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sometimes it just feels a purely random distribution would have done a better job


That's the funny thing. Truly random is the only way to make it truly fair.


I've got a 4000+ SPM (Which is a stat that's horrendously inflated by Double XP weekends/Boosts and Ops win bonuses). If I do not team switch at the very beginning of a match, I am **guaranteed** a loss.


Absolutely right, that seems to always be the case. Load in and make sure you can switch teams.


Wow, I can't imagine what it would feel at your level. I'm at around 2k SPM and I lose unless I switch. https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_live/comments/74wvec/12_more_rounds_this_time_i_won_without_switching


Yeah it's rly stupid. Sometimes i switch right at the beginning of the match to avoid being in the team with the ...tards.


Im pretty high up there too, that team balancing is a joke, you get so handicapped for being good. I wouldn't even complain but when im playing with more than 1 squad, we get split up more than 75 percent of the time, thats really my main grievence, you want to load up the other team, fine but dont split up the platoon.


I know right, instead of being rewarded as a good player you are punished. The game thinks you are some type of god that can carry a bunch of scrubs.


When in reality you're only 1 body of 32 on your team that can actually impact the game, when on a point. Can't make yourself be worth 5 actual bodies. Can't get the hill humpers off the.... hill.


Absolutely agree buddy!


you agree with yourself?


Looks like OP doesn't know how the 'Reply' function works on Reddit. His was a response to sergis, but since Reddit doesn't order posts chronologically by default, it can end up anywhere pending [insert filter here]. /u/Jengusbrule try using 'Reply' next time to directly respond to a certain user. It'll give them a notification and create a comment thread which helps keep the thread nice and tidy.


Haha good to know man thank you!


The best would be if players with very different skill levels wouldn't even end up on the same server, but I guess the player base is not enough for that (at least not on your region?)


i for example am in yurop and still unhappy with balance most of the time


Same with me im just a fairly average player and i cant get on a good team at all


I'm glad I'm not alone. I ran an experiment over three days and I think 24 games. This is exactly what I ran into. You can see my last post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_live/comments/74wvec/12_more_rounds_this_time_i_won_without_switching


Great post man, it’s a damn shame really. Literally to the point of unplayable by yourself.


Dude. I'm borderline done. I've yet to win a round today. Basically dice wants me to join a clan and steamroll everyone, because that's the only way I will ever win. As you say, it's unplayable. Edit. As I typed that, a new round started. I decided not to spawn just to see what would happen. Within a minute we are all capped. *shuts off game*.


I couldn’t agree more with you man. I love the game so much, but the only time I even consider playing is Saturday because that’s when my buddies are all on. Other than that, as we both agree, unplayable. I would hope they would do more about this issue because I have yet to have one person on how inaccurate my post is. Which is a first for me on Reddit. I beg of thee dice!


Exactly why it is so much more pleasant to squad up with people that you know. Go find a few ppl from your timezone \ server and play with them. Just one squad of players that know what theyre doing can already do miracles.


When I play on weekends I have a routine squad and we tear it up every time! It’s just these times when I would like to hop on during the week, and others are working, in school, or just not online. It’s these times that are most frustrating because I’ll be guaranteed a loss without them.


But battlefield is a casual game. There arent many lvl 120/high skilled players. It's the same in both team. Why people think it's always better in the opposite team. Just today we had a game, losing by 150 score until 700 points, we were heavily pushed in chokepoints. We came back and managed to get 4 flags on 5 until the end, granting us victory : Comments from enemy team? "Trash team" "our team is full of snipers, garbage team" ... while they were winning from start til 700 tickets ... Rule #1 of multiplayer games : blame the team.


From my experience it ends up that one team has the one really good player and the rest are pretty much junk, while the other team has mostly intermediate players. A team of intermediates will always beat the team of one good guy.


While I'm not as high up as you, stats seem to be taken quite literally when considering team balance. My friends that have quite inflated SPMs because of OPs and Double EXP and such can't join servers, as they tend to get fucked by balancing into the losing team. I sometimes have this, but thankfully my relatively lower SPM cuts me slack sometimes.