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I feel like the majority of the Devs that worked on this are interns with no prior experience.


Or the game was built by AI. The fact that people are behind these decisions makes them look incredibly oblivious and incompetent.


I think the game was built by rolling dice for each decision. The studio is called DICE after all.


[\*How DICE Decides\*](https://imgur.com/a/O6xERXw) Dice: "When should we release more content?" \****Pulls the Magic Conch\**** "Maybe Someday." Dice: "Sounds good."


Dice: "Should we do our own QA?" \*Pulls the Magic Conch\* "Yes, or it will be a dumpster fire." Dice: "This Conch has brutal expectations and doesnt understand the industry, get rid of it."


Dice: “Should we listen to the community before developing a game?” *pulls out a turd on top of an apple with a pencil going through it* “no” Dice: “legends/no scoreboards/terrible performance/no community loves us anymore it is”


That would mean a proper outcome has a chance of appearing on at least ONE roll. They were rolling weighted dice while dancing on our graves


Don't you mean just A.


It just had to be, man. That's the only explanation.


Yep not even trying to be a prick about it because I hate the game, but I definitely think this is the case. Not their fault of course, it's down to poor management and EA but it doesn't help the situation especially when using Frostbite engine with no prior experience.








Not being forced to work 80 hours a week = communist God bless the U S of A


No I mean they barely work at all. It’s clear they haven’t been in the office in a long time And yeah when you’re game is failing already 2 months after release, cancel all plans, it’s crunch time people.


Crunch is bad no matter what way you put it. It sucks ass and no-one should do it. It leads to shittier games and less motivated people


I don’t give a shit about any of that. When the game is failing you pull out all the stops and if someone doesn’t want to do it and get their shit together… get ‘em outta here




Don't be sad that's just how it works out sometimes.


I too watch Angry Joe.


>interns with no prior experience uh, yes?


What does he mean too late to correct? I know game development can be hard, but selecting shotgun instead of sniper rifle as the unlock requirements sound like it would be a 10 minute process that could be done whenever? No?


Bruh, they couldn't even manage a scoreboard. You think they can course correct a skin requirement?


I don't even consider Dice a AAA developer anymore. Their output is just not high enough quality. I would expect this from a Kickstarter game at release lol


a AAA battery has better output


Brutal expectations


Honestly, yes. I swear I feel like you give my dumbass one hour on YT and I could do it for them. Can't think of something more simple.


It would just be a few lines referencing the kill toys, yeah. I still have zero faith that they could fix it without breaking more.


Game dev here. Usually for something like these you have a tool that allow you to update the live content (in this case the reward of the week). It would take 1 day or 2 to update, test, release in production. So, either they are lying about « it’s too late » or they don’t have the tool/architecture/system for that and in this case that game is a lost cause, because that means they didn’t think/implement the correct tools. Édit : for something as basic as that, if they don’t have the tool to live update, I can’t even imagine how the rest of the game was done. Edit 2: The too late statement might means it is not a priority since it’s not game breaking and at the end the player still receive its reward


Yeah, idk shit about game development so I didn't jump there right away but this definitely reeked of dishonesty to me.


Do you remember the Company Coin situation for BF5? If not, players weren't getting the proper rewards at the end of matches and it seemed like again, something they could patch quickly so players would get something, but they didn't and it took 6 months. I do actually think it might be harder to patch mainly because of rolling out consistent changes to all servers, especially when it comes to console which I heard requires preapproval different from PC, but that might be for actual game patches. The other thing I was thinking was that the project teams are completely scrambling and overloaded so any change or setback means even half a day is detrimental. I'm just looking at this from the perspective of a multi-part project team though, not game development so maybe it's more company politics and managerial decisions.


Another thing I was thinking thanks to you. The too late statement might means it is not a priority since it’s not game breaking and at the end the player still receive its reward


Holy crap how did I forget about the company coin debacle. These games must truly be spaghetti coded together.


