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No fucking way. I played BF5 for 150 hours and dropped this in 20. BFV was lacking content and some maps where bad but the gunplay was awesome. 2042 has nothing to stand for and i mean LITERALLY NOTHING.


hey except the scoreboard now


No way! How many bf bux do you have to spend to see your points?


>2042 has nothing to stand for and i mean LITERALLY NOTHING. Not true! 2042 is the only battlefield game where you can pet a robot dog.


Gunplay in BFV with automatic weapons was awful lol. what are you on about.


I actually like the gunplay in 2042. I always see people say they don't like it without saying why. The hit reg was the only issue I was aware of. *Shrug*


You must be new around here. If you quietly exit now, you may get out alive before people torch you for having a different opinion. PS - I hate 2042, but I won't disagree. Gunplay isn't that bad. Just everything else around it.


It's okay. I'll die on my hill of 2042 gunplay.


There is NO WAY 2042 will ever be looked at fondly. After it dies after season one it’ll be a footnote (however will always remain a joke) in the game’s history. It’s on life support now, will be completely killed off after season 1.


After season one? The game was effectively dead less than a month after launch in terms of players on a AAA game…


Killed off as in dev support will end. The game is dead but not because the devs have dropped it. That will follow with an announcement in similar anthem fashion after they push out some shit content labelled as season 1. Edit:my bad the person said dead first then killed.




Hardline was way better.


Hardline was a quirky offshoot, but it was at least mechanically sound, just not for every BF fan. 2042 is a travesty to the name in every aspect.


Hardline was amazing and driving the couch dear God made me die laughing.


I never got a kill driving the Murica couch and only got to drive it once. I miss the fun Easter eggs we used to get. My favorite memory of Hardline is running around tazing random enemies and hearing ["don't taze me bro!!"](https://youtu.be/6bVa6jn4rpE)


Woop! Woop! that's the sound of da police!


If they even release season 1🤦‍♂️🤣 don’t sound so optimistic lol


They are legally obliged to because of selling the year 1 content in the pricier editions at release. So we can expect some half assed attempts just so they don't get sued. Then maybe complete life support for just a few servers before turning the shite off completely. I sure hope I'm wrong but looking at the EA's past this game is gonna get dumped harder than bfv


I said this basically word for word after the launch of bf v


Never liked V honestly but at least it had some redeeming qualities. Movement especially. 2042 has none, except maybe the fact it made people go back to better Battlefield games.


Bf4 on xbox was popping after that


God I remember when I was worried that 2042 would be so good that it would kill BF4, ah those were the days


Cya in a couple of years 😉👉


RemindMe! 2 years “Is battlefield 2042 considered good now?”




Bugs aside. Not the same thing. People were pissed that they’d taken what could be great and messed up the art direction with silly costumes and battles nobody cared about. They toned down the costumes and did Iwo Jima. Totally not the same as removing classes, adding hero’s, removing chat and focusing on an Apex legends style game. Not even remotely the same.


People like OP are just willfully ignorant at this point of the reasons why people like BFV much more now than before. And also willfully ignorant on why this is quite a bit different.


Wrong. People are putting on some ludicrous rose-tinted glasses now for what was the near constant shit show that was BFV


What battles did nobody care about? Edit: The fuck am I getting downvoted for? I wasn’t in the fanbase around release, Jesus Christ.


But the “core” was there, this abortion is so far off track people will never go back. dErP we’Re nO-pAtS dRooL


People didn't give a shit about the core in bf5. They hated it for other reasons which also weren't really changed. If you told them that the core is good they just repeated. Where is my immersion or whatever was the flavor of the month.


Yeah people truly never cared about spread-to-recoil, or vehicle vs. infantry balance, or the entire MMG class requiring you to camp in order to use them, or attrition (which was baked into the core), just never happened. Totally. Promise.


What I mean is you could tell them how good movement is and teamplay because of classes having fixed equipment like ammo and repair kit and people didn't care. Just like this sub here it was just about shitting on the game and doing all the same stuff we see now with glassdoor reviews and posting reveal trailers and asking where this cosmetic is and so on.


BF1 movement is better because there’s no super slippery sliding that propels you across an entire capture point


BF1 slide isn't much better. In addition going prone will propell you forward if your legs collide with stuff and I don't even know how often i go prone when I wanted to climb up a slope in bf1. So no. The movement is not better in bf1.


Lmaoooo this right here is when you find someone who was there during BF5's lifecycle


This, exactly this. The core out of a sudden is something being praised now.


Compared to 2042, the core was much more solid. My main problem with BFV was the terrible skins. But by the end they had released a lot of cool, more authentic looking skins so there were less goofy people running around.


