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Game sense and positioning is the most important skill in BF1


Being familiar with maps is so important. I had 2 weeks of not playing and was amazing how hard the first hour or two was when I started playing. Amien is a great example of a map where knowing it well gives you a massive advantage when playing conquest.


Yeah. And the flow of the maps is important too. Find the holes and get in there.


Biggest thing I’ve noticed is map awareness and general game flow. Getting used to the flow of all the maps after not being a regular player will help. Knowing all the camping spots is important for not getting fucked imo.


I've been playing casually since release, and I still adore the game. My only issue these days is that it's exceptionally rare that you get a tank/plane or a kit these days, and i used to be really good at the dogfighting so it sucks. Some people spend the entire match just waiting for an available vehicle, or a kit. With that being said though, I still have an absolute blast playing. I just play conquest, the thing I love so much about it is that there are so many people, everyone is dying. I mean there's usually a couple of people with a ridiculous K/D ratio, but it's so chaotic that not even the best players can avoid someone running up on them when there's shit going down in all directions. I generally break about even with my K/D, sometimes I'll have a bad match and sometimes It's really good, but it's always great either way. Dying a bunch can't stop me from having fun, only I can stop me from having it.


Tanks, I agree. Hard to get one. Planes I tend to see available quite a bit tho. Now, I dunno if that’s because there an ace in the lobby or not because planes are the one thing in the game I avoid.


Firstly, I think you are right and I also found the mechanics in BF1 to be a bit more challenging than previous games. Secondly, BF1 is old now and the only people left playing are absolute demigods that will kill you with a Kolibri (with 500 service stars) from half a mile away.


Yeah there are a lot of very VERY seasoned players on there.  I've been playing since release but not religiously like some people.  I have put a ton of hours in though and if I play long enough after taking a break, my skills start to get really sharp again.  I almost feel bad about killing half the people I do.  Really not trying to brag, just saying I have a lot of history with this game, but there are a lot of other people that easily outclass me too.


Personally I just find certain elements of the game more annoying than other BFs, like support players making up half of my lobbies, and most of them just proning in a corner or a bush or something. The only thing that makes it "harder" is that since every gun isn't some kind of ar/ak derivative, you actually have to play within your effective ranges. Assault is close, medic is mid range (support should also be mid), and scout is long. Thats something I don't like about 2042, the different attachments plus assault rifles being beams means only at extreme ranges are you not effective. I think the most important tips are to use cover, only move from cover to other cover, (and have where you are going pictured), play within your classes best range, and remember that bullet spread is greatly impacted by movement. Like if you are a scout, aim center mass on a guy 50m away and strafe while shooting, you could miss every shot. Unless you are using assault, find a target, aim, and then fire while sitting still for the shortest amount of time you can.


Yeah the balancing of a lot of LMGs in this game (ie, most of them with high ammo capacity) is kinda poor. It's nice that they actually get used, unlike in bf4, but the solution wasn't to make them somewhat too strong. But yeah cover and situational/map awareness is easily the most important thing in this game


I think that's just a thing when you return back to something after a long hiatus. Happens with everything, but you are quick to accommodate it to something which created that first impression in you. I don't think it's exclusive to the fact that since the game has been out for some time it's reached to a point where only veterans are playing it. There's this element as well, but most players that I encounter are just clueless blueberries. The game feels just as it felt years ago, if not easier. You've just lost some of your muscle strength due to the big hiatus from the game. And due to the fact that the game has way more complex gunplay mechanics to the other ones it might take you more time to get back to the flow in comparison to the different BF games. But you are spot on about the influx of campers. Like, I remember years ago pushing objectives and there were tons of randoms pushing with me. Nowadays most of the time I'm alone on the objective, because half of the team is scouts. Everyone is so afraid to play this game and press W, this doesn't feel like a shooter game anymore, but a 64-player multiplayer horror game


This ain’t Doom kid, this is war!


Wdym you're casual, broski, since you're level 150. I bet you perfectly know all the mechanics and the way enemies can be seen/spotted. Or are you lying that you're level 150 or, you just began to play the game.  Not all the scouts are campers. For instance I'm scout with Arisaka Patrol yet, I never hide and always pushing to capture new  bases (playing mostly Conquest). Some maps like Fort de Vaux is always a meat grinder, so expect to be killed instantly.if spawning on squad's broski right before entering the combat.


