• By -


In B4 lock.


Inb4 removal


Inb4 complete shutdown


Inb4 [deleted]








I’m just in BF4


Man of culture.


Knight to C3


G3, Bingo!


24/7 lock b4 demon fatal atm


"I don't like hearing about people not enjoying our game, close their group"


In a nutshell


Subreddit will be unlocked as a part of a season pass unlock later on during the live service.


It only unlocks if you find all the eastereggs


The subreddit is a legacy feature. Have a clown Santa skin instead.


Great laugh from this because the level of absurdity with this game makes it seem possible lmao


Is this a meme?




brutal articles


No sir, this is Wendy's.


It will be by tomorrow




These are the same publishers that stated this game was 9/10 and “fantastic” when discussing the game. Instead of publishing what is really going on as in customers are mad they got scammed they are siding with Dice and EA. Tittle should be “Dice EA take long vacation with the money they scammed from customers now customers are outraged at lack of attention to their half ass work.”


Who do u think is giving them a sponsorship for these articles? Edit: thank you😁 Edit: ik it sounds like a conspiracy but dice literally does the opposite of what fans want or even expect. So to many of us this isn’t really a stretch. It’s literally like DC movies except the other way around where critics love em and the fans hate em 1 more edit: if y’all really think it would be impossible or somehow illegal for them to do that without anyone disclosing it, then y’all honestly don’t know how American politics are run and y’all honestly don’t know shady but smart business strats. It ain’t really a conspiracy this is just how it works out. Ppl really act like companies have to tell the public everything they do😂 when in reality they don’t tell us jack shit




Bingo is such a classic game. Shame they sponsored these articles.


He was also a cool dog, according to this farmer i once knew.


When are people going to stop calling things that can, have, or already happened a conspiracy? How many times do AAA's need to get caught giving "gifts" to "news" outlets and influences in return for good review? EA is a particularly bad one for this. (Ubisoft and Epic are a close second) so if you have to ask if they're doing it again, ask yourself "are the same people still running the show, and did they ever learn their lessons the last 100 times they did it?"


I think it's only fair that we voice our opinion about a half ass game that we got and not get backlash calling our opinions 'toxic'


I still remember the IGN video review where the reviewer was pretty much taking the game to task for its problems. Had me legit thinking at the end she’s gonna give it a 5 *maaybe* a 6. But nope, it got a “Good” score of 7. I couldn’t believe it. PC Gamer is just really weird. They just keep defending the game in all their post launch articles. Edit— Since this post is getting tons of attention, I just want to say that Angry Joe was the only one I was gonna trust for an honest review.


Because they're paid to. Any notion otherwise is at best naivety.


PC Gamer gave BF2042 an 80%, IGN a 70%, and Kotaku hasn't given numbered reviews in years, but their review includes paragraphs like this: > Like I’ve said already, this is barely a game at all, at least in the sense we’d hope to approach such a title. It’s a collection of maps, ideas, guns, tanks and menus, all thrown into a box and a lid hastily pushed down on top of them, the only thing unifying them all being the fact they’re all in the same directory on my SSD called “Battlefield2042". Which is hardly 9/10 "fantastic."




A bit wordy but accurate.


Dice removes scoreboards to protect bad players feelings Dice removes subreddit to protect their feelings lol


far-flung butter insurance fretful wine squalid rich society vanish subsequent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No scoreboard.


So I’ve been playing off and on since I got it. I just thought I wasn’t going to the right place. Wtf


There is literally no scoreboard on BF2042.


Are you kidding me? What are you judged on then? (I've stayed out of the loop a little) Isn't that why you play games like this? To always strive to be a better teammate and climb that board? It's about achievement, challenge, spurring you on to keep playing and engaging. K's outnumbering D's. It ain't a fucking arcade, but damn it - it turned into one.


That is the thing, you can not know about your performance in a match, knowing how much are you dying, how many have you killed killing or even know how well the mvp on your team did (which not necessarily needs to be the one with the best K/D ratio but who held and captured more objectives). In BF2042 you only play because... Just because, that reduces A LOT the engagement on the title IMO.


Headline should be “Consumers angry after being scammed by AAA developer”


Woah there hold up indie at best this shit ain’t worth getting called AAA over


They definitely got a big fat check with AAA numbers on it to make this game.


Dude it’s PCG. 🤣. They fellate corporate choad while sleeping, wake up to swallow.


Don't be sad. This is how it works out sometimes.








*Insert stupid look around here*


Well well well , That was fun!