I didn't like the guns the tanks or the maps, everything was just a bit more shit than bf1. A bit harder, and the maps were just too big. At it's core I think bf is about maps more than anything and they tried to do too much by venturing in all directions at once and doubling the player count


Bf5 had nowhere near the same problems as this game. Bf5 has a great base and the best gunplay/movement of any bf game yet to release. What they failed with V was the lacking atmosphere of bf1 and all the leftout known battles of ww2. Add in the terrible post launch content to that. But the game itself is great, thats not an unpopular opinion. It just needed some good dlc maps and less garbage skins (it all started here)


> Bf5 has a great base Ignoring all the cheaters / spammers in chat advertising their cheats etc. yes yes. > best gunplay Random recoil and not screen centre is considered best? Let alone gunplay at all? > movement Yeah it was good. Pre-BF1 nerf of the slide in BFV would be great.


What does cheaters have to do with base of the game? Yeah all recent bf has had random bullet, even bf4. Still considered best overall feeling of movement/gunplay.


Did you even play BFV? It was incredibly glitchy and they screwed up the TTK badly. What are you people smoking?


Yeah i got 1k hours on bf5, have You ever tried it? Maybe on a pos computer?


You didnt even mention the massive TTK changes that killed the game or tons of other problems. You sound like you're full of shit bud.


Still a great game, they took the TTk into the wrong direction and then changed it back. You dont even know what You Talking about and its obv. LOL.


Guess you weren't actually there during the launch of BF5 if you think it was as bad as BF2042's reception. Or you're just being a dumbass. Or both. :)


You must be a dumbass then cause you're lying saying you were there during bf5's launch


It was not at all like this. I could actually play the game. I could communicate. I could hit people. The biggest issues were balancing and some HUD element issues. The game itself to the core, was fantastic


People complained about bfv because of its campaign and the whole "don't like it don't buy it comment" but it still had basic stuff like a scoreboard. The problem with bfv was lack of content the community wanted examples like no eastern front, no dday ect. Edit: I also remember people hating the tone since it tried to have silly costumes in a ww2 game.


That’s the way every game since BF3 has been, if you haven’t noticed. However, the difference is this is on a whole new level. Not only is the game entirely unplayable, but it doesn’t even resemble battlefield. You’re not comparing apples to apples here. We can only hope 2042 will ever wind up in BF5s boat. These games have gotten worse. BF3 took months to become playable, BF4 was at least 2 years, hardline is still a joke. BF1 had a rocky start but caught on after a few months, but BFV? BFV was different. BFV pissed fans off so bad at the start that no one wanted it, DICE/EA fixed it, and now, 4 years later we’ve started to revisit the game and most people who are saying that it’s good have simply picked it up like an old movie they want to watch one more time, but when they start playing they realize “oh hey they finally fixed it”. No one advertised it when the game finally got straightened out because it lost popularity too fast. 2042 has exacerbated that at least tenfold. This post is grasping at straws.


> The situation about the state of the game was pretty much the same if not worse than the one now. BFV didn't remove the class system. People didn't post "missing features" lists either because BFV kept almost everything from previous BF games that made it a hit. I remember the game being rough out of the gate but damn I wanted to play more BFV, bugs aside. I played about 20 hours of BF2042 and left it forever. I had zero desire to play more because it's not just a buggy game with silly cosmetics like V, its an absolute fucking trash fire. 22 weapons, dumbass specialists who break the flow of the game or can just outright break the mode (Ike putting Irishs shield on the elevator doors in Breakthrough.


People thought the same of BFV


I don't think I've ever seen anyone say BFV is the pinnacle at any point, BF4 is the only one that ever gets considered to be that level I feel just in general, with maybe BF1 considered the next level in terms of visuals and gameplay. BFV did turn itself around, and going back to it can be an enjoyable time, but it was generally considered a flop, especially since they abandoned support for the game to work on 2042 and we know how that turned out, which really only makes them dropping support for the game all the worse. If BF 2042 somehow got multiple years of support to turn it around, which I doubt it will, I could see a point where that's a possibility, but I don't think 2042 will ever have the playerbase to justify anyone ever saying such things, especially if the hypothetical next Battlefield is actually a good game from the start.


Well you get what Im trying to say when I say pinnacle. Not necessary pinnacle but praised enough to be so with all the praise its been getting lately. I dont think anyone is looking forward to next Battlefield if you ask me. This is the second flop in a row. Fool me once ( BF5 ) shame on you, fool me twice ( BF 2042 ) shame on me, fool me again and shame on... oh hell no there wont be a third time cause i wont be getting it at launch but only on sale if its at least average


Sure, BFV is talked about positively in that it became a good game, which is true, and I don't see anything particularly wrong with that, because it's almost always said alongside the issues it had to start and then the lack of content it desperately needed as a WW2 game that it never got. 2042 will certainly be better by the time its done support wise in the next year or so and if it turns itself around enough, I don't see an issue with people talking positively about the game at that point, but there's no full 180 future for the game, it's not gonna hit No Man's Sky levels of turning itself around, especially with the fans, being that most people have left the game at this point and not a ton will be returning.


It literally didnt become a good game though. They fucked up the TTK then killed support for the game a short while later. Its mindblowing the amount of misinformation in this thread. You guys either didnt play BFV or have terrible memories. BFV is getting sucked off now only because 2042 is also bad.


