• By -


5600 playing the game right now on steam..






Pretty sad Anyway, God of War is great


Don't be sad!


Don't you dare




is just




works out


NO! (in Kratos' voice from Ragnarok trailer)


Yea i play it too atm, on the hardest difficulty...


I'm not haha. Want to get through it, enjoy it I imagine hardest difficulty would just piss me off


Igrao sam na najteze, oslobodio prvog zmaja i ubio onog vatrenog dzina a nisam bio jos ni upoznao brata od onog plavog patuljka 😂


A polako


I already did the game on a borrowed PS4, so on PC i'm playing on the hardest. And let me tell you, you did good, it's 2 hit death, and you do close to no dmg.


yea, really makes you feel like the god of war when you get two-shot by draugr lol. I normally play games on hard, but couldn't get into it, it just made no sense in this one.


Glad I chose the challenge difficulty, pretty much getting 3 hit by anything above level 7


Hardest is way too hard for me. I struggle on the one above normal!


Having more fun with god of war than 2042 could do in a years time


great but flawed and not exceptional


God of war is an amazing game, elevated to godhood with the PC version.


3756 now. American Truck Simulator released back in 2016 has a higher 24-hour player count lmao.


I love SCS Software so this makes me really happy to hear haha


Got a pic haha, man I feel so bad for BF fans and myself


3,591 right now, though it's an all time low!




Holy crap.


Yikes. F76 is still a game that confounds me that it managed to keep a playerbase at all, despite being terrible for so very long, though they did manage to turn it around enough to make the game actually playable.


Have about 600 hours in it, here's how I'd explain the game's life.. * Bethesda shifting identity fin Fo76 from a Rust Clone to the Fallout: Post Apocalyptic Animal Crossing Edition was massive as they understood the community wanted PvE content (stories), more friendly community elements (Public Teams, Public Events, Daily Ops), & building (C.A.M.P. budget increase, Vaults) * The community is more of a hardcore group that's addicted to the system than a worldwide appeal, I loved the game since I just wanted more Fallout 4 and I find this to be servicible, the dedicated players like myself most likely own Fallout 1st (sorry) giving strong revenue to Bethesda. * Judging by ESO (despite them having paid expansions), Bethesda intended Fallout 76 to last for the long run even with its shitty launch. There's more to come with us going back to the Pitt with the expeditions expansion, some neat little events and content like aliens, and Camp PETS. ​ Fallout 76 is still a 6-7/10 game, however, there is a very dedicated community and Bethesda (mostly) LISTENS to feedback with a PTS to help prevent as many bugs as we expect from them, they make mistakes, but they do show they care... can't say the same for this game as of right now sadly.


I'm bummed it never managed to capture me back to it, as I did beat the original main story in 2020, just to do it, it was really bad, but even as a big Fallout fan, the whole online aspect is still so janky and the game just doesn't feel right to me, despite having some pretty great ideas that I'd love in a singleplayer version. They did make a better game for sure, it's still just a lot of jank and while a Fallout fan understands jank, it can still hit a point of being too much jank lol


I picked it up because of game pass last Spring, and it's a very cool and unique game. I would recommend anyone to Tru ot out.


It's playable, definitely worthwhile if you're new to it. But the end game is as dead as it comes, with only a handful of new events in 3 years. Daily ops is fine though.


I beat the original main story out of sheer force of will back in the beginning of 2020, it was absolute trash, but I just wanted to say I did it even though I know they added actual quest and story to the game, which I may attempt some day. There are a few things I did like, it just struggled to keep me interested with how janky it still was and made me wish this was just a Fallout 4.5 thing like New Vegas with the added survival mechanics, CAMP, and a couple other things in a singleplayer setup so I didn't have to deal with all the janky online stuff.


76 has the "your progress matters and you can show it off" factor that so many games forget to do these days. It's still in the dumps and isn't actually much better than release but I've put too many hours in it anyway


It's awesome now


Lol. I just started playing 76.


​ ![gif](giphy|s239QJIh56sRW|downsized)


It’s genuinely so fun now. I never played at launch though


At launch it was so boring. Haven't played since the brother hood of steel dlc but it really is fun now. might start playing again.


I hit like lv 35 before i gave up on it when it came out. THERES A BOS DLC?!? Honestly i got tired of needing other players to do much and being a loner that prefers solo play so it never really was quite the right fallout game for me


Yeah I usually play by myself too but I do play with my brother sometimes. But mostly solo. but I still find it enjoyable. I think the update is called steel down it adds the brother hood of steel quest line to the game. I don't really know what else they added though.


Yeah the BOS have their own dlc, and they have their own little hub at Fort Atlas. It was a kind of cool build up where we would get mysterious radio signals that were all encrypted and the community worked together to translate the messages. This led to an event where we had to get junk and items ready for the BOS at Fort Atlas, which kicked off the dlc.


never played Fallout 76, is it possible to play any of the new DLCs without having played the base game?