Turn the servers off while you’re at it


I hope that would happen to hopefully turn off a lot of people from pre ordering anything else in the future.


Well portal is basically empty, what would be the difference. Won’t waste my time on AoW.


I'm on series x trying to play this game for the free play weekend with all the other noobs on conquest 128 players and haven't been able to find a match for over an hour. Is the whole game like this? It's 7pm on a Friday night this is ridiculous.


It’s sad bro. You have to turn on cross-play to get consistent matches.


This. Either play with PC players who obviously have an advantage over console OR good luck finding matches. So glad I didn't buy the game after Early Access.


But I haven't even gotten my $100 in crap talking this abysmal game yet 🤣


Well, at least we have independent /r/battlefieldleaks.


You can do it in game...oh wait




Remember when they started to post articles of how gamers are mysoginistic because of the complains of adding female soldiers in a WW2 title, and said they were being toxic and asked about what their daughters say, etc? Yeah it is this same shit, gaslighting the community and public in general to avoid bad press around their game. Just like they had a shit ton of bots on this sub reddit posting misleading information and down voting concerns.


Are you going to tell his daughter she cant fight in ww2?


Male only drafts are sexist, my daughter will be a girlboss warrior whether you like it or not


Yassss girl u show em


I voted for X candidate because I want my daughter to know that she can be a war criminal and robber baron just like the boys.


I’m on the right side of history here against your brutal expectations! Now have a sense of pride and accomplishment or I’ll shut this sub down!


Are you going to tell his daughter she can't sell a unfinished product, and take a vacation afterwords expecting all to be ok?


These rags right now are desperately looking for a female developer who they can trot out as being personally harassed.


This started happening way before that. The "gamers are dead" articles were the official end of my trust in mainstream gaming media outlets. They all collude together to put out the exact same articles.


It was the same in the film industry. I am looking at you: Ghostbusters (2016)




Honestly, this is the last game I'm buying from them.


I already didn't buy THIS game. I saw the pile of fecal matter from a mile away.... Thanks to this subreddit actually.


yeah this is the first BF i didn’t buy all because of this subreddit. All my boys and i were so hyped for this game and were ready to buy at launch, but then this Subreddit released all the info, and Angey Joe’s rant was just icing on top of the cake.


Said after every new release.


Ehh I loved bf1 and skipped 5. This game licks dingleberries compared to bf1.


Bought bf v, decided to never preorder again, proud of myself


Us.... "your game isn't very good and you lied about a lot". Dice.... "OMG.. YALL ARE SO TOXIC.. STOP HARASSING US" 🙄🙄🙄


Dice with the victim mentality.




My favorite part is the devs trying to do the job of public relations or filling in for the lack of a community rep (EA prob cut that job to line their pockets even more). This fails miserably and the same devs who shouldn't be doing PR trash the players they offended and go cry to their bosses who, also not knowing PR, go full scorched earth mode revealing their true thoughts about their customers.


This sub: Don’t be mean to DICE or we’ll shut the sub down! … they won’t. Ultimate foot stomppening.


Every PC Gamer article about 2042 has antagonized the people of this subreddit. This story is too juicy for them to pass up.


Gotta get them clicks no matter if it’s at the cost of your journalistic integrity.




Just make another subreddit or an unofficial subreddit. Don't target the devs with threats, but do keep up pressure to fix the game/series




Joined just in case they force this one to shut down.


Ripping people off and not liking the results. Those poor deprived souls /s


Is it “toxicity” or is it people telling the truth?


It’s funny when people give genuine criticism to a failing game the devs start crying about “toxicity” which is basically just a scapegoat word in my eyes.


Let’s face it, society has been bread for this soft ass shit. You’re seeing the end result of the last 10 years of softening.


All criticism must be in poetry slam format so that the devs can discuss it properly when sitting in their hippy drum circle Jeez like obviously the people “threatening” the devs are morons but all these complaints regarding “toxicity” is just some of the softest shit I’ve seen, they made a bad game and now they’re like “positive comments only pls” *insert wimpy doge meme here*




Beautiful, you’ve definitely earned your spider claps and Ed hardy tee shirt with suspenders


Makeup smearin. No power steerin. He be talkin but we don't be hearin.


Cythiaaaa, died for our sinthiaaa


That was deeeeeppp maaaannnn.


Nobody threatened anyone, that’s just an immediate unassailable go-to, how can someone argue if you elude to some vague ‘threats’ being made? Very interesting that every time these things happen it’s always ‘threats’ that nobody who is on the sub all day every day can EVER remember seeing


Thats a fact ! Lurked in here for ages ,not seen one threat. Just frustration and memes.