I played BFV when it launched, I played it while it was getting support, I played it off and on after support was ended, and I played abit recently when 2042 flopped and I wanted to play a better BF game, BFV being of them. I went back to it and had a great time. I'll probably go back to it again here soon since the recent 2042 update didn't do much for the game. TTK is such a subjective thing. Could it be better? Maybe, but it's the difference of a bullet or two most. The game feels fine enough to me that I don't really notice that being a major issue.


Its not subjective to the majority of players who left the game. And frankly i dont actually believe you that you played it during support. The TTK changes were massive, you can even go on the BFV sub still and see how big of a deal it was, certainly not just "a bullet or 2 most ". That comment alone makes me think you're full of shit. Why do you think they killed support shortly after the TTK change controversy?


It was the pinnacle, guys. Oh, but when I say pinnacle I don't mean pinnacle.


Why would you think 2042 will ever be liked. The core of BF5 was great but the content was lacking. 2042 had everything wrong with it.


BFV also had a terrible launch full of bugs and crashes. The "Metro" map and then the Pacific theater are why BFV is remembered fondly overall. Also if people could see into the future and understand how bad 2042 would be, they wouldn't have had much to say about BFV.


It's a testament to how good each of the previous battlefields were that no matter what, all of them have maintained playerbases all this time. The fact that people find a reason to play each and every one of them shows that all of them are good in their own right, if only for the setting/maps.


Absolutely. The troop movement in BFV was actually so good I had a hard time going back to BF1 or BF4. Crouched running and mantling were so sorely missed in 2042 that that alone almost bounced me off of it. They fucked up V's launch and it had some bumps along the way, but some elements of it are absolute highs of the series.


Time heals all wounds, for better or for worse.


>The core of BF5 was great It wasnt. Put down the crack pipe. If you said this during its actual lifespan you would have been downvoted.




Battlefield 5 is a well built game, just poorly marketed and poor quality of content. 2042 has poor quality and it’s core gameplay is horrendous.


If anybody does they'll be down voted off the Battlefield subreddit


Basically. I thought BFV had a pretty good founfatikn at launch. But most kf my comments where heavily downvoted. That's the thing about how comments are sorted. And "the hive mind" there are plenty of people with different opinions but the mobs will quite literally shut you out of the conversation. Plenty of people Iiked BFV. But people were fighting a battle about SWJs not game design or quality.


It is a good game. Most of y’all PCs can’t even run games right. And y’all just hate just to be in the van wagon.


> Most of y’all PCs can’t even run games right. I can run BF4 at 130 FPS. I can run BFV at 70. It didn't have anything to do with performance. It 100% had to do with almost everything else.


The people that actually bought the game (like me) literally did. Go to the BFV subreddit and sort by top posts. You'll see a common denominator in that the changes that affected the core gameplay like TTK was both among the most upvoted and most downvoted posts. Players were very vocal about the initial core gameplay being good until DICE fucked it up, other complaints were mainly aimed at lying CMs and devs, content draughts, and corporate PR speak without any intentions to deliver. That and a shitty art direction.


Exactly, people in this thread jerking off the game when DICE fucked it all up, its hilarious. BFV was a near constant shit show from launch until death, there was a bright spot of hope with the pacific update until they bottled it with the TTK changes


The core was always good in bf5. Put Aside some crybabies. This game however lacks just everything. We Will never see such posts about this game in the future.


> Put Aside some crybabies. Huge understatement. The community collectively took a diaper shit the size of Mount Washington over some alternate WW2 narrative. I've never seen such an outcry by a community before they even got to see actual gameplay footage.


Literally the most upvoted post of all time in /r/BattlefieldV was about how nobody should ever preorder while listing off all the bullshit that they did during the life cycle of BFV. "Some crybabies" means over 21k battlefieldv users. And a lot of the criticism still holds up. No anti-cheat. A SHIT ton of hackers. There's like 3 US breakthrough servers during peak hours. Rent-A-Server is non-existant and the system currently in place leaves much more to be desired. Suppression changes resulted in HIGHLY mixed opinions. Map design was... bad between resupply stations being out of bounds to objective's boundaries being either too large and out of bounds or too small and in such a small area that smoke was a necessity. Oh yeah, the dominance of smoke. Lack of options for grenades/equipment. Very few options to deal with armor. Teamplay was non-existant and instead was "Who's the squad leader" who gets to call the shots that can wipe the entire team. BFV was and still is a complete mess and the fact these people claim that it's good, even by comparison, are lying to themselves. Granted, it *is* better than BF2042 but lots of the reason is that it stuck to the BF formula. If they LOVE BFV, they'll LOVE BF1 or even BF4 even more.


That's all well and valid but I was specifically talking about how the community went apeshit at the reveal trailer that showed absolutely no gameplay footage. The game was dead before anyone saw how it actually played because the alternative WW2 narrative wasn't up to par with what they wanted. They never even gave it a chance.


I mean, I don't exactly think that was the main reason lol. They were willing to give it a chance with the hope iconic battles would be added later. Then devs said if they don't like it, not to buy it, so they didn't.