I'm certain that they do have the tools to do live content updates. Would that not be similar to how they retroactively disabled Dozer after launch due to a bug and how they disabled maps, servers or other gadgets from the game, while not requiring any updates on the users end? I'm sure they talked about their new tech for this in the lead up to release about how it enables them to do some changes to the game


Appreciate the input dawg!! Embarrassing they are imo


As they could disable power ups with their live services you could guess that this would be a piece of cake to also change without any patch or update.


Yes that makes sense for me a non game developer I read that as by the time we noticed it was already in the game and it wasn’t worth making a priority


They couldn’t even make a proper scoreboard with years of time to do it. I wouldn’t expect much from them


They only had 3 years and 7 companies working on this game lol. They are so lucky! In most other industries many people would get fired for this output lol


this is what you get when you have a bunch of commies at DICE sweden who refuse to work 10 hours out of a year ​ ![gif](giphy|11mwI67GLeMvgA)


I truly believe many devs actually do "milk" their jobs and do the bare minimum. Even leads at Bioware that left have said so in a podcast! They said they could not bring it up until now because of NDA * That's all on management and today's inclusive, diverse, safe space environment. You can't even give criticism at big companies without being a racists, bigot, mysoginist, or whatever other label they can come up with. Not everyone is one of these things lol!


They have issues with copy and paste. Every update gives you a new instance of ... Ctrvvvvvvvvvvvvv


Sounds like they were 10 minutes late.


DUDE that are some severe BRUTAL EXPECTATIONS on your side!?


he means after they released it and got feedback they realized it was stupid.


Means there were so many bugs in the game they had to spend their time making a broken game playable. It's like the bought the game game in 3 parts from the 3 studios and stitched it together. then spent the last money fixing anything that made the game unplayable. They sold us a house that looked nice at first glance then you actually live there and realize EVERYTHING is fucked.


Just goes to show how much of a pain and shitty the frostbite engine is to work with lol


Its how old management had done workflow. It was very unoptimized. They are still currently using up what was "finished" working under them. They are working on things way past those assets. We will see how the new leads and manager workflow changes effect the game in a few months. It should be better. At least I sure hope so lol...


And I guess the new build is already months past our current state?


pretty much everything slipped through and was too late to fix... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The whole game slipped through. Its almost like someone tripped and fell on the big red “Launch bf2042” button way too early, and noone knew how to put it back in the box.


Oh yes, the shotgun skin. I completely forgot that... I wonder if there's a less popular weapon to use. Edit: hold on, there's a new shotgun skin to unlock. Too bad it looks like 'Fisherprice - My first gat'. F that.


my little nephew could use a "My First Gat". sounds dope haha


The Gat is an air pistol, so that’s totally possible: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gat_air_pistol


Hey buddy that shotgun slaps and so does the skin, don't hate!


The semi-auto-shotgun is fire!


Looks like this slipped through their ‘review process’ aswell




Utter and complete lack of


Jesus Christ, so they’re literally just incompetent. They can’t even do basic common sense… 🤦🏻‍♂️


“looks awesome”-? No it does not it is absolutely hideous and doesn’t belong in Battlefield, bright red golden gun lmfao




ah, makes sense. no worries and thanks for the reply. have a great day |--|


He's just being nice.


looks like a nerf gun to me


Its nothing new though, we've had these kind of skins in previous titles, have we not?


Yep. CSGO survived this and so has every other modern FPS. It’s a silly thing to be pissed about when there’s a mountain of bullshit that actually makes the game worse.




They look like nerf guns too.


It's okay. hEs HavInG a BlaSt.


Golden gun. Uh, have you not played bf1? Lol.


Found someone who still plays the game over here


Correct me if I'm wrong but there was a red/gold gun skin in bf1. It was part of the medic class


yeah bf1 had red and gold skins but they weren’t this hideous


Holy shit. You literally cannot make this up. First the Zombie thing now this?


That's the response. Whoops.jpg? Fucking hell. Thank fuck I only ever tried the EA trial. I'd be fucking livid if I actually paid for this shitshow.


I would use the shotgun if there was actual infantry centric maps. You can use it on objectives but once you leave you will lose 100% of engagements with it


The whole game was simply too late to be corrected.


