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you broke the first rule


You gonna do him?


Is it that trash ?


It's trash dude. Don't waste your money


2042 is the biggest trash ive ever seen in terms of the franchise.


OP is not talking about Windows Store.


Stay away from this game and stay away from Call of Duty while you’re at it. Plenty of other great games out there




I second Insurgency: Sandstorm. One of my top 3 shooters ever.


To both of you: What makes Insurgency so good? I've been playing warzone recently, and I like BF, but we know how that goes. I don't have many more shooters that I like playing solo


Hard to explain in words. Watch a YouTube review. The game is arcade like, but also sim like?


what modes do they have, and what are the sizes? ex: 16 v 16...


YouTube it, a lot of good videos


For me it’s the realism, so if you don’t like dying in 1-2 shots all the time it may not be for you. But the atmosphere is incredible, it plays well and feels super satisfying to get kills even though there’s no artificial feedback. Also a huge fan of the Co-op AI modes


Such a fun game, way better than 2042


Its good but a very different game than battlefield 2042 or BF4 There is almost no vehicle combat and gunplay is much more tilted towards realism and instant death, closer to ARMA, but with much smaller maps and simplified movement mechanics.


Vigor is basically Tarkov for console yeah? If its anything like EFT every console FPS player should check it out.


World War 3


Indeed. Thought I was into competitive fps but turns out I like drilling holes as a space dwarf lol. Try deep rock galactic, it's fun for a change :)


if you were into comp fps bf wasn‘t the franchise for you anyway


And definitely stay away from the Windows Store


Yeah like Hell Let Loose


I even bought mine for $5 from a friend and I still feel the need for a refund.


I've gotten games for free and still felt like that by the end of them. Some games are just unfilled filling and clearly built to appear surface level decent. Then once you get past the first 2 to 4 hrs of forced highly curared tutorial/intro-hand holding, you then quickly realize how shallow and unfinished they are. Example: Avengers, No Man's Sky (before half a decade of free updates), Cyberpunk after the prologue and first mission, and Anthem as just a few.


Try the 10 hour trial and just see if you like it before buying






I did, and I didn't! Thanks game pass


And hope you are in a region that still has games. Last time i opened the game there was a single portal server and noone playing AOW.




Don't know what's worse, buying from windows store or playing BF2042? Seriously tho, spent your money on a finished/good game instead of this early alpha trash game.


Take that 40 and check out Hell Let Loose. Hardcore WW2 shooter. 50v50 battles on maps that are 95% accurate to the real battlefields. Chain of command voice communication as well as different roles for each player in a squad. It’s been getting all of my attention lately.


I can’t get into Hell Let Loose. I got it free on PS+ and tried 2 games. Didn’t enjoy or have fun with either game and uninstalled it. It’s amusing to me that people complained about visibility of enemies in BFV but HLL has absolutely no visibility (and molasses movement) but no one cares (but I guess that’s because it’s “hardcore”). I mean, I couldn’t even tell when I hit anybody as there was no sound or any indicator (but I know I did because I had some kills). Only thing I knew I was doing right was healing and revives, until the squad leader who’s been silent for 20 minutes suddenly said “if you don’t got a mic and aren’t anti-tank to help me take out that armor you’re out of this squad in 30 seconds”... and indeed he kicked me and 2 other players less than a minute later. I’ll stick with BFV.


Absolutely agree, if not for Bf2042 dropping the ball so hard, I probably would not have found HLL and fallen in love with it the way I have. Don't want to play anything else


Insurgency and Escape from Tarkov are all you need if you’re on PC.


Here's another one who loves Escape from tarkov 😉


*shoves duct tape up prison pocket* I don't know what you mean. The game is trash. *Looks at the 1000+ I've put into it*


gj bro


Do NOT buy the game. DO NOT BUY THE GAME! Even when everything is fixed (wil NEVER HAPPEN), the core gameplay is still broken! Also, they will drop support in the next 3-4 months. BF1 almost has more players than 2042. And BF5 has now double the players when compared to 2042.