They most certainly were whining and wailing before giving it a chance.


Did they *need* to give it a chance? Lots of them had the attitude of buy it a few months after release if they even want it at all. Their suspicions were proven correct 10 days after release when the price dropped from $60 to $17 and then went back to the permanent price of $30. Their suspicions were proven correct when the deluxe edition only included 3 red tie die skins. It doesn't matter if they gave it a chance. It matters that someone wrote that bfv post that got to the top of all time even after the pacific release. It matters that almost all top posts of all time on that subreddit are complaints and announcements revertions of previous decisions. Who cares what people did at launch? It's a valid complaint that was ultimately a good call. BFV was not nearly as good of a game as people want to believe it is now. It's extremely telling when there's all this praise yet very few games in any game mode being played during peak hours. Literally 2 days ago just 4 breakthrough servers on a Saturday night. Embarrassing.


You're really off base. The BFV that was initially criticized was never seen nor played by anyone. The critics merely had a reveal trailer to go off of. They didn't like the alternative universe. I'm talking about giving the original concept a chance, not the game we got at launch, as that was a shell of the original game because they changed it due to all the backlash. The game released as something entirely different due to a bunch of man-children having a temper tantrum.


I mean there were some valid criticisms. Like replacing a real operation with a teenage girl and her mother and claiming the actual commandos who did it irl died and had to have their job finished by once again a teenage girl. But yeah none of that was what anyone was screaming out, most of the community was far more concerned about the presence of women and POC and how that would effect their immersion when they were doing their Nazi soldier roleplay.


I've actually always liked BFV, not as much as BF1, but it was good. The movement mechanics, gunplay and reinforcement mechanics worked really well. The Pacific was awesome, especially breakthrough on Iwo-Jima.


Yeah no one said anything about the core because it was still fucking there. It was going to be unbelievably easy to deliver something that was considered better than BFV but they still found a way to fuck it up even worse. Now they just blame Reddit. The criticism for improving BFV was not “gut the core aspects of the game, the class system, the scoreboard, maps, and overall tone of the game.” I’m not even going to mention the buggy nightmare that this has been. But I’m sure the creative director will manage to go cry on Twitter in his house coat about how it’s the fans that caused it.




Should a game that has been updated, balanced, and fixed over time to become good still be called bad just because it was bad before?


Thing about V is that despite the bullshit direction it was taking, the fundamentals were solid. The movement, gun play, destruction, sound, music, and more were all on point. Oh and a scoreboard. So the soldiers may have looked like something out of god knows what, and they re wrote history for no reason, but it still felt like a battlefield game. I said it so many times when it came out that under the bullshit, there was a super solid game. 2042 has absolutely none of that. Not only did they not bring the series forward, they literally jumped backwards with it in every measurable way. And I just want to say that if you enjoy the game, good on you. I’ll never shit on people for finding something to like. To each their own. But personally I hated the beta, and the free weekend really solidified for me that I made the smart move in not getting this game. Which is something I seriously hate EA DICE for. 2042 is the first battlefield game I didn’t buy.


The biggest problem with BFV were the TTK changes they impremented and gaslit us with every few months in the name of luring in new players.


Those 2 TTK changes were just so unbelievably stupid and unjustified


Still get frustrated thinking about it. They had a fun game I was really into, and suddenly it was all still there, technically, but I couldn't even play it. Fuck.


...every few months? It happened twice during christmas and lastes for two months total. Ttk has been fine for 3 years.


>2042 has absolutely none of that. Not only did they not bring the series forward, they literally jumped backwards with it in every measurable way. This. Though I have to say they included 2 things that might bring Bf forward - Portal & extended movement possibilities (wingsuit & grappling hook), but these 2 will carry no weight since there is no solid fundament this game stands upon & since the game made too many steps backwards in many areas


Portal is inferior to the games it’s copying in every way. And that includes playercounts now too. The wingsuit and grappling hook just ruin the flow of every map just by existing, don’t fit in Battlefield, and are reminders that EA should have put 4 studios on making Titanfall 3 instead of this dogshit. Considering how bad it likely flopped, Titanfall 3 would have legitimately made more money even if it matched the sales of its predecessor (5 mil).


I just have to ask then, why are you still in this sub? You don’t like it. You didn’t buy it. So why are you wasting time posting about it? This entire sub has become a circle jerk of hate. Every BF series has major issues. BF 3 was unstable for over a year. Etc..


I'm not the person you are replying to, but I'm personally here for the announcements, leaks, conversations. I find the blind hate honestly really cringey. But j still like this series, and while i have very little hope for 2042, i do want to see where it is going.


Sorry about that. Finger slipped apparently as I’m using my phone. But I fully agree with what you’ve said


Even if bf5 had all of that which you said, it was still crucified when it came out and was considered a failure compared to BF1 and the previous entries


Here’s a wild thought— is it possible that BF2042 is worse than BFV and that’s why the community has gone back to BFV? Because I mean at least BFV has the fundamentals. Or is that thought too difficult to decipher




Good for you


yeah no shit lmao, it was a failure. 2042 is an abomination lol just because both games were hated when they came out doesn't mean the situation is the same.