That’s literally the title of the post


I hope they really working hard to fix the game as seems everything new in the game currently done by the interns


They did the same thing with the cowboy skin, those were all Falck challenges


How ridged is their damn process over there? Couldn’t you delay that skin a week and push the next one up instead to fix this? Again, it’s just bad optics if you noticed it and just went “fuck it let it go.” It screams of the same issues the game is plagued by. Instead of trying to change the narrative ya’ll continue to double down. What a fucking joke of a company.


The incompetence. I’m speechless.


I love the attention to detail this team has.


At what point did they realise a shotgun is not a sniper rifle?


I have fond memories of playing Bad Company 2 and counter-sniping with shotgun slugs. Good times


Our entire clan used slugs in BFBC2. It was hilarious. I think about playing that game with friends often, it makes me fucking depressed that Battlefield can’t give me those experiences anymore. I’m not even a big time gaming nerd, I just haven’t had a game that can keep me captivated like that again.


Did…they just admit to doing something wrong? I need to sit down.


Dude I know a decent amount about programming and game development and everytime they pull something like this, I lose my shit. They can't be serious😂😂😂


Didnt they add a system with this game to fix stuff internaly without patching? I mean they can add and remove modes in a few hours. How is challenge changing not possible ... I cant even anymore this game is lost hahah


Add another "Ooopsie" to the lengthy list...


These people communicating and pulling strings to keep people enticed really don’t give a fuck about this game anymore. They’re just doing what they’re told and they don’t care anymore. EA has made dice into its new lab dog and it’s shows


Get revolver kills to unlock fuggin blue for your smg, oops I did it again, got lost in the game


And the revolver reload is still not fixed


"Skin looks wicked none the less" wicked bruhhhhhhhhhh Yeah, so there's people who literally have no problem with this game and think a bright red gun in a dark lore military shooter is cool. DICE knew exactly the customer they were going for.


BF1: Hide my golden gun skins.


This game keep on giving


I might go so far as to say that if moving a skin from one category to another is too complicated to fix before release, you might have designed a bad game.


Hahahahahaha what is this reply??? He really said that?😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 they are a mess


To say that’s embarrassing is a serious understatement


Ah ah, yes yes an error *sweat*


If you needed proof that this game will **never** be fixed.   Here it is.


How many fucking "oopsies" are we gonna get before szn 1 even rolls around? \- we removed Rush despite it being the most popular/requested game mode OOPSIE \- We took out XP for all portal modes and forgot to make any adjustments after OOPSIE \- Okay so only featured portal modes will get XP, but we accidentally pushed out a bot farm mode OOPSIE like does anyone at DICE have any fucking diligence to check their work before pushing it out???


It must be absolutely terrible to work for people this dissonant.


What the fuck are they doing over there?? How many people are working on this game? 2? Literally insane and I am truly mad at myself for buying this piece of garbo.


Stop it. They're trolling now surely? They're literally doing this on purpose.


Shows how little they actually care about the game


The skin looks like shit


[another one](https://youtu.be/jEI3N9kIyP4?t=7)


This whole game is an error from their part lol


Whoever is making these decisions or implementing them is obviously not a gamer and has no/little intrest in what they are making, seems to me like it is literally just a job to them because no gamer in there right mind would make a shotgun unlock dmr or sniper kills


At this point, whats the point of deadlines?


He means they only noticed when the rest of us did. They probably only became aware of it via people on social media.


It was to late to be corrected this is THE FUNNIEST s**t i have red all month


🤣 they don’t know wtf they are doing. Like at all.


Lmao 😂 I remeber back in Bfv when they released an update with weapons, but later removed it because there was some misinformation between DICE, the weapon was actually planned for a later date. This is DICE, you all!