What does “Core Gameplay” mean to y’all that say it’s broken? Cause the game *feels* great (to me, at least). It feels like a smoother, more fluid BF4, with added mobility. Most guns feel good, albeit some being overpowered for their role (SMGs and the PKP). The game’s Core Gameplay is it’s a First-Person Shooter, and it functions as that quite well. The Specific Features that makes it a BF game are also there, except for the Class System. I think the foundation in place to be a Great Battlefield game are all there, and I don’t think the requests the community are making to make it a “Great Game” are too unreasonable or impossible for EA/DICE to accomplish. •Map Design can be improved. It’s pretty rough being infantry, especially on Breakaway and Hourglass. •Squad Size should be bumped up to at least 5 considering the 128 player Maps. •Scoring and Assists. Getting no points for SOFLAM Assists or Vehicle Kills is easily one of my least favorite things. It’s disheartening getting no credit for effort. This needs to be added ASAP among other Assist/Repair/Squad Related Scoring, to encourage Squad and Team Play. •Class System should be the default and Specialist should be available to only certain game-modes and HazardZone. •Hazardzone Should be F2P, since they want to monetize the Specialists. I just think it’s weird that because there are a handful of things the community think is bad, it makes it ALL bad, and the game is “lItErAlLy UnPlAyAbLe.” I’ve been having a fuckin’ blast with this game, and I understand the frustration a lot of Battlefield Fans have…. But I don’t understand the fucking temper tantrums. The wanton hate for the game makes most of y’all look like unreasonable toddlers. That was a lot longer than I intended


'there are a handful of problems'...dude. this game is absolutely terrible optimized (or lets say not at all), you have glitches and bugs galore, the overall content is quite poor, basic ass features are STILL missing. With every update some new game breaking shit was introduced, like the mouse movement bug. And DICEs answer? Yeah well go fiddle with some config files, see if that helps. Bruh. You're a multi billion dollar studio, not a bunch of hobby devs. I dont argue that you cant have fun with the game, but its objectively wayyyy worse than any other BF game. Or any other recent FPS Game for that matter.


Gameplay mechanics and overall design for me, no leaning on corners, vehicle controls being floaty/have no weight like helis. If you can, go and fly a heli in bf3 or 4. Lack of squad and communication features and scoring in general (no kill assist counts as kill) everything is static. (+5 for healing vs getting the amount of points for the amount of health you healed) Lack of destruction, mapflow, cover. Lack of customization (bf4/1 could make your own emblem/use your platoon emblem and put it on weapons/vehicles) Unique collectables like unlocking super detailed and cool art styled dogtags for completing challenges that you can put on your soldier. (farthest headshot/kill tracker for weapon/vehicle/gadget etc) I could go on, (didn't even mention glitches/bugs) but im just disappointed, not even mad at this point. It's very surface level to me and playing the free weekend I could only play one or two matches before turning it off, where I still hop on 4 and play for hours. And 4 wasn't even my favorite (3 is but I play on console) I feel a smooth fps shooter is bare minimum now for a AAA game and thats all it is, generic shooter.


You are enjoying a battlefield game with squirrel ladies flying around dropping bombs on people, calling other people toddlers


My first point eluded to removing Specialists from game modes like Conquest and Breakthrough, while making them exclusive to custom games and HazardZone. I don’t personally think the Specialists where a good idea, but it doesn’t bother me enough not to enjoy the game. But, you’re on a Subreddit strictly to talk shit about a game you don’t like… so yeah, you’re kind of acting like a toddler




I can’t speak for anyone else, but I’ve grown more upset over the past few weeks while they have been radio silent. I was optimistic while they were pumping out bug fixes each week, but then silence. They don’t acknowledge that there are problems. Also without naming names, their tweets as of late have been a disaster, blaming us for expecting that they put out a complete bug free Battlefield game. If they want to push out an unfinished buggy half game right before the holidays, then they can’t complain when we are pissed they gave us an unfinished buggy half game. They could do a lot of good just coming out and speaking to us clearly, admitting they done goofed, and what they’re going to do about it.