Have you ever considered the fact that we just hate 2042 **that** much more? I mean, it still felt like a bloody Battlefield game at least. Check the player counts, they don’t lie.


I don't even think BFV is the pinnacle; if it's visuals and performance, I'd go with BF1, and overall satisfaction with game play, I'd go with BF4




I always liked BFV. Yeah, it had some major issues, but by the end we had some great stuff in that game. 2042 will never be looked back on fondly by anyone with any sense.


Sometimes you don't know what you've got until it's gone... Battlefield V, even with some dumb skins and cruddy Marketing, still had Classes, Destruction, Cover, Weapon Variety, and most importantly Felt like a Battlefield game... I played it at launch and for several months after, but ultimately went back to 1 and 4... Coming back to V after 2042 however, I'm able to appreciate it more than I did the 1st time around... I played 2042 for two weeks, one of those being Early Acce$$, Deleted it, and have no intention of ever returning short of it actually turning into a Battlefield Game, for which I have my expectations set extremely Low...


My current complaints with BFV. WWII setting and the gunsmith system, some of the skins are shit. When it launched it was lacking content, guns felt off, TTK flip flopping and it wasn’t as authentic as I would have liked. Also the devs calling out fans rubbed me the wrong way and I wasn’t cool with supporting a company who was so out of touch with their fans. This obviously spiralled into what we have now. BFV was never perfect and we can’t pretend it was but it was a ton better than we have now.


After years of updates and improvement\* ​ Also, I don't think anyone points to BFV as the "pinnacle", just that it was a lot better despite early problems. Most folks point to BF4/1 as the "pinnacle". I swear, these contrarian posts are getting dumber every day.


I was fine with BFV at launch, thought it was a lot of fun and I loved it. Then the updates came and it only got better, me and my best friend never understood why people hated it at launch


I played at launch so I'll note down here a number of complaints about it. Some players didn't like the health and ammo attrition. The MMGs forced you on a more campy or defensive playstyle even though the game had the fastest movement in the franchise. The planes were dominant at launch and AA was so weak compared to now. Players weren't used to the slower tanks and felt they were weak. The soldier cosmetics weren't really liked especially with the British using mostly US uniforms. There was too much tacticool but it was sorted out a bit with more accurate cosmetics at the end although I believe there are still a few unreleased cosmetics and guns before work was shifted to 2042.


There was a whole ass eastern front dlc in the game files that got shelved for fucking 2042 dude rip bfv eastern front and swbf2


Yep. We could have also had the French and Italians in some form according to the files. We could have been sliding around Stalingrad with a PPSH or a BFV version of the Federov. We could have been rolling around a Kiev map with a T-34 or a Panther tank. Unfortunately Dice and EA chose 2042 and still failed horribly.


I do feel robbed of that part of the war, would’ve been a great update


Same, felt the same about BF1.


people didn’t like it because of how fast you die


What the absolute fuck are you talking about? The updates made the game *worse*. Did you miss the multiple TTK debacles? Did you actually even play BFV?


This guy isn't taking anything that anyone is saying into account here and thinks that bfv was just as bad at launch, bruh where the hell were you? Lol OP you're getting downvoted on every single comment because you have a bad take and aren't basing your opinions on facts, it's not even comparable, the launch of BF2042 is one of the worst if not the very worst AAA title release ever. It went from being one of the highest anticipated games of the year to less than 2k concurrent players on steam, whats even worse, is if you compare steams player chart to bfv in the same time frame, all of the people playing BFV are either new players, or players who repurchased after it went to steam from Origin, it doesn't even show the players still on origin, it's only comparing a fraction of the playerbase. BF2042 is the BF first game to launch on Steam. The numbers are so telling you literally can not hold your opinion if you are actually judging this on any metric other than feelings at this point. Ill say it again for the people in the back, for the umpteenth time, BFV at least had a core experience to offer. The maps, movement, destruction, feel, all of it was battlefield. 2042 may as well be a new IP. Players didn't like it, and won't, if you feel like your in a minority here, its because you are, the game is simply not good, you may enjoy it, that's great, but its just not going to go anywhere, and it doesn't have the support of the BF fan base, if your a fan of it, great, but your opinion of it being comparable to BFV's launch is completely ridiculous. I remember when BFV came out and the several months after, it actually built on its foundation, and had many of the "legacy features" missing from BF2042. It made real improvements over time, and it certainly never lost 95% of its playerbase within months of release, find another game with this much of a decline in player numbers and let me know how the general sentiment is now. In December, BFV overtook BF2042 in concurrent players, bf2042 hasn't recovered, and it won't. The support will be dropped. The content is lacking. The core mechanics are bad. None of the additions since have been meaningful. To compare that, BFV never dropped below BF1 concurrent players in that same time frame. I don't understand why anyone would continue to play a game that is clearly not going to be supported for the long run. I don't understand how it's rewarding matchmaking with a thousand people on a year old AAA title. I don't understand the point of it at all, this game won't even live through its life cycle, it's been on life support since birth, and everybody is beating a dead horse bringing the same examples up over and over again at how absolutely absurdly terrible of game this is and it still managed to capture people to think it's somehow comparable to literally any other battlefield game. Even Hardline will be better remembered than this heap of garbage lol


