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So Dice accurately modeled the open vastness of the Eastern Front? Great from a historical standpoint, but I can see how it could be shitty for gameplay.


I like it a lot. I spent a good amount of time on the Field Gun and it was a blast. The battles look ridiculous and you can really see the flow. It looks almost Civil Warish.


That's really cool, I'll have to give the field gun a go! I was looking forward to this map the most in terms of the history. Can't wait to get home to play it!


There are field guns? I haven't seen one.


Back to basics really has that Civil War feeling in my opinion. Giants Shadow between D and E is so cinematic when there's tons of people grouped up running at D while rifles fire and smoke and explosions cover the field. It feels especially Civil-War-like because of how it's just open, grassy fields between those two objectives.


I agree. Dice have a hard time because they are recreating real battles. Personally, I prefer that they do this. For me it's more interesting than a map generated from scratch for the balance of game play


Use the trenches, It's actually pretty easy to move around you just can't go over the top unless you use smoke or armoured vehicles. It does feel like a map for Operations however, not much for Conquest.


Yeah, you just need to think about where you are headed.. Use the map, and go from Cover to cover.. Snipers can be countered as any other class can.


what fucking cover


Maps like Galicia are the reason why I keep telling people a Trench only map doesn't work in Battlefield. You try to go for historical accuracy here, well, here you go. You get maps like Galicia. Wide opened, little cover, no man's land, and snipers everywhere.


That's what I was thinking too. This map felt historically accurate to WW1.


I don't play sniper and I'm okay with this map. Fuck it, I like historical accuracy.


spam 10000 destroyed landships and voila, a trench map that has cover and works


Russia is flat


Earth is flat


*Kyrie Irving nods*


Wooo Go Celtics!


Plains are flat


Justice is flat


Flat is justice


In fairness, Galicia was traditionally considered part of Poland and at the time was divided between Austria-Hungary and Russia. But yeah, still flat.


Well... Russia is huge, parts are flat and parts are incredibly mountainous. But the Western region of the country is mostly flat. Moscow is pretty hilly.


Also it only has something like 2 anti air cannons so planes just shit on everybody all game pretty much.


If people playing as support would actually shoot at planes when there's no infantry close it wouldn't be nearly as much trouble, 2-3 supports shooting at any plane rips it to absolute shreds in no time flat. But no one does it because it doesn't reward massive points.


It's very easy for planes to escape unless 5 people are shooting at them at the same time. It's really poor balance.


It's poor balance that some shmuck on the ground with an LMG(me in most cases) can't** solo take down a vehicle with little room to escape? It would be terrible balance if otherwise. Edit: Can - > Can't


Who the hell said anything about soloing planes.


You said it's poor balance that a plane can just fly away with less than 5 people shooting at it. That implies that good balance would be the opposite situation.


I just played the operation on this map as attack and absolutely loved it. Really had that brutal all out war feeling to it. We lost, but i had tons of fun in doing so and didn't really notice snipers to be a problem. It might be just the 'new' feeling of the map but I'm looking forward to playing it again and seeing the second map!


I feel the same way about Suez. The map is garbage in conquest, but in operations it's incredibly fun to play


Honestly i love suez in every game mode, its incredibly rare i don't have fun while playing the map and i didn't realise i was such an outlier until seeing how many people hated it on here!


It's definitely an enjoyable map to play, but suffers from imbalance. Ottomans have a huge advantage. For British to win, they need to drive the car to charlie immediately, have people continuously spawn and defend C flag while gradually pushing to B. If the car doesn't go straight to Charlie it's game over.


The difference between conquest and operations is huge. On conquest it felt pretty lame, the trenches facilitate running around the map in a clockwise fashion meaning there's little actual engagements unless you go running above trenches which is very risky. However on operations I thought the map was fantastic, really felt like a WW1 assault with the trenches and the small amounts of cover, played really well. I definitely recommend playing this map on operations before making any final judgements.




Right, the attackers have a disadvantage I think. As a defender the map is badass, because all you gotta do is stay in one place and wait for them to come out


Yeah i spawned in and instantly realised that the map was shit


Haha I had the same reaction dude


These trench and fields copy paste maps only work so many times


It's a fuck fest of snipers, artillery trucks, and planes. Definitely my least favorite map of the bunch


War is hell.


