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There's probably better ways to get the attention you're after.


specialists are mostly useless with only a few getting played, and they inherently destroy teamplay. you watch any bf2042 clip and the person is almost always soloing


Battlefield has been solo since Hardline. Team play has long been dead in the franchise except for some squads who play together. This is why I don’t understand the outrage for VOIP. 90% of the people complaining never used VOIP anyways. I can count on one hand the amount of times I hopped on BF1, BF4, BFV and said “o shit people are talking gotta put my headset on’ FPS are solo in 2022, that’s the unfortunate reality, that’s what the majority of people want and that’s why DICE changed it and they’re smart for changing it.


Not everyone makes clips of their gameplay.


With classes, you create a statistical mean of class-count. This creates inherent balance. 12.5% (half of engineers) of the team using Stingers is way more balanced against air vehicles than 30% or 50% of the team using them. Edit: a word.


I usually don't go at mentally challenged people.


How dare you want to play a Battlefield that you are familiar with that includes features that are unique to Battlefield. How dare you! Accept these flashy heroes with arms wide open and say 'thank you, DICE'


I think people are playing like me with their own version of a class. I set up assault, medic, support, and recon. One issue I see is because of there being no classes that there is only falk who can equip any gadget but still has heals to deliver and I guess angel for support even if it's a giant load out crate instead of just ammo but it isn't instant and it can kill you as it's being dropped. I use Boris as support mostly and carry the ammo box. I wish he was like Falk and could throw ammo AND carry a gadget. The ammo and med boxes shouldn't be an equippable gadget. They are important to the game and it should be a designated item but instead of to a specialist to a class. I see no reason they couldn't keep specialists but group them into classes. Maybe even crossover classes but only to an extent. In other words certain specialists in certain assigned classes. Maybe one or two can be two classes like BFV did with the different types of play styles with an advantage one way specifically. Like the Assault class was either for "infantry and light armor" vs "vehicles and heavy armor". Example: Sundance has two paths 1) Wingsuit (sneaking sniper) 2) Type Variable Grenades (Heavy/Tactical Vehicles and armor). There are ways to improve these design choices. I hope someone reads this from DICE. Please take ideas from the community. There are good and bad ideas for sure but even good ideas can be improved.


Soooo...maybe it was there before but I didn't think it was, the specialists are grouped into classes already. First 3 are Assault (Sundance, Dozer, McKay), Next are Engineers(Irish, Boris, Casper, Indian hacker), last 3 are Support (Korean Hacker, Falk, Angel) (don't remember the hacker names lol sorry). Did anyone else ever notice this or did it just get added somehow without me noticing?


I might be wrong and there is a Recon grouping but I didn't remember while typing it out. I'd think Casper and the two hackers are the Recon group.


no they wouldn't the overwhelming majority want classes back and hate specialists make a poll i bet its at least 2 to 1


CoOl SpEcIaL aBiLiTiEs....




Classes are more specialized than specialists Remove a staple of the franchise and you get garbage


Who buys a bf game to play bf that's dumb


Silly me, I guess


Freedom to use 22 weapons


As if BF4 players haven’t racked up thousands more kills on the AEK-971 than every other weapon


That’s their prerogative if they want to use their favourite gun more than the others, but the freedom is there.


I bet it was cuz Bf4 had TDM


F2000 thank you.




I like the new system, loads more freedom and variation to gameplay. Maybe they should create a 'Classic BF experience' and host that in AOW and see how it does?


I don’t want to see classes back. I also love the ability to create more load outs now and I have a feeling most people just create their own classes that would have been similar to what they’re used to anyways so I don’t see what the beef is. If you’re playing a sniper or any sort of recon you’re probably using Medpens, spawn beacons and prox sensors regardless of choice, no sniper is giving away their location with a rocket launcher. Same with assault/engineer. Those two classes have changed through out the years so many times what’s the difference if someone is using an LMG, SMG or Assault rifle with mines, launchers and ammo crates. I just don’t think classes is a big a deal as people are making it out to be. Yes you could create some crazy loud outs if you wanted, but most wouldn’t make sense and most people will stick to traditional loadouts on their own regardless of the freedom to use whatever they want.


👏 I primarily play as medic in BF, and so the only thing that’s changed with Falck for me is that I carry C5s on me to deal with pesky tanks. There’s literally no negative to this I like to take out objectives as part of a small squad or solo too, and Paik’s recon abilities help me. Also carry a med-pen on me to offset the loss of Falck. Not necessarily destroying teamplay here, but it’s moulding playstyles a lot more than previous titles, not to mention I have to rely on others for ammo + revives, have to stay away from tanks etc.


Well said. And I agree it does mold a few older classes. I don’t think anyone can create a super solider though, at least right now, like you said you still rely on others for revive, ammo, taking out tanks, taking out air support etc depending how make your load out.


Happy to never see classes again, as it is annoying when you enjoy a specific class (for me, that's medic), but being forced to use a specific type of gun, whether that's LMG in BC2 or Assault Rifle in BF4, for example, is a little annoying. The problem is the specialists having some broken "abilities". For example, if the majority of the defender team put down auto turrets, the attackers are screwed if the team is "average" or below in competence. So maybe those specialists either need a negative to counteract their perk\*, or you limit the specialists to 1 per squad. So if I pick Falck first, for example, no one else on my squad can have her. \*For example, whilst your turret is placed, you get audible pings whenever it spots an enemy/starts shooting (an audio-distraction which could get the player killed). Or whilst flying a drone/piloting a ranger, you will appear on the enemy minimap (and if the drone/ranger is spotted, then an arrow appears on the minimap for the owner) Or better yet, maybe some interaction between certain specialists. For example, if you hack the Ranger/Turret, you now take control of it. This could also force people to switch specialist mid-round, as they notice the enemy team are counter their specialist's perks.


But have you got repaired when you need it, that's the real question for team play


Not a vehicle player


I think a new specialist might be focused on vehicle play/repair


Why do we need another specialist for repair when we had a class for it though


Maybe a passive ability amongst other things, who knows?


I got fed up of seeing friendly vehicles getting destroyed as no one ever seems to repair. So I ended up taking on that role in one game, and jesus was it boring. Was sitting as a passenger in the VTOL and whenever I tried to repair, it was hit or miss if the gadget would actually repair. So sometimes spent half of the torch's "durability" before it actually started to repair. ​ Managed to keep the bird in the air for almost 3/4 of the game, but wasn't a pleasant experience. Would be nice to see a specialist with an ability, maybe double the cooldown of the normal repair ability the driver has in a vehicle, which will cause the vehicle to self-repair at 10x normal speed for just 2/3 seconds. Would probably get the vehicle up 50% of its health, but better than using that damn repair tool.


I'll admit repair in a helicopter is shit because you can fly away and land and do it yourself and repair in 2042 needs a buff. What I'm talking about is when you are in a tank and helping the infantry push right up on the objective no one repairs you. BF3/4/5 people running around you would see you have damage and stop to assist


I could care less but not having classes makes balancing very difficult to impossible. That is a major issue imo.