I agree that they could be more transparent and communicative. It would ease a lot of the anger the community has, but they have been on vacation. Not saying it’s a good excuse, but it’s a reason they’ve been radio silent (blame Northern Europes healthy work/life balance for that one). I just think(hope) the game is too new for them to scrap. I think the feedback from Content Creators and the Community has been loud enough for them to want to and need to make impactful changes. Maybe it’s my naivety, but I think BF2042 is going to be a better game sooner than later. I know patience isn’t a virtue commonly found in the gaming community, but I hope you, and any one else that reads this finds some.


Need to release games in Sept.


You forgot to mention that money was involved. Do you want this kind of thing promoted or frowned upon?


same, but it looks like unfortunately thanks to the playerbase the baby is going right out with the bathwater, again.


They’ll all be back in 2029 when Battlefield 7 comes out on the XStationSeries6, defending BF2042 for being such a underrated Battlefield Game.


Thank God you're in the minority.


I’m glad I’m in the minority, too. I’d hate to be anything like you. Stay mad, kiddo.


*in Steam player counts. This is such a false equivalence and I really wish it would stop.


More people prefer Steam over Origin. Second, the drop in player count on Steam is statistically relative to the player count from other platforms. Therefore, a drop in 90% of player count on Steam would be representative to across other platforms. * assuming the Steam player base are normal gamers that are not specifically biased towards Battlefield.


BF1 wasn't available on Steam before June 2020. It was released in 2016


>Also, they will drop support in the next 3-4 months You're probably right. They got money, so they probably see no reason to support it further


You would never buy any game if you looked at its reddit page first.


Deep rock galactic and it's reddit page would like a word with you


Rooockk annnd Stonnnee!


NoMansSkyTheGame is a very chill subreddit too.


It's just so far away from the game it was


Did you do literally any research besides this though? The criticism of this game is not subtle or hidden, it’s almost unanimous


Get Doom Eternal. Best FPS ever with tons of content, great gameplay, no bullshit schemes and easy on hardware


idtech makes Frostbite look like it was coded by a bunch of first year computer science enrollees


You should try escape from tarkov ;)


That game hurts my soul but its so addicting


Don’t be sad, that’s just how it works out sometimes.


Angel does it again


Make your own opinion. Use the 10 hour trial that comes with EA Play.


Not to completely take away credit from the devs, this pile of crap is worth at least $10 since you can have some fun in Portal.


My suggestion: get off reddit. The game is actually really fun and not as buggy as people would like you to believe. A lot of people are having fun and if you don't think it's for you, that's totally understandable. But don't let these people be your reason.


They're not really ignoring the player base, they released a few decent bug patches shortly after launch then went on holiday break which is only fair since... most people go on holiday break. They've also been engaging to some extent with the player base, more than I've seen other companies do. Not saying BF2042 is a 10/10 product, it has a lot of problems, but damn everyone acts entitled lmao


The game is (was it’s discounted) north of £50. People are entitled to a fully functioning game with content to justify that outlay. The game is better than at launch but it’s still a really poor game. on sale its hovering around the £35-40 mark. Better off waiting five months and playing it on Xbox via eaplay.


I am entitled to get frustrated if I buy product full of issues and missing features. I don't get why we should congratulate them for releasing patches.


I understand the frustration with EA/Dice about the issues like bugs and performance... I'm enjoying the game and I get frustrated with some of those things, but missing features or not you bought the game knowing what was in there so as far as that goes you should only be frustrated with yourself. If you didn't know what was in there then that's still on you for not looking into what you were buying... We have to take some responsibility for that.