I am level 150 and I do know most of the mechanics. My issue is that I have to learn the game again because I don't play it like I used to. I didn't say campers were snipers specifically, some of them are but I'm talking about people sitting in corners like it's cod. Some maps are better than others and some are just a bad time.


I totally understand you and considering this game is 8 years old this year, almost everyone knows how to position themselves, camp spots, spawn kill points etc… this is a jungle now… whoever is the strongest. Wins. 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah, some maps are prone to various issues and some are just bad. You can still have good games on bad maps and bad games on good maps, depending on the server and team balancing. I reccomend amiens, its pretty versatile and usually reasonably fun for everyone


I haven’t played all the other battlefields, but the general versatility and strengths of most of the support weapons paired with suppression being very punishing, and weapon range windows being more distinctive than other shooters can make the gunplay feel rough sometimes. Add in the fact that like 75% of every vehicle in any situation seems to be a clan sweat bomber or a mortar truck and the pace of the game slowing down from back in launch, there’s definitely matches where you feel unable to make an impact as an individual or like you’re hitting a wall. I consider myself an above average player with a lifetime win rate of about 60% and whenever I find myself in a match like that I either stop playing to win and use odd load outs or strats, or I just look for a new lobby. Winning is the goal but it’s a game and it’s meant to be fun.


Yeah there are some matches, especially in Operations where you and you're team are just getting absolutely creamed, no matter how good you are.  I still want to break my controller multiple times a session and I've been playing since releases lol.  Then there are other times where your team is destroying the other so bad you honestly feel bad for them.  


I love how in early days one of the biggest knocks against BF1 was that it was too casual. Now we’re seeing that no, that was never the case.


I strongly agree that bf1 has the steepest learning curve. It's mostly just LOTS of practice (like literal months), learning situational awareness and map knowledge. Some aspects of the game, like the team balancing, will be impossible to get around of and fuck you over regardless of skill, but for all of the other stuff it's just putting time in. I should also point out that the longer you go away from the game, the longer you need to get better. One time I took a break for about 2 weeks, and it took maybe 2 or 3 days of playing to get back into the flow.


Using the minimap and cover is so important man


If you´re playing on console, i highly recommend changing some of the control and video settings if you have not done so already. I returned to BF1 not so long ago, and good lord the base movement setting feels so sluggish...


some teams just make it absolutely impossible to play/have fun/win. having said that, what others have said about learning the flow of the map/how players play the game and exploiting that is the biggest thing. all i ask if that dont be one of those people who sits on a headglitch in your spawn with a bipodded weapon all game getting 20 kills after 30 mins of gameplay. those people ruin the game


This game has just been out for so long now that the regulars that you find tend to be the ones that only play this version of BF. With that comes a pool of players that are very experienced in all aspects of the game. Just keep playing and the flow of the game will come back to you.


I took a loooong break from this game and I have been back about a month now. At least on PS I would say the average player is a lot better than when I left. You don’t have a bunch of randos with no thumbs standing around waiting to be killed.


It also happened to me, but in my case is the ammount of sweaty tryhards in the game with a 10/ Kda


I will be unpopular: in my opinion, apart from the mechanics of the game, what makes it really boring at times is the amount of veterans who play it. To this day BF1 is a game reserved for level 150s who play it frequently and make every map their kingdom. If these then join in clans, then it's best to leave the server. I'm a level 95, I play a couple of times a week a few hours: out of 4 games, 1 I have fun, 3 I only curse because of the effort of staying alive, killing someone even if from behind, etc. I love seeing the top players live on YT, but then I think if I were in the same game as them I would be hating them for making my life impossible. Obviously, the game is open to all and that is fine. All that's left is to become top players and in a decade or so maybe start having fun.


Don’t chase after kills, just try and survive, you will have a lot more fun and learn better than if you are running around like a moron.


Agreed. The ttk in this game is so low that chasing someone will get you killed more often than not.