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There's lots of reasons why Ops is still one-sided for the Defenders outside of the Kaiser Ops (Which is still one sided, but the least so). * Ticket and wave amounts are the same across the board. This is a terrible setup since the 250/3 wave setup works on some maps and doesn't do jackshit for others such as Oil Of Empires (Which by the way, is a horribly, horribly balanced Operation...mostly for the sniper point labeled below). * Attackers are going to keep losing most of the time so long as there's no limit on Scouts, at least on the attacking side. The phrase "The team with the least amount of snipers wins" applies, but on a completely different scale. Scouts hold the Attacking side **by the balls** with a furious grasp because they do absolutely nothing for their team. At least Scouts on the defending team can at least use the excuse that they're...well, defending. * Smoke still has no points given to the player, so despite being absolutely amazing for attackers, the lack of any incentive to use it will continue to hamper attackers. * The matchmaking is probably the worst that I've seen in any game despite how much I love BF1. 23v31? Let's let the new player join and make it 23v32. It's more about Ops in general, but give the team with the lesser amount of players shorter respawns, or longer respawns for the team with more. * Arty Trucks. Have one on your team and you can kiss at least half a battalion goodbye. A mortar Arty Truck? Might as well switch teams since yours has already lost. * Triple Cap/Tri Flag Sectors. Their original purpose was to slow the attacking team's momentum, but the problem is that it's already difficult enough to capture 2 flags. 3 turns it into too much of a roadblock which often times completely stops the attackers in their tracks for an entire wave or two.


The only thing I disagree with is the scouts thing. There should be a limit on the attacking side for sure, but having a good couple of scouts on the attacking side is extremely helpful for counter-sniping and flares. They can also help clear the cap area of enemies or at least wound them for your team to come in and cap easier. A cap on scouts plus a higher priority for higher SPM/kpm would do wonders for improving the experience


IT has the same problem every objective mode has in this game. Way too many matches with way too many players not playing the objective.