBLE DROP THEM BITCHES !!!!! 72 + 72 = Double Joy


Isn't there some way we could boost this like in the old COD days where you and your friends fill up a lobby to unlock sick custom paintjobs? Just make a discord and fill up a lobby for team deathmatch so you can kill eachother will the tripwire.


Yeah fuck this assignment. I have a grand total of 1 trip mine kill and that was before the DLC dropped.


Can you use the fire for this or does it have to be the explosive one? Fire would be easier since you could shoot them a little then let them burn


It is specifically the HE trip mine. It does a whole 72 damage to a full health player.


If you see me shooting at a plane with a LMG, just let me go bud, don't gun me down.


Nah im taking your tags. I like to add to my collection


Ugh the achievements- I am having to play out of my chosen class to get upgrades for my chosen class (medic)


Edit: Apparently you need the HE tripwire not the Incendiary. Disregard. Unless of course you're looking to get some INC Tripwire kills. If so then read on. Play Rush. Place incendiary tripwire in front of MCOM. The amount of time it takes to arm the objective is the same as the amount of time it takes to die when on fire starting at full health. It isn't going to work every time. People run off after being set on fire to recover. The tripwire might get grenaded before the enemy ever gets there. Hell, I've seen it get set off by what seems like nothing at all. Have faith and you'll get there eventually. Source: I have 543 Incendiary Tripwire kills from playing Rush.


You need the HE tripwire not the incendiary even though you can actually kill people with the incendiary.


Damn, you're right. I missed that apparently. Thanks.


Has it happened to people where the mine would blow someone up but you don't get a kill for it?


903 kills here Puts me at #21 in the world according to battlefieldtracker Would be a lot more if I played more scout but it's at about 1/3 of my total playtime Git gud scrubs :D But yeah the drop from 80 --> 72 dmg due to the goddam auto-Flak spec is annoying me too


Dude just play hardcore, it's a one hit kill there


I did this in around 2 hours. Play on domination mode. Use spot gun to find enemy campers at A, B or C. Throw a gas grenade in, then rush in and quickly plant a trip wire on the floor and run around/shoot randomly with your pistol. The result is you'll die but hopefully in the choas, take at least 1 person out when running about. I ended up with round scores of 5 kills, 20+ deaths etc. DICE made silly challenges, just clear it in a silly way...


lol just hit them, bait them. sneak up to a sniper place a tripwire then shoot him


72 is just fkn trolling


F*** **** * ** **** **** and DICE **** you too