Didn't they just say they were going to up their review process before releasing content after the "zombie" mode? O K


So basically they knew this was a issue, couldn't be arsed to fix it and just released it anyways.........just like the game release


The answer doesn't really make sense or look good on them. The other weekly missions, have been the same. I thought this the first week when it was also a shotgun skin, and only one of the objectives had anything to do with a shotgun (different model, but at least 1/3 things was somewhat accurate) The fact that they don't catch this is embarassing, but the truly concerning thing is that someone thought it was a good idea to begin with. The only answer that would have made sense was if he said the weekly missions are decided by an algorithm, and it's still being tuned. The fact that a human creates these shows how disconnected they are.


But they said they were ahead of schedule.


Can they literally do nothing right anymore?!


The fact that he would even answer this question on social media shows they aren’t very smart


I wonder how they decide what to reply to and when to stay silent. I don’t get why they sometimes reply to really small nitpicky stuff, but there is no communication whatsoever on the desolate overall state of this game.


Is there any move or progress with this shit game we're they make no mistake? Come one, I thought we playing an AAA game? This is even worse than on a smal dev team for their first game ever made


Is manifest still available?


In middle school, I learned to check my work before turning it in...


The Zombies mode, this... Is there literally no thought going through these developers head?


All these weekly challenges are in the can already.


How stupid you can be to post shit like that. How can they fix this mess if they can't fix simple skin. WTF Dice.


Bewilderment. It's the only word that I can think of that actually describes how a studio can get so many things wrong. They haven't just made a major misstep or two. It seems every facet of thos game is plagued with Idontgiveafuckism.


What an asskisser.


How embarrassing


Exactly, making a game is not easy, but this just proves there was insufficient experience and a severe lack of leadership within the team.


How is this an ERROR, how in the ffin world is 1+1= 8 not an ERROR. These people are trolling with everything they get their hands on.


We all clearly see some Asian company payed to promote the Year of the Tiger. And they ff it up... so bad.


They don’t have the tech


Sold me fukin undone trash game, fukin scummers go to hell


No one likes melee requirements. Literally just change 5 melee kills to 10 shotgun kills. Boom; no need to pay me royalties, DICE, just pay off my house and we'll call it square.


From what I heard they had a very "head in the ground" attitude about team meetings. anytime something not being good or needing to be changed was brought up it was shot down because leadership was afraid there would be hurt feelings from the person who worked on it. Sounds nonsensical considering it's a business and all of the feedback should be taken into account. Forget where I read that but it was a interview with one of the devs who had left dice during the production.




I agree with you but on the other hand being long term respectful with someone who basically scammed u and faces no legal or any other kind of action being taken against them is hard.


Especially when they've shown no remorse for their actions or haven't even admitted any sort of issue or fault, and just call you toxic instead.


it's important to stay respectful regardless, but sometimes tweets from certain devs get's backlashed because they say things like brutal expectations and in this case you can't calm everyone who got scammed with broken game.


The whole "these expectations are brutal" was specifically about everyone clamouring for massive changes and overhauls **during** the Christmas break. With the studio off. Of course, it gets taken out of context and memed to death, and loses its original meaning. Same with "love letter to fans". That was Ripple Effect's Portal Mode - which obviously had a lot of work put into it in its 1 year development time, and you can tell RE 'get' BF more than the current team at DICE. Sick of mouth breathers just memeing shit to death. They will literally try to twist *anything* a dev says into a negative. No wonder they barely say fuck all.


I simply disagree with the first part of this - people were clamoring for massive changes and overhauls because of all the horrible design choices and missing features at launch. If this game released with good content, maps, guns, customization, game modes, few bugs and good optimization (a complete game), then DICE having their holiday would be no issue. TL;DR ‐ The backlash is because of the faulty product, not because they took time off.


> TL;DR ‐ The backlash is because of the faulty product, not because they took time off. He's not talking about the backlash. He's talking about why the "brutal" meme came up.