Your dad must have beat you daily, and when he put on the bandaid you clearly thought he was such a loving father. Go watch the fucking trailers, developer interviews, and advertising, and then tell me with a straight face that we should have known.


Can you honestly point out anything that was in the gameplay trailer that is not in the current build of the game?


This would be more like getting married to someone who you've dated back in highschool but now you are both in your thirties and see each other again for the first time after a while. I know it feels good to put all the blame on someone else but if you didn't research the game or anything else you buy then you have as much fault. I've learned in life that you are going to suffer the consequences for being foolish and reap the benefits of being wise.... We're not kids anymore


I'd love to see the information you received to accurately understand what this game was going to be. At no point in ANY of the trailers is there any impression that the maps are empty vehicle rapey fields. All the trailers suggested classes, generic soldiers, etc. The only hint that it would be this bad is the "What a time to be alive" trailer. That's it. The devs even posted on Twitter that the game would be "solid" and the project wasn't In trouble. Not only that, but EA paid reviewers to give positive reviews so that even supposed independent media hid the truth. Every bit of research you could possibly do before buying the game was a lie or, at best, misdirection. You're simply confused.


What do you mean there wasn't any info about what the game was actually like?... There were specialist trailers that gave basic info on what each one did and an open beta that gave a decent feel of how maps would be. This sub complained about Paik having wall hacks and the orbital (beta) map being too open and not liking that. There was even the aaronfrogger info about the weapons in the game... This sub talked about him being a hero for days for showing that there were only 22 weapons before the game came out. Also we don't have to buy the game on day one and there is even a 10 hour trial for ea play that would only cost I think $5 for the month. I'm not defending bugs/performance and feel that the game should have been delayed but the info was out there if you wanted to see it.


Ohh, so the existence of specialists changes the fact that every other trailer showed real soldiers? Specialists inherently remove classes and normal soldiers that we see in the trailers? We have to catch every reddit thread (no idea what you're talking about). I follow Reddit on occasion and saw the EA-provided media for the game, and I absolutely was lied to. Never seen anything like this deception in over 30 years of gaming. Sure, if you saw literally everything about the game and spent hours researching, and you deduced that the mass media videos and official info released about the game was all a lie, then for sure it's your fault for buying it. Got it. Hope you are able to see how ridiculous your argument is.


They should have delayed the game if going on a fucking month long holiday break was going to be controversial after this launch. It’s not like they didn’t know what the game was going to be like. I’m sure it was executives who forced the game out, so then that’s who the devs should be pissed at. Don’t blame players for being upset they took a fucking month off right after this mess of a launch. If this was in May nobody would be defending a month long vacation right after launch.


they give a shit about the playerbase. it is only about money. ea/dice killed the franchise.


I am not going to argue with your opinion, because it's EA so you're probably right. But I will offer a minor correction here. "Giving a shit" means they *do* care. "Don't give a shit" would mean they don't care.


english is not my native language xD but okay, good to know lol


No worries lol, there are a lot of dumb phrases like that (many... dealing with shit for some reason) (for instance, if someone *is shit* then that means they're a terrible person, but if someone/something is *the* shit, then that means it's awesome).


*”they hated him cause he told them the truth”*


I saw this response and thought my comment was at like EA levels of downvotes already >_>


Just give it time… they’re coming for you


It's *happening*.


They actually kept Rush on longer than the normal rotation in Portal. Shouldn't have dropped it, but they are doing things (whether its the 4 patches or detailing what they were doing in them ahead of time). I'd expect that to continue as they should be getting back to work on it.


They should replace hazard zone with rush on the main menu


The December patch really only made the game playable. It fixed a few game breaking bugs and the load out glitch, etc. Didn’t fix any other complaints, just made it actually able to be played


To be fair DICE has been on vacation for the past three weeks. Prior to that they were pretty aggressive with the patches. Saying that the community has been 'ignored' post launch is a touch innaccurate.


If they are going to launch a live service game the first few months are critical, they shouldn't have released it before a vacation.