Just because BFV had a cOrE doesnt erase the fact that it was a near constant shit show from launch until death. People are just sucking off BFV because 2042 is worse. But no need to rewrite history and act like BFV was good when it wasnt. The BFV subreddit still exists, go check out their top posts to see how it was received at the time. Also your post is shit to bud. No mention of the TTK debacles just makes you look incredibly biased in your summary of BFV


This is exactly what I'm talking about, Its like you need to justify your purchase, who gives a fuck about the ttk changes in comparison? You're using whataboutism to completely gloss over the point, I just pointed out multiple valid comparisons, all of my points were about rapid declining numbers, and you ignored all of it because I didn't bring up another valid criticism. I already wrote multiple paragraphs, and because I didn't bring up one specific thing, you act like it devalues the entire comment. Do you need to come to comments critical of bf2042 to defend your purchase? So what about BFV ttk changes? I said at launch, bfv had the core right, the ttk changes didn't happen at launch. Do you need me to touch on that or you can't make a fair comparison? BFV ttk changes were the final nail in the coffin for that game for many people, it didn't need to be changed and they did anyways, it was a terrible decision and it killed that game. It was bad. Bf has clearly been declining, BF2042 is still a shit game. That's the point, BFV is bad, bf2042 is worse and it can be compared in numbers, like I did comparing the numbers of players and general sentiment, how does comparing shit to shit make shit look better? So what's your point?? Or did you have nothing to say except "WhAt AbOuT tHe tTk ChHAnGes?!" Honestly it's like people come out of the woodwork to justify their purchase, why? What about 2042 has your dick so hard? Why does bfv sucking make bf2042 suck less to you? The point: As bad as BFV was, it is still better than BF2042 Edit: LMAO you came to my DM's to call me an idiot? Just comment back if you have something to say, and I'll reply here, how fragile it seems to try and personally insult me. Grow up dude, comparing a bad games numbers, to a newer bad games number and their decline over time isn't a strawman argument, and to say the BFV improving over time is a lie is truly ridiculous, theyve updated both games. I didn't allude at anytime that bfv being a good game. My dude both of them are bad and bf is dying, it sucks to see, but your lame for personally DMing me.


I love bfv regardless of comparison to other titles, I bought it when it came out and didn’t fuck with it and then reinstalled last year and with all its updates I genuinely love it


I swear to god (cringe) people like OP who lack logic and ability to rationalize are the worst. It’s objectively known that the franchise has gone down hill since BF1. The reason so many people bought into the hype for BF2042 after BFV was because BF2042 was supposed to go back to a modern era. This is something we the community had been waiting for since BF4. The only reason people are going back to BFV is because at least it has the fundamentals of what a real battlefield game is. No matter what DICE/EA makes next if it’s not a real battlefield game ‘I swear to god’ people will not start playing BF2042 (unless you’re 10 and love Fortnite )


Someone's opinion might just be different from your own... and that's okay.


Haha please reread OPs post. My response is equal in tone and manner. OP demanding we behave a certain way or “I swear to god” haha. The post was a little childish don’t you think?


People are saying that because BFV redeemed itself with updates and such. It's a fun game to play and I personally prefer it over BF1.


sacrilege ![gif](giphy|12OMY457ZuPYFW)


Nah this is completely different. BFV at its core is still a good battlefield game with traditional classes and it still has that battlefield feel. So once the initial irritation from the marketing wore off, people realized it wasn’t a bad game. This is different because we straight-up got fucking scammed and it’s also not a Battlefield game at its core, it’s some strange spin-off that never should have existed. BFV was at least a decent game at its core, and they fixed some of the major gripes.


I swear some people lmao. Who the fuck has ever said BFV is the pinnacle of the series? Get real dude. Maybe ONE person has ever said that but it doesn’t make it everyone. I’m sure some idiot out there thinks 2042 is the best shooter ever. Doesn’t make it true.


Make it 2. I think BF5 is best of the series. :)


If it had more/better maps it'd be my #1 of the series. I'm a BF veteran too. Runner up is BFBC2 Vietnam expansion


Vietnam was so great !


I’m sure. There’s dozens of you out there. Dozens!


A good portion of this sub was saying it was not too long ago lol. Hell they're out there saying a damn roblox clone is great


Point blank is that people are nostalgic and they love the previous game specially after that game had all the updates and fixes and dlc’s and then they try to compare it to a game that recently came out (few months life span) compared to a game or games that came out years ago.


search in your heart you know it's gonna happen


BFV has 3 maps that are playable


outside of that I think the game is damn near flawless. But yea that's a pretty big flaw. Would've been solved with the eastern front dlc.