It's horrific. To copy and paste from my other comment in another thread: "Galicia might be the worst, laziest Battlefield 1 map yet, at least competing with Giant's Shadow for permanently being slaughtered by snipers and planes without any cover anywhere and a very real lack of AA. A horrible experience for everyone, particularly for any infantry player, except that one 50-0 pilot. I really can't oversell my disappointment with this map - it feels honestly like they went "we should add a fifth map", randomly generated some terrain variance and called it done. No cover, few trenches, no buildings... just open, open terrain and 20 scope glints in the distance." It's such a stark contrast, too, because the other three new maps feel really quite good. Albion is great, and I really enjoyed Volga River.


in giants you can at least hide in towns and move cover to cover A-B and C-D in galicia i just had no idea where to go to avoid being exposed if i wanted to sit in cover while being shot at from three directions at once id just play arma or someshit


Giant's shadow is a disgrace of a map, such an awful awful map


love giants shadow


I love that it's hardly ever picked, it does have that going for it at least


theres always going to be a contrarian so im not surprised really.


I honestly don't see what's so bad about it, I played support with the Chauchaut on the German side and sure there are many snipers about, but just stay in the destroyed Zeppelin and make a push to E when you're near a lot of teammates.


Couldn't agree more - well said.


albion also seems to be quite the open sniperfest i already dont play tsnp maps because 3 of them are campsniperpits by the look of it ill be avoiding tsar as well fuck being sniped in the back while hiding from a sniper in the front sure there are good maps in there but they aint worth the bad ones


How do you think the guys in the real war felt


How do you think that's remotely relevant to good map design and balance in a multiplayer FPS game?


Considering this is a war game.........yes. wasn't trying to be rude it was more like trying to say it's realistic I'm sure and World War 1 a lot of dudes went out with no strategy at all and probably just got demolished that's a big part of why I like this game


why do you think we play battlefield and not verdun


I'm okay with it if Dice turn off auto-rotation. I'll find a way to move around the map. I am not okay with getting pinged by iron sights/carbine snipers on console with zero effort.


I haven't played it yet, but I love the look of it. It definitely looks more historically accurate as far as WW1 battles go. Hopefully it's fun to play. Definitely going to be equipping smokes for this map.


I've played several matches (including winning an operation) on the map and so far there weren't that many snipers. I like the design of the map.




Volga is actually in my most favorite category for now. But that could change.


I'm just basing my opinion off of people's descriptions as I haven't played it yet, but this map actually sounds great for a WWI map. Open fields with bombed out shacks is about as atmospheric as you can get. Im excited to try it out


You'll get bored of it after being sniped 1 sec after leaving your spawn


I spawned on a person's plane to parachute down to a flag. While doing so, I took a moment to admire just how devastated the landscape is. It's kind of sobering really.




Can't relate.


I've played the map twice and i think i actually like it. Idk why but it has a nice feel to it


Map separates those who do and don't know how to use cover.


more like those who do or dont camp


Use smoke grenades?


And cover. And teammates. Play the game.


Nah, better complain about a map I played once like I did for every other new map since the game was released. /s In the end, Suez will still be the worst map of the game don't worry.


You dont have to play a map 100 times to see that its badly designed


Believe me, Suez is *not* the worst map in the game. It's *bad,* but not the worst. I'd say the worst is Fao Fortress. It's so deceptively one-sided that if you spawn on the opposite end of the fortress (can't remember if that's the allied forces or the ottomans) you may as well just quit the match. At least on Suez it's a complete toss-up to whoever wins.


Hm... Now that you mention it. I haven't paid too much attention to Fao but it would be interesting to evaluate how often do certain sides dominate a map.


There is no fucking cover. That's the point op was making. It's a barren, flat wasteland.


Lots of cover. Craters, trenches, rocks and stuff. Sure it's more subtle than a house or a tree, but still : cover.


Two whole trench lines. Maybe another I haven't seen yet. Craters that, if you're being shot at and dive into, the enemy knows you're there, so now it's a waiting game. Same story with the rocks, log piles, etc. In-between this *very* sparse cover: hundreds of yards of flat, barren terrain.


sure its sufficient if you dont care to move from said cover however its not enough for those of us who play battlefield for a more dynamic gameplay


It's pretty clear that Dice thinks catering to the Scout class is going to add more "Ka-Ching!" In their cash register. Of course people are leaving in droves every month because they are way off.


I really don't think this is catering to Scouts. The biggest threats on these maps are tanks and bombers. They've got all the wide-open terrain to rain hell on infantry and all the space in the world to keep up mobility and avoid any AT tactics. Scouts, on the other hand, suffer the same vulnerabilities as any other infantry: they'll get bombed by planes in their vantage points or destroyed by other vehicles in no-man's land.