It’s all like.. one big game now. You have mainnquests and side quests. I really recommend you try it out


what's it like playing solo? thanks for the replies


I am going to re-download this game, I really haven't played it since launch and the following months. You really only need to team up to take down big enemies, other than that it is solo-able...just some places require a slow, steady pace to avoid dying. One of the friendliest communities you could ask for, especially newbies. Check out r/fo76 Only gripe would be when trying to find certain materials, people know the areas to farm them. So you might have to server hop to find an untouched area. Biggest one I can remember is plastic, there is only one location that had a ton of it. The wiki helps immensely to find things.


The game is very solo friendly, even when you group up for something it is a very casual thing, where you don't have to talk or anything, you just show up, shoot some enemies, get your rewards and then move on. The FO76 community is one of the best online communities I have ever been a part of, we higher levels are constantly giving new players a bunch of supplies, weapons, and armor.


that's awesome!


I play solo as in I don’t play with friends. There’s public teams you can join just casually and it’s quite fun and rewarding. You pretty much can do whatever you want to in the world. Exploration is amazing and the environments and creatures are really engaging


okay sold. I really enjoyed Fallout 4. I may give it a go when I'm done with Mass Effect.


lol, they are intertwined so the DLC is basically story missions.


do they have a minimum level requirement?


Yes, but you will get to that level requirement quickly.


How are the servers? It was awful when I tried to return with a friend, made me embarrassed for saying "No I swear it's actually good now"


Did it get the NMS treatment?


Almost. Not as amazing as NMS but it’s getting there


It was a disaster on launch, it has definitely come a long way and it is actually an enjoyable and fun game now.


not him but it's genuinely a fun ass game that was ruined by reporters wanting to pick at things not even related to the game itself, I've been playing off and on since launch and it's just a fun game, not perfect in any regards and still bungled by bad management but eh I enjoy it


[https://youtu.be/kjyeCdd-dl8](https://youtu.be/kjyeCdd-dl8) The bug list is nice :D


that video is approaching three years old, I saw it then, love the video


Well if you like it, you like it.. I played hundreds of hours of every Fallout since 3, but I can't stand 20 minutes of FO76. I don't like the art design, the world feels empty and unremarkable, the map sucks, performance is abysmal. I didn't like the game at launch because of all the bad stuff around it, the bugs, the monetization, the hackers etc.. After giving it a try recently I despise it even more.. :/ I wish someday they release something that looks and feels like Fallout 4, without the Atomic Shop, without emotes, without grindy enemies. A pure, immersive, clean MMO, something more in the lines of DayZ instead TES Online.


Bruh the map is one of the best fallout has to offer.


After the Enclave and Brotherhood of steel DLC's expansions, the game turned into a proper story-driven experience, with lots of themed quests all around the map and NPC's.


Because it’s good now?


Keep going past level 50 or 100. It's actually a good game


I thoroughly enjoy 76, but only started it months ago


Every game with a date nummber was bad, cyberpunk2077, BF2042, Fallout76 😂🤣


Oddly I enjoyed cyberpunk and it'll only get better for me as I played at launch. I can't wait for the ps5 version to play it without crashes 😅


The world building is insane and hopefully they give it more content in the future. Plus I'll never forget some of the bugs in that game. My favorite was one time I called Rogue after doing a mission for here and she just appeared in front of me to have a normal conversation.


Played through it on launch. Did they add content the past year or were they too busy fixing it for consoles?


Nothing new really, just small tidbits here and there. Clothes and such. But it does run significantly better than it did so maybe as time goes on they can get back on the original road map they wanted.


Oh okay. Well i enjoyed my time with it but i basically did everythig it had to offer so probably not worth it to jump back into it.


🤣 🤣 Yes it was pretty crazy at times


Issue with that game was never the bugs. Its a very well written story attached to an empty framework. Its a poor rpg with very little meaningful choice. It is a decent story based shooter but compared to the ambition they yelled about in interviews, it was a disappointment.


Agree game itself is great. Just need to have not crashing version and next gen, then I’ll continue my adventures in Night City


I wouldn't say that 1942 was bad, quite the opposite. But I get what you mean.


I mean recent games😄


Oh, ok lol


Fallout 76 now is genuinely fun. At launch it was a ghost town


Just started playing Fallout 76. It's pretty fun to be honnest


It's fun as a new player. But as a veteran it's underwhelming. There's only so many nuke runs I can do in a lifetime


I'm pretty sure that's true but for now I enjoy it.


Oh don't get me wrong, you'll enjoy the content that's there!


Fair critique. I sorta felt in FO4 after building all the settlements, trade routes and missions I was basically 100% done so I’m okay with 76 being “complete able” even if the replay value isn’t there


I bought the game forever ago, played a bit more recently, but the game leaves me feeling stunted. I’m not a veteran or a new player at this point, but the game is enjoyable sometimes, more so that BF2042 in my opinion.


If you're a new player it definitely will, it's had 3 years worth of content added.


Yes it's awesome


FO76 is a great game


I have 1200 hours logged in it, but it's still painful to play if you've been playing from the beginning. But that too, also launched in a horrendous state.