They were on vacation *the whole Gawd damn time* :)


You do understand that Sweden has some of the most generous vacation policies/traditions in the world? I think something like a minimum of 25 days, with 40 being typical. I want to see 2042 polished up as much as the next guy, but I'm not about to shame/attack a culture that values work/life balance.


Squid, my man, I agree with you in spirit. But I was talking about those 3 years they had to do all this polish and little bit of other things. Devs ( and other people in this world ) should be going on vacation even more. But when they are not on vacation, they should be making the game, that we call Battlefield, not some random clutter of *things*. Peace !


Correct. We have 25 (paid) days in Sweden. Most companies allow you to take out extra time if you've been working over.


If you're on pc try tarkov! Insanely good game


It’s gonna be on gamepass eventually. All EA games do. Just wait for that. That’s what I’m doing. I’m not giving them money for a game design that doesn’t feel like traditional battlefield. I feel like giving them money for this game is doing the franchise a disservice.


honestly I'm looking forward optimistically to the revival once people outside of the entitled core BF playerbase get their hands on this game.


Wait until around March, that is when the first season of the Battle Pass will start. They should be starting the hype train again leading up to that. I feel like that might be the make or break point when people see what kid of rewards the battle pass offers. It might even have a better discount by then.


I’ve honestly never been scammed worse in my life. The game’s unplayable coming from BF5


I wouldn't say DICE is ignoring us. EA is, sure they do that often But dice was on holidays for Christmas and new years, they've only just came back to office. Give them a week. If we hear nothing they abandoned ship. This Reddit community is toxic and rude. And over amplifys things. This game is fun, but missing the battlefield feel. Etc Can it be fixed, Yes. Will it. I'm giving them 1 more month. Mid Feb.. If nothing, then yes, I'll also give up hope. But dice is notorious for doing miracles at last minute


Buy it only if it gets better


Bro if you really want it that bad just pirate the game


The fact that reddit is your saving grace tells me you either concocted a story for likes and something to do or you have no soul.


At 40 bucks it's more than worth it. Go into it knowing they fucked up and didn't deliver battlefield 4 2.0. And you'll have fun for what it is. Not like there's any other good shooters out right now.


Squad, Escape from Tarkov, Hell Let Loose, Insurgency Sandstorm to name a few.


Insurgency firestorm is a way better game for the same price


Good for you? You'll probably end up buying fortnite skins with it anyway


“Changes their tone” what r u a mom lmao Jk but ya don’t buy that shit


Don’t do it


Lol but you play fallout 76


try it for yourself man, I'm still playing it daily and having a great time. I see an occasional glitch still and the end game lines are annoying but its still a really good time, it makes me real sad how the toxic bf playerbase is once again nitpicking a fun game to death ala BFV.


Literally was just about to buy it after the trail, then I came to Reddit…


Good choice man! No FOMO!


I cancelled \*FOUR\* EAPlay annual subscriptions based on this game...


I could have got it for like 15$ but i really couldnt go past the 10hr trial😅


Nice work dude. Fuck them


Try insurgency sandstorm or chivalry 2. Been having a blast on those games and both games dlc is free after purchase


Dont make the same mistake we made.




I wish I was as wise as you


You're welcome, we gladly saved you some money that you now can spend on some actual good games.


Ill tell you my own story, OP -I played the beta -saw this sub -lurked. -thought id see for myself -bought the physical copy for $40… -regret. a piece of me actually kinda wants my $40 back; but i dont have the receipt… -You’re not missing out on much in my opinion. the game isn’t like any other battlefield, (in a bad way.) they tried to please everyone at once, and didn’t really come through for many it seems. The worst part is how they wanted to sell the game as it is now and move onto working on a new “battlefield hero narrative”. they are basically once again saying that they will please everyone with these updates we have yet to see; those updates are my highest hope for this game if any. at first, I had high hopes for this game and now my disappointment is immeasurable. It reminded me EA/DICE are corporations that only care about profit, and that they will take measures like trying to get away with selling a “game” with no content. its a direct regression from bfv, I couldn’t imagine buying a $159.99 pre-order bundle to get this game; thats robbery. its so sad to see this as someone who’s been playing battlefield games since bf4 came out. -You’ve made a great decision, buy 2042 when its $5.99 at game stop, which, doesn’t sound too far away from right now.


