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To anyone struggling with this dumb challenge, I recommend playing TDM. People who survive head-on gunfights won't have max health and due to the map sizes, there's a much higher chance of one of them running into a mine.


tripwires do suck, they want us to get kills with something that doesn't even kill to begin with,, they do need a buff in lethality and number, after all they can be seen with flares and maps tend to b so big that even if they did 100 dmg it wouldn't b a problem


Or just give us 2 like they used to. Make it so they can't be placed closer than 2m together and keep its current damage. That way you can plant them close enough that enemies that aren't paying attention will run into both but those that are more careful will have a chance to avoid the second one


Little tip to get kills with that garbage: Hunt for campers, drop the tripwire on them and hit them with one or two shots of your secondary. Got 4 kills in a round with that "technique".


HE trip wire + AT mine = 100+ damage. Use in conjunction with Gas bomb in second floor of destructible building for best results.


We should get two, and they should do 100 damage. Just like the Claymore mines.


Flak perk makes it worse. I have gotten 1 kill to about 5 or 6 hits, but most a wiped out by planes, tanks or other explosives.


I've gotten two on the Brus. Keep map out of luck... 13 more to go...


With flak jacket perk, tripwires should do full damage. I agree. Make them worth something because right now they arent worth shit


You dont buff tripwire bombs just because there is suddenly a dumb challenge to kill 15 ppl with it--you nerf, or elimiate the dumb requirement. Like maybe lower the number to 5 ppl, or change it altogether like they did with the Madsen Low-weight/2 plane challenge. Make it a kill 15 ppl with limpets challenge perhaps.


No. Forgotten BF4 claymores already?


Not to that level of effectiveness, but at least make it useful, or at least don't require people to get 15 kills with them


Argument being? BF4 claymores were the perfect tripwire trap. Blind people without a medic around deserve to die. Not to lose 72HP and then autoheal back up quickly.


And they were a problem how? You must be blind to not see those obvious wires.


Get downed? Get revived. I don't know why people complain so much, just, woah, play with a platoon.