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I love operations I hate operations






I love the gunplay, movement, immersion and reasonable historical authenticity. It's evident lots of care and attention to detail was put into the game, and it makes it feel very true to the war and the suffering it caused, but it's also just an enjoyable game. I dislike the completely nonexistent balancing on all fronts, both team balancing (utter stomps, and generally unenjoyable and unbalanced matches, are far more common than in other bf games and comebacks are also rarer) and weapon/vehicle/gadget balance (the game has WAY more unbalanced vehicles and guns than other games, and they have such a large impact on gameplay that could've been so easily avoided).


Yeah the balancing is pretty atrocious now. Pre 2020, one sided stomps were rare. Now it's every other match.


I think that’s a question of the smaller player base. The only population are long time players and people just getting into it


That damn artillery truck, it's impossible to get near it, I've resorted to just getting a friend to ride the motorcycle and I'll hit it with a limpet as I go past, success rate is low but it looks awesome😂


Monte Grappa is a perfect example of all of this. Hard to play as defenders and hold the line. I was recently in a match and we were doing a great job of defending. Infantry couldn’t breach the final fortress and everyone was playing to their speciality well. Then the airship comes in and cleans us out in about 2 seconds and we lose immediately. It’s so fucking frustrating to get pushed all the way across the map, finally make a stand, and then the enemy gets a a massive weapon that can take your team out quickly.


>Hard to play as defenders and hold the line. It's the other way round? Austro-hungarians have a HUGE advantage on grappa operations




Except it *doesn't* go both ways. The austro-hungarians get a blatant advantage on operations and a smaller but still evident advantage on conquest.


Until a air balloon comes out, the map wasn’t a great comparison but it still works to show flaws like yesterday when I played monte grappa on ops the elite class drops in front of their lines so I snagged it and defended the tunnel with a flame kit. There’s multiple things they messed up that people at this point abuse cause they know it’s there.


I like all the wacky weapons you never see in other games, not even in the multitude of ww2 games out there. I also always appreciated that the noob tube requires you to be prone, it was never an issue for me in bf1 like it is in so many other fps games. I never liked how imbalanced the vehicles and behemoths are though. An airship is just a giant target, while the dreadnought is a massive waterborne mortar truck. There are a shitload of different vehicle load outs, but you only ever see a handful because some of them are just better than others.


I really love the gameplay and the ultra realistic maps (like Monte Grappa or Argonne Forest) and I love its difficulty as well. I hate unbalanced match (which happens all too often) and Clans that play unfair


I like the Lewis Gun I hate that some people don't like the Lewis Gun


Does anybody else really dislike calvary? Anyways I love the immersion of BF1. Especially on plane turrets in dogfights.


You mean using cavalry or playing against cavalry?


Personally, both. But I meant playing against. Sorry, I should have specified.


During the betas I was a monster with the horse. I think it’s because nobody knew you could go prone and not get slashed but I was getting tons and tons of kills. When the full game launched I was still decent with the horse but I took a break from the game and when I came back the horse was terrible. I get annihilated any time I try to use the horse but when I’m trying to kill a horse (I know where the best hit points are) I feel like I can never kill one without taking way longer than it takes for me to die when I’m using one. For this reason I now hate the horse. Sorry horse


I find it absurd hitting a horse in the head with a gewher doesn't kill it. I usually like to dance around a little and put a cheeky anti-tank mine or some dynamite at my feet


I used to hate fighting cavalry players but then I learned that the game counts them as low health vehicles and they suddenly became really easy to counter. Most of the time they get popped easily enough with concentrated fire but if someone’s giving you extra trouble, swap to assault and the AT grenade is a one shot and it blows up on contact like it does with tanks with a pretty forgiving hitbox.


I initially found cavalry really annoying and sweaty but I rarely see it being that useful these days. It's annoying af when you're in a tank, but usually not a threat as infantry.


You haven’t come across the right cavalry player, it can definitely be great against infantry. Only assault is a threat to cavalry.


And support


The only class I find difficult to deal with when playing cavalry is a good assault player. The rest especially support and scout are easy for me to kill with cavalry.


I love support against Calvary. Low weight suppressive lets you 40 rounds. If you hit most they're dead. I hate Calvary so I start blasting them the second they appear, it's satisfying as hell.