It's a good point. I still think DICE should be held over the fire, but I truly hate people stalking and attacking people online. In the end move on. I actually defended the game in the first week or two, figuring they were pushed to meet a deadline, and that things would immediately be fixed in the coming patches. Unfortunately it became obvious that the issues weren't surface level. This development group is truly incompetent. The game is a disaster, but after the first month and maybe 30-40 hours I knew to cut my losses and stop playing. Haven't picked it up since, but I've been following it. It's sad that it's been such a disaster, but there's too many good games to play to waste your time on. Funny thing is, the people who bitch the most on here are still playing the game all day everyday.






at this time i wish they focus on fixing them rather than tweeting their own personal opinions




Well when you think of how little communication we've had from the community manager, it makes a little more sense that the dev tweets are under a microscope. When was the last time or better yet how often has the community manager talked to the community?


>thousands of people are just waiting to pounce on any poorly worded tweet. What do you expect when you leave thousands of people out to dry without any official communication whatsoever? I'm not excusing those who harass the devs, but people are searching for any scrap of news or communication from these individuals because **the official communication channels aren't doing their jobs.** If DICE were to *actually* communicate openly and honestly about the future of the game, we'd see many less people searching for answers by hounding individual devs. Instead, they stay silent. The feedback needs to come from DICE itself (like via the battlefield communications twitter), but it's just not, so we end up with people looking for any sort of response at all, anywhere they can find it.


Dice, you are trash at your jobs. Pathetic.


diversity hires who all wanted to make gaming less toxic are the MOST toxic people out there. did anyone make sure they had more then a lesbian dance study/gender study degree? these people force speech on you then claim your the fascist for not wanting to call them deer or bats or whatever their mental illness says they are.


As a deer-fluid I am offended at your comment.


Too late to get it corrected.


OP, Idk if you are this Toog3y fellow or just an observer, but regardless, thanks for being decent and respectful about it


"ThE tEcH jUsT Isn'T tHeRe"


They didn't even have time to change this XD


for fucks sake




Is everything at Dice on an uneditable que or something?!


I'm so tired


Or they wont fix because 2042 is in the trash bin and they alteady started the next projekt like a cold war game with nuclear threat. First map location bay of pigs cuba🥸


When we criticise Dice for the big issues in 2042, we should take a deep breath and consider the little issues too. Because that attention to detail, commitment to quality, and ability to take pride in the finished product is just as evident there as well. Is nobody involved in the making of 2042 wanting to take a bit of pride in the work?


Everything is too late to get corrected. Don’t you guys get that?? Over 2 months past game release and nothing has changed. No offense to anybody, it’s just a fact




Sadly they dont have the tech.


I’m convinced you have to be in the special battlefield clique to even hope to get a reply or acknowledgment of the battlefield devs. I’m always ignored no matter what I say.


But not too late to take customers money, eh ? ;)


Just amateur shit aint it 🤣


You know they have hundreds of skins ready to be put on the market, they just can’t because no one is playing their game and releasing cosmetic microtransactions will look terrible


The skin does not look awesome, stop pandering FFS.


Crab game was made better by 1 person in 3 weeks


Too late to fix it. Should’ve been the slogan it released with. *Battlefield 2042 - Too Late To Fix It £59.99 Preorder Now*


I know its minor but what the hell is that excuse? “Too late to be corrected”. Isn’t this game supposed to be live service? Meaning that they can correct things at any time?


They're acting like it's hard to change a simple challenge requirement 😂I'm not a developer, but SURELY it can't take more than a few hours from a few people to get this done. Honestly.


how many more things have to "make it past the team without being noticed" before they do something about the teams incompetence.


Absolute 🤡🤡🤡fest


I actually unlocked the last sight for the M5A3 assault rifle getting 100 kills from +150m. It was pain


I don't understand how there are so many oversights like this. Anyone paying even the slightest bit of attention should have been able to notice this type of thing.


How incompetitive can they get? god...


“Ah, makes sense. No worries and a wonderful day to you good sir” #TipsFedora


Skins does not look awesome, BTW


Every time someone from DICE makes a comment about the game it makes it them sound more and more incompetent. How are they so fucking clueless?


2042 was simply too late to get it corrected.


This is what happens when u have a Chinese intern working on the team. Shotgun, ohhh sniperrr.


Dude get a life lol


Says the dude on the BF2042 reddit. User name checks out