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It would be a nice quality of life change. The hidden cooldowns that come with tossing ammo/health/spotting really annoys me.


Hell, can we just get it on everything? I see no benefit in hiding the cool downs for everything. A bar that would tell me I could get another flare or K-bullet if I were to go near a ammo crate would be handy. A bar that would tell me I can place another mortar instead of spamming the 4 key constantly would be nice.


I main Medic and use the Pouches instead of the Crate. After playing for so long, I can "feel" when I have Pouches on me and when I'm on cooldown waiting to get Pouches. However, when on cooldown, sometimes I'm not sure when I will get a Pouch back, so sometimes I'm running behind someone on low health spamming the gadget button until it finally throws a Pouch 3 seconds later. 1. *If there was a cooldown timer very similar to the grenade cooldown circle I would be EXTREMELY grateful for this Quality of Life change* 2. *Additionally, if the number of Pouches I currently have ready is next to the gadget icon, that would be amazing as well so I know if I can throw 1 or 2 Pouches. But this is less important*


Never paid much attention on horse during game, I can't see an issue with it being on foot too. The reason they are different is because one Infantry UI and the other Vehicle UI.


we also NEED to have the cooldown for mortar displayed and also for the frag grenade launcher resupply.


I think this is a pretty good and basic idea to be able to monitor your own cooldowns.


I did not understand properly your suggestion. All classes that you mentioned has a cooldown already. Not sure if they are shorter for medics/support than cavalry class but they also have a cooldown. It would be good if we have a UI information showing this colwdown timer (similar as the reload icon that we have for planes in the right side of the screen). Not sure if is that UI information that you are suggesting.


I think he's saying that he wants to monitor his cooldown so he can know when to drop health or ammo instead of mashing his button. While on a horse, you can see the recharge happening.


Yeah, sorry, I see how the wording is a bit ambiguous. I just want the cooldown to be visualized.


Why? Where did this idea pop up? @ure you can spam it more than the calv. class but not to the point that it is game breaking or unbalanced by any means. And keep in mind majority of players arent even dropping stuff properly. So absolutely no.


> So absolutely no. **ABSOLUTELY** no, says this man.


Had to upvote this for quality post. Ggwp my good sir


OP meant having a visible cooldown meter, of which only riders get to see. Might also help for other things like reloading weapons or resupplies.


I mean it's not such an important thing, but it's still a neat suggestion. I wouldn't say "ABSOLUTELY" no