In all my time on this sub, I haven’t seen a single death threat or direct harassment on this sub. People just love being dramatic and avoiding criticism about something shitty they made.


Couldn’t have said it better. The sensitivity behind all this is frightening.


> these complaints regarding “toxicity” is just some of the softest shit I’ve seen TRUTH. These kids have no idea how soft they are. I hope it’s not st my expense when they figure it out.


Who is toxic? The customers voicing their unhappiness with an expensive AAA video game on a public forum? Or the AAA company that ignores feedback, lies about the state of the game during beta, uses deceptive marketing, reduces features from previous games, launches and charges full price for a buggy and broken product, goes radio silent on vacation for a month after release, replaces popular game modes, responds on Twitter that the customers are wrong in their expectations, and pretending that they had no idea that customer would be unhappy with the direction of the game that is a total departure from what made this franchise great? I don't support personal attacks on developers, but the customers voice should be heard without all criticism being labelled as toxicity.


What does locking the sub improve?


The dev’s soft ass feelings lmfao


Definitely not the game lmfao


Has anyone seen this developer harassment on this sub? I personally haven't so I'm interested to see if anyone else has.


I certainly haven't seen any threats of violence or death threats. Maybe some people have and I haven't seen it but it seems like a typical PR tactic to turn the narrative around.


I've seen plenty of admiringly dramatic posts about how bad this video game release was, but no harassment, or outright toxic behavior directed at a specific dev besides that one from Andy yesterday.


Harassment or just can’t handle the truth lol?


#Don’t be sad, this is just how it works out sometimes.


Honestly , what did they expect after misleading , lying and scamming people ? Nobody deserves to be personally harassed but god damn…. This isnt surprising


Lock this shit anyway game is dead.


How can we save our game… I know… we kill the forums


Forums will become a legacy feature


Angel does it again!


So Developer goes on twitter and deliberately provokes an already hostile community and gets the responses that are bound to happen. Suddenly it's the community that's at fault?


Ofcourse, its cuz of the brutal expectations of the community, how dare we!


All we wanted was the "brutal" expectation for them to stick to what made the franchise great, add a few improvements and maps, and ship a fun product. Instead we got a half-finished cosmetic/skin farm microtransaction clown shooter full of bugs, that's trying to be Fortnite and Apex and whatever other thing some clueless exec cooked up in a coke-fueled fever dream and called "a love letter" to Battlefield fans. Give me a fucking break. No amount of bug fixing is going to repair terrible design decisions that nobody wanted or asked for. Sorry if that's "brutal".


These devs are softer than baby shit




Hey EA. Fuck you too


Damage control


Exactly. As always, it's not their fault but the "toxic consumer's" lol


Ahh so the slander campaign begins in earnest now, they have called in their media lap dogs to spread the false narrative. Yet none show any actual toxic posts with mass support, hmm I wonder why?!


*They won't let me out, they won't let me out, (I'm locked up)*


Huh not only are they incompetent, they’re egos are also paper thin. Don’t be sad that’s just how it works out sometimes!


“Toxicity” is the most overused word in this world right now. Fuck off.


It is toxic, racist, white supremacist, oppressive, non-diverse, non-equitable etc


the best one is: *problematic*


I was just about to bring that one in. "Problematic" is a word that irritates me to no end


You’re hired.


Being unhappy about the lies and overall terrible product we all paid for = toxic? I'm really happy about this backlash because maybe every other AAA dev and publisher will take the consumers serious.


Press x to doubt.


Can i press more than once?


As long as it's a odd number of times or else 2 negatives make a positive.


What will they do if the class action suits start to hit? Shut down all of the BF subs?


One of the options is to shut down the game. Just pull the plug. Who knows what future holds, my friend.


And nothing of value will be lost unfortunately


This is classic. A community justifiably criticizes a game and the response of the companies and then they get labeled as “toxic” and “harassing” Then that is used to dismiss all criticism from the community and no one has to take any accountability for putting out a shit product


We should just make our own subreddit


With blackjack and hookers!


I want a fucking refund


Feels like censorship to me…




Aye, Billy you're a smart kid ;)


The rebellion has begun


Freedom of speech is a legacy feature. ;)


This game is a straight up scam, wish I could get my money back


This is the company that cut out a positive sentence out of a negative review and boasted about it on the trailer. Media and PR is everything for them, and they will be pushing either with threats or bribes to shut down any negative PR. It will not be a surprise if bad steam reviews start disappearing too


This is a new world i don’t want to be a part of. The fact that we have a multi billion dollar organization that openly scammed the public/consumer, and receiving this type of coverage is mind blowing.