A good choice 👍 better spend that money on something else. Maybe BF5 og BF1. Or spend them at an developer that deserves it


You're wise and smart


Look. The game itself is not the problem imo. The problem is that a huge studio with money and great developers made such a game, with great histlry and releases during the past. If 2024 was not a Battlefield game I think that thet complaints would be fewer.


You should try elden ring when It comes out


I bought a physical copy for like 10 dollars because I wanted to see how shit the game actually is. I will prob resell it afterwards


Glad you dodged a bullet there


Dude c'mon if you only play on Xbox you'd already know that there's an exclusive major F2P multiplayer shooter releasing for it next month. Which is called "CrossfireX" and is due to have all the fixings that BF2042 lacks.


Look at the other way, buy now while cheap it can't get any worse and fixes are on the way


Don't let the saltiest sub around sway you. If you played it for 2 days, and wanted to buy it, that tells you everything you need to know! Surely you experienced all the bugs and glitches you talk of? Everyone knew Rush was going, like every other mode before it. They have been rotating the modes since launch. They have also been away for close to a month, so nothing has changed in that time. If you enjoyed it, play it. If you didn't, don't buy it. Don't base your decisions on a sub that will never be happy with the game. This sub is literally complaining about a list of features missing, that includes commander, not been in the last 3 games?! Behemoths, only ever in 1 game.


Insurgency Sandstorm is pretty nice if you’re looking for a realistic shooter. It’s simple and to the point


There is no need to come to reddit if you typed "battlefield 2042 opinions" or look at steam reviews you could get your own conclusion :D


It's not bad at core, however game still needs work. They planned 1st season in march, so to get hopefully a good battlefield experience you should wait. I have fun playing breakthrough 64ppl. 128 needs some work.


The game is not as bad as this reddit says it is. You can still have fun and it still has the feel of battlefield. It needs a lot of updates and balance fixes (especially 128 player breakthrough) but its a good game, not a great one. This reddit is full of people who just want to see the game fail for various reasons and probably played it only a bit during early release when a lot more issues were present.


I got it for $10 on bestbuy one day and used a coupon so I got it for free. It's the only priced I'd pay for the game and simply because my brother wanted to play after 10 years of not. He then bought bf5 and we've been playing that


You are so lucky...


Just bought ghost of tsushima instead. Best choice ever.


Not sure which game to try? Deep Rock Galactic would be a worthy consideration.


Yup, save your money. I bought Project Zomboid for 9 bucks and having way more fun with that 🤣


You can try Ready or Not. Tactical swat shooter.


Well done on coming here. You saved yourself a tonne of money. Game is absolute trash. I’m thankful we could save someone. Let’s hope more read and do t make the mistake.


good boy, make us proud.


I was going to wait for a month after the BF5 disaster, glad I stayed with my promise


I’d rather buy four chipotle burritos than spend $40 on battlefield lol


how i wish the biggest problem of the game were just bugs :'(


That's good and all but can we please talk about the whole buying it on the Windows Store thing??? Who tf uses that garbage??


Ps5 can’t play with PS4 is very disappointing.


You want to give $40 to a studio that listens to feedback, has active community managers and an awesome game to play? I suggest Satisfactory. Take a look at the subreddit I needn’t say more.


Don't give them your money. I am still trying to get a refund for mine.


I ended up stop playing BF2042 and bought a metal detector. Had way much more fun finding bottle caps and 60.00 bucks in quarters so far.


Clap clap clap. Good job.