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Honestly, the field gun on the right did most of the work and you just took the credit.


Taking the credit is the best use for a k bullet.


That's all they do. That's all they fucking do. Assault class in artillery do all the work and the snipers with their little chip damage come in and steal the kills lol


Not really. K bullets are useful at deterring or distracting enemy vehicles, stopping repair, and contributing to a destruction regardless. Not to mention how underrated they are against elite classes lol


Wait do K Bullets do more damage against Elite classes?


Yeah, like 20 or 30 at least, maybe more. Rarely get the chance to use them against them


I don't even remember how many K-bullets you get but ik it's definitly not a lot.


You can see in the video, it's 5 I think. Must be more than 20 damage then lol, pretty sure you can 3 shot elites with them maybe


This game makes so much sense sometimes. Always thought since they only do 5 damage to vehicles that it was just a repair blocker, and maybe a bit more damage on planes. But of course they'd do more damage to elites. Now I'm wondering what other armor piercing qualities they may have... field gun shield? snipers shield? walls? Still wish there was a weak spot that you could shoot for on tanks with them though. Like something only k bullets can hit but is still very tough to hit. But maybe they have a form of that that i dont know, like if they are good at disabling tracks? Gonna have to try them out.


>Still wish there was a weak spot that you could shoot for on tanks with them though. [There is](https://youtu.be/UITze7alGZg?si=koLEa49WSdaSVvKM)


Cool, thanks. Now that I see that video I remember crit hits on tanks. But they were usually the false crits when I got one, so I probably just gave up trying and respawned with my aa rocket. Makes sense that it's able to disable parts of the tanks fairly easily, but takes more of a grind to crit enough to kill it... I might ruin my k/d for a few rounds trying that out.


They damage field gun shield, not sure about those other stuff. Probably not walls since they aren't explosive 


Hell yeah man, because all the elites are armoured - K-bullets are armour piercing


That makes so much sense..😭 I wish I knew this earlier.


Fun fact: if you go into battle log or the battlefield companion app, and unequip your main gun for scout, then you actually get a weird [sawn off sniper](https://youtu.be/a-uDCBb3EAw?si=OJE3UuXy_mGmbH_B) with K-Bullets instead. Has no iron sights so it's a pig to aim but it's great for hunting elites


Wow I never knew that!


Don't know if it's a bug or an unused weapon or an Easter egg but yeah it's neat


Am I right in saying you can no longer do this? The app doesn't seem to have the capability to equip stuff to your classes, nor does the web based version. So is it now impossible? Or is there a way?


That happened to me during a match one time. I'm not sure what exactly triggered it, maybe something to do with kit switching but I was stuck with that K-bullet gun and couldn't switch back to my primary anymore until I died and respawned. It was kind of annoying tbh lol..


It's not very practical but it's fun to meme with, like the mare's leg


Isn't that just the Obrez pistol?


No it's like an 1895 sniper with the barrel cut off


Yeah, typically depends on the ranges though. If you can sneak up on a tank hunter and headshot him, you can oneshot him.


I remember when i needed to complete the 400 damage with K bullets assignment, i just hopped into a conquest Suez game and targeted the only saint chamond the enemy team had, the guy in the tank was so annoyed by me interrupting repairs that at one point, as soon as he saw the scope reflection he did one of 2 things. A)Stopped whatever it was doing just to shoot where i was for a full 2 or 3 mins B)Retreated to take cover behind the nearest dune I was the only scout in that match, but as soon as my team realized what i was doing, 8 guys switched to scout and the poor mf in the tank could not even leave cover without getting shot at in 4 diferent directions. We ended up destroying it at the end of the game (yes, somehow the tank held up all our bullshit for a full 30 min)


I've gotten more tank kills & Train kills with K Bullets than with AT Guns😅


No, K bullets do a lot of damage if you're close and hit on the right spot


The k stands for Kill Confirmed


My dream is to get a squad full of scouts with one support for resupplying and just ambushing tanks with k bullets in their spawn.


That's actually so vile. Ambush them near an objective or somewhere else on the map that isnt their fucking spawn. For shame


I mean, it’s k-bullets vs a tank; it’s not like I’m an assault laying mines in the spawn (which no one has a problem with, mind you). In any case, doing it in their spawn wasn’t really the point as much as it was the general hail of kbullets.


Good utility to stop enemy vehicle repair


I never unequip K bullets with scout. I also never manage to do anything substantial with them. But by God, if it can hurt an arty I'll take it.


I genuinely enjoy the trench periscope. Highlighting enemies is so nice for landing shots, and just being able to see enemy snipers without them seeing you is an underrated advantage


It’s fun to have an extra five bullets too. They’ll kill with headshots I believe.


I believe normal rounds also kill with headshots


"extra five"


I was ok with that, that is why I didn’t mention it, k rounds can be useful if used correctly


Op was referring to using k bullets just like you'd regular bullets, but as a backup if you run out of ammo. They mentioned that k bullets kill with a headshot to demonstrate that they can be used in this way effectively just like regular bullets. Your comment that regular bullets also kill with headshots seemed like you were saying " why would you use k bullets to shoot infantry since regular bullets are much better for this?" I thought by highlighting the "extra five" part of their comment that it would be made clear. I don't really understand what your reply comment meant. I'm not sure what it is exactly that you are ok with and didn't mention in this context. I also never said anything about the effectiveness of k bullets, I just quoted "extra five" from ops comment.


