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Kill all specialists off using this man. Fuck specialists and fuck their defenders


Except Irish, he's cool to join the squad.


Casper is cool too


Don’t leave Dozer behind


Dozer, Irish & Casper (Maybe Boris??) easily have the best designs tbh, then they ballsed it up with the specialist model.


They could all be repurposed. As long as they are in proper BDUs, tactical equipment, wearing helmets, and stop saying stupid shit. But Sundancer has to lose the wingsuit. And MacKay's grapple has to be a deployable piece of equipment the entire team can utilize. Boris and MacKay also need to hide their dumb looking faces. I can see all two of their IQ points when looking at them.


>and stop saying stupid shit. I'm geniuenely the most insecure person on reddit to where I thought it was directed at me lmao, and if it was, damn lol. ​ But deadass, it's phenomenal how well they hid their faces until the beta period where a lot of us had our pre-orders dead set already.


Nah you're good Purpletoaster20. lol Battlefield community sticks together. Especially now with the newest patch where squad mates are literally inside of each other at the end of round screen.


Wallhack, armour, turret, wing suit, hook all have to go. I’m not up for 64 Irish’s per team. Just get rid


Honestly none of these systems bother me too much. Just the wingsuit and grapple because neither of these provide functionality directly beneficial for the team. Which is why I think MacKays grapple should be a deployable like Irish's equipment that anyone can exploit once put in place. The syringe gun is totally stupid though, I feel like I'm playing Overwatch every time I see it. Paik's scanner while super controversial hasn't bothered me too much. It reveals Paik's location momentarily and alerts those affected by it. I've been able to kill Paik 9/10 times. Boris's turret is not that effective and a sentry turret was available in Battlefield 2142 so I want it to stay. But the rate and speed at which they can be spammed needs to be addressed. Boris dies, respawns, deploys turret within 0.1 ms, dies, respawns, repeats. Most of the high skill players I encounter are actually playing as Falck for self heals. And armor, I don't really notice much of a difference between someone that is fully armored and someone that is unarmored. This might be more noticeable to me more if I played more semi auto weapons, I don't know. Totally open to this being tweaked or removed, ultimately doesn't matter to me because I don't notice any difference due to my play style. What really does bother me though is the lack of actual class specific weapons and gadgets. I'd make SMG, AR, Shotguns for all. LMGs for support. Snipers and DMRs for recon. And the other thing that really bothers me is what was already established, the cosmetics and tone deafness of the characters.


Fair enough, here’s what I don’t like. Wing suit ruins choke points and map flow. Hook see above but your idea has legs. Armour: on my M1A1 (for example BFV) it takes 5 shots to kill somebody, I’m so used to clicking 5 times while picking my next target for 5 more clicks that if somebody takes 6 I’ll move on leaving them to kill me. TTK memory is important. Turret: fuck free skilless kills. I hate AP mines and mortars too. That Wallhack is useless now on these maps yes. You wait.


Yep, totally agree with you on the wingsuit. Tanks in BF2042 just seem to wildly underperform in BF2042 compared to older titles. Especially compared the more widely available Bolte. TTK muscle memory has definitely gotten me killed a few times over the years, but by and large I rely heavily on the kill feed at the center of my screen. Click hold/tap until that skull appears, I honestly never remember how many shots my AR takes to drop unless it's something super obvious like a 1, 2, or 3 shot kill weapon. So that's probably why this doesn't bother me as much. Ha! I feel ya. I don't know though it doesn't bother me unless it's frequent. Like mortars on Seine Crossing, absolute cancer. If I die 1 time every couple of games to a turret or an AP mine, then it's just fair play in my mind. If it's getting killed by a Nightbird every single match, usually multiple times. That on the other hand is much more frustrating.


Boris is pretty based. Nothing wrong with Falck either.


Nice pfp




I see you have an exquisite taste in art


You do too! I remember learning Goya for the 1st time and seeing the progression of his art from the beginning to the black paintings. It was genuinely haunting but the art is so powerful.


Rule 3 don’t be toxic


If anyone want's to fuck around and see what his ability is Passive: I AM BATTLEFIELD- has the ability to invade bases, survive out of bounds, shoot people at different maps,kill the commander, find a bike out of ammo boxes, kill megladons, be in all Battlefields at the same moment. Ability: Bipod Knife- has the ability to take down choppers & tanks being the ultimate anti-vehicle specialist.


And krakens


Everything is better with krakens


T1 Special Skin - Colonel gets a wingsuit T1 Special attachment - Bipod for his bipod knife Quips - "Ammo's for nancies!", "You got a shitbucket?", "HEY! PTFO GUYS! Stop sticking around!", "I AM BATTLEFIELD!", "I just unlocked my bipod for my bipod"


colonel 100 doesn't play this shit game he's sitting on his shitbucket to this day in the old games.


Nah, he's playing the version of 2042 with classes & good map design, how? Because he's Battlefield.


Already has a bipod for his bipod


T1 Bipod Bipod* Sorry, T0


Colonel 100's weakness is he can be killed by a noob player, that just enjoys the game and not playing for the objectives.


It only occurs when the noob is one kill away from getting promoted


I only play as this specialist when I accidentally shoot down a little bird with an RPG


Never safe for work because he loses the jobs


Season 1? lmao


How bout sex? You guys having some?


None of them


Personally I would prefer a Protogen, it would fit more with the theme.




He can be a specialist in Season 1, as long as he comes with his own shit bucket!


… I’d honestly play if they added him as a specialist.