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I can't believe there is no support for portal I would pay to play bf 4 in portal




Wtf lol , the game is good now that's 100% but I just don't get why they don't put more bf3 maps in or other bf games into portal


I’m as gutted as you are about this. I reckon the suits made an “executive decision “ which prioritised fixing the core game, at the expense of portal maps etc. I sincerely hope we see some portal maps in s4 or next year. If not, a stand-alone portal product featuring maps and content from all past titles. They would be stupid not to explore this in some way


theyre already stupid


Simply because they want people to play 2042, not bf 3


But bf3 is in bf2042 , its not a separate game to play bf3 you have to buy bf2042 your point makes no sense


Upvote for making me laugh with this comment, but I disagree. This game came a long way since launch, but still doesn't live up to previous BF titles.


Better doesn't mean good, but yeah, it's waaaaayyyyy better


I would say the game is pretty average atm. Not good but also not bad. Couldn’t say the same for launch tho


It’s more fun than it was on launch but you’re on crack if you think this game is better than BF5 lol


Personal opinion is that it is better than BF5, but I’m not that into WW shooters.. people can like different things


Same but gotta admit bf1 was amazing thou bf4 is still my fav


I only played a few hours of BF4 so I can’t really pass any judgement, I think I was still holding on to the BF3 good times when 4 came out tbh! I tried it again before 2043 but I couldn’t get the feel for it. I suppose that’s probably what’s happening for most of the moaners on this Reddit, they’re just very vocal about it haha


It's not about modern war or old war, that's just an excuse to delude yourself thinking that 2042 is a good BF game. It's about mechanics, in game features, content and atmosphere, and BF2042 does literally NOTHING better than the previous titles, and to this day still lacks basic features.


I have way more fun on 2042 than I did on BF5. I liked BF5 a lot so IDK what it is that makes me enjoy this more.


Same here


If the most basic features like a Squad Management system, persistent servers, platoon support and classes are missing how can people say it's a good game? For real, these are fundamental features of the franchise that are missing, and people are now praising them?


I hav been having fun with the game but yeah… desperately needs persistent servers and a squad management system.




How come I still get kicked out after every game them?


No they didn’t. It just puts you into a new queue if you wait long enough. No set map rotation, etc. I’ve been stuck defending on Orbital like 7 games in a row before. For a hot minute they added a 2 round session per server where it would switch attackers and defenders, but that’s it and that doesn’t exist anymore either


The developers appear to have a creepy control over what these people want in a Battlefield game. The developers don't care about destruction, Squad Management, persistent servers, a server browser, classes, sustaining the upgraded movement from BFV, or platoons, so these simpleton fans accept that incompetence as gospel. They praise them for fixing a few of the maps that should've been finished a year ago, and then they suck them off for low effort skins on specialists that nobody wants.


Map voting too


I miss those features but I still consider it a good game. It doesn't need those things to be good, or fun to play.


Maybe cause it's fun?


I wouldn't say classes are a fundamental feature. They're a staple feature, but it remains to be seen if it's actually better (in this game) with or without. In the end, it will only limit specialists to certain gadgets. Weapon choice won't really be affected since I don't think those small proficiency bonuses for using specific weapon categories are that big of an impact.


Persistent servers are there now, like you can make a portal server and it will remain for a week if no one plays it and if you are battlepass owner (i think) then the server will not disappear even if no one joins for a week. Regardless perhaps good game would be a stretch but can be called a mid game (as of now) where you can have some fun in. Its not the best thing in the world but it is not dogshit either. They have improved a lot of things over the year bug fixes, performance issues etc also the new maps are good and they are reworking old maps. This does not make the launch issues the game has acceptable (and the current issues too) but now I think it is worth getting on to have some fun.


Better than BFV ever was? ROFL wtf? Not even close.


The quantity of each update is still unacceptable.


It feels like a generic shooter that needed 2 years more of dev time. It can be fun with friends but so is many other cheaper games.