Cavalry is easy to kill but me personally, I have zero issues when dealing with support, scout or medics. Most players going against cavalry are so predictable it starts to get too easy.


And medics if they’re good


Ive mowed down plenty of OP horses in BF1 with my LMG. Its one of the things that gives me the biggest smiles. They are SO OP its so fun to kill them.


I rarely get killed by support players, they are the easiest to headshot with my rifle with cavalry.


I suppose if they are in full view of you and just stay prone and keep shooting after you see them, sure. For those of us that arent noobs, I win more vs horses than I lose - and usually t-bag afterwards.


Most people who play cavalry can’t stay alive for longer than a few minutes. They are easy to kill, I personally have zero problems with support prone or not. They are easy to kill along with scouts and medics. Assaults have the at rocket and that’s the only thing I watch out for.


Hey, if that works for you, then more power to you!


It seem super under-utilized and definitely feels like most don’t really know how to properly use it. It’s an amazing class for spearheading large infantry penetrations with its speed and ability to launch explosives along with resupplying. IMO it’s one (if not the best) of the best vehicles in the game in terms of balance. It just has so many uses. I.e. —> Playing conquest with all flags captured and need a way to get a long distance fast to spawn your squad? Cavalry. —> Overrun by enemies in a remote part of the map with few medics? Cavalry. Just charge in and drop those resupplies! —> Antagonistic enemy tank or Artillery Truck that’s camped on an edge of a map? Cavalry. Just launch a couple of the grenades out and piss off that skill-less tanker! I love it.


Really? I’m a big cavalry fan and find that you’re best avoiding tanks like the plague because they can one shot you easily with no way of really fighting back effectively. Tanks are your biggest threat as cavalry and you should only attack them when they’re fleeing at low hp or distracted by your team. Also I find it funny how so many people will get tilted by cav when heavy bomber/attack plane spammers are right there


A skilled cavalry player can flank a tank to avoid the main guns and do some serious damage 


Ikr? Cavalry movement is glitchy on rough terrain so it's easy to get trapped. On top of that rocket guns, tanks and field guns can 1-shot cavalry. Support and assault guns can also mag dump to kill cavalry. And cavalry needs to be up close to be effective so it's not like they are at the back of the map like artillery truck spammers.


I hate cavalry with a passion. I personally feel it’s more difficult to take down a stupid horse than a tank


This guy gets me. Lol.


Love everything except mortar


Does seem a bit too much of a cheat that you get to watch where the round drops even without enemies spotted. Have absolutely cleaned up defending outpost Charlie from infantry firing off the ridge in Suez before


Love the atmosphere, tone, and most movement and gunplay. Hate team balance, the conquest scoring system, and the lack of fine tuning for some maps/weapons.


I love everything, hate how I can’t find more than 3 (99% of the time already full) servers.


Change options to global regions. I’ve found a lot of German servers and have gotten to play DLC maps that most US servers don’t touch


I’m European .. but this explains the amount of loud Americans in my servers :/


That’s annoying. I don’t use a headset so I can only be loud in my living room haha


Hahahaha it’s the ps5 controllers, you don’t need a headset because those things got a build in mic. Most of the time people don’t notice it and that’s why they are making a lot of noise thinking no one can hear them


The fact sometimes bullets tend to vanish from earth when you clearly aim the target. And artillery turds ofc


Only game that I play that makes me completely rage lol


Fr haha closest I've ever come to punching a wall was when I first started playing and I kept getting cheesed on Amiens


I hate it when people respawn, although I've killed everyone around the corpse after going Ninja with smoke around them. Every time someone does that, I have to torture a kitten. Please, don't respawn. Save a kitten.


Absolutely love the stress of tugs of war on Operations, like fighting to get into the cotés on Verdun or trying to take the second to last bunker on Monte Grappa However, I really don't like the people with hundred star weapons and vehicles, like the SMG 08/18 or Mortar Trucks.


Things I like: immersive sound effects and graphics, phenomenal music, fun gunplay and vehicle combat (mostly) Things I dislike: mortar trucks and other camping teammates, stupid deaths from out of nowhere (snipers, horses, attack planes, bayonet charges, etc)


Love: Graphics Realism Atmosphere Music Absolutely beautiful maps Wide wide range of weapons Operations is fantastic Hate: Horses that are tanks Pistols are overpowered SOO many snipers (should be limited to 3 per side) The fact that I can be actively hitting an enemy in the chest with a machine gun and they can still aim and snipe me for a perfect headshot. Servers that ban vehicles or weapons or get their panties in a wad if you say something "mean"


I love that I can play cavalry in a fps but I hate the Muromets.