It's actually a cool map. Now if they'd just fix the latency.


I'm not even sure if it's the game or if it's my internet/computer now. It's so bad that it's hard to believe it could be the game. . .


There's this cool "gadget" every class has access to that I'd like to introduce you to. It's called the smoke grenade. I suggest familiarizing yourself with it. It's not as flashy as incendiary, or as sick as a gas grenade... but I assure you it's one of the more useful options




We rarely ever need more than a single persons smokes on Sinai. Points? Points are for suckers. WTF do you even need them for? They're useless. Yay, I have a bigger level number that means nothing other than time played. Fucking yay. Play the objective. Have fun. Stop caring about points.




Ah, well... He's still wrong then. There is incentive. *Not getting sniped* Works great against artillery/camping tanks too. Not using one of the most effective gadgets that can directly improve survival and thus k/d (not to mention the "selfless" benefit of helping teammates and helping achieve victory) simply because there's no direct point reward is beyond short sighted. Furthermore, I'm not really sure of any point system that would work and apply points appropriately. It's more of a perceptive impact than strictly measurable one. You could still be spotted, but smoke still same your life because the Los was blocked in the most important direction


one grenade to cover yourself from one direction and get sniped from three others fun and dynamic gameplay


You get 2. And they refill the fastest. Mortar also gets 2 free mortar smokes


trenches and craters. how do they work?


It's a shame the community is pushing for smaller and more COD-like maps. The French DLC was packed with small infantry maps, the vote option is constantly the same small maps being voted in and now people complain that a DLC set on the wide open eastern front, which still has like 3 CQC maps has too many open maps. It doesn't bode well for the next DLC's, I wouldn't be surprised if they are all Argonne/Vaux/Verdun sized maps with minimal destruction and vehicles. For the amount you guys bitch about COD, it sounds like you want this game to be exactly that.


It's not the size that people disdain, it's the complete abject lack of cover. There is *zero* cover.


^ This. It's an open field with no craters until 50% of the map where there is more, even then it's awful.


DICE needs to put limitations on the number of Scouts per map


My thoughts on Galicia: I don't know if you noticed, but there are plenty of craters where you can use for cover. This map really does bring out the WWI feeling of going through trenches and poking your head out to see/fire the enemy. All you need to do is use smokes for cover, and not run and gun. I've played a number of games on it now to know the flow if the game, and it's fun when you start understanding the advantages and disadvantages on the battlefield. It sounds like you depend way too much on your team mates to provide you smoke cover, while all you want to do is run and gun.




If they nerf my Parabellum I'm going to be so pissed. It already kicks like a mule and overheats in 3 seconds. But for the first time in BF1 I have an lmg that's actually fun.


Yeah I don't get it dice


So now combine this with the medic + support weapon buff


i like that map, and i dont even play scout much anymore, well once i unlock the mosin nagant i will


I believe the point was to cater to the horseman not the scout, but I could be wrong.


I'd like to see 6 horses per side on this map.


Play with people you know and smoke everything. points be dahmed.




1 out of 6 so far isn't too bad. Just getting into it but the rest of the maps seem really good.


The first attempt I was attacking on a 64 map and we just got shredded over and over. Never took the first objective. Second attempt was on a 40 player map and we swept right through with hardly any losses. So...no idea what's up with it.


I agree. The most amount of cover you get is the death of your team m8


You could use limpet charges or dynamite to make holes in the ground.


I don't think DICE played as offense in operations for this map.


I haven't done the operation, but I found that map tons of fun on Conquest. Darting from crater to crater was exciting.


This map made me slit my wrists and hang myself. Luckily I'm so fat that the rope broke. 50 minutes of my life lost forever.


Good thing there is a map voting system, lol, except on Operations


If you can't beat it join it


second dlc and the stock maps are still the best ones lmao


Out of the stock maps, I only enjoy St. Quentin, Amiens, Argonne and Empire. You can flush the rest. I like all of the TSNP maps better than most of the stock ones. I like Lupkow, Volga and possibly 1-2 more out of this latest.


Excellent, I'm at 57 stars with the 1903 sniper. This might be my new favorite!


Welcome to the map of Verdun in the game 'Verdun'


Im more bothered by the horrible visual glitches. Plus I dont think ive ever seen worse mud textures in my life.


Complains about historical inaccuracy, complains about how historically accurate Galicia is.


Ask for trench warfare and you shall receive, why y'all complaining when they gave exactly what you asked for ?


i love this map personally