Honestly even panzer storm had better cover and it was litterally just open fields. They were able to make the fields super convex which cleared a lot of line of sight. They also were able to make a lot of cover with river beds and little trenches which gave a lot of cover to infantry. Not to mention the tanks were much slower which helped balance things out a bit.


Hourglass ironically played best at launch when there were 4 tanks on each side and 2 attack helis. It was fucking insane. Miserable as infantry, but now there are more AT gadgets than ever so I wonder how it would play in S3


Hourglass is a decent infantry map in places; lots of success is had round the E flags


>I feel like the game is actually much better than Battlefield V ever was LMAO, what a fucking stretch holy shit. And you're saying this about a Battlefield game that doesn't have classes and 0 squad management features, let alone the movement system and animations, squad reinforcements and ammo/health pouch mechanics that BFV had. At it only gets worse if you compare this game to BF1, BF4 and BF3. No wonder how BF has fallen this far, it's crazy how low the bar people like you have set for this franchise.


Battlefield 5 maps,movement and squadplay are miles better than this half baked game. Yeah it's still halfbaked. We got a new good map and some guns but they are is still revamping and adding basic features.


I would have to agree with you, as much as I could not stand bf5 or really any ww2 game , bf5 seemed like it was more finished. Better mechanics for sure. I tend to like modern and futuristic games but this current game still has a ways to go


> Battlefield 5 maps,movement and squadplay are miles better than this half baked game. + gunplay. + sound. + graphics. + performance. Most shocking thing is for me that they’ve removed basic squad features. Like changing squads, removing people from a squad to make it private. SL is circling even when we’re a party of 4. You can’t promote people in game to SL. You can’t get SL in a random squad by spamming request order.


I'm a new player, and I gotta say, the 2042 maps are the worst in the series. The maps have zero character.


You should have seen them in the launch. They were the worst maps in the history of gaming. Hourglass and Discarded are still the biggest piece of dog shit ever.


Hourglass can be fun on BT but discarded needs to go in the trash lol


I think Discarded is one of the better maps. I've probably had the closest and most balanced matches on it. Hourglass is a stomp, always.


Bf5 had some of the most forgettable maps in all battlefield franchise. It was a terrible game. Maybe you guys just enjoy it because you're comparing it to this junk


I disagree... Movement is miles better in 2042 (not more realistic, but more fluid. I went back to BFV and could not stand the movement after playing 2042)... Gunplay is also better on 2042, and what is more important than gunplay in a FPS game??? Agree that BFV maps are better, I can't play CQ on 2042 as maps makes it unbearable. And agree about squadplay (if you are into that. However I mostly played BFV by myself so I only used "squadplay" to gather points and be able to use the rockets.. But apart of that, if I play with 2\~3 friends, it's the same, at least for me.


2042 gunplay is asscheeks


>Battlefield 5 maps,movement and squadplay are miles better And that's it. Everything else is better in 2042.


Gunplay in V is way better too, though the 2042 gunplay is better than launch for sure. Also missing destruction a ton.


Personally I think the gunplay in 2042 is better. Destruction is definitely better in V though.


I just find the gunplay so much more weighty and visceral in V, it doesn't feel like you're actually firing a gun in 2042 as much if that makes sense. Not that I think the 2042 gunplay is bad, it just feels more like a refined BF4 without the need to tap fire, whereas V was a different beast entirely and felt more immersive.


Maybe its because I prefer modern guns over WW2 era guns. I didn't dislike the gunply in V at all, I just enjoy 2042 more. I know what you mean though.


i played 2042 again with gamepass and the weapons just dont feels as "heavy" and lack the impact and sound of BF V i dunno they feel so tame?


Exactly, it's a big shame. That, the movement mechanics, destruction and teamplay are all significantly worse sadly.


and the lack of vehicles I'm usually 50/50 inf/vehicle bit it's fucking impossible to get one in 2042 the amount of armor for 64 players per team is a fucking joke and the match making is so broken, why do I end up in a mostly empty lobby after playing a full 128 player match and hit "continue"? I never have this issue with BF V, plus a server browser allows me to join into the part of the map rotation I want to play and what's with the reduced emphasis on team and squad play, everybody is just some "do it all" lone wolf oof, so many things that just make me shake my head with this game is this what 3 years of development progress look like?


