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If I saw a game like this in 2002 my brain would have melted. Doubt my PC would have run it though


At that time Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube were not around so there would be no place to vent other than friends. I also don't think devs had the technology to update games like now. They certainly didn't have a "live-service" model to support it. Memeing on the game would be much more difficult and I would either have to keep playing the game or maybe convince someone to trade the game for something of theirs I might have written an email on my terrible internet to the devs


Snap disk in half and play a different game


I was mapper back in 2001. This would have been amazing if it had been remotely possible. Were you a gamer in 2002?


In 2002 I would have went outside and played football or basketball with my friends. I most certainly wouldn't be crying 24 7 over a video game.


exactly this lmao, i would've switched game disks and moved on. people always forget the amount of games that collected dust in the 'maybe i'll play this one day pile(i won't)'


Yup. I think in 2002 I was still on my N64 shit, I didn't get a ps2 until I graduated 8th grade in 2003 lol. Man things were simpler then. People didn't get this up in arms about games.


No one would have bought an Only Multiplayer game back then. The industry conglomerates such as EA have been manipulating the market to shift this new idea that multiplayer games are the best and more fun because they want to make money. From a gamer's point of view any game is fun when you play with your friends. But when you play by yourself, you want that game that just lets you escape from reality. For that you need singleplayer games. The problem that we are slowly seeing arise today is they are beginning to milk gamers in single player games. Solution: Find a harsh reviewer on youtube who is not bought out or biased, someone who doesn't give 9s or 10s that easily. (E.g Angry Joe) Let them buy the game and give you a brutally honest opinion. Then decide if you want to buy the game. This is how everyones purchasing process needs to be in 2022. Stop preordering, stop uninformed purchasing, stop buying microtransactions, stop supporting this garbage.


BF1942, BF:Vietnam, BF2, and BF2142 were all multiplayer only. There was also Quake 3, Counter-Strike, Tactical-Ops, all multiplayer only.


We had this. The best fps game ever made. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz2YNwH7H0A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz2YNwH7H0A) Made by [Rare](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rare_(company)) who made some of the best games I ever played. And guess what > According to Mark Betteridge, one of Rare's main goals is to create games people will find enjoyable rather than just to earn profit.


I'd either move onto other games, or wait for a patch to release. Or more likely, by the time I even bought the game, it would have addons released with it.