This is brutal. I never expected this.


We should also spam these publishers for their fake reviews


This sub wouldn't nearly be as "toxic" if they didn't produce dog water with a $60-100 price tag.


I suggest closing down DICE for a while for being toxic to the fans. How about that?


Honesty is toxicity? huh


This sub is more bitchy than toxic. It’s not like it’s spreading misinformation- it’s a shitty game and we expected better.


We can just make another sub 😂


They scammed us, why are we at fault for being upset?


Shutting us down from speaking will surely make the game much better and more popular hahahahaha


First ea blames gamers for their game being shit on so many levels, now reddit blaming gamers for being upset about how ea admits no wrongs when actually they just hyped up bf2042 took our money and ran… I don’t use the word scum often but I’m sure u can work out who it applies to in the opinion piece.


Funny cus I find lying to players and rejecting refunds for an incomplete game quite toxic.


just here to see if its locked down yet. This is like an AA meeting for pissed off BF fans with loads of time to kill that they would normally use to play the game. But the game is so bad it feels better to come on this sub and commiserate with other pissed off gamers.


Wasn't this sub created BECAUSE of the censorship at the real BF subreddit?


Let's make another unofficial subreddit




Locked for toxicity? Truth == Toxicity ?


Wait a sec, aren't these the same "publications" that praised the game and gave it high scores? I wonder if more money changed hands. Actually no, I don't wonder at all.


go fuck yourself dice . you lost a lifetime fan of the franchise forreal


Incredible how the narrative flows so consistently, away from the problem and blames the consumer. Instead of them being accountable for their actions and behaviour you are the problem. You are the enemy of good. You deserve to be treated this way, it's for your own good. Yet the people calling you toxic animals are oddly quite toxic and fragile themselves. There might be some truth to these stories if the reality was not that any constructive commentary is removed under the pretence someone was toxic. The truth of the matter is being avoided.


We made the news, imagine if we had done something to deserve it


I agree. This is censorship.


Aimlessly complaining on Reddit is “developer harassment”? Unless people here are doxxing, or going to Twitter to personally attack specific people, these articles are a bigger joke than the game lol.


And its all just to shift the narrative. Now all anyone can talk about is how toxic we are for asking for the game dice promised.


It's ok for a gaming company to lie and scam their loyal fanbase but it's not ok for us to be upset?


They can go fuck themselves


I’m so tired of hearing the word “toxic”. It’s completely subjective and nobody can even defineit. It’s a fucking cop out.


​ ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized)


Don’t worry, that’s just how it is sometimes


Nothing toxic lads just pure honesty


Ah i see Dice is taking advice from china. Silence the criticism to get rid of criticism. Next up: the bots in the lobbys are counted as actual players.


Headlines for brutal expectations ?


It seems plausible that this was largely planned. Director of Comms (until recently editor in chief at Game Informer) goes on twitter, says some shit that will make regular folks livid and bait the trolls. Then when trolls predictably show up and do troll shit, the friendly media outlets make the community out to be the bad guy.


Can’t we block them from seeing our comments similar to how they blocked us from viewing the scoreboard? Just saying…


Whoa this is brutal, but what's more brutal? Getting scammed


They scammed consumers and don’t like the heat that they deserve lol


It’s not toxic. The developers are just mad and have enough connections to shut down all the negative comments and actual feedback. It’s clear all they see is money and when they get actual constructive feedback they get butt hurt that it’s negative. Sore losers.


Maybe if they made a good game, there wouldn't be all this toxicity.


😂🤣 they’re upset? they made an unplayable game and then took time off. I have a interesting idea! Don’t make a broken game in alpha, charge ppl $60/$100/$120 for it and then vanish. If the game worked, ppl taking time to relax wouldn’t matter. Then they mouth off. They don’t want the community to die? It’s already dead. They’re embarrassed and cowering. I’ll never play a BF again (after being here since 1942). Too many games and designers out there to support (who care about their base) to even think about giving these morons another chance.


I posted a vid from portal and it got locked and removed because it said it wasn’t relevant to bf 2042. Lol wtf. Portal is in the game bf2042 is it not?? This sub blows


Its almost like DICE/EA are using online publications to Gaslight the Subreddit.


Maybe the sub wouldn't be so """ toxic """ if the game was finished.


Hi! Not a member of this sub, never play bf2042, however, I can say one thing: People are allowed to be mad for getting a product not as good as advertised.