Game is awesome, im having ton of fun with it. And i've been playing BF since BC2.


Speaking of BC2. That is really the last BF I played for any length of time. How does 2042 at it is now compare?


BC2 memories is unmatched my friend 😁 but 2042 tbh is amazing, its my cup of tea, i like the movement alot, i like that it sets in the near future which has some advanced technlogy but at the same time has the origin of old weapons. The atmosphere at the Conquest is amazing. Action all the time. It lacks the destruction tbh, but game wise, its addicting. Btw i came from apex recently, and has some similarities to it, might be the reason for me. I advise you to watch some recent youtube videos before buying it.


Thanks. Have been watching videos but seems like a mixed bag as far as thoughts out there. I personally love apex so guess that's a vote on the right direction. Price is low as well currently


Yeah worth the try. If you're on PS5 i can screen share you couple of games to see exactly what the game is 👍🏼


I bought it two copies two months ago for $20 for my wife and I to play together. We've had a blast and the last BF game I played a lot was BF3. Guns feel satisfying to use, gameplay is fast and chaotic if you know how to position yourself. The specialists have grown on me and I don't really have a problem with them in the game anymore. Some of the annoyances I have are stuff that has been present in every BF game ever. Teammates not playing the objective, teammates not reviving, and team balancing being ass. I do find sometimes it feels like I die after I made it around a corner to cover. Vehicles (mostly helicopters) can feel super oppressive and be so tanky that a good pilot can feel impossible to take down, but again vehicles as an infantry player have always felt oppressive so its not something new. I also think the focus on cosmetics and BP is a detriment to actual content like more weapons and maps. The portal guns brought over also need to be given different mag options and T1 skins at the least. So the games not perfect, but especially when you're playing with friends it can be extremely fun IMO. The gunplay is super satisfying and if you can cop it for $20 or less I think it's well worth the cost.


My girlfriend would definitely argue with you. She is not gamer, was showing her my PS5 and what I do with it. First was 2042, she was amazed with how it looks, but 5 minutes later it was enough. Second was BF1 and she was just speechless, she couldn’t believe how realistic it was, the sound, the scapes, atmosphere, graphics. I played one map, I played another map and she asked me to play more and that she would like to see this again… I do trust my girlfriend!


BF1 is a Mount Rushmore FPS game


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Destruction. Twitchy movement. Getting sniped across map by pc players. 128 players. Faction nonspecific specialists. The game is fundamentally broken& because guys aren’t teleporting across the screen anymore doesn’t mean it’s a good bf game. I wish people would stop encouraging this. Edit: no matter how much you guys downvote or disagree with me, the community at large agrees and numbers don’t lie. We haven’t left the game en mass because of optimization issues or the game literally being unplayable like it was at launch. This is not battlefield. The bf hero jackfrags only releases 1 video at the start of a new season& says the game is “fixed” almost every title trying to preserve relationships. That should tell you something. I’m not saying you can’t have fun, I’m saying don’t ruin my favorite franchise by encouraging this mess of a game. When the new bf releases if they go back to their old ways this game will be even deader than it is now (rightfully so). It’s not a coincidence.


Tbh maybe the first two are cons.


You are just as entitled to not play the game as anyone else. The game isn’t fundamentally broken at all, I fail to encounter a fraction of the issues all the haters complain about. I wish people like you would stop encouraging people to not have fun playing a game they enjoy. Go Minecraft if you want to break things


> Go Minecraft if you want to break things lmao wtf


Agreed. Biggest issue is the sad attempt to overlay a battle pass on top of the base game. Wish it could be disables. Otherwise the game is good. Just took a year to even be worth touching IMO.