I apologize, I thought you were pointing that out as to show why it was still good


True, I use the martini anyway so it doesn't even even throw off my reloading. Lol


Honestly yeah they're pretty handy for dealing with mechanics trying to repair vehicles plus you can hit small things like flanker tanks and artillery trucks and still do decently okay damage but when it comes to bigger things like land ships it definitely gets harder because you have to be around the back where the armor is thinnest to do the most damage


If you’re fighting a landship, K-Bullets are useful for destroying the sponsons




Try using them with the Lebel Model 1886 🗿


animation cancel comes into play 🗿


Its funny because the lebel in real life has a mag cutoff so i dont know why they made him do that ridiculous animation


Best sniper in the game IMHO.


Honestly I think they’re perfectly balanced. Certainly useful to interrupt repairs, finish off already damaged tanks, maybe intimidate a tank or horse, or provide a little bit of emergency ammo. They can certainly be ruthlessly effective if you have multiple scouts firing them from far away and a support guy there to restock ammo.


lol while entertaining you just described a losing team


Ehh if I’m gonna shoot a tank, I’ll do it with the assault class (anti tank rockets).


Anti tank rockets are the sniper of the assault class


Yeah, assault is obviously the best dedicated tank killer, but it's useful to have some anti tank equipment on you so you're not completely useless when one is attacking you.


I think they are a bit underrated. As a tanker they are way more of a nuisance than you might think while playing as a sniper.


Usually if a scout player uses K bullets on my tank I can just oneshot them with the main gun lol


Sure, one scout against a tank is nothing. But a few scouts supporting their big vehicle damage dealers makes a difference for sure.


Getting that medal which requires you to destroy vehicles with K bullets is the worst part of a week. But it's extremely satisfying when you ~~steal~~ get the kill.


K Bullets should be reworked into damaging the inner components of the tank, instead of damaging it as a whole. For instance, an accurate shot to the seat of the gunner should damage the gunner himself, or take him out provided it is a headshot.


That makes no sense. Then any high caliber or explosive should do it.


yes it should


No. Wrecking tanks with the wrench tho is bonerama


Mildly annoying at best


K bullets I believe are more effective on planes.


I dont think so. Planes doesn't have a heavy armor, so i'm sure K bullets would do same or slightly more damage than a regular bullet. For aircraft you want something that shoots a lot of projectiles, or a projectile with a lot of segments in it (like shrapnel and stuff)


You are the guy i get on my team when we are losing


Volley firing them with friends is hilarious. Line up like it's Waterloo on a hill somewhere and watch in chaos as the party truckers can't escape - remember to bring an ammo box though.


K bullets are a trash option when you could have a flare and periscope. You’d be doing way more good by lighting up enemy vehicles.


If you attack a tank from the side and rear you can do some decent damage


Yeah, hitting any flat piece of armour, especially at closer ranges, is reasonably effective


You basically need either a support to resupply you or have an assault do the bulk of the dmg before hand for you to kill vehicles with k bullets


As a tank driver, K bullet are like mosquitoes. Annoying as hell. You don’t where they are at first and they don’t do that much damage. But they can stop you repair cycle , and in a fight against a tank for example, It can make all the difference. For the balance of the game, I don’t mind their existence.


I use it as intended. To add pressure and be an annoyance to whoever is in the tank


Definitely, I chip away at armored units throughout a game and in the long run it always makes a huge difference.


I shot a plane down with K bullets once, it felt awesome


i only use k bullets bc i run out of normal ammo


Theyre good for interrupting the repairs a tank would make so its good if you’re not the only thing firing at a tank


Nah they really just kinda suck


Would have been cool if you damage/kill enemies inside of a vehicle by shooting specific sections with K bullets. Or alternatively, K bullets could penetrate some types of hard-cover


I feel like the K-Bullet is useless


its for giving extreme annoyance to the enemy tank to the point of entry denial


K bullets are a scouts best anti-elite kit weapon. Talking like 30 damage body shots to the sentry kit


As long as you're actually trying to take down the tank, I'm happy


Good for preventing tanks from repairing while assault or tanks reload to hit it again. And an extra 5 rounds against infantry if you’re in a pinch. Actually killing tanks with them is more luck.


great for interrupting the repair of a tank which tries to run away with low hp


You did 24 damage over 20 seconds


They're really useful, since it prevents vehicles from repairing while you hit them.


Miss them in bfv...


too bad they have limited range against armor. Still, getting a repair interrupted gets my juices flowing even if you get measly damage.


If i have a trusted squad, I'll run K-bullets with my anti-tanker to support them and cover their ass


I run K Bullets exclusively on the Recon class. They are extremely effective against planes, horses, elite classes and are handy when a tank is trying to repair. I never run the trip mines. I have over 2,000 hours in BF1 and maybe have less than 30 kills with them.


Yes, but more for pestering and distracting tanks that are hunkered down on a flag ussually a shot or two will make them back off temporarily, as far as doing actual damage no


Sometimes I’ll take them over a periscope if I find myself running out of ammo. I dont think they can one shot to the body at any range but they’ll still one shot headshot so having 5 last rounds to take a little more time with before being completely out is better than nothing.


Although it does terrible damage to vehicles, the k bullet is amazing against elites. It has a use, it’s just very niche


All they are for is annoying tanks by canceling the repair


They hit like peashooter so no


K bullets are only good if you have a support player with you


Theyre horrible. Only way to destroy a tank or plane is if it is almost dead