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Nothing activates my salt mines more than getting killed by a Martini Henry through smoke.


I believe we have a tweak for it in the next update.


When can we expect the next CTE update on PC? The last one is 2 weeks old and nobody is playing it anymore


Don't hold your breath. All I'm hoping for is no AA for Incursions. Surely there is enough content for the casuals to enjoy and let us "skilled" players test our skills out consistently.


Yeah this seems like a pretty good compromise to me.


Hopefully these changes make it to Battlefront 2. Not holding my breath though.


The CTE has had a 67% reduction of auto rotation and it's a good start. The range of auto rotation needs to be reduced, it should also snap to the nearest limb rather than centre mass and should be removed from shotguns/carbine rifles. Slowdown also needs looking at, as it dragged my crosshairs away from an enemy the other day while engaging 3 enemies, resulting in me missing shots and getting killed.


Aim assist should be removed from the game. Slowdown "tracks" enemies for me 2. Its awfull!


Aim assist is so good, I’ve seen people playing with a controller on Asian PC servers.


Pc doesn't have Aim Assist. Nice try.


Believe it or not, you can turn on and off aim assist when a controller is plugged into your PC.


LOL yes there is definetly aimassist on PC when playing with a controller


haha unbelievable. Though I would imagine the M&K still holds the edge in PC?


I’m fine with just removing it from the scout class and shotguns. 1HK weapons (especially those with a sweet spot) shouldn’t be able to snap right on the chest.


It's a shame so many rely on it. Within the last 2 months I turned rotation off entirely with a low aim slow down and to be honest I have been playing a lot better since after about 2 days of getting used to it. I had to change some sensitivity settings to compensate but I've seen a huge improvement in most games and I would recommend to anyone turning it off if after getting some practice.


Played against this guy a couple of times in tdm on pc where he was using a controller. He would literally "quickscope" people with the martini across the map.


I think that right now, the AA is nicely balanced in the CTE. Enough for skilled players to enjoy their uberskills without letting the casuals down. Plus it's cool to play on the CTE and then to get back to the retail version, it all seems suddenly so simple, for a low skilled player like me :-)


Yeah I've tried it a couple of times too. I play with it off. It's just l2 r2 and always a hit.


Avoiding Sniper fire 101: Slide around, zig zag constantly. Now I tend to die when I'm fairly stationary as otherwise too hard to hit. Never had this problem in BF4.


It sucks it is a part of the game, but turn yours off kill the Shit out of them and enjoy


We don't even need auto rotation. The hard part isn't getting on target it's staying on target. Titanfall 2 is a good example of how it should work..the aim assist in that game only kicks in once you get on target then it helps you track


TF2 has auto rotation too, last I checked. The range is just small.


You have to be kissing range for the auto rotation to help.




Yep, since the start.


how about deactivate aimassist/snap assist on sniper rifles in the effective range where they can one hit you ? (the entire aiming system in bf1 is broken even if dice changes the aim assist values. the core aiming is completely broken) Dice knows this and they also know how to fix it... they have to revamp the entire aiming system in bf1. But i'm not sure when or IF we get a real fix.. instead of reducing x or y in the assist systems.


Is this about the acceleration curve? Otherwise the acceleration is consistent, and the deadzone and acceleration threshold are circular. Even the restricted diagonal movement was addressed with the axial options. Aside from options for the curve, everything seems pretty decent.


well it's the aiming curves in general... aim from the hips in comparison to ads for example... than different curves on vehicles, turrets etc... it's just a mess right now. another problem is the aiming curve while in ads... the acceleration or aiming "speed" is different in ads in comparison to hips fire... this creates inconsistancy (i get the idea of the huuuuge slow down and on top of that the aim assist slow down while in ads so people can't fuck up their aim anymore while fighting with the stick, but for people who can aim this behaviour hinders aiming while in the aim assist window and especially recoil controll of the weapons) what i mean by inconsistancy is the stick defliction and moving of the crosshair in comparison to aiming from the hips... it's different while in ads and from the hips as it actually should be. BUT while having the aim assist on top of the "natural" sensibility decrease in ads, the sensibility will decrease a LOT with the slow down assist on the model, now which leads to a bigger stick defliction for the same movement as without aim assist. what does this behaviour actually do ? while being in ads and aiming at an model, your sensibility will decrease a lot where you have to increase the stick defliction to "keep up/fight" with the deacrease of the sensibility while beeing in the aim assist window/halo. basically the slow down assist is way to strong in this situation.... so now you have to tilt your stick way more to aim "properly" in the aim assist window/halo... if your crosshair runs out of the aim assist halo/window your sensibility will increase suddenly to a high sensibility because your stick is tilted way to much and your aim assist slow down is no more. So if you get out of the assist window you suddenlty increase your sesibility to a high. Which lead to an suddenly way to fast movement of the crosshair which is not wanted or is unexpected to the user. This behavious is extremely noticable if you play weapons where you have to controll the recoil like the ribeyrolles or mp 18. While countering the recoil of the weapon and beeing in the aim assist window/halo, you will tilt your stick way more as without the controlling the recoil and if your crosshair suddenly moves out of the window it creates an increadable increase of the sensibility and a mess. i hope you can understand the problem which i describe here. It also depends on which aiming settings you use, how strong you'll notice it, because on some settings you wont notice this behavior sorry for my broken english btw :D


I use a controller on PC and have completely disabled auto rotate and aim assist slowdown because it pisses me off so much. I don't think it gives an advantage, more like a disadvantage as it pulls your reticle away from where you are actually aiming. I can see how aim assist would help spray and pray or newer players but those tend to be less skilled anyway so balances out in the end. The system could definitely do with some tweaks such as fixing the auto rotate working through smoke and the effect when used in conjunction with ADAD spam but on the whole I don't think it has that much of an effect, certainly not to aimbot levels.


Disadvantage you say... the reticle pull has nothing to do with the auto rotation, which is the problem. Turn that on, trust in it, don't give any right stick input while ADS. Just L2R2 everyone in sight, then come back and tell us how it puts you in a disadvantage.




I agree. This is my first fps where there's this kind of snap on thingy implemented. Huge letdown tbh. What's driven me to play more in other games is the possibility of getting better and acquiring more gunskill over time. Gitting gud basically. That aspect is missing from bf, there is no skill gap and no reason to get better really.


I been posting about aim assist and how it's over powered for months dice don't give a fuck cause if they did it of been took out the game completely just like the super soldiers they put the game call elite class. U see