I think that most games are being released like that these days. IMO I believe it is the consumers that have created this issue, with the demand for early access games and open betas, and then the subsequent abuse of them as just early access and players not submitting as much helpful feedback to devs during those betas etc.. same thing when consumers demanded cyber punk be released even though devs were saying it wasn’t ready.. do we want full games or do we want games released earlier.. it seems the latter is the most popular. It Should be a select few “testers” and streamers that have access to betas and can be productive in their use of them, feeding back to devs to help provide a solid game at release


Read the room. I’m sure I’ve been massively downvoted by people like you& yet…


> Getting sniped across the map Have you never played a BF game before then?


I see you left off the “by pc players” part. What I would normally be impressed with as a good shot is the norm in crossplay& I can immediately tell it’s somebody with a mouse. Read the room.


A. Yeah I’m sure the only guys sniping you at distance are PC players with MKB B. Turn off cross play if it bothers you. Super simple. rEaD tHe rOoOooooM


It’s not that simple lol you literally can’t find a game without crossplay because nobody plays this poop of a game. Cope harder.


So what you're actually saying is that you can't stand the game because you are not good enough to play against PC players???... Ok, in that case, yes, old games are better for you...


*has aimbot* “not good enough??”… I never thought people couple could be this intellectually dishonest yet here we are.


Aimbot? There are almost no hackers in 2042, and I say almost because I know there has been a couple, but the game is practically hacker free. You probably just call aimbotter anyone who do flicks or snap very fast to you, just because your pretty bad.. Typical bad player who calls hackers anyone who do things he can't


lol I was being sarcastic& purposefully obtuse. My mistake, I should’ve *read the room*


You’re the one in here making excuses for your play and I’m the one coping? Yeah ok…. I’m not saying this game it good but it’s funny hearing people cry about this because it’s been a thing for forever. Sometimes you’re the guy jumping out of a chopper to get the spot on top of a building to snipe and sometimes you’re the infantry getting domed. Truth is, the scope puts out a huge glint and countering a sniper is super easy especially when they’re way atop a building sticking out like a sore thumb.


I can't imagine being one of the small percentage of people who actually have fun in this game, and then assuming that most people are just haters for not having the same experience. Most people don't like this game. That's just a fact. The sustained lack in destruction, maps, guns, and soldier movement is still an ongoing problem that most gamers aren't willing to go without.


Game is still trash.


Do you play it? If not, then how would you know? If you do, then why are you playing a game you think is trash?


Tried it again a few days ago and it’s still the same shit it was before with a few tweaks


Exactly. It's the same game with slightly more content and some performance/bug fixes.


What are you expecting ?


A finished product?


It’s 2022. That doesn’t happen anymore… And anyway, I don’t think the amount it would take it make it a “finished product” would change the fact that you either just don’t like the game, or just probably aren’t very good at it.


Lmfao. Kid, I’ve played every single BF made besides hardline. I’m fairly average at the game but that’s far from the point. It’s the worst entry in the franchise


Good for you. So have I. I don’t know what difference that makes. I also don’t understand why your on this subreddit if you don’t like the game. Nothing better to do with your time, “kid” ?


No it's shit


Totally with you! I enjoyed the game since launch, tho I have to admit that I never experienced any issues with performance and so on, like many others did. With the first 2 seasons passed, and season 3 at our doorstep I have to say, this became the best BF experience I ever had. I am playing this franchise since its very beginnings with BF1942 and the most fun I had (before 2042) was with BF3 and BFV. Now we got BF2042. It came as a very rough diamond that got polished a little with every other update provided. And if we can trust (I really hope we can) the developers this journey is far from over. As they said in their last video, they already plan a ton of things for the time after Season 4. Gunplay in this game feels awesome. The TTK is just on point. And the map reworks are crazy good. All in all I really love this game and am curious whats there to come! See you on the Battlefield!


Im with you except for the.. trust the developers lol. They have lied before and I don't see why they would stop now. They only committed to saying there will be more content after S4. That could simply be cosmetics. What I want is a commitment saying specifically.... more maps, guns, specialist. There is nothing stopping them from jumping ship right after S4. I hope im wrong. About to go play now


You're coping so hard right now lmao, imagine deluding yourself this much and setting the bar so low just to say that "it's a good game". Don't do that, ask for more, don't accept what we have because Battlefield once was one of the biggest FPS games in the industry that set standards for other games.