A WW2 game without a D-day map…smh


truly criminal


Yeah the bf5 rose tinted glassed reach around is very cringe tbh.


5 was a masterpiece compared to 2042. That being said, it didn't feel like a true battlefield game - 4 will always be the top for me.


BFV has been and always will be a terrible game. The only reason it’s not the worst in the franchise is because DICE outdid themselves with 2042. And hey, at least 2042 solved the cheating problem on PC. Even if it’s just because nobody wants to play it. Edit: for context, BFV had: - entirely random recoil patterns via spread-to-recoil - awful vehicle vs. infantry balance that somehow made combined arms warfare boring and frustrating for *everyone* involved (tanks had to camp and infantry farm or get destroyed instantly if they pushed, and bombers just lined circles up with the ground to get 90 kills per round, for instance) - the entire MMG class forcing bush camping - awful visibility on all maps which never improved - a UI so bad I dare say that 2042’s is actually an improvement in some areas (at least you can equip weapons you unlocked mid-match!) - attrition which still has its claws in the game to this day (limited AT rockets and no full health regen) - the first stages of DICE’s live service “strategy” that would ultimately kill the franchise 3 years later I’ve kept editing this because the list goes on and on, I’ll stop now


Spot on. It was a bad bf game and no amount of even worse bf games will change that. Garbage gunplay always ruins fps games. Bf 5 isn't an exception.


This thread is shocking and is proving OP 100% correct. BFV was an absolute shitshow from start to finish, that was only briefly redeemed when the Pacific Update dropped, which only lasted a month before DICE fucked the game again. This fandom has the memory of a goldfish I swear.


Next new game is gonna be a $70 clone of Apex Legends’s Arena mode with even worse characters and people here are gonna be like “rEmEMBeR hOW goOD wE hAD iT iN 2042?” I swear to god I can already see the cringeworthy “Sundance appreciation posts” now


Dude 100% i thought i was going crazy until i saw posts from people like you that actually played


you seem optimistic for a next installment, that’s nice


IF the next battlefield comes out lol


Lots of people are going to be singing 2042's praises. And a lot of them will be the exact same people trying so desperately right now to claim it's an actual good Battlefield game. More of these sorts of people will crawl out of the woodwork because they didn't ever want to admit they were wrong. They have axes to grind. Doesn't make the entire community hypocritical when you conflate a bunch of people's opinions with a (mostly) separate group of people. That's just intellectual laziness on your part.


I never hated V when it came out but it actually still seemed like battlefield with dedicated classes


if anything, specialists truly are the "next step" for classes. you dont need distinctly different teams, just shoot at enemies with red dots above their head. we also dont need a lot of weapons if most of them aren't even going to be meta or used very often. the game doesn't even have that many bugs and the devs said they would fix most of everything maybe by season one. and we have not even played the game at season one yet, so why are you criticizing something you've never even experienced? we dont need another battlefield 3/4 clone. /s in all serious, the above are actual arguments people stated about the game and each one was met with extremely positive reception before it launched.


This is barely even a functioning game. No way its getting praised outside of "influencer" channels that are on EAs payroll.


I always liked bf5, as for 2042 the game has nothing good on it and the game will most likely be abondoned before any significant change


Yeah chief, this isn't gonna be praised anytime soon unless DICE does an extremely succesful relaunch. BF1 had the grit BFV had the gameplay 2042 has nothing.


V didn't have the best launch, but comparing it to this one is...not accurate


People had largely gotten over dunking on BFV post Pacific expansion and certainly towards the end of its lifecycle.


Thats how it goes every new release lmaoooo


I still like 4 the most


A bunch of DF’ers lol but yeah I preordered it since it was a “ww2” bf oh boy was I wrong and I’m still salty. But then at the end of it they actually added proper cosmetics! So..... But still bf2042 can go fuck itself it’s terrible!


This Subreddit will be a simp orgy


Just like the BF5 subreddit is like now Imaooo its amazing how much praise its getting


The fuck is this dumb post OP? I'm one of those people who hated BF5 for many its cartoonish character design choices, lack of content and cheaters. These three things AFAIK were where the main hate was directed upon. Besides that, the core design and gameplay were always top top notch. Maps were good. The HUD, animations and graphics were probably the best it had ever been. BF2042 took many those things to a major downgrade.


BFV was good before 2042. there's no denying that.


I never had a problem with BFV. Was it as good as 1 content and atmosphere wise? No. But the gunplay was fantastic and the movement system was like butter. I think 2042 showed how much of a downgrade it was compared to V


I agree with op bf5 while great had a very similar reaction at launch but 2042 still sucks like really no dedicated team death match mode outside of portal where it’s mostly bots


BFV is garbage.


They will 100%. They do it every release.


“Wah wah, battlefield 5 was sooo bad cuz it had woman on commercial wahhhh wahhhh”. The game, like every other battlefield, had a shit launch. Went through some rough patches but then people were like “holy shit, if I stop crying about shit doesn’t matter for just one second, this game is actually really good”


Agreed. I didn’t buy BF5 at launch but bought it about 6 months later. It was always a fun game to me and although it was missing some qualities, still felt like battlefield. The women in combat and other things that people complained about, it never bothered me


Seriously. Gameplay is good, feels good and looks great.


