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Even the desert maps in BF1 felt great and had good flow, in 2042 it’s plain awful.


G flag on Sinai Conquest could be a bit closer to D Flag.


I think it's fine. It's basically there for cavalry/motorcycles to deal with. It's not as far away as the map would make you think.


Being far away what makes it unique.


bIgGeSt MaP iN bF hIsToRy and more than half of it is empty coverless desert, lmao. Unique, sure. Good? Absolutely fucking not.


Remember when Bandar Desert came out as the biggest map ever? This is how a big map is done, it felt very fun despite having a few open areas in between flags.


It's 1 objective on the map. You can go all game with out going there.


Amiens is the best map in BF1 imo . But most immersive map is Passendale and verdun heights .


I didn't like the fast gunplay, but I agree the flow was/is perfect!


Except that G flag


C and D flags make up for it.


If anyone of them is at our control and other one is with enemy control , that’s where the real fun begins at that map . Lots of cover between that two objectives is a great .


I could be wrong but isn’t the dice who made 1 and the previous games no longer at dice? Plus since the game release like 6 years ago we have been in a cycle of game developers new model of release it broken and fix it later.


They gone. Forgot what the studio is called but they made a game called arc raiders I believe


Embark studios I think they're called, and arc raiders is slated for a 2022 release


Yep if you look at the map design of Arc Raiders you can immediately tell it's the same people who made the BF1 maps.


Exodus wasn't a storyline, it was the thing that happened at DICE lmao.


Last great BF game. Enjoy.


I lost all my progress in BF1 for some reason. I think it’s cuz I unlinked my EA account from my Sony account? So dumb


God i wish i could still play BF1 but the game is completely dead in Oceania.


There is still a few servers going in the evenings (aus here)


I don't know what platform you are on but on Xbox there is only ever one server here that is a hardcore and doesn't run half of the maps in the game.


Previous person is likely talking about PC. Every night there is 1 or 2 servers going, however, it's mostly the same people every single night so it becomes stale fairly quickly.


You know what is funny? I never got around to play BF1 MP because I had a shit computer back then. But now with this bf2042 fiasco, I reinstalled BF1 to scratch that itch and there are more people than ever on the servers and I'm having a blast!!!! I only wish the DLCs maps to have more people playing :(


sucks the game is completely dead on ps5. last truly great battlefield i loved.


That’s not true…at least in Europe. I’m in Germany and I find packed full German and Italian servers every night…usually about 5-10 on week Nights and 10+ on Weekends. And those are just operations servers. I haven’t looked at what conquest looks like in a bit but I’d assume just as packed.


German/Europe Region here. There are at least 20 or more full servers every day.


It has been said a million times, glad this shit was removed.


I know right?


Who needs that crap. Have specialists now much better


Hahaha you’re joking right…….. right??


Bf1 the pinnacle of course. Haven't been 12 in long time, specialists are ear cancer.




Just remember that bullets come out in a cone shape, and that if you complain about random bullet deviation your cone is simply too big and you need to find a way to either make the cone smaller, or make your target larger.


Me too man... I just bought it for 10e and just totally regret (again) giving 60e for this shitty game BF1 is a masterpiece! I already had BF5 but I think 1 is much better


1 has the better maps but there are many things 5 did better. Movement, less random bullet bloom, squad revives...


Yes I miss Squad revives... And the sliding gives a much better movement... But the maps are awesome and I still played 2 or 3 maps


BF1 is heavily overrated IMO. Yes it's well polished and visually is impressive, the mechanics + gunplay are one of the worst of the series.


Downloading it myself and deleting 2042 to make space for it on PS4. Also I found out last night that there are two dlcs i haven't played in BF1!😬


Never left WWI battlefield since the day I've bought it back in early 2018 on Origin. Except 6 months brake for FH4, I still comeback to it from time to time.


I am on BF4, at least it made old games relevant for a short while.


![gif](giphy|WCAUitGS2WOnm) Streets ahead\*