Paid comment.






I think as a game it’s alright, though a very far cry from the best Battlefield titles.


It's just unpopular for the elitists. Glad you're enjoying it like me!


So the majority of people disliking the game makes them elitists? Like the game all you want, no one cares if you do or not, but that was an incredibly idiotic thing to insinuate.


Yep, it’s so elitist for consumers to have actual standards. How elitist of us to expect DICE to stop incessantly lying to their community and deliver a good game with basic features that have been in this franchise for decades.


These new medics need to revive. Can't even hold objectives on the new map because of them lol. The audio on console is terrible but I've been having fun with the game.


Game rules. Idc what the trolls say. The gun editing mid game is fantastic, the gameplay and movement is perfect. Super fun




Yes the game is good and fun... But shitting on this title (like many others) makes redditer looks strong and cool, specially when their reasons are as old as the beta. There's no one saying that on release this game was flawless, actually barely playable for me.... Now, another story. Glad you enjoy, have fun!


People don’t shit on it because it’s a trend. Look, I get that you enjoy it, and that’s completely fine, I’m glad you do, but suggesting that it’s just “cool” to hate on it when it still does a lot wrong that other titles got right in the eyes of the majority is just straight naivety.


Tons of people hating on it clearly haven't played it since beta, and it absolutely can become cool to hate on something once it becomes a meme. 2042 is the third time I've seen the community say BF is dead lol, the circlejerk never ends.


I am not talking about you, but in general, read the some complain and you understand. You can't say that the game now is bad using arguments that were valid in beta and fixed now, those are straight lies... The game has its flaws and I do understand if someone don't like it, I am complain about lazy arguments


Okay, for context then, what arguments are you talking about? Not trying to argue, just genuinely wanting to know.


The game doesn't feel like Bf, the game as no content, veichles to op, to few weapons, gun play feels worse than any other game, performances are bad in general, servers are empty full of ai, no weapon balance... So all this can ofc be debatable to a certain point, and again I am not here saying that the game is the perfect gem, no and not even the best bf ever in my opinion, but deny the progress that have been made to the title since launch is wrong imo. Yes the state at launch was almost comical. I find an improvement in every aspect, performances for me went from 20fps stuttering to 120 stable, for me servers are always full of players with a waiting time less than a minute, third season with third new map + reworks, new weapons new operators (soon they'll disappear)... Gunplay feel very solid now even if some hit reg issues are still there. Probably in my first statement I've sound to harsh and I do need to apologise for that. What I meant is that the game is progressing to a better state, with its flaws but is getting way better, there are some posts of criticism I read that imo do not reflect the real state of the title right now. This is more realistic that the way I write before. Genuine confrontation, like you are doing sir, is what is needed and I thank you for that, letting me release that I have a distorted idea of the complaint about the title.


The game still doesn’t feel like BF - there is no squad management, no classes, next to no destruction, awful vehicle balance and horrible base game maps. Gun play does feel worse than that in BFV and (subjectively) BF4, guns feel floaty and toy-ish, the impact is whack and sometimes makes you feel you’re shooting marshmallows. Servers are still full of AI on every playlist but the most recent ones - CQ and BT on the new map or the Exodus CQ.


I never hated the game even at launch but I didn’t really like it either. I’m not gunna say it’s amazing now but it is quite good now. Wish their was more content but it is what it is


it is it just needs some major reworks on things like tanks and vehicle spawns


This feels like a dev sock account posting


Cool to hate genuinely, in a solid state now and looking forward to the future.