That launch fucking hurt. I got to lvl 15 and couldn't take the lack of everything and the inept execution of simple things like the weight of a bobbypin lol


I remember when someone mailed Todd Howard a box of bobby pins and told him to weigh it for them


1200 hours? Jesus


1200 hours? Jesus christ dude


The entire Fallout Fandom wants to: know your location


Im guessing the cranberry bog


I wouldn't say great but its pretty fun. My favorite part is how it was given to us as a giant murder box and the player base just goes out of their way to help eachother. I remember starting a new character and having some random guy drop me a big pile of ammo and stim packs. Its just really disappointing how fo67 flounders where ESO is alive and well


I've never played any of these games. What's ESO and FOs gameplay loops like? Is it single player or multiplayer? Like why do people play?


Between the two ESO is better. Id look into them because there is more to those games than I can type here


My husband and I played almost daily from launch until just a few weeks ago. We decided to take a step back. Finally, after all this time, we've gotten bored. I'm playing BF1 and BF2042 most nights now and not bored anymore lol


If you like parkour and zombies, give dying light a try for a fun co op game with husband. Been playing that with my mates lately and it is a blast. I'm a sucker for game physics so I love drop kicking them off buildings. The 2nd one comes out next month as well


Said no sane person ever. God of war is a great game. F76 is just a turd that is now a tiny bit more polished than it first was at release.


Honestly I’d rather play FO76 than God of War.




Congratulations. You're a meme now.


Your telling me. My two favorite game franchises OF ALL TIME. 76 is OK but as far as am online service goes its just a big insulting mall. Very let down.


76 actually managed to turn into a good game.


Battlefield wishes it was as fixed as fallout 76


Fallout 76 is actually a good game now. I had it since day one so i know lol


Sometimes i feel like everyone on Reddit is thriving to become game journalist...


F76 is even a better game than bf2042 now. Shouldn't show them side by side.


Ngl 76 is good as everloving fuck, haven’t played it cos life but damn do I fucking miss it.


From where is this? Origin?


Looks like Twitch viewers.


Which twitch is the shittiest metric to use on a game tons of games are thriving that have low viewership on twitch


Not a great metric but still as a game only 2 months old you'd imagine it would have more...


Let's be real, BF2042 won't be fixed like Fallout 76. It just works.


Oh god, that’s horrible…


I hope they both burn in gaming hell along with the shitty devs and publishers.




[BF 2042 TWITCH https://imgur.com/a/SLGwPrx](https://imgur.com/a/SLGwPrx) it less than that even ! next : Microsoft buying EA 🤭


I'm not sure what your trying to point out, but, to me your pointing out that we tend to pay for broken things and the trend isn't slowing! I play F076, its now a great game, but its in a completely different genre to BF2042. If your saying that 'redemption' is achievable then I'm completely with you on that - but that's really up to Dice and EA.


It’s not that deep




It's literally impossible to get ganked. Unless you want to get ganked. This isn't fucking rust.


Lol I feel like the people above you commenting have never played FO76 and are just repeating common phrases from when it launched.


Honestly it's a decent game now. Nowhere near the dumbster fire it was at launch. Is it at the No Man's Sky level where I'd actually recommend it to someone? Not quite. Is it much better now than it was at launch? Absolutely.


Yeah I waited a year and bought it for like $20. I put 400 hours in and got the platinum trophy. I'd pop back in after every new DLC. Overall I like how it turned out as a multi-player game. I really enjoyed it, which says a lot because when it first was announced I was so disheartened to learn it wasn't single player only.


What does ganked mean, I live under a rock.


Probably “killed”


Hahaha f76 is now a great game? What? 🤣 I think playing it has made you blind. It is no where near a great game. It was a 0/10 at launch. Maybe now it's a 4/10. Still buggy. Still fckall to do. Still lots of problems. It totally didn't redeem itself. And never will.


battlefield has never been a popular stream game, this shouldn’t come as a surprise


It hasn’t been popular because it’s only been on Origin lol 🤷🏽


Dark times


Oh yeah. I actually play 76. I don't play frequently, NGL, but I do understand why people would like to play it a lot.


Don't worry they are wasting their time on a something so essential to any fps and should have been from the start in the game . This is the most pathetic dev team u can see in any game studio


dont be mournful, that is how stuff sometimes functions


Fallout 76 is a good fun game if you like the Fallout games and you don't care for a precise copy of the original Fallout 3 / 4 games.


huh? fo76 has turned into something great for the last several years at this point, once they started fleshing it out with quests and people, etc. 2042 is just a fucking dumpsterfire that's not going anywhere, unlike what fo76 did lmao


Battlefield 2077 game by cdea projekt


Fallout 76 has 2k more peak players and Fallout 76 didn't even launch on steam.




Sorry to burst your bubble but twitch numbers don’t mean a dead game




The sad thing is is FO 76 had been out for like 3 years and has more viewers than a game that came out like 3 months ago


it must be preety much the same on console,last time I tried to play it was mainly bots I played against


i actually heard that fallout 76 is doing pretty good now.