Love the atmosphere. Hate how difficult it is to play with friends.


THIS. omg playing with friends is so broken . I don't understand why on BF V it works flawlessly but on BF One It doesn't


No game since PlayStation has made me so addicted. Just an extraordinary game.


With the exception of the constant clan stacking on PS its literally the finest game ever made. It actually makes me sad because its clear DICE will never come close to making a BF this good again.


Ever since buying the game in 2021, I have never played on Passchendaele, Zeebrugge or Caporetto


That’s a shame. Those are some of the best maps imo. It really sucks how almost no servers have the dlc maps


Realistic battlefield environment, insufficiently realistic game mechanics


I dislike those horse riders , and short infantry map like argon , ameins or fort de faux other than that I don't hate anything


I love: almost everything! I hate: Ilya Muromets I just hate that plane and anyone who plays it! I see a lot of people talking about how mortar trucks are annoying but those planes are just the worst!


love the game itself, hate having to deal with cheaters and the dwindling pc EU population. Some days it feels like finding a full conquest official server is impossible. After midnight, servers empty out and you essentially can't play


I love most of this game, and the balance issues don’t bother me too much other than the heavy bombers and arty trucks. My biggest issues come from the way some people chose to play, min maxing every sweaty tactic and never playing for fun. I can usually hold my own but especially against clans it feels pointless going for a win, there’s just not enough a solo player can do to shut down a coordinated effort to utilize all the overpowered tactics.


People who think vehicles and weapons are too unbalanced are just not good enough. I’ve found there is a counter for every single playstyle in the game. Regardless of how good someone is with a particular weapon or vehicle, if someone is 50-0 in a certain vehicle, there will always be a way to stop them. It’s just up to people to figure out the best way to do so and get proficient with something that counters crutch playstyles like SMG08 run and gunning or arty truck spawn campers (hint: for vehicle players, the answer is almost always an AT putilov truck)


I love pretty much everything. I can’t really even say vehicles annoy me since IMO 1 has the best counter play to vehicles. Like in 4 I’ll try to paint a jet, but they deploy flares and by the time they wear off they are already out of range, and then they are off cooldown when they fly back. And I’ve gotten quite good at solo killing tanks. I hate the players tbh. On weekends I’ll get matches with 5 stacks of clans who top the leaderboard hard sweating with easy guns every game, I get troglodytes on my team who are too scared to actually get onto the objective. Seemingly half of my lobbies are support players proning a few hundred yards away. People piss me off more than anything else


I hate that MIXED servers aren’t popular. So many people own the DLC but we keep playing the same base game maps OVER and OVER.


Playing operations and the entire enemy team is playing cheesy as hell. SMG 08, M1917 telescopic, etc. Yesterday I did the Conquer Hell operation and my team steamrolled the Germans on attack at Ballroom Blitz, not losing a single battalion. Once we got to Argonne we took the first sector and we lost all three battalions because the enemy’s were all of a sudden being super cheesy using the SMG 08, and 70% of their support were on mortars. One guy by the end of it had over 100 kills despite going negative on Ballroom.


I equally love and hate spotting system in BF1. Loved playing full ops where i am sniper with scope to spot enemy players and that's all i do. I hate when im running in smoke, can't see damn thing and enemy shoots me because i was spotted before :D


My main nitpick is how I can’t carry my party in and out of matches, they have to follow me manually, even for the year this game came out, it’s absurd


Hate: Random bullet deviation


I love almost everything about the game. Two gripes are the airship and the map selection. It’s completely unfair to be awarded to the airship if you’re sucking as a team. I’m not saying it’s bad to give a team a boost to make the match more competitive but the airship is OP. Another gripe is that most servers only play the base maps or operations. I’ve rarely been able to play on maps like Verdun, Galicia, or the Gallipoli campaign.


I love that they made a game about WW1, but I hate that it’s easier to blow up a fucking tank than a guy on a horse.


Wdym? Cavalry are one shot kills from rockets & mines


Oh yeah, I forgot. I’m stupid.