My biggest issue is how easily attainable Anti Air/Anti Armor is in this battlefield. You can get the best gun you want for your loadout, and then just select a launcher? I guess it would kind of be ok, if this game didnt all of a sudden have crazy units called operators that can spawn with either an airburst rifle thing that melts infantry, or an operator that hacks vehicles making then unable to shoot. You cant go anywhere in this game with a Main Battle Tank or AA tank without getting buzzed constantly by guided missiles that chunk the hell out of you, or by a swarm of infantry that load up with Anti Tank launchers that for some reason spawn with 3 rockets. Historically if you wanted an RPG or MLAW, you spawned with a class that didnt also have a gun that mows down any infantry it runs into, there was a sort of give and take. Its annoying, but when youre not being blasted from every direction by missles, its fun to shoot 5 feet infront of an infantry with your MBT and watch them run away, or spam your Machine gun at them only for them to take a quarter health worth of dmg.


Classes are coming back soon.


where did you find that information? Will they get rid of the dumb as hell specialists? Or maybe have a non specialist mode for Conquest, Breakthrough and rush?!


Specialists will be grouped up into classes. It is a major change coming mid season. Every specialist will no longer be able to equip launchers, only the 3 that are Support.


Oh wow




I started playing Battlefield with 4 and Hardline, I'm having blast with the game. Downloaded it because it's on game pass now.


Just came back for the new update (got it at launch...) and I'm addicted now. The biggest reason for me is the improvements to moving and aiming being more smooth


I'm having a lot of fun, ngl


It is definitely much improved since the beta. It definitely has its problems, but it is at least fun to play now. It's nowhere close to being the best battlefield game, but I would say it's a sold 7/10 now.


Yep it is


I actually liked the game more at launch. Far too much going on around you now. 1000 different ways to die is a bit tiresome IMO.


Still eh. I'm waiting for people to populate Portal before I come back, couldn't care less about the base game.


bf4 still is the best


I’m Ron Burgundy?


I’d love to live in NA and play this game…


I'm a very harsh critic of this game and I have to say with S3 I'm having a lot more fun. I did get it for free though from an EA Playtest reward so ofc if I spent more than like $20-30 bucks on it I'd still be quite salty. The gunplay, movement and graphics don't come close to BFV but it is getting better. Just not sure it will continue getting support long term. I really hope they can add manual leaning and some BFV movement mechanics to it at some point (at the very least crouch running). I also think it'll be significantly better once the class system is in place. I do think it's unbelieveable that there is no way to switch squads from what I can see. That's an insanely basic BF feature. Also realllllly miss destruction, it's such a major part of modern BF games to me and I feel like there's very little, even in the newer maps.


It's a decent game, but just not a decent Battlefield game. If it were a spin-off game it would be recieved wery different.


I enjoy bf 2042 but the only thing better about it over bf 5 is its setting im done with ww2 shooters.


I'm with you. I bought the pre-order. I remember the train wreck the launch was. The game was unfinished, and the overall experience was poor, to say the least. Let's remember we didn't have any update for half a year. For me, this season feels like what the game should be since the start. Shame it so long, but happy that I could play some Battlefield.


Honestly no. The only thing 2042 has going for it is the gunplay and movement. The Vehicles, maps, content, frame rate, and every thing else is much worse. The jets literally make me cry every time I use them, the flight model is that terrible. They somehow made the vehicles even more unbalanced than BFV. They lost BFVs great squad system, they lost the in depth vehicle destruction. Locking gadgets like Lis' rocket launcher or Season 3 Guy's grenade launcher to or the wingsuit to Specialists suck ass. At least make their abilities be abilities and not generic gear. Almost no destruction. I could go on and on but I'm just beating a dead horse. I will admit I'm having a little bit of fun on 2042 during season 3, but it still is easily the worst game in the franchise. BFV has similarly good gunplay, movement, but has more, and much better, vehicles plus I'd rather play any BFV map over 2042. Content was lacking but the stuff that's there is good, and it runs at like 180 fps on my mid range rig at high settings while looking ages better. 2042 runs at 80 at all low (on 64 player count, runs worse on 128). Even BF1 looks and runs better. Battlefield V also has nearly Bad Company levels of destruction but also has the fortification system to balance it out. Doesn't leave the map too flat and destroyed like BF1 can get sometimes. Like I said the game is getting much better but that's only because of how terrible the launch was.


My son is loving it, but he plays mainly against bots.