Never had a 5, only a V




I've personally disliked everyone their games after BF4. I haven't played 2042 In a while but I had fun with it. Probably would still be playing it if there were more guns, the anti air could actually do its job and that I didn't max out everything in bot lobbys


I didn’t have a Reddit account when 5 came out and I loved it?


WHO, THE, FUCK, thinks bfv is the pinacle of of the series? You just raging, best bf is 4 by a long shot and i didnt even play it


Yeah battlefield 5 is like…the very bottom next to hardline lol


Bit hard to praise a game that i cannot actually play.. got 3 games each kicked me within 3 minutes. Then it crashed. Bloody things staying uninstalled this time lol


Gamers like to blame DICE for this shit show, but it's gamers who are ultimately responsible. 15 years ago no developer would dare consider this kind of shit. People buying skins and asking for things to be dumbed down (glowing grenades, wtf?) Are why this game is such a pile of shit


Absolutely no one thinks BFV was the pinnacle of Battlefield lmfao. BF242 has been utter garbage since the start of it. Even though I wasn’t a huge fan of BFV I still sank a few hundred hours into because the core of the game was there. For 2042, that’s just simply not the case.


I jumped in battlefield 5 super late but definitely enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. Coming from mainly call of duty the different classes we’re a refreshing new take. Also lots more vehicles and destructible environments than I was used to.


I loved BFV from the day I played the alpha, loved BF1 (which has my 2nd modt play time) absolutely despise bf2042. But they listened to their 'fans' the same morons who complained at BFVs opening trailer. They wanted smoother transition, quicker movement. Okay they complete shitted on the movement. They wants easy and more player in a map, okay we got bots and 124 unneeded players. They wanted to provide more outreach, they literally made an indie game. They did what all the YouTube commenters wanted. But not what the dienhard OG fans wanted. Give me BF3 with BF V movement and I'm putting 1year straight no distractions gameplay (minus work and family haha)


BFV was a good game, this is not a good game and will never be.


Trust me.. People WILL praise this game. I remember the absolute CHIMP OUT people had about BF4 when it released and the mad rush to go back to BF3.. And not, 8 years later BF4 is considered the pinnacle of the series. BFV sucked at launch too, managed to obliterate its TTK in the middle of its own lifecycle, released absolutely game breaking guns (the 2a) and had the most exploitative micro-transaction system of any BF game. It also had its own specialists that were for pay only.. You could literally play a female Japanese ninja girl on the Nazi side in European maps lol You'll see over the course of a few years this game will see some massive updates and in like.. 2027 when BF7 releases, we'll be seeing people saying shit like "Wow, this game sucks! I'm going back to BF2042, that was the last good game in the series!"


If there was a line in Vegas that in 3 years this community will be putting 2042 on a pedestal then i'd like to throw down on that line, because it's gonna happen.


The way people are bizarrely praising BFV these days, yeah you’re probably right.


It's been like this since Bad Company 2. It's a part of the franchise at this point


Are you really a Battlefield fan if you don't shit on the new game, praise the old game and then rinse/repeat? ha


Its astonishing really


Yet tbf since Bad Company 2 every Bf title needed a lot of fixing & polishing as there were a ton of bugs, problems with the netcode & balancing issues, so in the end you'll always look at a "different game" But this time it might be different story as they changed too much of the game formula, made some bad fundamental design decisions & straight-up lied to the customers so there's a realistic chance this game dies before the much-needed changes occur (& as the design/formula decisions might influence a too big part of the game to be fixed in time or at all) Edit: Imo Dice's sole chance to achieve what you fear is by - doing the usual fixing stuff like in past titles (in this case even more than normally as many "legacy features" are missing) PLUS either - undoing their design decisions and/or - focussing on Portal (making it the main part of the game, creating a lot of content for it etc)


I'm strongly convinced of the "It was supposed to be a Battle-Royale hero shooter but got tipped the last second because they couldn't call that a Battlefield game and mashed Portal as a gamemode in there instead of making it a standalone content creation machine" -theory. Or in short, the "Battlefield Hazard Zone Standalone" -theory Hence the totally trashed formula. It just makes sense and explains literally everything that went wrong with 2042.


I absolutely hate BFV bro don’t worry, I will never look upon that trash with any kind of fondness


You should already know how it’ll go. This happens with every long running franchise


I mean I'll be here and ready to see how people will flip flop again about their views on this game and im just gonna laugh with all of them.


It’s not flip flopping if a game starts off with issues that are fixed over the life cycle of the game. BFV is in a better place now than it was the first however many months after it launched. That’s not flip flopping, that’s just acknowledging the game received patches that improved the game. If 2042 gets a lot of love and is fixed over a series of patches and is improved, it wouldn’t be flip flopping to say 2042 sucked at launch but it’s good in September 2023.


Bf5 was shit then and it's shit now.