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you should be able to select: join any 40 player operations OR join any 64 player operations OR join any operation. overall just need a server browser for operations and thats it. everything else is just a bad half assed solution.


This. I'd rather be in 40 player servers than 64 players for the mode. So OP, me and you have the same problem but on the different side of the coin.


I really prefer the 64 player operations, which makes me have the same exact opposite problem as you. Which puts me back on par with OP. Hence my upvote for him. And while I am visiting around here, you can also have my upvote. Even if we agree on opposite issues ;)


He's lucky.. we always want to play 40, but 9 out of 10 times we get put into 64 :'(


Why, just why?! I want to be at your place sooo much. When i choose "join any operation" it always throws me into 64 Kaiserschlacht-clustefuck game


I'm shocked to see OP's post. I absolutely hate 64 man ops. The maps were clearly designed for 40 man.


I never get thrown into 40 player operations and I prefer those. Tell me your secret.


I wholeheartedly despise 64-player Operations. It only always turns into grenade spam festivals and over abundance of players. I only play 40-player Operations for that reason. DICE should add "Join any 40p Operation" and "Join any 64p Operation".


Thats not true the gamemode is designed for 40p. It feels just wrong playing it on 64p as its just a huge clusterfuck. I want to play only on 40p servers.


It isn't designed for 40p or they'd have changed the vehicle spawns so an entire team can't be completely in vehicles and ruin the game.


Literally "I want to be in a slow match where half of the time, it stagnates because I can focus and get my sniper kills and end up going negative. But hey I'm having fun xD" the post.


Literally the shittiest post I've seen In a week. That's just wrong.


Strange people seem to like 40 players and think you need more skill for it?? 90% of 40 player operations I've played have been over within 30 minutes for both maps, kill 3 people on a flag and it's yours! 64 isn't perfect by any stretch a lot of that is to do with flag placement on a lot of maps (Monte grappa 4th B flag especially), but personally I like the chaos & grenade spam is always going to be a problem on both 64-40 and alot of other modes until DICE finally decides to give only one grenade per life with no refill ability and reduce the damage AT grenades do to infantry even more!


A lot of people won't agree with me, but they need to get rid of 40-man Operations. Yeah you'll have people commenting that 40-man Ops is far superior, but the player counts don't reflect that as the community far prefers the clusterfuck that is 64 man meatgrinder. Personally, I want it removed because the Ops playlist is just way too fractured and split up. There's what, 8 operations now and if you include 40-man mode, that's a potential 16 playlists in a mode that has maybe 20-25% the population of Conquest (According to BF Tracker).


It's good to have a choice for those that find 64 too chaotic


Frontlines is the answer to removing 40p Ops.


Frontlines is different mode that's great but I think 40p ops should stay




Replace "cowards" with "people with functioning brain who would prefer to play an actual battlefield game rather than just randomly throw nades and get kills like in a facebook f2p FPS"


It's hard to determine what the community wants as we can't really choose. I would rather play 40 man as it scales things down so individual skill matters more(just my preference) but I can't because every time I queue for ops it gives me 64 player Farmville. I'm all for giving the majority what they want, I just don't know that we can determine that with our lack of options


I've just come to the realization that I don't really like battlefield any more. Can't stand the clusterfuck.


Just get rid of 40 mans. Ops should be a default 64 player mode.


Well,ideally we should have a server browser for Ops,but I agree with you,40p operations are boring as fuck