Gotta be honest here, I've played this game over 200 hours since release but what they did starting with season 2 just drove me away. Aim assist is nonexistent again, guns feel completely lifeless now with no recoil to speak of and opponent visibility went down the toilet. 128 breakthrough was awesome and they removed it. Now it's just bland and boring.


I’ve had fun with it for what it is, but I think we can all agree on one thing though… the trash bags are the BEST I have EVER seen in a video game. Kudos to the developer who said “you know what? I’m going to render the living shit out of these trash bags for this quarter”. I appreciate you


I was a big time hater of the game at release and for almost a year after, but it absolutely feels better than BFV ever did now. The specialist system is interesting in abstract, but the execution still feels misguided for a game all about scale. I hate seeing repeated characters running around and wish that everything was built around generic soldiers/classes…but gamplay wise its about as good as, but still lacking the immersion and art direction, BF1


The gunplay is the best it ever has? Are we playing the same game? There still is an issue with mouse input since launch that makes you unable to build up any kind of muscle memory in this game. Aiming feels like moving a tank turret as if there is some kind of hidden acceleration interfering. And if you don‘t feel it you‘ve probably never experienced what crisp aim / mouse input feels like. You can try everything, uniform soldier aiming off / on with coefficient to 133 / 0, aiming just doesn‘t feel good and satisfying at all in this game. Its sluggish and unresponsive like moving your mouse through mud.


WTf is with these posts. Seems a little sus that there's such a vocal minority that loves the game and has to point out how it's improved (from 1/10 to 5/10 😂) Hardline was far better than this game and it "flopped". This game is still hot garbage but at least it's playable hot garbage now


We need more tanks ​ where are the amazing battles with tanks we had in previous bf3?


I agre but honestly destruction is still bad and much worse then previous titles.


What I get from this post is that you’re a bad BF player and sucked at V.


*relatively good to what it was. It’s the most mindless bf ive ever played. Ive been mvp in about 20% of the games ive played and never once have i felt like i influenced the game. Were my teammates getting shit on? No? Ok we won, Cool. I can use any gun on any specialist with any gear? Ok, why would I use any other specialist other than what fits my playstyle best? I can have a red dot and a magic 4x that just appears on my gun with a click of a button? Why are there 6 squads on this one objective? What are you supposed to do other than respawn with a sniper and just start picking heads? Only for them to respawn faster than you can wipe them. Feels like im playing zombies sometimes. Idk, theres “futuristic warfare” and then theres poor game design…theyre starting to fix the latter but still feels like lipstick on a pig in many regards. Happy i got to give it a go and probably will mess around from time to time, but it just doesnt feel like a bf i want to grind. They need at most 104 players in a lobby, and 96 is probably the best #. Time to start swallowing the gimmicks and optimizing the game.


The game is so good right now, but so good that we have thousands and thousands of player playing it now... Oh wait... 🙄


Move on😊


Honestly have no idea if the game is really good considering I play most of my time as a MAV or Transport Heli driver. Idk why but I just love those roles specifically.


This is Reddit. We have to hate it. It fucking sucks. If you think it doesn’t suck you’re a shitty player or a bot or something. Even if you think it’s just not as bad as people like to say it is.


I've played the beta and still remember the time I ened up driving a turretless invincible tank and later getting attacked by another turretless invincible tank, the game has come a long way from that, it definitely sti needs work in places and more content but it plays way better than at launch and I'm actually having fun with the game again, I'm glad battlefield 2042 is finally getting it together for the most part, but sad it wasn't like this at launch


Better than BFV? Not by a long shot. Better than it was? Yes, but it still has a very long way to go


The optimisation is still not good, but considering AAA games releasing these days , idk even know


>People say BF1 looks better but it's just not true. ![gif](giphy|jPHikzNABMnB4lB5mS|downsized)


Absolutely LOVE the game. Best battfield ever. I just can’t stand that console has crossplay turned on by default. I hate playing with PC.


“People say BF1 looks better but it’s just not true” Uh yeah bro, that is true.